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The Eugene Character Was Nick Dinsmore's Idea

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Guest Anglesault
And it can also be argued that WWE probably wouldn't have their Golden Child lose in a minute squash to Taker around the country.

Who said anything about Randy Orton?


We're talking about the man who had bee booked horrendously for close to a year by the time he quit.


I would think they would be somewhat more competitive, because obviously, WWE wouldn't be out to ruin Brock's career.


They had him run away from Bob Holly. Can't get much closer to "out to ruin Brock's career" without flat out saying it.


And I don't know what impression you get from the "Brock was set to be destroyed by Taker" reports that came with the reports of him quitting. Those Booker sounds like someone getting destroyed.

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And it can also be argued that WWE probably wouldn't have their Golden Child lose in a minute squash to Taker around the country.

Who said anything about Randy Orton?


We're talking about the man who had bee booked horrendously for close to a year by the time he quit.


Brock was also squashed by Taker two times in a row ON TV when he had Big Show as his partner in a handicap match, and both him and Show were holding major titles--how much of a stretch is it to imagine they'd do the same thing when Lesnar's been taken out of the main event picture and would be wrestling him one on one?

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And it can also be argued that WWE probably wouldn't have their Golden Child lose in a minute squash to Taker around the country.

Who said anything about Randy Orton?


We're talking about the man who had bee booked horrendously for close to a year by the time he quit.


Brock was also squashed by Taker two times in a row ON TV when he had Big Show as his partner in a handicap match, and both him and Show were holding major titles--how much of a stretch is it to imagine they'd do the same thing when Lesnar's been taken out of the main event picture and would be wrestling him one on one?

Brock has also been able to CLEANLY beat the Undertaker in a Hell-in-the-Cell match, and was AGAIN able to beat him in a PPV Title match at No Mercy 2003 (looking past the interference, Brock still very much held his own)


Brock lost to Taker when he was the Heavyweight Champion. He also beat Taker when he was the Heavyweight Champion. It's split both ways....


.....and just HOW MANY handicap matches have ended with one person overcoming the odds to defeat his two opponents? Hell, Angle actually beat THREE GUYS a few months ago. I don't see many people complaining about that.


And what's to determine that Brock wouldn't get squashed? Perhaps the fact that he would be coming off a powerful, clean win over Goldberg at WrestleMania XX. And that they're relying on him to be the future of the company. It's possible that he could have looked weak in the feud, but that's something heel Main Eventers will eventually have to do. Brock is no different, and he shouldn't be treated as such. It's not too much to ask that Brock lose to Taker in a blowoff PPV match.....he's beaten Taker in almost all the previous ones before. But curiously, some seem to forget that.

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Well, there's a different between Nick playing a simpleton and Nick playing a retard. It's a very fine line. It sounds like the character Nick was playing on the House Shows was a goofy simpleton, whereas the character that the WWE machine spewed out was "special".

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Guest Anglesault
Brock has also been able to CLEANLY beat the Undertaker in a Hell-in-the-Cell match, and was AGAIN able to beat him in a PPV Title match at No Mercy 2003 (looking past the interference, Brock still very much held his own)

Wait. BROCK won the chain match?




I thought Vince McMahon finished him off. Better rewatch the match.




Nope, it was Vince.


And what's to determine that Brock wouldn't get squashed? Perhaps the fact that he would be coming off a powerful, clean win over Goldberg at WrestleMania XX.


Like when he came off powerful, clean wins over Hulk and Rock and entering Unforgiven 02?


You keep forgetting that the vast majority of taker/Brock matches weren't competitive when they were meant to "put Brock over"


And that they're relying on him to be the future of the company.


No they weren't. They were jobbing him out to an old man. That's like the number one way to spot "not being booked as the future." Jobbing to veterans.

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You could put just about anyone under a Gooker costume, and no one would be the wiser if that same person showed up a bit later in a different gimmick.


Now, compare the Gooker to the Red Rooster.


Sure, but how long would it take for fans to find out who it is under the hood.


and besides all that anyway, Dinsmore just raised his value on the indy scene should he not find a successful home in WWE. This is win win for his career considering they had nothing for him and he may have ended up in OVW forever.


I honestly see nothing wrong with this move other then the fact that idiot fans will probably ask him if he's really retarded whenever they see him.

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You could put just about anyone under a Gooker costume, and no one would be the wiser if that same person showed up a bit later in a different gimmick.


Now, compare the Gooker to the Red Rooster.


Sure, but how long would it take for fans to find out who it is under the hood.

I'm not talking about him pulling double duty. I'm saying that no one without inside info would know that Dinsmore dressed up as Doink a while back.


and besides all that anyway, Dinsmore just raised his value on the indy scene should he not find a successful home in WWE. This is win win for his career considering they had nothing for him and he may have ended up in OVW forever.


Creative didn't have anything for him because they suck. They always miss huge opportunities.


I honestly see nothing wrong with this move other then the fact that idiot fans will probably ask him if he's really retarded whenever they see him.


Supposedly this guy is rather talented, but he has no chance of being even a credible IC champion with this gimmick. If you figure "it got on TV" as a measure of how good an idea it is, then tons of bad ideas would be lumped in there as well.


I guess Nick was pretty desperate to get on TV. It's a shame it had to be this way.

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Dinsmore has been called the best wrestler in OVW for so long...he probably came up with the stupidest idea he could for a gimmick...pitched it...and FINALLY gets called up.


It must have been hard being stuck down there while hoss after hoss gets the call.

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Guest MrPhil28

-I live in Louisville. So does Nick Dinsmore. Let me just say that for all this talk of this poor guy barely scraping enough money for gas, Nick ain't starving down here. When you're under a developmental deal with the WWE and you're in OVW, you're still getting more then the average guy in OVW. You get WWE money. Nick's bought himself lots of expensive new furniture, and lives the good life around here.(fuck anyone who makes jokes about what constitutes the good life in Kentucky) The character sucks, and as someone who works with people with disabilities, it PISSES me the fuck off. Nick's as boring as styrofoam, but the sumbitch can wrestle. The matches him and Rob Conway had against Doug Basham and Damaja are some of the greatest tag matches I have seen anywhere. If he thinks this is a good idea, fuck him up his stupid ass.

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Guest Anglesault
The matches him and Rob Conway had against Doug Basham and Damaja are some of the greatest tag matches I have seen anywhere.


I just don't get it.

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Guest MrPhil28

Anglesault, we've establishged that the Bashams bore the living shit out of you. It's all good, dude. But when they were here in OVW, they were putting on great matches left and right, giving actual coherent interviews, and their feud with Conway and Dinsmore lasted the better part of three years and kicked ass. Track down OVW tapes and watch them, especially the Iron Man tag they had. The Basham Brothers are boring as shit to you. Doug Basham and Damaja were an awesome team. Swear.

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I'm not talking about him pulling double duty


Neither was I.


Creative didn't have anything for him because they suck. They always miss huge opportunities.


I don't want to get into a 'Creative sucks" arguement because it's not really the point of this thread. Unless creative decides to take the idea over and really put it over the top...


Supposedly this guy is rather talented, but he has no chance of being even a credible IC champion with this gimmick. If you figure "it got on TV" as a measure of how good an idea it is, then tons of bad ideas would be lumped in there as well.


No, he probably won't have the chance to be a credible belt holder at all with this gimmick, I agree. My point is that he went and made an opportunity for himself. He got himself a spot (which entertained me greatly on Raw by the way) simply by passing an idea on to the powers that be. Hell he got Regal a spot basically, and I think the combining of those two will be sportz entertainment gold. But that's neither here nor there.


I'm not agruing that it was a great or bad idea, just that Dinsmore went and got himself a spot when most other guys wouldn't. Barring any injuries/changes of plans, he's going to be making more money then he was before, he'll be able to perform to a vastly larger audience(both on TV and house shows), and he will be able to carry his name as "Former WWE superstar, Nick Dinsmore" with him if he ends up back in the indies. I understand that the U.S is becoming a much smarter audience with popular feds based on workrate or hardcore instead of comics and gimmicks, but if he can prove his chops in the ring, he should have no problem finding work while being able to charge higher appearance fees.


-I live in Louisville. So does Nick Dinsmore. Let me just say that for all this talk of this poor guy barely scraping enough money for gas, Nick ain't starving down here. When you're under a developmental deal with the WWE and you're in OVW, you're still getting more then the average guy in OVW. You get WWE money. Nick's bought himself lots of expensive new furniture, and lives the good life around here.(fuck anyone who makes jokes about what constitutes the good life in Kentucky) The character sucks, and as someone who works with people with disabilities, it PISSES me the fuck off. Nick's as boring as styrofoam, but the sumbitch can wrestle. The matches him and Rob Conway had against Doug Basham and Damaja are some of the greatest tag matches I have seen anywhere. If he thinks this is a good idea, fuck him up his stupid ass.



I apologize if I sounded like I was lumping him in with the starving lucky to get pb and j indy crowd, not my intention. By the same token, I'm pretty sure that WWE OVW money is a fair bit less then WWE TV, House show, merchandise, and PPV money.


As far as offending people with disabilities and people work with people with disabilities, I can't argue that. It's completely blatant and I understand where anyone would be coming from if they don't appreciate it for that.


Not to beat my own dead horse, but again, this idea (right or wrong) got him into the big time. Honestly, I wouldn't hesitate for a second if given that character.

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Even if he got fired by the WWE. I could see him easily getting work with ROH and the other Workrate based federations. And Anglesault, you need to get some OVW so you can stop complaining about the workers and focus your hate at the WWE for making people wrestle their "style".

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Let's not forget also the possible results of WWE hiring a retarded man to be a wrestler. Yeah, anyone with sense would know better, but we're talking about quite a bit of dense WWE marks.


"Hell, that retard can do it--I don't need no fancy training or anything..."

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
Let's not forget also the possible results of WWE hiring a retarded man to be a wrestler. Yeah, anyone with sense would know better, but we're talking about quite a bit of dense WWE marks.


"Hell, that retard can do it--I don't need no fancy training or anything..."

They would have to be some pretty stupid-ass marks.


And was that quote supposed to be from the one person?

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Let's not forget also the possible results of WWE hiring a retarded man to be a wrestler.  Yeah, anyone with sense would know better, but we're talking about quite a bit of dense WWE marks.


"Hell, that retard can do it--I don't need no fancy training or anything..."

They would have to be some pretty stupid-ass marks.


And was that quote supposed to be from the one person?

Yeah, they would have to be pretty low-class, scummy, stupid people, like those sorts you see loaded into police cars on COPS sporting Stone Cold shirts.

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Guest Goodear

I know a lot of people think this character will severely limit Dinsmore's chances to be world champion down the line. But face it chaps, he was not going to get that opportunity anyway. People the WWE think can carry the ball get moved up quickly and convincingly like Brock, Orton, and Cena. Dinsmore on the other hand has been in OVW for a far longer time and was looking at either being released eventually or being brought up for jobber duty. Bringing him up as this stern wrestling threat was not going to happen and he figured that out. So what does he do? He appeals to the other side of WWE success... namely being a gimmicky undercarder that latches onto the company for years and years and racks up serious cash in the meantime. I could list a number of guys that found something that worked for marks that made them money hand over fist despite being a stupid damn gimmick like this one. How long did the Bushwackers have a job despite sucking since the start? Because the marks loved them. Eugene is just another character for the marks.


And for those of you that think a stupid character has no legs... Homer Simpson. Thanks, drive through.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Honestly, why are people acting like it's shocking that it was his idea? Hell, you work in the OVW for 8 years and a retard is the one thing he thinks of to finally get him on the WWE roster........he should be practically booking their shows.......

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All this proves to me is Dinsmore needs a swift kick in the ass for coming up with something so incredibly stupid.


I don't care if it did get him up, it's stupid.


Maybe he would have been called up out of OVW if he had learned to finish people off with more than a damn German Suplex.


Hope his retarded ass enjoys the unemployment line when they fire him over this.

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And for those of you that think a stupid character has no legs... Homer Simpson. Thanks, drive through.

Stupid character in an animated sitcom written by a multi-award-winning highly talented writing team =/= stupid character in WWE.


The rest of your post though, I agree with. Personally I don't blame Dinsmore one bit - given the option between sitting in OVW until WWE eventually let him go, or at least having a chance to make an impression on TV and make some serious money for little more than making a fool of himself in public, I know which seems the saner choice to me.


Besides, it doesn't sound like it's that mush stupider than Cena's gimmick, and that doesn't seem to have done too badly for him.

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People the WWE think can carry the ball get moved up quickly and convincingly like Brock, Orton, and Cena.


Eddie Guererro.


All this proves to me is Dinsmore needs a swift kick in the ass for coming up with something so incredibly stupid.


I don't care if it did get him up, it's stupid.


Any sane wrestler in his position would do it. You think it's shit, but that's a fan's reaction.


Maybe he would have been called up out of OVW if he had learned to finish people off with more than a damn German Suplex.


As opposed to the chokeslam, F U, etc. Not sure I understand the point here.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
Let's not forget also the possible results of WWE hiring a retarded man to be a wrestler.  Yeah, anyone with sense would know better, but we're talking about quite a bit of dense WWE marks.


"Hell, that retard can do it--I don't need no fancy training or anything..."

They would have to be some pretty stupid-ass marks.


And was that quote supposed to be from the one person?

Yeah, they would have to be pretty low-class, scummy, stupid people, like those sorts you see loaded into police cars on COPS sporting Stone Cold shirts.

One of the funniest things that I've seen all day.


RHTITE, in regards to the Chokeslam and the F-U, they work/ed with their respective gimmicks. And this is WWE.


Maybe Dinsmore was so eager to get over, he grabbed such an outrageous gimmick without thinking of the possible consequences.


Just a thought.

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RHTITE, in regards to the Chokeslam and the F-U, they work/ed with their respective gimmicks. And this is WWE.


That's not part of a gimmick discussion (I don't think), it has to do with the person shitting on Dinsmore for using a German as a finishing hold.


Maybe Dinsmore was so eager to get over, he grabbed such an outrageous gimmick without thinking of the possible consequences.


Just a thought.


It wasn't meant originally for him to get over, it was suggested by him to get a foot in the door of the company. Whether or not he was thinking about the consequences as far as future credibility goes, how knows at this point.

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Guest Goodear
People the WWE think can carry the ball get moved up quickly and convincingly like Brock, Orton, and Cena.


Eddie Guererro.

I meant from the developmentals. People brought in from other promotions are a completely different animal.

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Rick Steiner pulled off the act VERY effectivly and was able to evolve...and he's a shitty worker...Dinsmore can evolve just as well.

Since this was predominantly no-sold as a post, I'm quoting it and adding to it ... when Steiner debuted in NWA, he talked to a painted hand (I think he called it Alex) and acted like a simpleton. Soon, he gained more and more intelligence, and over time the whole "Rick Steiner is a borderline retard" era was forgotten.


Why couldn't they do that with Dinsmore? What if they gradually, over the course of a few months or even a year or 2, evolve the character from 'special' to 'just slow' to 'normal' (sorry to use normal in that way, but I couldn't think of another term ... no disrepect meant to people with challenged family/friends/etc). Other than the smarks who obsess over wrestling in a vein comparable to Trekkies, people won't remember or care. It's not likely that he was going to get a run with a world title anyways, but maybe he can get a midcard belt or feud with other over midcarders like Hurricane.

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How did the gimmick come across on tv? At the house show I saw, Eugene came across as more of a fun- loving goof than retarded. Going all the way around the ring slapping hands..going into the crowd and sitting down during the 'criss cross running the ropes' spot..the 'switching hands during the test of strength'. It screamed early NWA Rick Steiner mostly.


It's not a career killer gimmick necessarily. The previously mentioned Rick Steiner evolved. Buh Buh Ray Dudley's stuttering goof character completely changed.

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I will admit it right now... I'm already a EUGENE MARK!


Eugene is a paragon of virtue that will never be seen again until Tomko and Fertig become retarded as well. I love the gimmick for some odd reason. Maybe I'm just an evil guy who likes to make fun of the handicapped. I don't know....

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Righteo, I'm becoming more and more eager to see Eugene's debut tonight.


But do you think that Eugene was the right name (bear in mind that I haven't yet seen the program)? I mean, isn't that more the stereotypical nerd gimmick name (well, as gimmicks are stereotypical, pretty much).


And, whenever I think of Eugene at this point, I think of Doink. :huh:

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This just shows me that Nick Dinsmore is a complete moron then.


Good luck trying to keep a career playing a fucking retard. It worked so well for Norman the Lunatic.

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