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Shelton Benjamin needs a good finisher

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Guest Coffey

I'll admit, I didn't read all three pages. So, if something similar has been suggested, then I apoligize before hand.


How about giving Benjamin the "master of the bridge" gimmick or something similar to that? He could win matches with various bridging moves...like a German Suplex, Dragon Suplex, Fisherman Suplex, Northern-Lights Suplex, etc.


Just a thought, but with him I could see it working.

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I like the idea of Shelton giving the opponent the Stinger Splash in the corner and following up immediately with a pinning suplex (with the type depending on which direction the opponent is facing and who they are - HHH+Dragon Suplex = not happening). He could also do with a submission. Cattle Mutilation? Double Chickenwing? STF?


Then he'd have a strike finish (Dragon Whip), a suplex and a submission. That would be nice.

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Guest The Masked Avenger

I second (or third or whatever) the notion that pinning suplexes could be a good idea for Shelton. Naturally, there are many opponents this wouldn't work against, but it could be a cool gimmick that he can put away at least the normal sized ones with more than one hold. His opponents shouldn't sell it like death, but it would create an image of Shelton as a tenacious pit bull who won't let go once he's got you in a pinning predicament.

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I wanna see someone modify the frog splash into the elbow drop. Jump off the top rope, tuck and spread out but turn in mid air and drop the elbow.


I could see Shelton pulling that off.

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Guest Askewniverse
He could also do with a submission. Cattle Mutilation? Double Chickenwing? STF?

How about the Rings of Saturn? It hasn't been used by anybody in awhile.

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The roll up.

Sorry, that's Molly's finisher already.


What do you mean she has the Molly-Go-Round?

Well, WWE pretty much killed any impact the Molly Go Round had last year by having Lita kick out of it as if it was nothing at Survivor Series :angry: .

As for Shelton's finisher, I was just thinking, except for the fact that the setup for it seems contrived, his Dragon Whip is a pretty impressive move, so why not give him a striking move for a finish? I remember Owen Hart used to use an Enziguri as a finisher on occasion, so maybe if WWE booked it properly, Shelton could use something like that.

I thought Jericho was using an Enziguri as his finisher right now.

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He is. Sort of.


As for Shelton, his finisher should emphasize his amateur background. So any kind of pinning suplex or throw would be good for his character. I would avoid any kind of power finisher. The best finishers are the kind that can be put on at any moment and be believable. Lifting a guy over your head after 20 minutes of hard work taxes the imagination a bit, especially for a guy like Shelton who isn't the biggest guy in the ring. Conversely, kick finishers are becoming passe too (Booker T, HBK, Jericho). Same with submission finishers, although having the Cloverleaf as an alternate finisher is fine to put on jobbers like Cade or Storm.

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Just give him Sting's main moves and let Shelton toss in his kicks and high flying aresnal when he needs too.


Or, the Body Slam of Doom. You know, a top rope Oklahoma Stampede.

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The Styles Clash isn't fluid enough for someone as graceful as Shelton. There are too many motions involved before and after the move hits. Kinda like the Pedigree.


The Brock Lock relies on people who are willing to take it properly, like the Liontamer. I can't name three main eventer who would bend their necks back like that for it.

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