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Guest FrigidSoul

Frigid Evaluations

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Guest FrigidSoul

Dids there is no Greek god that suitably resembles you, thus I present to you the obvious answer










At least you can be proud knowing millions of people from India and Turkey worship you.

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Guest FrigidSoul

I evaluated Sass, so its only fitting that I do the rest of the Mod team...as far as the ones I've interacted with.



Kahran Ramsus - Nice guy, doesn't really intimidate anybody. However his choice of sports teams pisses me off. I can understand the Blue Jays but the Green Bay fucking Packers? Truly a man with such horrible taste in sports teams shouldn't be given power.



"Hail" bps21 - He's alot like me with the added ability to just ignore things. Tells people to fuck off and rags on them and leaves it at that. Often times people complain about how he was in the past, but I wasn't hear for whatever went down so my response is usually "Who cares?". I often think of him and Kahran as the Sports forum's Odd Couple.



AlwaysPissedOff - Should be renamed to NeverFuckingHere. He explained what went down with Eagan which gives him some brownie points but otherwise I don't care. Why is he a mod? He's never around, and when he is all I've seen him do is enter threads and say "Blah, blah, CLOSED!" and then lock a thread. He's old school Britian to our American Colonies...Taxation without Representation. You fucking lobster back.



Loss - Low man on the totem pole. Respected but really he's the leader of the new WWF/E Forum mods. If there was a High School for mods I would think BPS would have stolen his lunch money by now while Kahran gave him a swirlie. You ask what would be best for the WWF/E forum? Well here's my advise, show some nuts and yell at those who don't even frequent it yet complain about it. "Use to" in regards to going there doesn't matter, those who still do frequent are the people who matter. Keep the forum neat and conversation flowing, that's all that needs to be done...the rest will follow on its own.



Tony149 - Not a real mod. Sorry buck-o but you're to the OAOAST what Loss is to the WWF/E forum, and since its technically hosted by and not really a part of the site you aren't a mod. You have the powers and all, but that's about it. Personality wise you're nice, but really...you should step down and stop kidding yourself.



Zack Malibu - He's the Richard Nixon of the mod team. Crooked politician who smiles and waves to the people, kisses babies' heads and then behind the scenes figures out how to make things best for himself. He's nice to you while he can still get positives in return, create a tiny ripple in his pond though and he'll go out of his way to drown you.



The Dames - The man who rules the nest from the booster seat upon his comp chair. He blames McD's for giving him food poisoning with their nuggets but I think his eyes were just bigger than his stomach. Stick to the Mighty Kids meal Junior, you're not ready for the Extra Value meals. Still, as an admin he's pretty cool and straight forward. I'd get stoned with him.



Dr.Tom - An asshole and proud of it. If you don't believe me I wanted Curt Schilling in the SNKT draft, not only did he laugh at me after he took Schilling but he continuously poked fun at me during later rounds. His habit of closing threads without truly justifiable means seems to have been resolved, and that was my main beef with him. For all the shit I've given him I will say one thing, with Dames gone nobody else could have been in charge. Some of the things you look past are the facts he keeps up the main page, so if it weren't for him the newest addition would still be Dames review of Disc 2 on the Ultimate Ric Flair collection. He's also one of the first to respond to an important question pertaining to the board in Site Feedback, even if it is an unsatisfying answer. I don't want this to sound like I'm licking his balls, just giving the Devil his dues.

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Zack Malibu - He's the Richard Nixon of the mod team.

Nixon was a dick in public too


Better analogy (not that I support it) would be Bill Clinton: charismatic and friendly to the public, but rumored to be ruthless in private

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JAxlMorrison; Dionysus the God of Wine - Basically the god of liquor, and you my friend are a lush. He also granted Midas the power of the Golden touch...you probably pass out and give your jeans the stench of the golden shower after drinking far too much.

So, what you're really trying to say is..........I fucking rock.

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Zack Malibu - He's the Richard Nixon of the mod team.

Nixon was a dick in public too


Better analogy (not that I support it) would be Bill Clinton: charismatic and friendly to the public, but rumored to be ruthless in private

I think the bolded word sums it up nicely.

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Guest FrigidSoul
Zack Malibu - He's the Richard Nixon of the mod team.

Nixon was a dick in public too

There are threads in the WWE forum where he randomly calls people morons...the ruthless bastard.

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Guest FrigidSoul

In that thread where the person's best comeback was telling you that Saved by the Bell sucked. Possibly the worst comeback ever in the history of anything.

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In that thread where the person's best comeback was telling you that Saved by the Bell sucked. Possibly the worst comeback ever in the history of anything.

OK, that wasn't random. That was that person being a moron. I called a spade a spade, and it ended there because when someone is that lame with a comeback, you know there'll be no getting through to them. Plus why clutter the WWE forum with an argument over how stupid a comeback was?


You made it sound like I walked into threads, said "Hey, moron." and left.

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Zack Malibu - He's the Richard Nixon of the mod team.

Nixon was a dick in public too

There are threads in the WWE forum where he randomly calls people morons...the ruthless bastard.



"Oh, you'll pay... don't think you won't pay!"

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Guest FrigidSoul
In that thread where the person's best comeback was telling you that Saved by the Bell sucked. Possibly the worst comeback ever in the history of anything.

OK, that wasn't random. That was that person being a moron. I called a spade a spade

I can't argue that point.


Also the term "ruthless bastard" coined with what I said should have shown over exagerating sarcasm. Perhaps a button is in need.


This is now the face of sarcasm, bow before its humbling ability to put you into check; :buttercup:

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Zack Malibu - He's the Richard Nixon of the mod team. Crooked politician who smiles and waves to the people, kisses babies' heads and then behind the scenes figures out how to make things best for himself. He's nice to you while he can still get positives in return, create a tiny ripple in his pond though and he'll go out of his way to drown you.


Ugh. I knoq Zack better than pretty much anyone and he's the opposite of ruthless public or private. I routinely try to get him to stand up for himself but he almost always refuses. Zack's one of the very few people that I'd be friends with off the internet, along with Sass, Banky, Agnes, and maybe one or two others.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

shut up and do my laundry Preppy.


Jaxl and I are going to smoke some Pot.

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Uh.....was there an announcement that I missed where FrigidSoul became a Super Mod?


Congrats Frigid, but when I saw that title underneath you....... :blink:

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Zack Malibu - He's the Richard Nixon of the mod team.

Nixon was a dick in public too


Better analogy (not that I support it) would be Bill Clinton: charismatic and friendly to the public, but rumored to be ruthless in private

I think the bolded word sums it up nicely.

You can't be Clinton. He was straight.

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Zack Malibu - He's the Richard Nixon of the mod team.

Nixon was a dick in public too


Better analogy (not that I support it) would be Bill Clinton: charismatic and friendly to the public, but rumored to be ruthless in private

I think the bolded word sums it up nicely.

You can't be Clinton. He was straight.

Haw haw, how original. When should I break out the Batman/Robin homosexual fantasy jokes?

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