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Hair Style...

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I am not sure if this has been posted before, if it is has, just ignore this then.


How and why do you have your hair styled/cut?


I have mine in a crew-cut. At first, I cut it at 1/2 an inch, but it didn't look good enough. Then I cut it at 1/4 inch, but I had to cut it about everyweek because it started looking bad. I just did it at a 1/8 inch and it looks the best that way.


I have it like this because it is very easy to keep and it looks good. Well, people tell me that and I think so too.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

The exact opposite. Long and blond, usually pulled back. It's that way because I'm a wind-blown, hard-rocking rebel out to break some hearts.

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Shaved ... has been for the last 10 years now. I went from having a tall mohawk in high school (up to about 10" when spiked) to growing it all out for my hippie days. Once I got sick of having long hair, I bought some clippers and began shaving it, which is what I've done to this day. (did it just this morning, actually)

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Now I'm over the shock of the guy I envisioned as turning everything he looked at black being fucking BLONDE, mine is always spiked in some form or another, with my less than perfect skin I think I look like a particularly nerdish corpse without gel in my hair. I sometimes fashion a quasi-mohawk, with the sides up as well, or a side parting with a row of spikes rising like a tidal wave on one side. Today it's side parted, slightly up at both sides but I tried a new gel and and it wasn't strong enough to fashion spikes. It's become long enough to be a pain in the ass to spike, so i think it'll be getting trimmed doen this week. I had colours a few years back, with pink being the favourite, but I had to get a job. I miss pink hair, soon as a quit my job and go to uni it's back.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I'm a dead ringer for a human version of the Minnesota Vikings logo.

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Short, pushed to the front with mussy spikes (sort of "bed head"-ish). I have insanely thick and wavy hair, and was getting tired of the "surfer" 'do, so I cut it down about 2 months ago and love it. Much easier to maintain.

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I'm a dead ringer for a human version of the Minnesota Vikings logo.




I gotta see that




Past-shoulder length brown hair with a reddish tint, only pull it back for special events, otherwise I let it all hang free. My philosophy is "Why have long hair if you're going to keep it corralled all the time?"


The stark contrast comes from the fact that up until the age of 20, I sported conservative short hair. I started growing it out in mid-'00 because 1) I was getting back into heavy metal again and 2) I had just been dumped, and went into an anti-social dive, thus I went through this fairly stark radical change (though hair growing is a long process, I know) that eventually evened itself out over time

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Throughout my teens and into my early twenties, I've shifted between shaved, monster afro, sticking up on both sides like Wolverine, a Wayne Static shock (see what do you look like thread for more info) and a brief jheri curl. Currently it's in a messy hipster stage, growing out from a shave while I think of what to do next.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Mine's been perpetually pretty long. I rocked both a mullet and a rat tail in elementary school, and evened it all up when I was old enough to realize I was in control of my own hair. It's been growing out ever since. When wet and straight, it's down just below my shoulder blades, when dry and erratic, it's directly between them.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion



Actually, make the huge flowing moustache into a 4 inch goatee of the same color, and you've got it.

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Did the long hair thing in highschool, then I shaved it in 00 and I've never been able to deal with it hanging lower than my eyebrows. Trying to grow it long again. In 2 years from now(unless I chop the shit again) I'm going to look like Ivar Bjornson. That Vikings logo will be me except ever so slightly less yellow

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I have dark brown, practically black hair. Up until a few months ago I had it right at the shoulders, but came to grips with the fact that it looked like shit and was generally in bad shape, so I shaved it off.


I did the shaving thing for a few weeks. I soon got sick of THAT, so now I'm growing it out again, but it's not even half an inch yet.

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Shaggy and brown.


It's long enough that I can pull it just under my chin, which is longer then it ever has been before. It's "combed" only in a sense - I try to comb it when I get out of the shower, but it never listens. As a result, it generally looks something of a mess, and I have problems seeing out of my right eye sometimes.


Why? Because I hate getting my hair cut (it always, always, ALWAYS looks stupid), I hate being told to get my hair cut (people constantly badger me to cut it, which only makes me not want to cut it to piss them off) and I've been told that it actually looks half-decent on me.

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Guest Dids

Mine was cut close for like 8 years- now I'm trying to grow it out and it pretty much just looks like what it wants to look like after I get out of the shower.

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Long and blonde, i have it like this mainly because I look like shit with short hair. Also everyone I know has short hair, I don't want to look exactly like everyone else so there you have it.

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Medium length (used to be excessively long, and I LOVED it, but then gave myself a short mohawk for a while), shaved underneath (so the only hair is on the top). I call this the "headbanger" hair, as it allows for perfect headbanging (no hair going wild in the back or on the sides, just focused on the top). I've had this basic cut since 2000 (minus the mohawk).

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Currently it's in a messy hipster stage, growing out from a shave while I think of what to do next.

Same here.


After sporting the skinhead look for two years, I stopped shaving back in October. Two months ago, it had gotten to the point where I needed to do something about it; I was reluctant to have a professional do it--it'd been so long since I'd paid for haircut, so I was in no hurry to do it again--so I thought I'd give it a shot myself.


Long story short, I shaved a bald patch on the left side of my head, requiring me to shave the whole damn thing over again. I have no idea what I'm going to do with it in another two months.

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I don't know what you'd call my hair. I just let it grow out and it has a mind of its own. Waves go this way, curls the other way, and it's a mess. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm giving it another 4-6 months and if I don't get some significant length to it, I'm chopping the fucker.

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Buzzed on the sides (2 guard), scissor-cut short on top in what old people call a "brush cut" (but it's not a buzz cut). I use the Bed Head pomade that comes in a stick (like a glue stick) - I like the scent, I like the hold and it's easy to use without getting goopy, which puts it a step above jarred pomade. Once it gets too long for pomade (during the "I need a haircut" period), it gets gelled, spiked and sprayed. My hair's a pretty average brown.


I have a thin jawline beard - not as thin as most people wear them - attached to a goatee. The beard's quite a bit redder than my hair, particularly at the chin. I keep it trimmed at the 2 guard as well.

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Guest T®ITEC

It's just.. long and medium/light brown. Really thick. Hangs down a little past my collarbone. It's curly, too, in its own sloppy kinda way. Lately I've been wearing it in pigtails, and I have no idea why.


So, uh, to conclude... light coloured version of Foley's hair. It looked best when it was bright blue.

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Guest stardust

Dark brown and in the growing out stage, so my layers are probably a little too long right now, and it's doing this weird flippy thing in the back. It pretty much hits my collar bone right now, so I figure another inch or two and it'll be where I want it, although once it gets there Lord knows I'll probably end up cutting it back off since it's so damned thick.

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Guest Skironox

Medium, light brown hair with highlights (I was born with them, I don't use sissy products). My hair is thick as hell and has a wave in it, and is extremely ill tempered. My front has been looking like HHH has been recently, except much shorter of course. That's about the only style it'll behave in.


One day I'll have it grown out long and I'll cut it into a Solid Snake mullet. By that time I'll be buffed out too, awww yeah.

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I usually keep it fairly short, but since I'll be bald soon enough I've decided to grow it out.


It also has a mind of it's own. Sometimes it goes straight. Sometimes it curls like a motherfucker. I can't control it.


Usually, it looks like Necro Butcher/Bruiser Brody's hair, just without the bald spot.

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Kinda short hair. I spike the middle to the back of my head and the hair in the front facing down. Sometimes I make the back into little horns, for part the front. Why? Because I can ^_^

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