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What do you miss in wrestling

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I miss the way they would promote House Show Cards as actual big events on TV.


They booked matches you wanted to see (like Bret Hart Vs. Owen, Undertaker Vs. Warrior, Hogan Vs Random guys ETC) and they would have the wrestlers give taped promos hyping Big House Show matches as if it were PPV or something. It made house shows feel special and appear to be a big event rather than a throwaway card. It actually made you want to attend the show!!! great concept eh?



I like that idea better the rushed feeling that monthly PPVs have.

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I always used to think this was kind of neat because as a kid i was often a fan of a lot of heels.  It was cool because their characters were pricks but if people wanted to support them they would be acknowledge that.  It gets kind of dumb when every heel has to tell his fans to "shut up because he doesn't want their support".

I've seen Shawn Michaels shake and clap hands when he was a heel also (One time on Superstars in 1994, and at WrestleMania XIV), although it was usually one or two people. Did he do that all the time as a heel?


i remember Shawn clapping hands with the fans at Mania 14, i always tought it was cool that even as a heel he aknowledged his fans, remember Mania 13 when he spend like 10 minutes clapping eeeeeeveryone's hands in the audience, well...that was cool


he even did the kliq hand thing with some people

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Guest Fook
cartoons + wrestling = a happy, healthy childhood

Damn straight.




As for what I miss, I miss the slow burn for major feuds. They would build it up for months before the two guys would even touch. For example, Bret vs Owen pretty much started at SS93, but aside from Owen's turn at RR94, they didn't touch until WM10. Nowadays, they have tag matches involving both wrestlers every week and they always end with one guy getting the upper hand on the other. It's oversaturation and it takes away the special feeling that should come when they meet in the ring for the first time.

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I watched a Wrestlemania the other day and remembered one of my favorite things:


A manager giving strategy to his worker.(Yes, it was Heenan)


Will we ever see that again.

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i remember Shawn clapping hands with the fans at Mania 14, i always tought it was cool that even as a heel he aknowledged his fans, remember Mania 13 when he spend like 10 minutes clapping eeeeeeveryone's hands in the audience, well...that was cool


he even did the kliq hand thing with some people

I remember when he did it at WrestleMania 13. It did last a while, they had to restart his "Sexy Boy" like 2 or 3 times. But it made sense that he did that, since he was a babyface. I remember King saying that HBK was hogging the spotlight despite the fact that he was "retired". It was cool when he did it as a heel since heels NEVER do that. And it looks like he did it more than the 2 times I saw him do it, and he did it in a cool and cocky way too like "Yeah! You better respect me! That's right, I'm the man!" And since he did it more than once, then that was cool.

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having the ref check each wrestler before the match

I think they still do that in some of the feds other than WWE. I seem to recall seeing it in ROH and TNA, and maybe even XPW

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Bret Hart, and The Goon.

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I think they still do that in some of the feds other than WWE. I seem to recall seeing it in ROH and TNA, and maybe even XPW

They did it to Benoit and Michaels on RAW this week if I recall right.

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Nowadays, they have tag matches involving both wrestlers every week and they always end with one guy getting the upper hand on the other. It's oversaturation and it takes away the special feeling that should come when they meet in the ring for the first time.


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Guest Dave Canadian

1999-2000 when wrestling was actually watchable. Not missing one show because those years were hot.


...and the Ultimate Warrior vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley squash match

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