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Guest JMA

Another Ric Flair interview

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Bitter Flair interview #2. He's just pissed cause everyone on the internet knows he whipped out his piece on a plane and attempted to molest a flight attendant. Grow up Ric, and stop giving interviews until you can stop talking down to the fans like we were your idiot children or something.

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Guest KJ Brackish

I partially agree with good ol' Naitch on this one. Although I use heel/face terms, I don't use them when talking to a wrestler. I mean c'mon. I don't feel the person asking the question though was in the wrong because I'd use 'insider' terms in an interview. C'mon Flair, it's not like the fans are going to start chanting 'Heel Heel Heel Heel' or 'Face Face Face Face' in the middle of a match. I would laugh though if fans started chanting 'Job-ber Job-ber Job-ber' in the middle of a match though. It would go down in history.



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I would laugh though if fans started chanting 'Job-ber Job-ber Job-ber' in the middle of a match though. It would go down in history.


That actually happened last year on Velocity once when a jobber was against Billy Gunn.

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Guest KJ Brackish
I would laugh though if fans started chanting 'Job-ber Job-ber Job-ber' in the middle of a match though. It would go down in history.


That actually happened last year on Velocity once when a jobber was against Billy Gunn.

WOW..... I didn't know that he incident named happened. I can't believe I didn't hear about that. I would have paid money to see that. :headbang:



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At least Sammartino's protests to the business today has a point.


I also hate the guys who think that because they know a wrestler's real name that they're some kind of know-all, but I suspect Flair's just trying to add a dimension to his heel character here, thinking he can draw heat with the net fans.

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Guest JMA
You can see his point.

You can see his point and look at it from his view, but that doesn't make it right. Complaining about fans using terms like "heels" and "faces" is pointless - they're going to do it anyway.


Then again, maybe he is just trying to work us.

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Flair's cool and all, but for gods sake...keep him out of the ring. Rather, keep him out of matches. I love his promos, and I can say I'm a lightweight fan of his...however, he's not that good anymore, and why ruin the legacy?

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Guest Trivia247

don't believe anyone at events should try and talk to wrestlers using their real names.



and maybe using different terminology instead of insider face/heel crap would also be respectful since none of us is on the road breaking our asses entertaining other people.


but you can ask the questions if you frame it differently.

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I understand Flair completly.


I went to the doctor today and told him I had influenza. He promptly backhanded me and said 'that's 'the cold' to you, motherfucker'.



That's one of the funniest things I've read in a while.

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Flair's cool and all, but for gods sake...keep him out of the ring. Rather, keep him out of matches. I love his promos, and I can say I'm a lightweight fan of his...however, he's not that good anymore, and why ruin the legacy?

He probably has to be in the ring. He probably blew all of the money from his hey-day on nose candy and prostitutes. ;)

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Even on the Survivor Series 2003 DVD in the extra 'Survivor Series Moment', Bruce Prichard uses the term "heel".


Maybe if Flair should lay off and things wouldn't be made such a big deal of if he didn't make such a big deal of them first.


There will never be a shortage of marks attending shows. Never.

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Flair's cool and all, but for gods sake...keep him out of the ring. Rather, keep him out of matches. I love his promos, and I can say I'm a lightweight fan of his...however, he's not that good anymore, and why ruin the legacy?

He probably has to be in the ring. He probably blew all of the money from his hey-day on nose candy and prostitutes. ;)

Didn't Flair mention in 1 of these interviews that they were having him wrestle more than he'd like (or something to that effect)?

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realitically, from a performer and fan's standpoint, it was more fun before the secrets were out. go to a show and sit by a group of kids... or watch a PPV at your local Hooter's or BW3's packed w/ full on blind marks, and there's still that magic there. and as much as i know that will never again be the case for folks like those around here, i'll admit that i do kind of miss it; as even the bad stuff could be entertaining or something that i could get into.


(sidenote, last June's Bad Blood (which was horrid) was a PPV i actually enjoyed by virtue of sitting in a bar full of people who didn't care/know about anything but what they were shown on TV and admitedly it rubbed off a little bit, and somehow i had a good time watching it.)

I completely agree. I let my 9 & 10 year old cousins watch random matches, and they make me wish I didn't know everything I do sometimes. I would love to be just a simple mark one more time. It would make me a lot happier.


As for Flair, I seem to recall him using the terms "Heel" and "Face" on the DVD when talking about Steamboat. I think he needs to slap himself in the face for that. As for people using the terms, I think it would be stupid to run up to any wrestler and start throwing out kayfabe terms. My best friend is a wrestler, and we don't even talk in kayfabe other than face and heel. Let them at least feel like they have something "special."

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Guest JMA
and maybe using different terminology instead of insider face/heel crap would also be respectful since none of us is on the road breaking our asses entertaining other people.

What? Terms like "heels" and "faces" are not "insider crap." That's just crazy. I don't see how anyone can justify this. WWE themselves have used the terms in games like HCTP and various DVDs.


Maybe Flair should start blaming WWE for making the terms known to fans.

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Am I the only one who's glad kayfabe is dead?



Lita, Rock, Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, and Test have all been called by their real names on WWE programming on different occasions. Obviously there's a difference in opinion between WWE management and Ric Flair.

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Didn't Flair mention in 1 of these interviews that they were having him wrestle more than he'd like (or something to that effect)?

Yeah I remember reading that to. Hell remember at one point Flair, at his age, was pretty much the only member of Evo that wasn't injuried or fucked up and could still wrestle. How's that for an old man?

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Guest JMA

The Undertaker has been called "Mark" by both Ken Shamrock and Sara on television before.


And on the previously mentioned "Celebrity Deathmatch" appearance.

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I must call bullshit on a lot of things Flair says. He's comparing professional wrestling to brain surgery, which is a comparison no one, not even Ric Flair, should be making.

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