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Star Trek Prequel Movie In The Works?

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Star Trek Prequel Movie In The Works?


The series that will NEVER die...


Despite the fact that Star Trek: Nemesis was a failure at the box office and the cast has more or less split, franchise producer Rick Berman is working on another movie.


"I am involved in the very early stages of what could be the next Star Trek movie. It's something I will be producing with two other producers."


The movie would apparently be a prequel to the entire Star Trek series.


Credit: TrekToday.com

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Guest wrestlingbs

:shutter: For god sakes the series is in shambles as it is. And didn't we learn that this prequel shit didn't work with Enterprise?

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I would like to see a movie that involved all of the tv series characters (TNG, DS9, Voyager) it could be about the Borg assimilating the Profits and using the wormhole to conquer planets while the federation's last hope would be the Enterprise, Defient, Voyager.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I liked Nemsis. It didn't rock but it was perfectly acceptable.

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I'm a Picard mark so I liked Nemisis, and I've grown to hate Data in the movies so his death had a smile on my face; plus the villain was pretty fun. I didn't like the idea of them making Romulans complete bitches and introducing a whole new side of a 'race' that had been well-established.


I thought a film based around the Q would be nifty. Like, some rebel Q has found the human the Q all fear (since humans have the potential to be greater than the Q, which is why the Q is so interested in them). So the man they call Q recruits Picard and Jayneway (just cause) and hooks them up with recently prophetcised Sisko to help find that person and stop that Q (cause, lets say the rebel Q has taken the human in a part of space/time/reality that the Q can't go into... for some reason.)


Oh, and the idea of a prequel sucks.

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Guest SP-1

I liked NEMESIS. Alot. Alot of those plot holes can be made workable. After all, the Klingons found a way to fire while cloaked a century before NEMESIS. It was just never followed up on once the peace accords with the Federation were signed post-Undiscovered Country.


. . . wow.

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I liked Nemesis too! I thought that there was a good load of action in there so it was certainly a good Trek film. Although Star Trek VI will always be my personal favourite.


The idea of a prequel could work. I mean, the first season of Enterprise was good.

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Guest Museite

I haven't seen Nemesis, how did Data die? I hope his emotion chip was on and that it was extremley painful :gas:

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Picard was over on the bad guys' ship, Data "jumped" over (as in, through space from Enterprise), so he could save the good captain and (I believe) give him a transporter thingie which was only for 1. So basically Data died when the ship exploded/imploded/whatever. Not a very good explanation, but the short of it is "Data died saving Picard".

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Guest Museite

Man that sucks...it paves the way for Q to save Data, or for Data to download his memory to the Enterprise etc..and have him triumphantly return in the next film. I was hoping that he would get crushed or have his head torn off by a rabid Klingon female etc etc etc but thanks anyway.

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Actually I like Enterprise and a "Bridge" movie may not be so bad.


The Star Trek Universe like the Star Wars Universe is huge enough to support prequel stories. I would rather see a film set after Undiscovered Country and before TNG. But thats me.

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They should've struck the Captain Sulu goldmine when they had the chance.

I agree.


The Sulu show would have kicked seven levels of ass. I remember also hearing rumors of a Klingon only show before Enterprise came about. Now THAT would have been fun to watch.

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Wait, I forget - it's too much of a cash cow.


Honestly, they should just shut down the franchise. For a good while - like a decade or so. Then come back and restart it, with some ORIGINAL material, and none of the current producers. That's the only way to save this franchise from sucking, a total reboot after a few years for people to get the bad taste washed out of their mouths.


And RRR, I have always thought that a Q film (done right) should have been one of, if not the last, of the "Next Gen" movies. They could have billed it as "Picard vs. Q, for the last time!" or some shit like that, and made it grandiose and meaningful. Hell, let Peter David write the fucking thing while you're at it, I'm sure he wouldn't screw things up half as bad as the current folks in charge.

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Guest Museite

Screw the prequel...I always thought the shows whenever Picard/Janeway ended up in the future, with the super Federation technology kicked ass, i'd prefer to see some serious future space stuff with sick technology, at least that'd be fresh.


E.g. in one Voyager, I forget which season, Voyager ended up along side a sick looking Federation ship which could break up into 3 parts Enterprise style and each one was a fighting battleship.

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A Star Trek Academy/Starfleet show should have been the natural course of action after Voyager - you already have Chief O'brien there, Barclay, and then you throw in some new faces to mesh with the old. Enterprise didn't have that. TNG ended with Bones and Data, Ds9 had Picard and Sisko (and O-fn-brien, Worf later on), and Voyager had Qwark and Harry - fun lil continuity pieces like that which shows you its all the same universe. Enterprise had dicknothing from what I could tell.


I would have figured a Q flick for the tenth installment of the series - but why do that when you can have another one of Datas whacky adventures??

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A Q movie would indeed kick ass. It would have to have Barclay though. For some reason the twitchy nervous little bastard appeals to me on a sympathetic level.


BTW I like Enterprise too. So sue me. I always like seeing how things in shows evolve over time, and seeing things in their 'beta' version (flip top comms, the transporter no one trusts, etc.).

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I personally could never get into Enterprise. Either let it die or give Riker a show(I haven't seen Nemesis yet, I have the DVD but I just haven't gotten around to it, so if Riker swears off Starfleet or something, just ignore me, but Frakes isn't doing much as far as I know)

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I always thought Year Of Hell could have made a great Next Gen movie.

what's Year Of Hell?

IIRC, it was on Voyager. Voyager has to pass through an area of space to get home faster, but are denied entry. Janeway goes anyways, and throghout the whole year the ship is slowly blown apart. They are also being chased by a ship that existed outside normal time (I beleive this is the main ship that keeps attacking them.) It was an awesome two parter, especially at the end when Voyager took out the time ship by plowing into it, thus restoring itself, but restarting the timeline.



That may be a bit off, but that wass the basic gist.

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