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What does your room...

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Someone was telling me today that you can tell a way a person is like by the way their room is like. So I figured I would start a thread about that.


What does your room look like?


Here are pictures of mine because it is easier to take pictures than describe it. I have a single, so it isn't that big.













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Guest Astro

Note books, magizines, and VHS tapes tossed around the floor.


Bed unmade, with no sheet.


15 or so Sterilite boxes filled with movies, toys, clothes etc etc piled on one another.


A TV, 2 VCRs and a PS2


A fan in the middle of it all


and a loaded 6 level book case


in other words BIg Mess, Small Room 10 foot by 7 foot or so

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

My room...


there's some posters, about 5 laava lamps, couple hundred cd's/records/tapes, some bongs, and a waterbed.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

My bedroom has absolutely nothing in it other than a bed, a trunk, a small table with some personal effects, paraphrenalia, a small, barely audible radio playing NPR at a murmur, and a fan. Walls are white and bare, carpet is dark blue. There's usually one small load of laundry in a mound in a corner, and my window is blacked out by several suspeneded sheets and blankets. It's dark and cool with lots of white noise that is essential for my sanity.

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My bedroom is large and full of priceless and fascinating artifacts. I'd show pictures if I could find my camera. I could show pictures all day long.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Hmmmmm...gonna be hard to describe...of course, a giant TV stand with :gasp: a TV., a PS2, Gamecube, and 2 VCRs on it and cabinets filled with DVDs, CD's, and video game cases.. Gotta have bed in corner of course, with shoe boxes filled with baseball & basketball cards. Random crap scattered around. Few posters, and closet full of shit like greasy sex toys, old Sports Illsutrated, Wrestling, and Miscelanious magazines and boxes. Plus books I don't intend to read.


Pretty average I'd say.

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i'll describe it for now, i may take a pic later


hmmm, my door on the outside is full of the security stickers that seal DVD cases, so you can pretty much see how much i paid for each DVD, where i bought it, etc.


Then in my room i have a single bed, a 20" black TV qith a silver DVD player on top with the Directv receiver on top, on the shelf above that i have a Power Ranger's Ultrazord (Megazord + Dragonzord + Titanus)


on the desk where the TV is is the black shelf thing i made for my DVDs with about 100 DVDs and around it and on top of it, it's full qith action figures (Alien queen, Terminator, Wolverine, some wrestling ones, a WCW Nitro entrance way) also some crap that i've been putting there over the time like tequila glass shots, theme park stuff i buy, more figures, caps, medals etc. It's my favorite part of the room.


I had some posters, but they're not up at the moment because we had to repair a pipe that goes tru my wall so i had to take them down.


mmm on the drawers in the desk there must be like... hundreds and hundreds of VHS tapes from my pre-DVD days (good times). Also on all the shelves abothe the desk there are alot of books, magazines, more VHS tapes, some VCDs or DVD-R (they're not worthy of the OFFICIAL DVD shelve), CDs, stuff from school, etc.

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Upon entering:


Right side: Dresser, Storage boxes, Walk in closet (full of stuff so you cant really walk in very far)


Back wall - boxes, Bookshelf (full of cookbooks, video tapes and other junk) Entertainment Center (TV,Gamecube, N64, Directv reciever, Large Sat reciever, DVD player, VCR, Gamecube games, DVDs, A drawer full of pens/pencils and other junk, candy), more junk boxes.


Left side - window, bed, Ravens Super Bowl XXXV Banner/Flag


Front wall -Nightstand with an alarm clock, portable CD player, CD holder and a lamp


In the middle - my computer desk.

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Full of tapes and DVD's. Seriously, I have boxes and stacks lining the walls. I've got two entertainment centers, one that just holds DVD's in it, and has two CD holders on top of it. Then there's the main entertainment center, which has my TV, Gamecube, PS2, my combo VCR/DVD player, and a spare DVD player. My bed is about three feet in front of you when you walk in, half of it against the wall and half of it coming outward into the room. Next to it are some of the aforementioned tape boxes (mostly all my storebought movies as opposed to taped off TV movies), and a small push stand with another TV, an old VCR (used to hook up the N64), the N64 and Sega Genesis on it. Two dressers, one on the right when you walk in, the other across the room. On top of the first dresser is my sound system, a Panasonic 5 CD changer. That dresser is for underwear/socks and runaround clothes. The other dresser has a lot of mementos like pictures, notebooks, etc. in it. The corner next to the TV has more movie boxes, as well as a shelf with DVD's on it, and more DVD's stacked next to it.


Decoration wise, I've got the walls lined in various posters and pics. Right now there are a bunch of 8x10's I bought from work of Trish, Torrie, etc. Got a full size Daredevil movie poster, as well as a smaller promo poster for the movie. An NHL poster with all the teams bordering the Stanley Cup. A poster of The OC cast. There's tons more, but they're mostly random pics from mags and whatnot, like Maxim spreads and such. I've also got a poster of The Italian Job, as well as a promo poster for SpiderMan. Got several wall hangings as well, namely Scarface, Back To The Future, and Animal House.

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Guest Dids
Decoration wise, I've got the walls lined in various posters and pics. Right now there are a bunch of 8x10's I bought from work of Trish, Torrie, etc. Got a full size Daredevil movie poster, as well as a smaller promo poster for the movie. An NHL poster with all the teams bordering the Stanley Cup. A poster of The OC cast. There's tons more, but they're mostly random pics from mags and whatnot, like Maxim spreads and such. I've also got a poster of The Italian Job, as well as a promo poster for SpiderMan. Got several wall hangings as well, namely Scarface, Back To The Future, and Animal House.

Were you going for a "things that suck" motif?


(save the movies at the end of the list, which are awesome)


You people are funny with your "rooms". My "room" is my bedroom, living room, dining room, study, and anyplace else you don't do the dishes or shit in. Studio apartments rock.

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Mole's room is a perfect example of why it's such a huge ripoff to live on campus if you don't have to. Seriously, it looks like a spruced up jail cell.


I don't feel like detailing my room, but I may take a few pics later, although to be honest, it's about the size of a jail cell, although it's a lot more comfortable.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Am I the only one without a tv in their room? I don't know how you people can stand a room full of boxes of shit and video game wires running everywhere. That'd make me nuts.

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Walking in... on the left is the TV/Stereo and to the right is the bathroom.


Past the bathroom is my bed and nightstand.


Directly ahead is the window with my guitar underneath and also my Mossberg.


Pretty sparse.

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The entertainment center keeps all the wires and shit neatly out of view.


The coolest thing in my bedroom is an Italian Godfather poster. Part of a gangster motif, along one wall runs that one, Goodfellas, Scarface (not the white and black one), Casino and Bonnie and Clyde posters. I also have a Japanese Seven Samuri poster, which is cool too. Rounding out the posters is Dawn of the Dead, Evil Dead, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th. I think the posters are what really ties it together.


Oh, those are all in frames. What drives me crazy is posters just tacked or taped up. I think it's my ocd, but I can't deal with it.

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Guest Vitamin X

I haven't had an actual room to sleep in about roughly a year, but the closest thing I have right now is my mom's living room which is roughly pretty empty except for a big TV with my Xbox hooked up to it and the couch I sleep on next to a small desk with a lamp where I'd keep my stuff.


I'm just grateful to have a place to sleep and eat. I don't need all the extra bullshit it seems a lot of you have.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Walking in... on the left is the TV/Stereo and to the right is the bathroom.


Past the bathroom is my bed and nightstand.


Directly ahead is the window with my guitar underneath and also my Mossberg.


Pretty sparse.

where are the dead hippies kept?

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

I remember when I had posters and pictures in ym room....I was 10.


But seriously, I do have some posters. Marley smoking a huge blunt and Pacino from Scarface.


I had a framed picture of Miles. Its beautiful.

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If you're going to have posters, you gotta do it classy like me. Some ripped up picture of Korn you pulled out of a magazine isn't going to cut it.

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Am I the only one without a tv in their room?

*raises hand*


Some ripped up picture of Korn you pulled out of a magazine isn't going to cut it.

Any picture of Korn isn't going to cut it

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In the process of fixing it up right now, but in a few days it should be like this:


When you walk into the door, the TV (with VCR and DVD player) will be on the right, pretty much at the foot of my bed. Straight ahead will probably be my computer and beside that on the right will probably be my dresser. I'll have some posters up, too, mostly Leafs ones.

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Meh, I'm not feeling my room right now. When we moved, it was pale yellow, and I didn't want to paint it. It's a pretty room, though not really me. Except for the medals and awards on the wall, because I'm conceited like that.


I think I'm redoing it soon though. I'm thinking red on the walls with quotes in black writing on the wall.

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