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Guest thebigjig

So, now that Brosnan is out...

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Guest thebigjig

I havent seen this discussed yet, and some of you may or may not be aware, but Pierce Brosnan and MGM have officially ceased negotiations for Bond 21, and it looks like the irishman WONT be returning... so who should replace him? Last i heard, Guy Pierce was being seriously discussed, and that... would rock in my opinion

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I think it is a sad day when a guy like Brosnan loses movie roles because he came out.


Society should really take a look at itself if it can't accept James Bond being played by a openly gay man.


I applaud Pierce for being brave enough to come out despite the risk he was taking and I wish him the best.



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Guest thebigjig
I think it is a sad day when a guy like Brosnan loses movie roles because he came out.


Society should really take a look at itself if it can't accept James Bond being played by a openly gay man.


I applaud Pierce for being brave enough to come out despite the risk he was taking and I wish him the best.



lol shut up

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Guest El Satanico

Guy Pearce really doesn't look that much younger than Brosnan. I know age wise he is, but not looks wise.

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Guest Choken One

I want them to just totally piss on the conventions of who James Bond is...


Turn him into a miserable prick with no desire.


In short...I want Nick Nolte to be the next Bond.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Brosnan isn't out.


He already said he'd do one last film, which should begin shooting some time this year.


I'd say...


- Clive Owen


- Jude Law


- Christian Bale (But Batman is probably going to turn into a franchise, meaning Bale is tied down for at least 6 years. Guessing that there is a sequel...)

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Ashton Kutcher was a joke, right?


MGM will probably choose someone like Colin Farrell, Hugh Jackman, etc. - a young to middle-aged Hollywood hunk that people know and like.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
I'm just surprised Mr. Z hasn't chimed in yet.


He likes Batman and Bond you know...

That's a lie and you know it.



Eh, I'd say go with an unknown. I haven't seen an established actor with the Bond quality since Jason Issacs in The Patriot, and he's too old and bald now.

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A lot of people seem to think Hugh Jackman is next in line. Personally, I'd like to see EON/MGM give Quentin Tarantino a shot at "Casino Royale." Tarantino has said many times he'd love to do a Bond film, and Brosnan has backed him. Of course EON & MGM don't seem too big with that idea.


Anyway, here's a little something that was posted at Commanderbond.net


In an interview with Cinema Confidential, Pierce Brosnan has not only confirmed that the 007 producers are talking to other actors for the role of James Bond in the yet-to-be-named Bond 21, but has also named names!


When asked if there was another actor he thought the producers would go with, Brosnan revealed that the producers had been speaking to both Hugh Jackman and Clive Owen about overtaking the role. The actors received Brosnan's blessing, after he claimed they are both "fantastic" actors.


Aside from this admission, Brosnan's talk of Bond was not unlike the usual mumbo-jumbo we've been hearing from him lately, as he spoke of the producers' paralysis, and that they do not know which direction to take.



Q: Where does the new Bond film stand right now?

PIERCE: It doesn’t stand anywhere. I don’t know what’s happening. There’s a paralysis that has come upon the producers. They don’t know whether to go forwards, backwards, sideways – I don’t know. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve honored my contract of doing four [bond] movies. They know where to find me if they want me for the fifth.


Q: Is there someone else do you think that could be the next Bond?


PIERCE: Oh, there will always be someone else. If I was the fifth [bond], there can always be a sixth.


Q: Is there another actor you think they will go with?


PIERCE: Yeah, I mean they’ve talked to Hugh Jackman and to Clive Owen – both actors are really fantastic and have the chops for it. I have no idea. I really don’t concern myself. I don’t lose sleep over it. I don’t wake up thinking, you know, ‘Am I going to be the next Bond?’ or ‘Is someone else going to be the next Bond.’ I have to let that one go, I really wouldn’t do myself any justice if I would lose sleep over it. If it’s the end of the ride, then so be it. I can move on and make films like "Evelyn," "Thomas Crown," or this movie… The movie has put me on a landscape on an international level, and for an actor, that’s a magnificent gift to have.

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Guest Museite

I call Sean Bean


If it's given to Orlando Bloom I will never watch a new Bond again...ever

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Personally, even though he was already the bad guy in a Bond film, I would like to see Sean Bean take a crack at it (props to Museite). However, seeing as how he HAS been the bad guy, there's still quite a few choices. Hugh Jackman would work I guess, but he just doesn't have the whole "suave, debonair" image. Guy Pearce would work, as would Clive Owen. Rufus Sewell might even work, although he doesn't really have the Bond-esque image either.


If they want a relative no name (I don't know, something to kick start the series) they could go with a dark horse like James Purefoy. He was Prince Edward in A Knight's Tale and I think he could pull it off. Shoot Paul Bettany and Brian Helgeland were even calling him "the next Bond" on the commentary track for A Knight's Tale. Anyway, my .02.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Ashton Kutcher.

:firing: DIE!

Wishing death upon a mod. Shame shame shame.




No, that was total flamebait on my part. I forgive him.

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