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The E3 2004 Thread

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Guest MikeSC
Spiderman 2 does look awesome.


I'm just happy that XBox Live and EA became officially official.


I believe that Halo 2 will make its November 9th date...and I fear that Fable will continue to slip.

So, what'll ship first --- Fable or Malice?


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Wasn't Malice officially cancelled? I'm almost certain it was.


It was that platformer starring that little girl with the big hammer that was being demoed around the time the X-Box first came out, correct?

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Wasn't Malice officially cancelled? I'm almost certain it was.


It was that platformer starring that little girl with the big hammer that was being demoed around the time the X-Box first came out, correct?

:D Correct.


Also Fable was demoed when the XBox came out. At least, shown a trailer.


You obviously didn't get the subtle sarcastic hint there. :D

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Wasn't Malice officially cancelled?  I'm almost certain it was.


It was that platformer starring that little girl with the big hammer that was being demoed around the time the X-Box first came out, correct?

:D Correct.


Also Fable was demoed when the XBox came out. At least, shown a trailer.


You obviously didn't get the subtle sarcastic hint there. :D

Eh, I'm a new X-Boxer, so I haven't been paying that much attention.


Plus it seemed like Malice was rather quietly killed--I saw a few lines in a magazine about it, but I didn't hear a big deal made of it.

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Malice is back in development, after being picked up by another publisher earlier this year. It's (presumably) going to be released for the XBox and PS2.

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Guest The Son of Sting

Malice is out in the UK now.It hasnt gotten good reviews.

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Guest OctoberBlood
Five years ago Carl Johnson escaped from the pressures of life in Los Santos, San Andreas...a city tearing itself apart with gang trouble, drugs and corruption. Where filmstars and millionaires do their best to avoid the dealers and gangbangers.


Now, it's the early 90s. Carl's got to go home. His mother has been murdered, his family has fallen apart and his childhood friends are all heading towards disaster.


On his return to the neighborhood, a couple of corrupt cops frame him for homicide. CJ is forced on a journey that takes him across the entire state of San Andreas, to save his family and to take control of the streets.

4 Person Drive Bys...



Pedal Bikes...


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Couple of things:


Segas big announcement (THE SEGATON!!) was that they had gotten the rights to The Matrix Online for PCs here


Barry Bond's own game for PDAs and stuff is lame - here


The new Sims game - the URBZ: Sims in the City sounds interesting but its not the Sims 2Here


TMNT 2 has 4 player support which seemed way to obvious of a feature for the first one


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Guest Ronixis

AHHH...E3 Madness.


First off...My Disspointments.


Big N- why shit on GBASP just to compete with PSP? YOU LEARNED NOTHING FROM N64? And it just look like GBA64(but doublescreened) and plays ALL GBA Games? Just call it done- you messed up on SP.


As for Sony...Please...for the LOVE of that is all HOLY- DONT MESS with Square and Konami- GIVE them the damn Buisness Model for PSP. And now...make sure you better keep the price at $99 or that baby is deader than that helocopter that blew the fuck up on 24. It better come in March 2005 with some powerfull shit, I need 18-hours of battery power... I can deal with $110, BUT NOT $200. HELL NO.


As for the good news.


The best lineup for PS2 EVER.


Zelda Grows the hell up to badass.


I dont know about you, but San Andreas could be the game that changes the Industry forever, and I dont say that to be cute- its the same old basic 90's gansta era shit, but now its given the Rockstar Treatment and who knows where this can go.


MGS3 is owning everybody. Yes. EveryBody.


Mega Man Command Mission will be the best RPG NOBODY Played


Stick with what works, but Next Year there needs to be newer franchises-they need to Bring back some ones that needed the story to be fleshed out...


And TMNT 2 will rock.


The ONLY way I will ever buy GT 4? IT MUST HAVE THE TRANS AM- then, insta buy. Otherwise, just load for the car fanatics.


I might find out for myself what the Buzz is all about Guilty Gear.


And of course- Star Ocean 3 and Front Mission 4.


What not to like about E3?

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Mega Man Command Mission will be the best RPG NOBODY Played

If it can beat out Dragon Quarter for that honor, it'll be both amazing and sad. Since they are made by the same company after all.

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Animal Crossing for the Nintendo DS


Though the company made no mention of it at its press conference today, Nintendo has revealed that Animal Crossing is indeed in the works for the Nintendo DS. The company has issued a short video clip of the game running on both screens of the Nintendo DS system, which you can watch by hitting the media link at the bottom of this story.


The game looks to base itself on the N64 version of the game, only released in Japan. It will utilize the DS' touchpad for letter writing, drawing, and inventory management. The demo shows that the game will also support multiple players in the same village, and utilize chat function of the system.

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Metal Gear Solid 3: The Game That Is A Movie.

Hopefully that means it will be better than Metal Gear Solid 2: The Game that is a Movie that SUCKS!


MGS3 is owning everybody. Yes. EveryBody.




Let's see how it can stack up once the hype machine is toned down.


I might find out for myself what the Buzz is all about Guilty Gear.


From what I hear, Itsuka isn't the title to show it to you. It's supposed to be a dumbed-down, Smash Brother-ized version of the games.


Segas big announcement (THE SEGATON!!) was that they had gotten the rights to The Matrix Online for PCs


Big, fat, hairy deal...


Glad to see Sega learned nothing from 10 years ago, when they forsaked quality titles with great gameplay for shitty licensed titles.

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I downloaded the trailer for DMC3 and it looks like you can actually do some combos this time round. Also I pray that you can actually surf on your opponents corpse whilst shooting.


Interesting that it seems to follow the story of Dante and Virgil (some connections to the necklace on Nelo Angelo from the first game).

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I dont know about you, but San Andreas could be the game that changes the Industry forever, and I dont say that to be cute- its the same old basic 90's gansta era shit, but now its given the Rockstar Treatment and who knows where this can go.


It hasn't changed the industry already? It's arguably one of the biggest franchises this side of Mario or Final Fantasy, is given tons of attention and mainstream media coverage, for better or worse, and has changed the way the industry approaches games with the open ended concept; along with being the inspiration for numerous copycats. In addition to basic gameplay, I can't see what's been done along those lines that hasn't already been accomplished in GTAIII and Vice City.

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Guest Flyboy

I guess I must be the only one that think the GTA series is extremely overrated.

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Oh, I think it's overrated too, don't get me wrong.


My problem was with the statement that San Andreas will change things, when that has really already been done. Seemingly everyone in the industry and beyond is already hanging onto GTA and Rockstar's nuts. The proverbial sack must be dragging along the ground by now. So I don't see how San Andreas can possibly tread new ground in that respect.

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Oh, I think it's overrated too, don't get me wrong.


My problem was with the statement that San Andreas will change things, when that has really already been done. Seemingly everyone in the industry and beyond is already hanging onto GTA and Rockstar's nuts. The proverbial sack must be dragging along the ground by now. So I don't see how San Andreas can possibly tread new ground in that respect.

It won't, but I bet you'll hear the same words in every review "revolutionary" and "open-ended"


(*cough* My ass. Morrowind is open-ended, GTA's just not completely linear..)

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Honestly this won't be the year of PS2. GTA doesn't come out till Oct. 19th and thats going to be after Fable is released and right before Halo 2 is out on Nov. 9th (knock on wood many many, oh so many times). Now if you haven't seen the new showing of Halo 2, then you have no idea what your missing. Honestly I say this will be the year of the Xbox if anything. Snake Eater is going to be great but honestly GTA is overrated, its the same plot every time, your a gangster and your going to do missions. Sorry but riding a bike and doing drive by's don't really sell to me. I'm not saying this game won't be good or it won't sell because it will sell, but saying that Sony will own the year because of the new GTA won't happen.

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