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Euro 2004

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Have any of you found John Motson completely irritating on the beeb the last week or two? I swear I was this close to throwing something at the TV during the Q-Final if he said 'this looks worrying for England' one more fucking time. He spends too much time repeating himself and worrying about ifs, buts and maybe's instead of focusing on what's actually happening. The ITV guy (forgot his name) has overtaken him easily, he talks more common sense, is less annoying and is quite amusing. Hansen and Venables are probably the two best 'studio' people, always insightful and intelligent.

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Motson is ok.


I LOATHE David Pleat though, with his 'shirt short shirts' and inability to pronounce any foreign players' names. He kept calling Christian Vieri 'Vieria', and he kept flubbing Lizarazu's name during France's quarter final.

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Motson has been useless, the guy on ITV used to annoy me during Champion's league football but at Euro 2004 he's been surprisingly good.


Here's and idea, a Dream Live Football presenting team...


Studio: Gary Linekar or Des Lynam.


And three of... Alan Hansen, Peter Reid, Ian Wright, Terry Venables, Andy Townsend (and his truck!), Robbie Earle, Peter Schmeical, Barry Venison or anyone else.


Commentator: John Motson, Barry Davies or Clyve Tydlesley.


Pundit: Joe Royal, Bobby Robson or anyone else.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Clive Tyldsley (the ITV) guy is just as bad. He turns ITV into MUTV. Not just a conincidence he supports Man Utd. There hasn't been a Champions League match he has commentated on for the past 4 years where he hasn't mentioned "that magical night in Barcelona". And all the references he has made during Euro 2004 have been about players or refs involved in Manchester United Champions League games. He is pathetic.


Barry Davies, while old AND old school, is the best. Cool drinking game regarding Barry Davies - when someone scores, he either says their name really fast and sharp when they make contact with the ball or he says he reeaaallly looonnng and drawn out. Simply pick one or the other, and drink upon hearing. E.g. "Armstrong!" for short or "Aaarrrmmmsttrong! Yes!" for the latter. It works.

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I'd probably agree that Barry Davies is the best at the moment, I laughed at the 'magical night' comment regarding Tyldsley, he always mentioned that! I agree with Caboose that he's been far better at Euro 2004 than he normally is and my mentioning of it was due to similar surprise.


Andy Townsend's tactics truck was classic crap, he seems rather fond of his yellow pen these days, always apologising to Des or Gaby for his crap squiggles.


David Pleat is awful, have any of you ever seen his managerial record in football? Terrible. God knows why his opinion is asked on anything regarding the game. The defining image of his career is doing a stupid skip across the pitch when Luton stayed up (that's right, he just avoided relegation!) on the last day of the season years ago. He came within a whisker of dragging Leicester into the old 3rd division when he managed us.

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Northern Ireland are fucking dire, come on man, they were celebratign cos they beat Trinidad and Tobago for fucks sake

Scotland did the same as well.

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Hmm...Holland got through. I wonder if Kluivert will ever stop his bitching. Makaay or Van Hooijdonk makes better cover for Nistelroy, though. At least I think so.


During the beginning stages of the tournament, I jokingly said that Greece will be champions. Damn, look at how far they've gone. The French was...I dunno...pathetic may be the right word. Even Zidane can't pull out a miracle.


We've witness some wonderful games (eg. Holland vs Czech) how about the worst ones? I vote for Germany vs Latvia. Man, I was comatose watching that clunker of a match...which made me miss Holland vs Czech (caught the replay, though.)

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Bulgaria vs Denmark was my worst, Latvia vs germany was entertaining for me because you could see the germans getting more pissed as the game went on.

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Czech Republic Vs. Netherlands was just a game made for god.

Czech Republic Vs. Latvia was also a nice little energetic game.


The worst has been Bulgaria Vs. Denmark or France Vs. England simply for the last three minutes.

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Baros is on fire...can't believe this is the same player that played for Liverpool this past season.


Counting down the hours to the Portugal vs. Holland match....

As much as I like to see the Dutch gain revenge against the Czech, I'd give slight advantage to the home team here...well, provided if they're motivated (eg. vs Spain) and not being their laidback selves ( vs Greece). Anyways, I'm hoping for a kickass game.


Due to time difference, the local time for the match would be 2.30 in the morning (I live in Malaysia). Better get myself loaded with enough caffeine, then.

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Portugal through to their first ever major final.


Good enough game, Portugal are going to have MASSIVE momentum, but I still think the Czech's at 50% are too good for Greece and Portugal.

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Holland were absolutely useless, losing by 1 goal flattered them completely, 3-0 would have been a fairer reflection. I hope the Czechs win it, they'll have a tough game against Greece but fingers crossed. There's no way the Greeks will beat the Portugese again if they got there, they won't pose enough threat and will be too negative against this reborn host side, the Czechs can score against anybody when they play well.

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A little while ago, I heard a bunch of people honking their horns and when I looked out the window, I saw someone hanging a Portuguese flag out the window. I didn't know what the hell was up until I remembered that this is going on.


Fall River, MA has probably one of the biggest concentrations of Portuguese in the US, so you can guess the celebration here if they win the thing.

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My prediction is right on the money...Portugal got through. Loved the second goal by Maniche. Absolute screamer. Figo and Ronaldo was ON during the game.


Now, I want to see Czech Rep. in the final...but Greece time and time again proved themselves against supposedly better sides. Sorry, Czech fans, I hope I'm not jinxing your team's chances...

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Is anyone else sick of the bloody porteguese directors putting in as many slow motion replays as possible, they were putting it in and missing bits of games throughout the tournament, so its no surprise that when they were sticking one of their beloved slow motion replays, they missed Maniches goal, idiots.

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Guest CurryMan
Is anyone else sick of the bloody porteguese directors putting in as many slow motion replays as possible, they were putting it in and missing bits of games throughout the tournament, so its no surprise that when they were sticking one of their beloved slow motion replays, they missed Maniches goal, idiots.

Yeah I hate that we missed abit of Maniches goal because they had to run 13 reruns of how it became a corner.




I can see Portugal going all the way now, sure Czechs offensiv is strong but there defence is also not that good. With the momentum that Portugal is showing now they can win it. Figo hasn´t played as well as he did yesterday for about 10 years when he played in Barcelona.

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Man, the Greeks are playing well. Too well. I really don't want a Greece/Portugal final. The first match was dull-as-dishwater, plus I'm loving the Czechs.


EDIT: Crap. Looks like I'm routing for the Portugal Sunday.

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God dammit. I love the Czechs, and that's just cruel. Losing Nedved was the first strike, and they never fully recovered. Damn Greece and their defensive strategy.


Let's hope Portugal puts an end to that crap.



PS: Collina was not good tonight, especially concerning Jan Koller. Everything he did was called a foul, even though most of time it was nothing.

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My dreamteam is fucked now that the czech's lost, I had 4 of their back 5(including GK),At least rehagel was my manager.


I'm calling it now, Bolton sign Zagorakis or the Greek Goalie in the next few weeks.


Sunday will probably have the most boring international final since 1994,Sven must be looking at greece and thinking that his tactics are sound since he uses the same system(if we want to win every match 1-0 maybe we should hire the Greek coach on a 100,000 a year deal)


It's a shame they scrapped the 3rd place playoffs in the euro's because I'd love a Czech/Holland rematch.

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I actually thought Collina had disallowed the goal, because there was about 5 seconds of absolute calm, you actually heard the ball hit the net, collinas whistle and then absolute silence for about 3 seconds, as everyone tried to take it in, then pandemonium

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Oh god. Greece is the new Germany.


*looks at Otto Rehhagel* Damn you, Otto...for being so boring & efficient.


...well...Portugal will have to end it on a high note, then. They must.


...why I still have doubts linger in my mind?

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Guest CurryMan

I actually doesn´t think that Greece is that boring, they play a good defence in the begining and they are able to ride out the storm and they make the other team play slower so they will suit them. I´m not betting on the Greece - Portugal game that much I can say.


But I won some money by picking the result in Holland - Portugal game :)

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I actually doesn´t think that Greece is that boring, they play a good defence in the begining and they are able to ride out the storm and they make the other team play slower so they will suit them. I´m not betting on the Greece - Portugal game that much I can say.


But I won some money by picking the result in Holland - Portugal game :)

Well, upon reflection...I guess 'boring' is probably a wrong word to describe Greece. Most of the time, they contain the opposition's attack and effectively breaking whatever flow & rhythm the other team has...which, IMHO the formula that give Germany much success in the past. But lately Germany fails because they lack strikers with the calibre of Muller, Klinsmann, Voeller...etc. (Kuranyi? Klose? BLEH)


So, Greece is better at being Germany than Germany...if that make sense.


PORTUGAL MUST WIN. Or I'll stop watching football. Hell, I'll stop dating girls, too.

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Before the tournament ends and this thread drifts away, can anyone give me a report on Mikael Nillson, what sort of player he is etc seeing as we have definetly signed him now.

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