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Euro 2004

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Arggh. That was a bit of a lottery with that dodgy pen spot. But still, Beckham shouldnt just be whacking it. Vassell's wasn't too bad, was a good save by the keeper. And all of Portugal's were good pens.


Well, we didnt play well, hard to say we deserved to win, but they tried really hard.



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That was one of the most heart-stoppingly exciting games I've ever seen! Owen's goal was fantastic, hitting it wonderfully on the turn, but as soon as Rooney went off, England were under the cosh. It really was only a matter of time before Portugal scored and I can't believe Postiga scored as many goals in this game as he did in the league for us all of last season. England were robbed by the dodgy ref (who looked like a Bond villain AND was Swiss, which leads me to believe he wanted revenge for Bernt Haas' red card), but Portugal deserved to win, if that makes any sense.


And how cocky was Helder's penalty!!

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The Cole/Ronaldo battle was great to watch and Cole showed defenders how to play against Ronaldo.


I was baffled when I saw Gerrard come off seconds after he'd cleared the ball from the edge of our area, I'll take a Knackered Gerrard over a fit P.Neville any day of the week(see his attempted challenge on Rui Costa before the 2nd goal)

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Phil Neville really is hated. When I was watching the Croatia game at the pub, people booed as soon as Phil came on.

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I think it's because in 99/2000 Keegan picked him for England in the Left Back role and then when Cole came on the scene we'd hoped to never see him in the squad again, after about a year though Eriksson put him back in the squad and people weren't happy.

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That just plain sucked.


I can't believe England have such bad luck with panalties. The referee was a blonde goatee bitch that robbed us. Granted Portugal played better but who fucking cares!? England should be in the Semi-Finals. Why oh why did Eriksson not bring on Dyer or Cole when we were 1-0 up, to put some spark back in the side? He sat back and we got punished.


I honestly believed England would meet France in the final on some kind of revenge mission but the ref has fucked that up.


That has pretty much killed my interest for the tournament. Maybe I'll keep an eye on the Czechs, but otherwise I couldn't give a shit anymore.


And whoever that poster was that wanted to see more of Helder Postiga is a cunt.




(not actually hate you, but damn you anyway).




My England tournament scores:


David James - Didn't provide the best of confidence for the defence, was not assertive enough at set-pieces but was not a complete mess: 6.


G. Neville - Gave everything in defence and when allowed forward was a threat: 8.


Sol Campbell - The best defender in the tournament bar none. Should have flown home with a Championship Medal: 10.


John Terry - Absolutely solid at the back in open play and a threat at corners. However should have been more reliable defending set pieces: 7.5.


Ashley Cole - Proved he can defend. Wasn't given as much time to go forward as we would of liked and gave away a couple of silly free-kicks: 7.5.


Ledley King - For the France game and his bit against Croatia, he was simply unflappable: 8.


David Beckham - Never got going, two costly penalty misses and no goals. Usual threat with his corners and free-kicks, but almost nothing in open play. Should have done better being back with Gary Neville: 4.


Steven Gerrard - Came in and out of games, niggling fouls but driving when forward. Should have been better: 6.


Frank Lampard - 3 goals, good going forward and in the tackle, but like Gerrard tended to disappear sometimes: 8.


Paul Scholes - Broke his drought and confidence returned but often looked tired. Should not have been asked to play on the left hand side. Again dodgy tackling showed itself: 7.


Michael Owen - Got better and better as the tournament progressed. Finally got his goal but got poor to no service from Beckham. Basis of a good partnership with Rooney: 7.5.


Wayne Rooney - What I can say that hasn't been said already? The injury was just pure bad luck: 10.


Darius Vassell: Again like Owen, the service just wasn't there. Looked dangerous at times but mostly ineffective: 6.


Emile Heskey: One appearance, one costly mistake: 1 (just for winning one or two headers against France).


Owen Hargreaves - Sometimes looked useful, other times looks lost: 5.


Phillip Neville: Didn't put a foot wrong, but was often the wrong sub when a more attacking minded player would have done better: 5.


Kieron Dyer - Not enough time to impress: 5.

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What surprised me was the fact that Phil Neville won his 50th England cap tonight. He's played for England FIFTY TIMES! He's not a bad player, but he's far far away from international 50 cap class. Guess its the ManYoo bias.


I'll probably watch the rest of the games, but I don't know who to support now. Anyone but France I guess.

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I have a suspicion that the Czech's will win it. Even Karol Poborsky has looked great for them. They're the team to beat now- 100% record thus far.

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Any positives from the tournament besides rooney?


I for one feel that the debate of who to play at left back should be over, Cole and Campbell look comfortable playing together and Cole has more pace than Bridge(he's in a similar situation to what Nigel Winterburn was 10 years ago, he stuck behind a Great left Back)


Gary Neville has actually won me over at this tournament and considering he had Beckham in front he coped great.


I'm really worried about Beckham, he can cross a ball well but so can Gerrard so picking Beckham based on his set pieces is stupid and without that desire he showed before he left manchester he's not worth his place.


Edit: Agreed on the Czech prediction, they seem capable of playing at a higher standard than anyone else.Baros and Poborsky look quality so far.

Edited by deancoles411

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Guest CurryMan

I feel bad for England it was a exciting game and no team really deserved to loose it. England can´t win on penaltys that is just the story. Wonder who is going to be the next nationalcoach because I doubt that Sven can stay when the newspapers start there thing.


Who do you think will be the next manager for England if Sven leaves/gets kicked?

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Yeah, I think Cole, G Neville and Campbell were pretty good. Beckham needs to go away and get his head together and his fitness back. I think the Rooney/Owen partnership could continue to develop and become really deadly.


Roll on the world cup qualifiers! Remember how great our group is-






Northern Ireland



First match 4th September away to Austria.

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The trouble is, if we want Arsene Wenger for example and he was interested he'd want the £5 Million a year Sven is on and would rightly feel he'd deserve more as he's proved himself over here.


I say give Curbishley the job and put one of the young english coaches(Allardyce if he'd accept) as assisant ready to replace Curbishley in the future.


Edit: Now i've been reminded of the World Cup Qualifier group i see no reason why Erikkson/His replacement shouldn't qualify as group Winners.

Edited by deancoles411

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Guest CurryMan

They should win there qualifying group pretty easy but don´t underestimate Poland they have a decent squad that could make an upset and the derby against Wales could be more difficult then thought.

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Well one advantage (yeah right) of going out is that we (Liverpool) can now sort out this whole Ste Gerrard saga. I'm telling you this; if Steven joins Chelsea he won't even be able to show his face around here. And if he does join them he's a fucking sell out. Sadly, it looks like he's already made his mind up.

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Man, that was heart-wrenching. Poor Darius.


And to think...if the coin-toss went differently and Portugal went first, it's likely they would have missed the first one because of the penalty spot. Trouble is, once Becks took it, they couldn't change ends. If he's noticed before he took it...who knows.


Oh well. I'm sure Postiga will get a 'welcome' return next season. *wink wink*.

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