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The next World Champion (Raw)

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From the house shows I've read, Kane vs. Benoit is a damn good match. If they make Lita evil and pair her up with Kane, it would be an interesting combo. They could then go after Benoit. I wouldn't mind Kane being the champ. It would be interesting to see to say the least. Whatever you do though, don't put him against Jericho. It's been proven in the past... that's a trainwreck.

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Guest PowerPB13

I hate to go the "anyone but Triple H" route, especially since HHH's in-ring work has improved in recent months, but it's the truth. They NEED to break the "HHH-someone-HHH-someone-HHH-someone" cycle of the World Title's lineage, otherwise it'll still have that stigma of being The HHH Title.


Yes, I'm kinda rooting for Kane at Bad Blood...after all, Kane has good history at a) June PPVs and b) PPVs named Bad(d) Blood... :)



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Guest Trivia247

who doesn't want to see Benoit Crossface an EVVVILLL Lita.. Get her back for teasing poor ol Dean Malenko in late 2000


Benoit: I'll get her for you Deano

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If they make Lita evil and pair her up with Kane, it would be an interesting combo.


Nah, there's enough women heels as it is. And Lita's awful at acting, so I don't think it'd be realistic for her to act evil.


Anyways, I want a heel Edge to win. Time to change it up boys; make him a heel again. He can be cocky like he was back in the E&C era, but not as goofy or valley-girl blond. And the story is built right in! Also, the feuds would be good: Edge vs. Benoit, Edge vs. Jericho, Edge vs. Micheals, even Edge vs. Benjamin.

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Has Kane had a good PPV match in a year now? He's been off the mark on the big shows, possibly cause of a conflict of styles but that's no excuse since no one matches his style.

Forget PPV, how about on regular TV? The last match of his that I'd call good was against Angle on SD about 2 years ago. Throw in a decent one against Jericho around the same time, and that's ~2 years since he's had any good matches.

That's because for most of that time he's either been being depushed or it too busy squashing people with his new gimmick to actually work a credible match.

Or, it's because he's not a very good wrestler. Generic big man offense, awful top rope "clothesline", and bad punches. His mic skills & acting have been very good, but in the ring he's just boring.

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What I think, HHH beating Benoit at Survivor Series to regain the belt.


I like the Jericho beating him as a face idea though, because even if HHH inserted himself back into the title picture, if he beat Jericho down the road they could set up another HHH-Benoit program based on "I've made you tap, but you never beat me for the title."

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
Has Kane had a good PPV match in a year now? He's been off the mark on the big shows, possibly cause of a conflict of styles but that's no excuse since no one matches his style.

Forget PPV, how about on regular TV? The last match of his that I'd call good was against Angle on SD about 2 years ago. Throw in a decent one against Jericho around the same time, and that's ~2 years since he's had any good matches.

That's because for most of that time he's either been being depushed or it too busy squashing people with his new gimmick to actually work a credible match.

Or, it's because he's not a very good wrestler. Generic big man offense, awful top rope "clothesline", and bad punches. His mic skills & acting have been very good, but in the ring he's just boring.

True that he's no technical genius, but he can still hold himself and be carried to a damn good match (I'm primarily thinking of him/Benoit here).

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Guest Coffey

Not really. He had a good feud with Jericho. He has Trish on one arm and his "bodyguard" Tyson Tomko on the other. Just have all three be used to beat Benoit. Trish provides the distraction to the referee, then Tyson hits the das.boot™ on Benoit and it knocks him into the Unprettier. One-two-three...huge upset.


So what if Christian is small? He should be rewarded for good work. He has great facial expressions, and he can work. He's good on the mic, and most importantly, he's heel. That means that no one would have to turn alignment. Then the history of Edge & Christian could be played up for when Edge finally gets a shot at the World Title, and it wouldn't be totally unbelievable for Edge to win the belt with the Spear if he beat Christian...maybe after Trish & Tomko were banned from ringside.


Christian with the title could also pull Jericho back up to the main event by default since he beat Christian in the cage. If Jericho is just next in line for the title, someone would have to turn alignment or we'd have a face vs. face match...and it would leave Christian rotting in the midcard, even though he has his own stable now. I think Christian at the top would be the best way to go.


Then, when Edge wins the title, Triple H can get his feud with Edge for the belt and everyone will be happy. Edge, Christian & Jericho will all have been main eventers, and everyone should be happy.

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Guest Goodear

So what if Christian is small? He should be rewarded for good work. He has great facial expressions, and he can work. He's good on the mic, and most importantly, he's heel.


Christian's problem isn't that he's small... its that he's not that great and he's small. The guy is basically the second coming of Jeff Jarrett with even less signature offense. Sure he can bump and do the little things, but not so many people are going to beleive that he can beat anyone up physically which is simply something a heel needs to have nowadays. Christain simply screams midcarder and isn't suited to be a main event player much less a World Champion. He'd be a perpetual underdog against main eventers and beating him wouldn't give anyone a boost either. Its a lose, lose proposition.

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Guest Anglesault

Don't you think that's a bit of a jump from where he is now?

Christian's at Edge/Shelton/Batista/Orton level.


He's also a dick uppercard heel with a badass bodyguard and a bitch girlfriend that can help him beat Benoit if need be.

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Guest TigerDriver91

A badass bodyguard that botched the only move he's used so far.

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Guest Coffey
A badass bodyguard that botched the only move he's used so far.


Well, he was in dress shoes, so at least he has an excuse. Besides, he's intimidating, at least physically. It could be worse, WWE could try to throw him into a PPV match too soon like they did with Nathan Jones.


He's also a dick uppercard heel with a badass bodyguard and a bitch girlfriend that can help him beat Benoit if need be.


Anglesault basically said what I said. He can have help to win the matches. That's something that no one else can really do unless someone runs down the ramp mid-match.


Christian could be like a main event Honky Tonk Man, or even Ric Flair. You always expect him to lose the belt, but he just keeps winning. Usually because of cheating. Hell, if he just up and left during a title match in this day and age, that would get a TON of heat. Especially if it was the last match on a PPV. He gets beat up, then just leaves. It would make gimmick matches, like cage matches, mean a lot more because Christian wouldn't be able to run away.


Christian's problem isn't that he's small... its that he's not that great and he's small.


There's nothing wrong with Christian. The "little things" as you put it, are what seperate the good from great. Christian is already "good" AND he does the "little things." Where's that leave Christian? At least give him a shot. He deserves it.

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Guest Anglesault
He's also a dick uppercard heel with a badass bodyguard and a bitch girlfriend that can help him beat Benoit if need be.


Anglesault basically said what I said. He can have help to win the matches. That's something that no one else can really do unless someone runs down the ramp mid-match.


Christian could be like a main event Honky Tonk Man, or even Ric Flair. You always expect him to lose the belt, but he just keeps winning. Usually because of cheating. Hell, if he just up and left during a title match in this day and age, that would get a TON of heat. Especially if it was the last match on a PPV. He gets beat up, then just leaves. It would make gimmick matches, like cage matches, mean a lot more because Christian wouldn't be able to run away.

And can you immagine the heat when someone is finally smart enough to figure out a way to neutralize Trish and Tomko?


Christian is down and the Ref is out, and Tyson jumps up on the ring apron and is about to smash Jericho with the belt, when Y2J Insurance policy Chris Benoit shows up just in time and catches Tomko in the Crossface just before he hit him.


Trish sees this and grabs the belt, but the other half of the insurance policy, newly face turned Jazz runs in and locks Trish in the STF. By this time, Christian is up, swings at Jericho with the belt, Chris ducks and locks in the Walls. Awesome visual.

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Guest Goodear

There's nothing wrong with Christian. The "little things" as you put it, are what seperate the good from great. Christian is already "good" AND he does the "little things." Where's that leave Christian? At least give him a shot. He deserves it.


There's plenty wrong with Christian. He doesn't have that second notch of agression even when in the middle of a feud. He doesn't have an offense that looks even half decent. He's lazy when it comes to psychology by depending almost exclusively on chinlocks despite prior injuries on the opponents. Several of the people you mentioned as being on his level have either gotten there in a quarter of the time (Orton, Batisita, Shelton) or where above that level but got hurt. This feud with Jericho was Christian's chance to show that he could take a program and make it mean something, but he just kept wrestling his normal match.

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I'm w/ Goodear on this one.


Christian is miles away in terms of the in-ring skills nescessary to carry a World Title Match and he isn't established enough to make a World Title Feud interesting. I think that if he showed more depth in his matches (like at Mania against Jericho) then maybe it could work but his current character is viewed as an annoying little bitch, not a potentially dangerous heel title contender.

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Guest Coffey
There's nothing wrong with Christian. The "little things" as you put it, are what seperate the good from great. Christian is already "good" AND he does the "little things." Where's that leave Christian? At least give him a shot. He deserves it.


There's plenty wrong with Christian.  He doesn't have that second notch of agression even when in the middle of a feud.  He doesn't have an offense that looks even half decent.  He's lazy when it comes to psychology by depending almost exclusively on chinlocks despite prior injuries on the opponents.  Several of the people you mentioned as being on his level have either gotten there in a quarter of the time (Orton, Batisita, Shelton) or where above that level but got hurt.  This feud with Jericho was Christian's chance to show that he could take a program and make it mean something, but he just kept wrestling his normal match.

I didn't mention any of those people, Anglesault did. Christian works "WWE style," thus all the headlocks. His offense is fine. He has good moves. The Unprettier is a good finisher. His variations of reverse DDTs are fine. He can bump well. He can talk. He can garner heat. Doesn't have that second notch of aggression? I don't even know what the fuck that means! Lazy when it comes to psychology? His matches make sense to me.


Christian is miles away in terms of the in-ring skills nescessary to carry a World Title Match and he isn't established enough to make a World Title Feud interesting. I think that if he showed more depth in his matches (like at Mania against Jericho) then maybe it could work but his current character is viewed as an annoying little bitch, not a potentially dangerous heel title contender.


If Christian is miles away in the wrestling department, then why have people like Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, The Ultimate Warrior, etc. held the top belt? He isn't established enough to make a title feud interesting? Well, the writers should be accountable for some of that. Look what they've done with Eddie & Benoit. They were basically midcarders until WWE said otherwise. They could do the same with Christian.


Maybe if Christian was out of the limbo that is the WWE midcard, he'd have more passion and desire. He'd get his drive back. He'd have a reason to show more depth in his matches.


Christian being viewed as "an annoying little bitch" is exactly why I think it would work. Anyone who cheats and has outside protection should be potentially dangerous.

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Guest Anglesault
There's nothing wrong with Christian. The "little things" as you put it, are what seperate the good from great. Christian is already "good" AND he does the "little things." Where's that leave Christian? At least give him a shot. He deserves it.


There's plenty wrong with Christian. He doesn't have that second notch of agression even when in the middle of a feud. He doesn't have an offense that looks even half decent. He's lazy when it comes to psychology by depending almost exclusively on chinlocks despite prior injuries on the opponents. Several of the people you mentioned as being on his level have either gotten there in a quarter of the time (Orton, Batisita, Shelton) or where above that level but got hurt.

Honestly, and this isn't my usual Orton bashing, but how is that any different than Orton working the three minute loose ass leg scissors into matches while having offense and a finisher that target the head, neck and back?

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Guest TigerDriver91
No, Benoit will he champ until SummerSlam when he jobs to HHH.

My first chance to attend SummerSlam and we will have to sit through HHH winning the title again. No surprise.

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Hey, I've always been a Christian fan since back in the E&C days, but I can see that there's no way he should be in a main event right now. The thing about the Jericho feud is that it's a lot like the Edge feud was. It had a good storyline with good heat, and Christian got a win here and there, but everyone knew that in the end, he wouldn't win the feud because he's not a credible top-caliber heel. He needs to win a feud with someone like Shelton Benjamin before he can even think about challenging for a World Title.

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Guest Anglesault
The thing about the Jericho feud is that it's a lot like the Edge feud was. It had a good storyline with good heat, and Christian got a win here and there, but everyone knew that in the end, he wouldn't win the feud because he's not a credible top-caliber heel.

I've been wondering for a couple of years what would have become of Christian if they didn't destroy everything he had going with that Edge feud.

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Guest Goodear

Doesn't have that second notch of aggression? I don't even know what the fuck that means!


The second notch of aggression refers to taking a match against rival and making it seem as though you really, really want to beat the guy down. For instance, when Benoit would face Sullivan in WCW, they would ratchet up the intensity a whole bunch more than usual. Jericho and Christian despite being blood enemies at that point still seemed to be working the same way they would against Spike Dudley or something. There was no difference in their attitudes when there really needed to be one.


Lazy when it comes to psychology? His matches make sense to me.


For instance, leading into the Jericho fued, Chris had a kayfabed knee injury. I don't remember Christian going after it once (although I haven't seen WMXX yet) despite it being right there for him to use in order to garner heat. Instead, lots of choking and such... which is what Christian does to everyone.


If Christian is miles away in the wrestling department, then why have people like Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, The Ultimate Warrior, etc. held the top belt?


Because as I attempted to explain, he's small and not so good. Bigger guys typically have a larger form of aura about them that helps them draw attention and seem more important than they are. Christian (even with Trish and Tomko) still doesn't have that sort of feel about him. Coupling that with an acceptable but not great amount of wrestling skill makes it much harder to make him a World Title level competitor.


He isn't established enough to make a title feud interesting? Well, the writers should be accountable for some of that. Look what they've done with Eddie & Benoit. They were basically midcarders until WWE said otherwise. They could do the same with Christian.


Eddie and Benoit are about twice the wrestlers Christian is and have far more developed and well rounded characters than 'arrogant jerk #3042'.


Maybe if Christian was out of the limbo that is the WWE midcard, he'd have more passion and desire. He'd get his drive back. He'd have a reason to show more depth in his matches.


He's got a feud with perpetually over Chris Jericho, a group of lackeys, and suitable microphone time compared to everyone on the roster. It's his job to show us something given all that to make us think that he can do somethings on his own. The fact that he's wrestled the exact same way for years now (since the E & C as goofs era began) doesn't lead me to believe that a World Title program would spark him to rapidly improve.

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Probably the exact same place he is today, AS. If they intended to push him to the moon, they would have by now I think.


Anyways, even if Christian would to become a main event heel and a world title threat, he'd *have* to actually win a upper card feud. A win against someone like Shawn Micheals would suffice.

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Guest Goodear
Honestly, and this isn't my usual Orton bashing, but how is that any different than Orton working the three minute loose ass leg scissors into matches while having offense and a finisher that target the head, neck and back?

As I recall, the leg scissors came out against RVD and was an attempt to take away the five star splash. Granted that I don't have a photographic memory or anything, so Orton probably did the scissors to other guys too. Anyway though, Orton has a far better track record of going after injuries and the like even just taking Edge into the equation (even though Edge won't long-term sell) and the arm work Orton adds to the matches. I've never seen Christian do anything other than choke and chinlock.

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Guest Anglesault
Lazy when it comes to psychology? His matches make sense to me.


For instance, leading into the Jericho fued, Chris had a kayfabed knee injury. I don't remember Christian going after it once (although I haven't seen WMXX yet) despite it being right there for him to use in order to garner heat.

Texas Clover Leaf.

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The only chance Christian would have to get a title shot would be if he jumped to Smackdown. And I only say that because if they gave Bradshaw and Hardcore Holly title shots, it would only be a short amount of time until they gave it to Christian. As I see it now, Billy Gunn's in line next.

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Guest ManKinnd
There's nothing wrong with Christian. The "little things" as you put it, are what seperate the good from great. Christian is already "good" AND he does the "little things." Where's that leave Christian? At least give him a shot. He deserves it.


There's plenty wrong with Christian.  He doesn't have that second notch of agression even when in the middle of a feud.  He doesn't have an offense that looks even half decent.  He's lazy when it comes to psychology by depending almost exclusively on chinlocks despite prior injuries on the opponents.  Several of the people you mentioned as being on his level have either gotten there in a quarter of the time (Orton, Batisita, Shelton) or where above that level but got hurt.

Honestly, and this isn't my usual Orton bashing, but how is that any different than Orton working the three minute loose ass leg scissors into matches while having offense and a finisher that target the head, neck and back?

Oh lord, what did he do that? Once? Christian hits the "chinlock of doom" every damn match. The time spent in restholds each match for him is ridiculous.

Christian has been, as said before, given all the elements he needs to shine, but hasn't. His matches are never more than "good" and he never really looks like a superstar out there, just a guy wrestling.


As for Benoit/Kane, I saw it at a house show, and it was all pedestrian til they hit the last 5 minutes and did their scripted near-falls and big signature moves. Don't expect anything special.

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