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Guest gearhead

Charlie Haas is ready for the BIG push

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Guest gearhead

Charlie Haas is ready!. With the lack of top heel talent on SmackDown!, WWE needs to build a new star right now, to be used with the big face names like Undertaker, Eddie, Cena, RVD and others. JBL is being pushed right, and The Book is working well up there, but they can only be passed around for so long before people start getting bored. This means that a new man is needed, and no one is better for the job than Charlie Haas. If you disagree, look at the 4 categories that need to be filled by a top-star. Matt skills, mic Skills/Charisma, overness, and how much the promotion actually needs them in the upper-card. If someone can fill all those criteria, then it would be foolish not to use them.



Matt Skills

Bar Eddie Guerrero and John Cena, Charlie could well be the best pure-wrestler on the SmackDown! roster. He wasn’t overly impressive in his first few months in WWE, but he’s came a long way since then, and has really come into his own as of late. I thought he was in line for a big singles push when Shelton was traded over to Raw, especially after he was a contender in the ‘great American award’ that put him in line for a WWE title shot, but he’s been paired with Rico, again in the Tag ranks, and even though I do like the pairing, and have a good laugh every time they’re on, I think WWE shouldn’t have places Charlie there in the first place. There’s a lot of other guys like Haas that could have taken up the spot with Rico, and made it just as entertaining. WWE could have used Orlando Jordan, another amateur wrestler and a former professional boxer, he’s as straight-shooting as they come and needs a role on SmackDown! right now. Then there are guys like Hardcore Holly. A take no bull-shit, stiff as they come, southern hard ass, imagine him being paired with Rico! There were other men to make up a team with Rico, Charlie has been successful with him so far, that’s undeniable, but Charlie was needed higher up on the card.



Mic Skills/ Charisma

If this angle with Rico has shown anything, its that Charlie Haas has charisma, and a lot of it. Too often people confuse high levels of charisma with a persons gimmick. Take Hulk Hogan for example. His gimmick allowed him to go over the top, and really get the fans involved. He could cut charismatic promos because his gimmick allowed him. Now look at someone like Chris Benoit. People say he has no charisma, but when you compare him to Hogan, how the hell could he?? Do you really think Benoit’s straight-talking wrestler gimmick would work if he was shouting ‘What’cha gonna brother!!’ And saying ‘drink your milk and say your prayers’?. Of course it wouldn’t!. Same goes for Haas. In this angle with Rico, he been allowed to open up more which has shown up a new charismatic side of his character. He not prancing around like Rico or anything, but his strong homophobic behaviour has been a laugh to watch, and it one of the reasons the team is as over as they are. As far as carrying a promo goes, I have no complaints. He hasn’t been given tons of time on the mic during his WWE run, but what he has done has been good thus far. WWE should allow him more time to talk, because every young wrestler needs time to build there promo skills and the only way to do that is by cutting them as often as your allowed.



Ability to get over

Was Charlie over a heel? Hell yeah he was. Just look at the WWE.com results in the great American award. Charlie came bottom of the list, below men like JBL. The fans hated Haas back then, but now, he’s an over face, and it happened almost over night. If Charlie can do that, then he’s well cut-out for the mainevent scene. Do I think he should be WWE champion? Definitely not yet. He hasn’t been in WWE long enough, and hasn’t fully paid his dues, but what’s wrong with him being used with the bigger stars? He’s obviously cut-out for it wrestling wise, and will only improve in all areas, by working with established talent and getting used to the upper-cards. That’s brings me onto the final point.



How needed is he?

Its no secret that SmackDown! is lacking heels at the minute. With the “retirement” of Kurt Angle and the surgery of Big Show, the only heels that SmackDown! have to work the upper-card is Booker-T and John Bradshaw-Layfield. That means SmackDown! have 2 heels to be passed around in angles with the faces. 2 just isn’t enough. WWE could turn Cena back to heel, but he’s too over for them right now as he is. The only solution is to promote someone up the roster. So who do SmackDown! have that could work it? Rene Dupree’s one name that will come up. But at 20 years old, is he ready for the big picture? He’s a good talent and an over heel, but he would burn out to quickly if pushed to the sky, he’s also needed in the U.S. ranks, so he would be ruled out. Mark Jindrak? He’s not ready, age wise and ring-wise. He needs to be build up more, and used in the U.S. title division before being pushed to the main event. That really only leaves some dead-wood like Billy Gunn and Hardcore Holly, and they aren’t going to get over as maineventers no matter how much WWE try. Charlie is really the only realistic option. He’s young, he’s over, and he’s got the mat skills needed to work with the big stars. If he was used in an angle as being Kurt Angles Protégé, I could see him getting over as a big star very quickly. The storyline is there to be put into play by WWE, they just haven’t seen what is right under they’re noses.

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Matt Skills

Bar Eddie Guerrero and John Cena, Charlie could well be the best pure-wrestler on the SmackDown! roster.

John Cena?

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Matt Skills

Bar Eddie Guerrero and John Cena, Charlie could well be the best pure-wrestler on the SmackDown! roster.

Wuh? John Cena, mat skills, and pure wrestler should never be mentioned in the same sentence. John Cena would be low on the list of guys w/ mat skills.


Haas should be getting a mid-card push, but I wouldn't be pushing him into the ME scene. He should definitely get a US Title reign before the year is out, though.

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Guest Goodear

Aside from that mind boggling statement though (although I guess you could say that from a WWE 'sports entertainment' perspective), I think gearhead is pretty much spot on from point-to-point regarding the possible elevation of Haas. I think the Rico pairing has the opportunity to break out a bit more if the story actually had some more movement besides Haas just getting used to Rico after a while. It seems like they've slipped a little too much into a routine that could really be broken up into a number of directions that would make them more interesting. But beyond that, I think it would not take a whole lot of work to get Haas ready to move up to US Title level and believably take down Cena in order to solidify him as a upper midcarder heel.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

John Cena's damn entertaining, but he's no pure mat wrestler.


I believe that Haas is ready for the big push too. But Shelton Benjamin was always the one with the more charisma, and I think that the fans won't recept to him as well as Benjamin, and won't accept him as a top contender. But ability-wise, he's damn ready. Charisma? I'm sure that he could whip it out.

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John Cena can actually be a good wrestler from time to time, but he hasn't been since becoming Vanilla Ice 2004. I'd have to agree that Haas is the only real heavyweight that has breakout potential

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
John Cena can actually be a good wrestler from time to time, but he hasn't been since becoming Vanilla Ice 2004. I'd have to agree that Haas is the only real heavyweight that has breakout potential

Yeah, because every match since then bar PPV has been upper-hand, loses it, gains it, trademark moves, F-U, 1-2-3.

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John Cena can actually be a good wrestler from time to time, but he hasn't been since becoming Vanilla Ice 2004. I'd have to agree that Haas is the only real heavyweight that has breakout potential

Yeah, before the ice came along he was just plain vanilla.

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Cena's just like most everyone else from OVW. Great until they get on TV. There have been some who've grown, he's just not one of them. Yet.

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Guest Goodear

Cena's grown but he's done so in a purely sports entertainment way where he's built spots more along the reaction that they get rather than the actual meaning of them. He's a lot more fan friendly now than he was when he first came up and its helped his popularity by doing so.

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Guest TheArchiteck

LoL...Its funny how most of the posts ignored everything else you typed except that John Cena/Mat skills thing.







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LoL...Its funny how most of the posts ignored everything else you typed except that John Cena/Mat skills thing.







That's usually how it goes on this board. Just hope you never misspell any important words in the sbject lines of a post because you can't change that, and you'll never hear the end of it.

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LoL...Its funny how most of the posts ignored everything else you typed except that John Cena/Mat skills thing.








Well, the rest of his post did lose all of its credibility with that comment.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Wow, the topic went from Haas to Cena pretty damn quickly.


Cena has an awesome gimmick, ability and is way over because of it. Haas could've had all of that.

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Wow, the topic went from Haas to Cena pretty damn quickly.


Cena has an awesome gimmick, ability and is way over because of it. Haas could've had all of that.

Cena had an awesome gimmick when he was a heel, but now all his raps consist of are boring lyrics and a reference to the ultra-annoying catchphrase known as "Choke on DEEEEEEZ!" by throwing a bag of nuts at heels just to make the marks in the crowd laugh.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
Wow, the topic went from Haas to Cena pretty damn quickly.


Cena has an awesome gimmick, ability and is way over because of it. Haas could've had all of that.

Cena had an awesome gimmick when he was a heel, but now all his raps consist of are boring lyrics and a reference to the ultra-annoying catchphrase known as "Choke on DEEEEEEZ!" by throwing a bag of nuts at heels just to make the marks in the crowd laugh.

Holy shit, you're right. I can't believe that slipped my mind.


Still, the gimmick is awesome - the face changes just aren't. But as if they're going to target 2% of their fans rather than 98%.


That could be interesting...

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Cena's a decent wrestler, but to even put him in the same sentence as Eddie G. is insulting...He's INCREDIBLY charismatic, just like Eddy, but as far as wrestling, nah. I'll give you this - Cena is one of the TOUGHEST individuals out there. I can't BELIEVE he returned so quickly from the Royal Rumble injury, but that doesn't make him a great WRESTLER. He's got some very cool moves, but as far as mat wrestling, he's not overly impressive.

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The Haas of Pain fucking owns, he has to start using it again. I'd be very surprised if they had nothing planned for him whilst giving Shelton such a big push at the same time, we'll see where he's at in 6 months.

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Interesting Note: The true "Haas of Pain" move is actually the Brock Lock. He won his tag match w/ it in a dark match when SD came to T.O in Oct '02 (where me and Rudo marked out like bitches for Angle/Benoit vs Los G's). I only remember that because the move was fucking sick and it popped the crowd pretty big for a dark match. Not to mention that when Team Angle debuted and murdered Benoit he made Benoit tap to it and Tazz called it The Haas of Pain. They totally didn't capitalize on the fact that Haas made Benoit tap.


The current Hass of Pain resembles The Laso From El Paso.

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Guest NiTR0

Charlie Haas IMO should be getting the push Rene Dupree is getting. Charlie Haas could get good matches out of John Cena. Rene/Cena had a decent match on Sunday, but nothing to re-watch or shout about.

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Guest Duncan Eternia

I would love to see Haas get pushed. Weren;t they considering having Jackie leave Rico for him?

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
I would love to see Haas get pushed. Weren;t they considering having Jackie leave Rico for him?

That could actually make for some entertaining television, and while it would be so cliched to have the one-on-one match between Haas and Rico, it could get both over as singles stars and/or make for a good match.

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Guest Korgath

Am I the only one who actually hoped against hope that Haas and Rico would become a more permanent tag-team? While I have no doubt that Haas is more than capable of becoming the next big thing on Smackdown!, the truth is I really enjoyed each title defence that Rico and Haas had.


The chemistry between the two is amazing and Haas was really good in his homophobic role. If there's any big push Haas should be getting, in my opinion, it's as a tag team champion. Hey, it worked like crazy for Los Guerreros.

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Guest NiTR0

I'm hoping the Haas/Rico tag team will result in a feud between the two, and a switch for Miss Jackie would be nice. Charlie is a better heel than he is a face. His style, and his facial expressions just fit the role of a heel perfectly. Rico is relatively over, but after the feud between the two, I'd move Haas onto Rob Van Dam or even John Cena.

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