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MikeSC's Website?

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Guest MikeSC
Yes Mike, you and Mr. "Murmuring Beast" can hug me.

I don't want to know your pet names for any parts of your anatomy. There is no need to share such personal information.


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Guest MikeSC
I understand the first stage is denial, but you have to move past that eventually. Perhaps you should move on to anger.

Now, Kylie, I recognize intelligent thought is as foreign a concept for you as the touch of a woman --- but try and think a little. Just because you have a deep problem with your usage of two screen names and the potential for the development of a split personality does not mean that all posters use multiple SN's.


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I don't like MikeSC because he called me stupid in connection with something related to 1996 WCW midcarder Roadblock.

And I don't like you because you're an idiot.


In a well-written essay, explain how.

You wouldn't understand it, as I don't have the desire to create some USA Today-style pie graphs.


I do.



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Guest MikeSC
I don't like MikeSC because he called me stupid in connection with something related to 1996 WCW midcarder Roadblock.

And I don't like you because you're an idiot.


In a well-written essay, explain how.

You wouldn't understand it, as I don't have the desire to create some USA Today-style pie graphs.


I do.



Wow, truly a sad commentary.


I mean, you spent time making that? Ouch. That's as sad as Kylie going under his other SN in a weak attempt at parodying me.

Is deflection a phase?

Nope, probably not. But your denial is pretty darned strong.


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I suppose since Anglesault "reformed", someone had to take the mantle of "worst established poster"


Good job MikeSC, I've never seen anyone turn "No, you suck!"-type posts into such an art form... granted, it's along the same line of art as that guy who submerges crucifixes in jugs of urine, but dammit, it's still art.

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Good job MikeSC, I've never seen anyone turn "No, you suck!"-type posts into such an art form... granted, it's along the same line of art as that guy who submerges crucifixes in jugs of urine, but dammit, it's still art.

Hey, that is art thank you very much.

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Good job MikeSC, I've never seen anyone turn "No, you suck!"-type posts into such an art form

Then obviously you need to get out more, you welfare-loving fool.


... granted, it's along the same line of art as that guy who submerges crucifixes in jugs of urine, but dammit, it's still art.


Well if anybody would know about crucifixes and urine, it would be you, because you piss Jesus off, you whiny Yankee liberal.



(who is NOT a whiny Yankee liberal)

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Guest FrigidSoul

I say MrRant loses his posting privaleges for 24hrs because he started this mess. He should also be forced to watch Jesus Christ Superstar and Easy Rider so he never does this again.

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Mike, stop denying it. We still wub you.

Projecting your issues upon others is not a sign of strength.


Do you need a hug?


Someone said this to you in another thread as a flame, you stated how entirely stupid it was, and now you're turning around....and....using it....as a flame?


The real issue here is that you're a douchebag. I think we can all agree on that.

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Guest Cerebus

I declare myself in mental debt to Czech Republic for that pie chart. :lol:

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Guest MikeSC
Mike, stop denying it. We still wub you.

Projecting your issues upon others is not a sign of strength.


Do you need a hug?


Someone said this to you in another thread as a flame, you stated how entirely stupid it was, and now you're turning around....and....using it....as a flame?


The real issue here is that you're a douchebag. I think we can all agree on that.

I suppose if anybody can fully comprehend being a douchebag, JSYK, you would be that somebody.

This topic sure did get hot once Mike's second name was revealed.

Wow, you might need therapy for your overriding denial here.


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Guest MikeSC
Man, here I was hoping I could get away from CE over here, and Mike is trollin' ALREADY.



"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in..."

Yup, I'm the one trollin'. Of course, I didn't, you know, START this thread.


But, hey, I suppose possessing an IQ hovering above room temperature is trolling in these parts...

The trolling will end once Mike comes clean. Until then, the good citizenry of TSM will demand honesty from our most upstanding poster.

I come clean. I think you're an idiot. I feel better with such a weight off of my shoulders. I tried to deny it --- but the truth had to come out. Kudos to you.


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Guest MikeSC
Telling me what I am is not a confession of guilt, Mr. SC.

The fact that I held in what you were was a confession of guilt to me. I need to be more open with my expressions of disdain for you.


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