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Guest godofdeadlydeath


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For anyone in the same boat I'm in...where you don't actually have a local Fox Sports station but do have Fox Sports Atlantic, Central and Pacific..


Impact is scheduled to air next friday at 4pm on Fox Sports Pacific.


Those channels are so weird with how they choose programming (some days one will have the Best Damn Sports show on...other days none of them will...) I'd imagine there will be weeks that the show will be carried...and others where it will not.

That is the previous week replay. You didn't mention it so I thought I would say that.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

I'm in NYC, and on FSN over here, Impact will be shown at 2:30 on Tuesdays. Bastards, I don't get home till about 3:45.


Will replays be shown at some part during the week ?

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Guest JacK

Is there plans for anyone to review this show for the site? Cause, being an Aussie and all . . . can't quite see it myself :(.


I wish they would get it though, I mean one hour; it's not much, they show a lotta crap all over the place on PayTV, it couldn't be that expensive. I'm sure more people would watch it late at night than some of the other crap they have on. Oh well :(


But yeah, anyone planning to do reviews for the site?

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For what its worth, I hope they dont have the six sided ring on the ppvs, at least for now. The ppvs will need to be much more streamlined though, as even though they have been strong as of late, the shows format has been very stale and predictable. They'll need to change that up now, and in due time, maybe do the six sided ring. Impact should stand out a tad for now in that respect.


Overall it was a very well done show. TNA has become much more of a good show on the ppvs in the last few months too, and last weeks main event (while it sounded fucked up on paper) turned out very good as well.


Opener and main event did just what they should have done.....showcased a true alternative to WWE. There has never been a WWE CW match before with that kind of action from either match. Styles back in the X division is a great idea as well, since he was NWA champ, probably will be again down the road (or better yet, maybe X division and world champ at the same time?), but for now needs a new angle on things and this is just right. Feuding with Jarrett has run its course as well as even chasing again for that title. If guys like Daniels, Lo-Ki, etc can make a solid return to the X division as well, its going to be a really strong facet of TNA once again.


Tag title picture is also much stronger now with AMW leading the pack again, and I would assume that brings out more challengers out of the woodwork in the weeks and months to come. Harris unfortunately just couldnt cut the mustard in the ME scene in my opinion and this is a deserved step down but two steps up for him and Storm.


As far as the world title, its a toss up what the future holds there but I like that Killings is going to clearly be kept as a main event world title contender. Also with Konnan rumored to be leaving soon, I would assume 3LK becomes more of a past thought and Killings as a singles star is more the focal point.


It's still a toss up on who Jarrett will or should feud with as a top program for the title. I'm wondering if they have visions of bringing in Savage for real this time, since his ex valet showed up last Weds (and for what reason they havent explained yet). I still think they should maybe consider Hogan, and right now would be the best time to do so. Otherwise, I would jump the gun and turn Raven back babyface, and have him feud with Jarrett NOW.


Anyway I kind of got ahead of myself....the show itself was hella impressive and certainly was better than I expected going into it. The production was top notch, they paced out the show well, everything had purpose (wondering if they are going to have Rhodes v. Jarrett next week), and most importantly they did things that made them stand out as something different than WWE.

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Since I haven't been able to get online all weekend, here goes...


I liked it. I enjoyed the Jeff Jarrett promo, though, but that's because I'm a slight mark for JJ


Oh boy, are you in for it


Well this was my first Indy show I've ever seen, period


I'm so sorry.


As for the show, I had to watch it fuzzy as I left my #1 VCR on and my #2 VCR was taping it (#1 VCR's timer doesn't work). Great show. I love the lighting as it helps give it a professional feel as compared to their PPV's, which are too dark. The matches were great, and I was impressed with how the crowd got into it. God bless them. Impact had all the urgency that Smackdown lacks, and I hope they get people interested because of it. It felt like people were excited to be there, and that the workers were glad to give them what they wanted to see.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Production Values - Very good, and pretty close to the WWE. The show didn't look second-rate, and the innovations of the info bar, time limits, and six sided ring differentiate this product more than anything in the ring itself did.


In the Ring - Solid, but unspectacular for the new fan. A wrestling fan wwill dig it, but someone new to the sport won't see the appeal.


Promos and Build up - Mediocre. Jarrett/3 Live Krew won't make casual fans tune in.


Crowd and venue - The obvious plants (first two rows) and the paper fans (everyone else) hurt a lot.


Good to see AJ Styles in action.

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Guest Donners
I'm wondering if they have visions of bringing in Savage for real this time, since his ex valet showed up last Weds (and for what reason they havent explained yet).

I was under the impression that they had a fairly bad break-up IRL and didn't like each other at all.

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Has Don West always been this annoying? I thought Tenay was great throughout the show, however that Don West guy just seemed so forced and unnatural in his delivery, I did not care for him at all.

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Don West sounded as if he was just rambling for no reason at all. He should never be allowed as a commentator ever again. Where the hell did they dig this guy up from anyways?

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Don West sounded as if he was just rambling for no reason at all. He should never be allowed as a commentator ever again. Where the hell did they dig this guy up from anyways?

Home Shopping Network. That's right, they got him from the Home Shopping Network. You can tell sometimes, too, as it sounds like he's selling some of the matches instead of enjoying them.

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Gotta say that Impact is by far, better than any of the crap that Smackdown has to offer. I don't understand why people are saying that it's no different than watching Velocity? I mean the crowd looks a lot more involved, the announcers are a step ahead. Hell, even the squash matches are better! Hexagonal ring is a definate improvement, even though, hosses will probably be stumbling around that ring for the first couple of weeks. The info bar, or the Fox Box Graphics as Tenay calls them were definately reassuring. I think the only flaw that I thought was a flaw was that it had a cheesy feel to it, kinda like WCW Saturday Night did when that was around. BTW, did anyone notice when the Dream was cutting his promo that after he went on about the extreme ways, that someone in the crowd bellowed out the "WHAT!?" chant? I cracked up...

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Is there plans for anyone to review this show for the site? Cause, being an Aussie and all . . . can't quite see it myself :(.

I may try to this friday, JUST FOR YOU!

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Shit, it looks like my contact with Direct TV won't be avaliable tommorow, and since I'm in the DC area, Impact won't air this week...pre-empted at 4 am, I'm just speechless. Damnit, Im sure someone out there knows some place that will have the show avaliable for download shortly after and if someone could point me in that direction, I'd appreciate it.

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