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Guest cobainwasmurdered

TSM Draft: Day 1 Summary

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

The Smart Marks Sports Update





Your Hosts this evening are...The Mysterious One and...The Fallen Angel.


TMO: Welcome. This is the coverage for Day One of the TSM Poster Draft. As some of you may know I had planned to retire to the Bahama's with CWM's hot girlfriend. However, this chance was too good to pass up and I brought my good friend The Fallen Angel with me.


TFA: *nods* Bitches.


TMO: Indeed. Let's get this going. After a poll to determine who recieved the first choice, Kotzenjunge won and picked...



First Choice overall (Team Kotz): David Schwimmer

Posting Aliases: Incadenza, Squirtle!, Whiskers, Eyeball Kid, The Ghost of Kurt Cobain, numerous others.

Member Number and Join Date: #1984, 30 april 2002

Notable Threads: The Establishment

The Real TSM


TMO: Inc's strengths are numerous. He's a long time poster who's famous for always having a quip or a pic ready to humilate a poster.


TFA: I like his randomness and how he makes fucked up threads. You never know what a guy like that's going to do.


TMO: True but sometimes those threads backfire...witness the Real TSM.


TFA: Ugh..I'd rather not.


TMO: Overall I'd say Inc was a damn good choice for #1 He's got a huge upside and if Kotz can keep his randomness somewhat under control then the possibilites are endless.


TFA: The Number 2 pick was:




Second Choice Overall (Team Malibu): Canadian Chick

Posting Aliases: None

Member Number and Join Date: #2053 25 May 2002

Notable Threads:....None


TFA: Frankly I think Malibu has no idea what he's doing. This is a Hardcore Discussion not Fashion Weekly.


TMO: I too am wondering what he's smoking. CC is a somewhat capable poster but she's never been much of a flamer.


TFA: She does have one strength though...


TMO: What's that?


TFA: No one wants to make a girl cry.


TMO: True. and she is a mod...that counts for something.


TFA: Frankly she has baggage. Alot of people still don't thinks he should have been made a mod, she's a bland poster who gets slobbered over because she's of the 1% of female posters on TSM.


TMO: Let's move on before we get angry calls from TSA.


TFA: Dumb cow.


TMO...Anyway. Number 3 Overall...


Number 3 Overall (Team FrigidSoul):Agent Of Oblivion

Poster Aliases: None Known.

Member Number and Join Date: #2411, August 1 2002

Notable Threads: The Omega Poster, New Name for Man 1,004?


TFA: Brilliant. AoO has numerous strengths. First off, as a mod he can edit sigs, avatars, names, anything. And he's done so before. He's got a talent for showing up with the perfect slam that doesn't leave much wriggle room.


TMO: Indeed, AoO has the skill to be the breakout star of this draft. The only problem I can see for him is if he's busy doing mod work he won't be able to dedicate his time to the draft.


TFA: It's TSM we have 30 mods. I think he'll be fine. AoO's my kind of guy.


TMO: With that we take you to our 4th overall pick...



Fourth Overall (Team Kotz): JustSoYouKnow

Posting Aliases: None Known.

Member Number and Join Date: #2078, 3-June 02

Notable Threads: Extreme Fireball


TFA: This kid's been in a lot of board cliques and that's either going to be a big help or the big knock on him.


TMO: Indeed. On one hand he has lots of knowledge on how the more "famous" members act but he's also got something of a reputation as a "Minion" primarly for Banky and CWM.


TFA: I think the kid's good enough to overcome this but it's going to take a tough skin and a quick wit.


TMO: As long as he keeps his temper I think he'll survive. Look for him to be a counter to Banky.


TFA: The fifth choice overall was...




Fifth Overall (Team Malibu): Memoirs of Chevy

Posting Aliases: Banky, Fletch, Ingram Paladin, too many to list.

Member Number and Join Date: #110, 1-February 02

Notable Threads: Bankywood, Intercepted PM, UGS Bitches, Listen Up


TMO: What can you say about Banky? He's a legend at TSM. He's probably the poster most identified with Hardcore Discussion and deservingly. He's been around forever and he's been in on numerous "witch hunts", he's unpredictable as all hell, and not even his friends can trust him. He's the rattlesnake of TSM.


TFA: That's very true. If this was a year ago, I'd say Banky could carry any team to victory. But this isn't a year ago...


TMO: Very true. Alot of Banky's detractors have been pointing out that he's been stale and predictable for awhile now. Also the very fact that you can't trust him is a a big downside for his teammates. You never know if Banky might decide to turn on everyone and go solo here.


TFA: Zack had the right idea here but I hope he knows what he's in for. Hopefully Banky will keep things together until this is all over.


TMO: The sixth pick overall is...



sixth overall (Team FirgidSoul): Alfdogg

Posting Aliases: HHHrules, David Akeroyd's Biggest Fan

Member Number and Join Date: #1502, 27-February 02

Notable Threads: All Deleted in the purges It seems...


TMO: Now this is an intersting pick. Alfdogg isn't so much of a flamer as someone who's ready with a punchline.


TFA: Don't forget his edited pics. Those can be riot.


TMO: Indeed, Alf's a funny guy there's no doubt about it. He's a good counter to CWM, Malibu, and any other OAOASTer's due to his long history with them.


TFA: On the otherhand he's not on as much as other posters that have been selected, and if he gets outnumbered there's not alot he can do.


TFA: Alright moving on, The seventh overall pick is...



Seventh Overall (Team Kotz): IDRM

Posting Aliases: None

Member Number and Join Date: #2150, 21-June 02

Notable Threads: COCK SHOTS!,


TMO: IDRM is going to be Team Kotz's go to guy. IDRM is one of the more prominent members of Hardcore Disscussion and is always valuable in a war of words.


TFA: IDRM has a huge upside and not alot of downside. It's hard to think of a knock against him. The only thing being that he doesn't care enough to get heavily involved...and that's often a good quality.


TMO: Ha, very true, The 8th pick...



Eigth overall (Team Malibu): Ripper

Posting Aliases: None.

Member Number and Join Date: # 635, 12-February 02

Notable Threads:Doesn't really start threads.


TFA: Ripper...well he's a good guy. Not much of a flamer. Zack's going to need to pick up some real flamers soon because the Rippers of TSM won't get it done.


TMO: Exactly, Ripper's a cool guy but the only time you see him do any flaming is when he sees someone being racist or something like that. Malibu's picking his friends and it's going to cost him.


TFA: Ninth overall is a favorite of mine...



Ninth Overall (Team Frigid): Red Hot Tumbtack In the Eye.

Posting Aliases: None.

Member Number and Join Date: #62, 1-February 02

Notable Threads:CWM Too Serious


TMO: What can you say about Thumbtack? A long time WWE poster he made the switch to HD and never looked back. He's really come into his own in recent months and teamed with Frigid and the Metal heads of Team Frigid he should make for some fun moments.


TFA: Thumbtack will be a surprise hit. I'll bet you anything that he scores some surprising wins in this thing.


TMO: Tenth Overall is someone I've had my fair share of interactions with...



Tenth Overall (Team Kotz): Cobainwasmurdered

Posting Aliases: Tim Moysey Is A God Amongst Men, X Killer Maybe Gona Hit Em Up, many others

Member Number and Join Date: #572, 11-February 02

Notable Threads: Gnomes~, OAOAST, 1,000,000 reasons


TFA: CWM was the first poster to ever enter the Hall of Fame. He's persistent, and does research.


TMO: Very true but he also has lots of baggage. He's made enemies because he takes the board too seriously.


TFA: True but CWM is a master at getting people riled up. Look for him to be feuding with Angleplex, Alfdogg, Popick, Caboose, and especially Banky.


TMO: Indeed. Those two former friends will most likely target each other...all for our amusement.


TFA: We can only hope. The 11th overall pick was...





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Guest cobainwasmurdered

TFA: We can only hope. The 11th overall pick was...



Eleventh overall (Team Malibu): Vitamin X

Posting Aliases: None Known.

Member Number and Join Date: #1656, 19-March 02

Notable Threads: None as of press time.


TMO: Not much to say here. He's done nothing notable to my knowledge...hell I'd never even heard of him before today.


TFA: Indeed, this as quite the dark horse pick for Malibu especially when there were numerous other choices out there that might have been a bigger help in winning this thing.


TMO: 12th overall was...


Twelth overall (Team Frigid): Nevermortal

Posting Aliases: None Known.

Member Number and Join Date: #293, 3-February 02

Notable Threads:The Idea that started it all...


TFA: Nevermortal along with AoO and Thumbtack are the Metel Trio and they're going to be a big threat if they get rolling.


TMO: This was excellent. FS had excellent long term planning here. He knew these three work well together and he got them all. NM is actually the man who sarcastically suggested a brand extension which caused CWM to come up with this.


TFA: 13th Overall...



thirteenth overall (Team Kotz): Slayer

Posting Aliases: None Known.

Member number and Join Date: #4136, 27-September 03

Notable Threads:Justify, "Fuck You"


TMO: Slayer's another persistant poster. He keeps coming and he's got a wide range of pics and insults. Look for him to target Team Sault alot.


TFA: Slayer has a good upside but he's gotta be caregul not to get too carried away. Silly is good but not when it gets out of hand.


TMO: 14th overall...



fourteenth overall (Team Malibu): FrozenBlockOfPiss

Posting Aliases: ABOBO, Chave IV.

Member Number and Join Date: #3576, 16-May 03

Notable Threads:CWM Revealed


TFA: Everyone loves Piss. He's a great guy, and funny as hell.


TMO: Yeah but Malibu made a mistake here.


TFA: How so?


TMO: My insider sources have it that Piss will be out of town come this weekend...meaning he won't be in action for all of the draft...bad news for Team Malibu.


TFA: Indeed. 15th Overall...



Fifteenth Overall (Team Frigid): Angle-Plex

Posting Aliases: TFA

Member Number and Join Date: #1766, 28-March 02

Notable Threads: Agnes Attacks CWM


TMO: Ah Agnes. Agnes is famous for his Popick Bashing, His worked feud with CWM, and for being the biggest running joke on the entire board.


TFA: I kinda like him...


TMO: The guy's goofy as all hell and isn't afraid to mix it up with his friends. Look for him and CWM to go after each other.


TFA: Indeed. Agnes just needs to be careful not to open himself up for any of the 1,000 inside jokes about him.


TMO: Last but not least Number 16...



Sixteenth Overall (Team Kotz):Treble Charged

Posting Aliases: Gheyme...honest, Polkaroo

Member Number and Join Date: #141, 1-February 02

Notable Threads: Who...Needs...To...Stop...Posting...


TFA: Treble's a good choice...if he posts.


TMO: Indeed. He rarely posts in HD nowadays but when he does it's always classic. His feud with Anglesault is legendary amongst the old timers here.


TFA: I've got a feeling Treble's got plenty of tricks left up his sleeves.




TMO: Well that's the first 16 picks of the draft. It's been an exciting day.


TFA: For sure, Team Frigid and Team Kotz are neck in neck in my opinion with Team Malibu a distant third.


TMO: I agree, but you should never count Malibu out. There's some good picks left out there. Who do you think's going first tomorrow TFA? I'm going with Caboose.


TFA: Shadow Soverign. He's young and he's bloodthirsty. He'll be the rookie of the year.


TMO: Alright folks. We'll see you tomorrow.




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Guest Agent of Oblivion
he's busy doing mod work


You've gotta be shitting me.


TMO: My insider sources have it that Piss will be out of town come this weekend...meaning he won't be in action for all of the draft...bad news for Team Malibu.


Oh yeah, I'm going on vacation for ten days starting on thursday. So you guys will have to just embarass yourselves without me. I might come back sometime late next week.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

we had to come up with something. it's not our fault you have no weakness's

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I'll be a non-factor unless this shit is still going after a week.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

who knows?


I just know I just spent hours doing this for no real good reason.


Someone better get some pleasure outta it or i'm going to explode.

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who knows?


I just know I just spent hours doing this for no real good reason.


Someone better get some pleasure outta it or i'm going to explode.

I came first

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I actually do have a alias. You all just don't know it.



Ripper - A better pick than any of you know.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered



Was this worth me (with help from Plex) doing?


I'm not doing one for day 2 if no one liked this.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

here is a poster here who deserves to be banned for the sheer fact that it will be a mercy killing. That poster is CWM. The alcoholic loser that is David Akeroyd is a shell of his former self. He has openly admitted to me that he has wanted to leave for quite a while, so you are actually doing him a favor.


He has been just plain awful since quitting drinking. We all know he'll fall off the wagaon eventually but we can't wait that long. The man is pathetic. Today he whined about a family friend dying, obviousy to get sympathy from the rest of the board. Big deal. The person probably shot themself so they wouldn't have to deal with him anymore. I've spent hours listening to him and whine about his life and let me tell you...I wanted to shoot myself too.


Ban him. You will be doing this board and David himself a great service.





That post is my favorite one ever. It's By Plex but I actually wrote it.


We may not have convinced the board we hated each other but we had fun coming up with shit too say.

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Guest FrigidSoul

The picture chosen for Vitamin X was great. I too enjoyed the thread.

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Guest MikeSC
I actually do have a alias.  You all just don't know it. 



I knew it!


You know, I'm trying to keep my multiple personalities to a low profile.


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Guest Vitamin X
The picture chosen for Vitamin X was great. I too enjoyed the thread.

It's good when I'm able to laugh at my own expense.


Good recap, c-dub.

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None of the picks are very surprising. I want a suprise draft pick. Personally I'm sick of sitting here without a jersey or a hat on.

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