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Art Sandusky

The One and Only Bad Blood PPV Thread

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Guest wrestlingbs

You know, if you'd asked me two weeks ago if I thought Bad Blood was going to be average at best, I would have said no. But now I'm not surprised. While it wasn't the lack of talent or big matches that diminished BB, it was that nobody seemed to put in the effort (at least from what I have read). The bookers, the wrestlers, even the announcers. Maybe Vengeance will be better.

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***1/2 for Kane/Benoit?! The hell are you on?

Hey, I said I have to watch it again but from the restaurant it was a good match. Keller gave it ***3/4 so I can't be that far off. Then again he gave the never ending snoozefest ****1/4 so maybe he's not the best parameter to judge by! ;)

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Guest wrestlingbs

One guy at WO said in a different arena it would have been PPV of the year.




I'm sorry but even if you discount WM Backlash sounded better than this.

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I haven't seen a Kane match that good for a LONG time.

And considering how painfully average it was, espically for a WORLD TITLE MATCH, then that is really a fine indication of how fucking terrible Kane is.



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Benoit/Kane was one of Kane's best matches in a long time. It would have looked even better had it followed the HIAC snoozefest.

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Here's Meltzer's brief thoughts:


WWE Bad Blood match-by-match coverage




[email protected]


We're looking for your thoughts on tonight's show, so you can leave a thumbs up, thumbs down or thumbs in the middle along with a best and worst match to [email protected]


Maven vs. Batista is the Heat match starting soon. Poor Mr. Huffman. Not a great start. No heat and a bad short match of course won by Batista. No Evolution members at ringside with him.


La Resistance vs. Benoit & Edge opens things up on PPV. Benoit & Edge won via DQ as Benoit had Greiner in the crossface when Kane interfered. Kane left Benoit laying after a choke slam and whipped his back into the steps. Kane also choke slammed Edge. Minor Benoit and Edge teases as far as Edge almost spearing Benoit but holding up, but nothing close to a turn. Crowd is tough tonight.


Eugene heard Uncle Eric say he didn't like him, but Eric tried to say he was protecting him from injury.


Jericho vs. Tomko is up next. Jericho won a short match after an enzuigiri after Tomko collided with Stratus. Average match.


Orton vs. Benjamin looks to be up next. They did a major Orton push, with a long promo, Benjamin coming out and they did the match "earlier than scheduled." Orton won on a roll through from a crossbody holding the tights after Benjamin had gotten several near falls. I was surprised by this one. Match was good, but I think they'd have wanted a better match out of these two in this spot.


Bischoff booted Matt Hardy out of the arena so he wouldn't interfere in the Benoit-Kane match. Like Matt is going to run down and get killed the 53rd straight time.


Women's four-way is next. Stratus won the title when Lita gave Kim a DDT right on her head, but Stratus came from behind her with a schoolgirl. With the tough crowd and disappointing matches, this has been a weak show so far.


Eugene vs. Coachman is next. They clearly spent more time putting this match together than everything so far. A collection of comedy spots, which got over to a point but not overwhelmingly. Overall, it was awful. Eugene won with a rock bottom and people's elbow, then gave Cade (who came out) and Coach bad looking stunners. This involved two hot blonds, one who brought out a stuffed animal and another in a bikini with a plate of cookies. Coach looked bad. He came off the ropes twice and nearly fell through twice.


Benoit vs. Kane is next and they had better have a good match. They worked a great finishing sequence, with Kane sitting up after Benoit's german suplex series and diving head-BUTT. He also twice broke the crossface, but Benoit won with a version of a Oklahoma side roll. Not the level of most Benoit big show matches, but easily the best thing on the show so far.


It's pretty clear from a storyline standpoint, they didn't want anything to detract from the main event, or they have no ideas. They've got time for a LONG match, but you had to figure that.


This was one very interesting match to judge. In a different arena, I think this would have been considered an all-time classic because of the selling. But for the most part, what they were selling, the live audience wasn't buying and it dragged a lot and felt like it went way too long while it was going on. The crowd was so dead, and they went 47:23. Except for a few late kick outs and a spot where Michaels came off a ladder with an elbow drop through the table, crowd wasn't much into it. Both guys were selling like they were dead when the match was over. Finish saw both guys do their finishers, but collapse before covering and the late covers resulted in a kick out. Finally, HHH hit a second pedigree and slowly turned over, and I mean slowly, and got the pin. Evolution carried HHH out. Shawn was dead in the ring. Jim Ross was trying to sell it as a classic and as the final match of the feud, acting like it was the climax of one of the greatest feuds in company history. There was a lot of blood, as HHH bled early, and bled bigger late, while Michaels hit the gusher, and sliced his triceps. They used chairs, a table and a ladder as props, but thankfully no sledge hammer. Michaels got polite applause when he got up, but nothing intense.

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Guest Rrrsh
There are varying circumstances around this card that makes it drastically diffrent than WM X8.

Such as?

Triple H isn't fighting for the title in the main event. That's for Summerslam.


Yeah, only the fact that Bad Blood is a "throwaway" can justify how the most hyped match on the card gets placed at the main event without a title on the line, but the most hyped match on the biggest PPV of the year gets shoved to number two because a blatantly obvious championship job to the same guy who believes the title is all that matters is so much better. The hypocrisy boggles my mind.


But at least the Lakers lost, so I'm not all that mad I missed what at best I'm hearing is a mediocre show.

Rock-Hogan was NOT the most built match. Taker-Flair was.

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And considering how painfully average it was, espically for a WORLD TITLE MATCH, then that is really a fine indication of how fucking terrible Kane is.




I never said he was the greatest...except for the miracle match against Albert.

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The main event was laughable the moment it became obvious they were just trying to cram as much shit into the match as they could, despite having the cell around them to work with. The cell itself barely figured into the match, and all it did was take an announcer table spot from them and prevent any kind of run-in. All it added was a couple of times where they rubbed each others' faces into the chain-link.


It got REALLY funny when all the obscene overselling started. The final ten minutes seriously felt like an hour, with punches that looked like they were thrown by drunk guys and a series of near-falls that were terribly predictable and SLOW AS SHIT. I was yelling at the screen for HHH to just let his arm fucking drop. I mean, once you've gotten your arm up, gravity can drop it. It doesn't take effort. It was an attempt at manufactured drama, and it failed miserably. The Benoit/Kane match, even though we all knew the winner the moment such a matchup was announced, had more drama than this match, and it was naturally done through ringwork and telling a story besides the usual "they hate each other and will use every ounce blah blah blah."

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The song used for the HHH / HBK build-up video was "Back Up" by 12 Stones. Thanks, Aero.

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Guest Choken One

Just got back...


Quickie thoughts


Bad Blood was a complete disapointment (maybe ROH spoiled me last night).


The opener was ** for me with a cruddy finish...Jericho/Tomko smartly kept short gets ** for that, I missed the Orton.Benjamin match because I didn't know Orton was cutting a promo (hard to hear audio and i didn't have shot of screen) so i left and came back from getting food at the tail end of the match, no rating, told it was ok....But I heard the cheers Orton was getting, I'm telling you folks he really is becoming the next ROCK.


The woman's match wasn't something I paid attention to as I was mainly eating during it.


Eugene is OVER. He will headline WMXXI at this rate. Funny match with cute spots.


Benoit/Kane gets *** and likes it....Not very exciting.


HIAC was interesting to see live...gets **3/4 from me (and I'm sure that's the live factor)...


After watching the Match of the Year last night, WWE didn't stand a chance and I hate to say it but Columbus was a shitty crowd.

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There are varying circumstances around this card that makes it drastically diffrent than WM X8.

Such as?

Triple H isn't fighting for the title in the main event. That's for Summerslam.


Yeah, only the fact that Bad Blood is a "throwaway" can justify how the most hyped match on the card gets placed at the main event without a title on the line, but the most hyped match on the biggest PPV of the year gets shoved to number two because a blatantly obvious championship job to the same guy who believes the title is all that matters is so much better. The hypocrisy boggles my mind.


But at least the Lakers lost, so I'm not all that mad I missed what at best I'm hearing is a mediocre show.

Rock-Hogan was NOT the most built match. Taker-Flair was.

I said HYPED, not BUILT. People bought WM to see Rock-Hogan, much like people here paid to see HBK-HHH.

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Just got back...


Quickie thoughts


Bad Blood was a complete disapointment (maybe ROH spoiled me last night).


The opener was ** for me with a cruddy finish...Jericho/Tomko smartly kept short gets ** for that, I missed the Orton.Benjamin match because I didn't know Orton was cutting a promo (hard to hear audio and i didn't have shot of screen) so i left and came back from getting food at the tail end of the match, no rating, told it was ok....But I heard the cheers Orton was getting, I'm telling you folks he really is becoming the next ROCK.


The woman's match wasn't something I paid attention to as I was mainly eating during it.


Eugene is OVER. He will headline WMXXI at this rate. Funny match with cute spots.


Benoit/Kane gets *** and likes it....Not very exciting.


HIAC was interesting to see live...gets **3/4 from me (and I'm sure that's the live factor)...


After watching the Match of the Year last night, WWE didn't stand a chance and I hate to say it but Columbus was a shitty crowd.

Oh so that was you, I noticed you getting up before Orton/Benjamin, I thought it was some dislike of Orton.


I was the guy with the Pillman belt. Your friends seemed pretty cool.


You gonna be at RAW?

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Yeah, only the fact that Bad Blood is a "throwaway" can justify how the most hyped match on the card gets placed at the main event without a title on the line, but the most hyped match on the biggest PPV of the year gets shoved to number two because a blatantly obvious championship job to the same guy who believes the title is all that matters is so much better.  The hypocrisy boggles my mind.

Makes you wonder what the main event at Vengenance will be, if Edge and Benoit are having a World Heavyweight Title match, doesn't it?



What's more hypocritical:


-Triple H getting his Undisputed Title match put on last at WM X8, instead of Rock/Hogan, because the World title is so important?




-HBK getting Foley kicked out of the WMXV main event because WM title matches should always be one-on-one?

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Guest Choken One
Just got back...


Quickie thoughts


Bad Blood was a complete disapointment (maybe ROH spoiled me last night).


The opener was ** for me with a cruddy finish...Jericho/Tomko smartly kept short gets ** for that, I missed the Orton.Benjamin match because I didn't know Orton was cutting a promo (hard to hear audio and i didn't have shot of screen) so i left and came back from getting food at the tail end of the match, no rating, told it was ok....But I heard the cheers Orton was getting, I'm telling you folks he really is becoming the next ROCK.


The woman's match wasn't something I paid attention to as I was mainly eating during it. 


Eugene is OVER. He will headline WMXXI at this rate. Funny match with cute spots.


Benoit/Kane gets *** and likes it....Not very exciting.


HIAC was interesting to see live...gets **3/4 from me (and I'm sure that's the live factor)...


After watching the Match of the Year last night,  WWE didn't stand a chance and I hate to say it but Columbus was a shitty crowd.

Oh so that was you, I noticed you getting up before Orton/Benjamin, I thought it was some dislike of Orton.


I was the guy with the Pillman belt. Your friends seemed pretty cool.


You gonna be at RAW?

The dude with the long hair about 5 seats over? I noticed ya....



Hated...Hated...Hated...those seats.


No i won't attend Raw...ROH and Bad Blood was enough...

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The Columbus crowd wasn't great, but at the same time I wouldn't shit on them too much.


During that excrutiating 5 minute neck vice by Kane it was dead silent, but the crowd went absolutely apeshit when Benoit first attempted the sharpshooter.


The crowd was very pissed during the last 10 minutes or so of HIAC.


The best part of the night was my friend talking shit to the Hurricane backstage and then promptly tripping on the guard rail.

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Guest Choken One

Dayton should be a better crowd...Dayton is a better wrestling town then Columbus is.


I wish they did some good chants but they only insisted on chanting Popcorn Fart and that was about it.

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I was nodding off during the live showing and I just caught the replay...the show was disappointing considering what it could've been, but it wasn't bad. The main event bored me to tears during the first viewing, but after watching it the second time, I kinda liked it. I agree that they could've chopped off a good 10 minutes or so from the match, the ladder spot was completely unnecessary, and the pace could've been a little bit faster. I did get a laugh out of the commentary though. At one point, the crowd starts chanting "Holy shit", and JR says "these fans are chanting for Michaels." I dunno about y'all, but I found that funny as hell.


Other stuff...I was a little bit disappointed in Orton/Shelton, but like the ME, I enjoyed it a little more watching the replay. Also, they've gotta start teaching guys like Orton to ad-lib on the mic. He starts going off about the fans booing him when the crowd had been silent for like a minute. It got him heat, so it didn't come off looking too bad, but suppose the fans didn't boo...or if they gave him a standing ovation. That's just another reason I don't like scripted promos...and if they must script them, at least show him how to read the crowd a little better.


I liked the finish to Benoit/Kane, but that's about it. I just couldn't get into that one. I really don't see the point of stressing Benoit having to wrestle "two grueling matches" when Edge took the majority of the punishment in the tag match. And maybe I missed it, but did Benoit even try to sell Kane's post-tag match attack during the title match?


I actually liked Jericho/Tomko for some reason (low expectations probably), and the Women's match was alright. I liked Eugene/Coach for what it was, even though part of me wanted to see Coach win just to shake things up a little. The show was ok.

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Guest Choken One

Maybe it didn't come off on tv...But Orton wasn't getting heel heat because he was very OVER with the crowd.


Ohio just loves Evolution.


Batistia was sickingly over. Orton gets big pops. Flair is fucking flair. HHH got a big reaction and the crowd was all for him until the last 15 minutes when we just wanted to LEAVE. I don't know when the ppv cut off bu HBK tried to get a Benoit standing O but it seemed the crowd was just waiting and hoping for a "special" post show antics but it never came as the lights went up and it was over.

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Maybe it didn't come off on tv...But Orton wasn't getting heel heat because he was very OVER with the crowd.


Ohio just loves Evolution.


Batistia was sickingly over.  Orton gets big pops. Flair is fucking flair. HHH got a big reaction and the crowd was all for him until the last 15 minutes when we just wanted to LEAVE.  I don't know when the ppv cut off bu HBK tried to get a Benoit standing O but it seemed the crowd was just waiting and  hoping for a "special" post show antics but it never came as the lights went up and it was over.

I didn't see Heat, but yeah, you could hear a bunch of Orton chants during the I-C Title match.


And they showed the standing O thing too. That made me laugh too, because one minute, Shawn's lying there half dead on the canvas and the next, he's up shaking hands with the ref like everything's fine. At least that's how it came off to me. I dunno.

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I did like Columbus' love for heels. That was certainly interesting.

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Guest Choken One

Another thing...Because of the Impromptu set up of the IC Title match, we waz robbed of Orton's Bitching Entrance.


Another thing I don't get...They made us stand outside for 3 hours (5 for me, I got there too early for some reason)...Should have let us in at 6 and did a couple Dark Matches instead of wearing out the fans in the humidity.

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Guest DonVito

There was a lackluster reaction out of the crowd tonight.


I really enjoyed the Kane-Benoit match and the TripleH-HBK match.

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Guest Choken One

well don't blame us...Blame the lackuster product we got tonight.


still loads better then last years offering...although at least Nash/HHH had a direction(i think)...HBK/HHH was just mindless punching and "selling" aka laying down killing 20 minutes off the "epic" length.


I wonder where they go with Eugene Now...Clearly he is the most over performer in the company right now (yes, he has surprassed Benoit and Eddy and Cena's staleness has caused him to slip slightly)...Do they find another comedic foil or actually have a credible worker to play off of him...


Someone like Rhyno (who cares if he is still a face...no one knows that neways). I have a feelign Eugene will eventually move onto a thing with Randy Orton after the Benjamin series is over and just imagine what uber dick shithead heel actions Orton will do...that program would be fucking GOLD.


If Christian wasn't out...I'd SOOO have that matched pegged...I mean Heel trish taunting Eugene would be hilarious and sad at the same time and christian was always the MAN~! with insults.

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I get the feeling that they're probably gonna try and run a program between Eugene and HHH/Evolution sometime in the next few months just based on the fact that HHH is his favorite wrestler...maybe they'll try and use Eugene to get a face turn out of Trips.

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Guest Choken One

My god you are right...


I can just see Poor Eugene whom has never kissed a girl before falling for the evil trish and trish abusing him for fun...then The New Chick (alexis whatever) befriends Eugene and she truly feels for Eugene but Eugene, heartbroken over Trish refuses to see it and tells Alexis to stay away from him...then Trish and the CLB Clique gang up on her and Eugene saves her and Voila! The Big Kiss!


Regal, whom is trying to breed Eugene to be the best wrestler in the world doesn't like this and tries to seperate Eugene and Alexis but Eugene refuses but like all WWE Angles...Alexis does the sensless pointless turn and Eugene *snaps* and goes on a killing spree and the "special" ness wears off and he reverts to being Nick Dismore.

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