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Art Sandusky

The One and Only Bad Blood PPV Thread

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Eugene's gotta go against somebody who has enough name value on Raw to be considered a threat, but not too much wrestling ability, so as to let Eugene believably win. With all of Eugene's flashback classic stuff, I think he could work a really good program with Flair. That would allow him to climb the ranks of Evolution until he eventually gets a shot at Orton. I think Eugene would be much more interesting as IC champ then Benjamin would.

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Guest Choken One

Flair/Eugene would likely be the hottest match since Rock/Hogan...


Should they save it for "Flair Country" ?

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I agree with Meltzer that with a better crowd and 10 minutes taken off, it would have been considered a classic. I liked it most of it and loved the selling towards the end of the match. They really sold the fact that they wrestled for ~50 minutes. Again, a hotter crowd would have helped. Like someone else said, HHH winning was neccessary right now as they have to get him ready for winning title at SummerSlam, but feud-wise, Shawn just looks bad now.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
Here's one for you - with HHH disposing of HBK and the Benoit/Edge split not really happening as predicted, do folks think that HHH will move right back into the title picture now ?

Trips' movie is on hold (again), so he'll be here for a bit longer, but it looks like Edge/Benoit is in the cards for SummerSlam as well as Vengeance, so I don't know what'll keep him occupied.


Oh, of course.


"Eugeneuh, let me tell youuh, a little storyuh..."




"... So the moral of the story isuh, that Iuh am The Gameuh, and I amuh, thatuh, damnuh, gooduh! Which is whyuh, we will be getting the main event spotuh... at SummerSlamuh."


*Scrunches up face as if he's constipated and shakes head as though he's having a seizure*

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I think this will either lead to Edge getting demoted so HHH can get the title from Benoit or to HHH/HBK yet again.


But congrats to HHH/HBK for proving yet again that their good match was a fluke and burying half of Raw during the course of this feud. It takes real talent to do nothing with 47 minutes, reuse every spot from all your other matches and to make every Raw mid-carder look like an utter chump in the course of a month.


EDIT: Add in using the big gun gimmick match and then not using it at all. I think this might've been the final nail in the coffin for Hell In A Cell matches.

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Guest DKnez

yea I was live at the show too and HIAC was so boring and there was no way the crowd could get into it and I was waiting for it to end.

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I was really wondering if it was just me for the main event. I drifted away from it and got more interested in the Lakers-Pistons. I wanted to focus my attention on wrestling, but I found it to be such a snoozer that I couldn't get into it.


That ending sequence really did it in for me. The kick outs on the respective finishers was a good start, but there was way too much lying around between the final two botched pedigrees. If Shawn had given any indication that he could make another comeback maybe there would have been something. Instead it was just "get this over with" because it was obvious Trips was going over and they were just pouring more offence in to show the "brutality". The drama of the final pin was completely killed by how Trips did it. Gravity pulls down. If you're holding your arm in mid-air that means you still have strength, not that your completely worn out. It was a painfully long sequence made even worse by this non-sensical selling.

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Guest KingofHarts
. Again, a hotter crowd would have helped.


It's hard to get excited about a boring drawn out match! Eugene and the Coach saved the Badd Blood (God I never thought i'd Say that.)

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Don't blame the crowd for the match. Blame HBK and HHH for being boring and doing jack shit with 47 minutes.

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Hey all..


Got the chance to be in the arena for what turned out to be one of the most lackluster main events I’ve seen in a while. Heres what I noticed from inside the arena. I’ll skip the matches that nothing really happened in the Arena


La Rez vs. Beniot/Edge


Don't give us Ohio folk that much credit. After everyone made their entrance in the La Rez/Beniot, edge match, the fucking genius’s us Ohio folk are started chanting USA, USA, USA. I immediately screamed at the top of my lungs "THERE ALL FUCKING CANADIAN!"(I know Conway is American but I was trying to prove a point) Which quite to my surprised abruptly stopped the chant. It started again later and not even I could stop it, so I just started chanting for Conway so when somebody said something to me I could tell them what a fucking moron they where.


Chris Jericho vs. Tyson The Tool Tomko


During the Jericho/Tommy Tonka Truck Tomko match, the crowd was all about the king of bling bling. The crowd was pretty steady through the whole match. Half way through Mr. McMahon walked out from where J.R. and the king were sitting and made his way up to the production area. (Which resulted in a standing ovation for Vinny Mac)


Shelton Benjamin vs. Randy Orton


Ohio may not be exactly evolution country, but the most of the arena gave a standing ovation for Orton. The killer promo he delivered just before his match gave him some killer heat going into the match minus his whole slip on the ropes, and on the way to the ring somebody screamed at him that his "daddy was Roddy Pipers bitch”. Had it not been for the promo I seriously believe Shelton would not have got the pop he did. The crowd was pretty much behind Shelton during the match. However after the match everyone was standing and cheering for Orton. Promo reminded me the IC champ Rock. Kids going places


Eugene Dismore vs. Jonathon Coachman


Surprise, Surprise. Everyone pretty much marked out for Eugene/Coach. My friends and me did a coach chant and got some pretty fucking dirty looks. For being the comedy match, it pretty much did its job in entertaining the crowd. Eugene probably had the biggest pop of the night just by showing up.


My Buddy Chris Beniot vs. Kane

World Heavyweight Championship


As far as the world title match went everyone was pretty much hyped for the first 30 seconds. After watching Beniot trying to carry Kane's no-selling ass, crowd surprisingly turned on the match all together. Here's some things various people did to pass the time.



-Play with there cameras, cell phones

- Chant to following


Bring back Eugene

-Collect Fuzz balls from there belly buttons

- Wax the philosophical differences between cellophane and aluminum foil


When the high spots in the match happened the crowd was so excited to see something happen they went nuts. I think I was the only one that freaked out for the sharpshooter attempts. When Beniot hit the three-plex crowd went balls crazy. The flying head-BUTT was cool. Crowd popped for the choke slam as well. I think most of us were looking for the run-in from Hardy, or some explanation on why Kane got the shot minus, “it was his turn”. Overall I think most people where happy that the match was over, but nothing could prepare us for the clusterfuck that was about to take place.


Hunter Hearst Hemsley v.s. Michael Hickkenbottom

Hell In Cell:


Crowd went wild when the cell started to lower itself. Crowd went nuts when The Games music hit. Standing Ovation, which surprised the hell out of me. HBK got a surprisingly good response. After there entrances, this whole match went down hill. From the near two minute stair down people where hot over the fact that they didn’t do anything. (Although as they where doing all I could think about was how J.R. must be over in the corner talking about how five fucking years have all came down to this moment) the first half hour of the match blew and the crowd was pretty much pissed off about it. People where pissed that they pretty much use everything EXCEPT for the cell. Crowd favorite chant was “Use the cell” and “Bring back Foley” They could have easily made this match a ladder match and it would have been much better. I’m not saying it was a bad match, but in my opinion the hell in the cell is reserved for the shock value bumps. (Or maybe it was just the notion that either of these cats could get injured and I wouldn’t have to look at their stupid fucking faces in the main event for a while) Crowd was pretty much behind Shawn Michaels. Although when Hunter went for the steel step shot the crowd rallied behind The Cerebral Assassin. Shawn was looking around like “What the fuck? I’m suffering for your sins”. People where pretty much pissed that they sat through 45-minute match without the cell being utilized properly. Probably the worst HITC ever (I’m trying to remember if Hunter/Nash was that bad, but I blocked it from my memory)


Anyways not really sure how it came out on television, but I must say I was quite disappointed in the out come (then again I did pay a lot of money for that ticket) Overall I was ashamed to be apart of that dead ass lazy crowd. We could have made the matches a little better but everyone was a bunch lazy fucks Including the wrestlers. I can’t say I blame the crowd for turning on the double main events.


Would those of you who where at the show agree with that assesment?

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Guest wildpegasus

I liked the PPV last night. The women's match, Benoit/Kane and HHH/Michaels being my favourites.


Just some random thoughts


Benoit vs Kane had some real nice touches in it. Benoit working and working for the sharpshooter only for Kane to get out of it each time was nice. There was some nice thought in here. By the time Benoit gets it on it makes the pop grow louder for it. Some good counters of counters here with Kane getting the chokeslam out of the sharpshooter only for Benoit to kick him in his weakened leg to get out of it. The whole Kane is a monstor bit was played well throughout the whole match too as we never forgot how powerful Kane was. Benoit put him over tonight even in beating him. One thing I also liked about this was Kane's low punch being used efficiently here. It was a weakness for Benoit during the bout and when Kane goes for it as a solution to stop Benoit's german suplexes Benoit avoids it and proceeds to hit Kane with some more. Sometimes Benoit's opponents like to use the missed lariat transistion as any easy way to get into the german suplexes spot but here it's done well because Kane had such success with it previously in the bout that it makes sense he'd go for it once again since it's one of his biggest weapons. At the end there we have Benoit trying to get Kane down to the mat with his crossface but Kane is just too powerful. Benoit goes for the other arm hoping he can catch him off guard but it doesn't work so he rolls him up in an Oklahoma roll. This finish made sense, kept Kane strong and leaves a rematch open since Kane can now sooky about how he was never submitted. Notice the little touch Kane did at the end where he slaps his leg at the end of the match when Benoit's taking him down. He's saying and illustrating, "I'm powerful and doing all I can to get up but the combined forces of the weakened leg and Benoit's bodyweight won't allow me to get up." That was smart there by Kane to show that as it just said so much in such a short time. Benoit's previous leg work works to help keep Kane somewhat down at the end allowing Benoit to role him up in the first place.

Earlier in the match one thing I liked is how Kane countered out of the crossface by giving Benoit a snake eyes in the corner turnbuckle. If they have a rematch I think this sequence would be great to use towards the final stretch at the end of the match that is of course if Kane's legs aren't broken down. Or maybe a Benoit counter to the snake eyes. That'd be cool.


Oh yeah, and the Benoit interview after the match was great. It gave the match more of a sporting feel. That's something I'd like to see more of in the future.



HHH and Michaels kind of dragged on but I really dug the exaggerated boxer selling of them leaning up against each other. I think they got the message through that this was a physically exhausting encounter.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I won't bother starting a "star ratings" thread, because it usually ends up 7 pages long, with 6 pages of the same 3 people bitching.


HEAT: Maven vs. Batista: * It's the warm-up match, so it doesn't mean anything, but damn does Batista look awesome when manhandling people.


Benoit/Edge vs. La Rez: **. Having Edge play the F-I-P wasn't the best idea, considering the whole thing was meant to have Benoit fight a grueling match before his second match. Didin't like the finish THAT much, but really, if EITHER men jobbed clean again, it would hurt, so Kane destryoing Benoit was fine.


Jericho.Tomko: * Nothing match, but I'm shocked Jericho won with that pathetic enziguri.


Orton/Benjamin: *** REALLY awesome sequence at the end, with a good opening, but the middle portion was a bit too slow. I hate the cross body reversal though. Shocking moments as Orton got several chants while Benjamin was booed I think for attacking Flair.


Womens 4-Way: DUD Nothing notable except another shitty finish. Up to now I'm 0 for 4 in predictions.


Eugene/Coach: *1/2 VERY entertaining, but Eugene REALLY needs to switch up the move-set. The "Stunners" were hilarious, both because he did them, and the people who took them took them horribly.


Kane/Benoit: **3/4 Not as good as I expected, but it' KANE. The finish makes me believe they will either fight on RAW again, or maybe Vengeance, because Benoit really didn't beat Kane. He got lucky with ANOTHER ROLL UP FINISH.


HHH/HBK: **1/2 Dear GOD, Nearly an HOUR for this!? They couldn't give the World Title Match another 5-10 minutes? Because it looked like it needed it. Match just died in the last 10 minutes, and the best part of the match was some wiseass calling HBK a wimp whenever they came by.



Overall: Thumbs Down show, mainly because the match that was suppose to deliver sucked dick, and everything else was pretty much what I expected.


Still a LOT better than Judgment Day, except I hate to say it, but Bradshaw had a better match than HHH/HBK :(...

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Yeah, that wasn't like a "ok you punch men, I punch back" bit. They just hammered each other, and the crowd actually went nuts for it.


I forgot to mention it, but, WORST. CROWD. EVER. Why doesn't WWE learn not to hold shows in Columbus?

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Columbus is usually very hot for these shows but they had just had a very shitty SD show here 2 months ago.

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Guest Choken One

Columbus has never been a good crowd...


Dayton on the other hand is a fucking wrestling city...

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Yeah, that wasn't like a "ok you punch men, I punch back" bit. They just hammered each other, and the crowd actually went nuts for it.


I forgot to mention it, but, WORST. CROWD. EVER. Why doesn't WWE learn not to hold shows in Columbus?

King of the Ring 2002, Smackdown this past April with a Holly/Booker T 22 minute Main Event and last night. Once again show me a good card, and I think this crowd would be good.


At King of the Ring 2002 the Heat match was the Hardy Boyz v. Raven & Stevie Richards and the crowd went nuts, then the rest of that PPV was shit.


Can you honestly remember off the top of your head matches from KOTR 2002? When the best part was a promo with Booker/Goldust & Rock you have problems.


Benjamin/Orton and Eugene/Coach had pretty good responses and whenever Benoit was using sharp shooter/cross face the crowd was hot. And since about 5-6 other people were there, wouldn't you say the crowd turned on the HIAC match when HHH/HBK went about 90 seconds punching each other on their knees?


Oh well, my hometown WILL be rockin' tonight for Raw!

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I forgot to mention it, but, WORST. CROWD. EVER. Why doesn't WWE learn not to hold shows in Columbus?


Yeah maybe the crowd wasn't the best ever BUT what crowd has been as of late. Yeah if you pay to go to MSG you would probably go hardcore, and yes I agree, the audience down here doesn't compare to that "Great STATE up north" called Canada eh?

The point of the show is to entertain you. It is the job of the Employees of the WWE to invoke all the emotions that get those reactions. They are suppose to make me WANT to boo them, WANT to cheer them, want me to call them every name in the book.

As a "Smark" I understand what they are doing in that ring, and I respect every one of them performers for that. However I am willing to let myself suspend reality and journey into Kayfabe, as if i was reading a novel or watching a movie.

As a member of the audience, I did not feel INCLINED to react to the product. As somebody who payed $55 dollars to sit in that arena, I am not REQUIRED to scream constantly at the top of my lungs to BETTER the WWE product for those of you at home. If you feel that way then I will gladly let YOU purchase my ticket to the next WWE televised event in my area, and I will gladly work my best to make your WWE home veiwing experience the best it can be. Or perhaps you can write to Mr. Vince McMahon and have him insert a pre-canned crowd into your pay-per-view ala Laugh Track's on sitcoms.

Last night I did cheer as I outlined in my above post. Yes you are right the crowd was lazy which I outlined in my previous post. There where times I was ashamed that the crowd couldnt have put as maybe I felt they should have. But then I realize, it isn't there job now is it.

We may not have been the greatest crowd I will conciede. We probably don't even make top 50 crowds of all time. Don't blame the fans, or the venue or anybody else. Put the blame where the blame falls. The WWE...

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Am I going to be the only one to point out you didn't read the thread and see where I corrected myself within a few posts on the very first page?

Yes. Yes you are.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Am I going to be the only one to point out you didn't read the thread and see where I corrected myself within a few posts on the very first page?

It's not worth an argument of sarcasm...just because people are too lazy to click the first page doesn't mean it should start a war...

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