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Coffin Surfer

Losing matches.

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So, I went a little Hulk Hogan....



You don’t have to be at the Cities Center to feel the electricity in the air, this is the biggest wrestling promotion in the world, it’s a live pay per view spectacular, and the main event is coming up next. There are thousands of people in attendance, possibly millions watching at home, all awaiting the arrival of the World Champion, who in a few short moments will be engaged in combat with a walking nightmare who calls himself the Hell Machine. The hands of the gigantic grandfather clock above the locker room entrance are slowly creeping their way along at a steady pace, gradually making their way to the long awaited unlucky hour.


Comet: The 13th Hour is almost here! Fans and citizens, it’s a been a long night but still one match remains. The reason everyone is here tonight, the World Title bout between Danny Williams and Janus!


Riley: Unless of course you’re a Tom Flesher fan like myself, but I must admit watching Janus tear Danny limb from limb will be pretty entertaining as well.


Comet: Look, look, Funyon’s in the ring! I can’t believe it’s already here, Bobbo! This is it, the 13th!


Ceasing their chitter chatter, the fans get focused on the squared circle as the always classy ring announcer. After pausing for dramatic effect, Funyon breaks the tension with his booming voice.


“Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for the Main Even to of the evening!”


The Illinoisans make some big noise, welcoming the grand finale with open arms. All eyes look towards the clock as both it’s enormous hands come together under the number 13. Big Ben’s little brother begins to loudly chime, threatening to steal the hearing of everyone in the arena. Adding to the chaos, all the clocks lining the platform begin to go off at the same time, creating a eerie scenario one would usually find only in horror movies. Eventually, things quiet down and Funyon is free to continue the introductions.


“The following contest is scheduled for the SWF Heavyweight World Title, introducing first....”


Suddenly, the lights dim and the crowd get’s hostile. As if Godzilla is making his way to shore, a red alert alarm starts annoyingly buzzing through the Cities Center warning the fans of the approaching horror emerging from the locker room. A eerie church bell tolls for some reason and the following words appear on the smarktron....




Spotlights start to nervously search the arena while blue pyrotechnics spew from the entrance ramp. What does all this mean, absolutely nothing but Janus does finally make his appearance.

Wearing a huge flapping XXXXXLT trench coat, the Hell Machine creeps down the entrance ramp, putting out each pyro fountain he passes with his evil aura.


Funyon: Making his way down the aisle, weighing in at a staggering 360 pounds, hailing from Sydney Australia, he is the HELL MACHINE.....JANUS!!!


The week off has been kind to Janus and is limp is almost gone, the key word being almost. Removing his trench coat, the emotionless Hell Machine slides into the ring, joining millions of others in the wait for the Champion.


Riley: Not since the Thugg have we seen a big man dominate the fed like Janus has, in fact I can’t even remember the last time he lost.


Comet: Crow defeated him on the May 19, 2004 edition of Lockdown.


Riley: Neeeeerd! Anyway, when Janus isn’t getting DDTed through glass tables he’s unstoppable and unless Williams get’s his hands on one of those babies he can his kiss title goodbye.


Comet: The reigning ICTV Champion is pretty hard to keep down and it will be interesting to see how Williams goes about battling such a powerful opponent. The leg of course is a huge question mark which could prove to be a big liability to the challenger.


Riley: Yeah, thanks to that punk Alan Clark. He should be banned from the sport for what he did!


Fear Factory finally fades away only to be replaced by the driving bass of In Flames, “Jester’s Dance!” The familiar tune nearly incites a riot as tons of people mass near the guardrail, hoping to get a closer look at the now famous World Champion.


Funyon: And his opponent, weighing in at 245 pounds, hailing from Louisville Kentucky, he is the SWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION.........DANNY WILLIAMSsssssssssssssss!!!!!


Stepping out from behind the giant pendulum, Williams makes his long awaited appearance. The over excited fans nearly have a heart attack as their hero comes marching down the aisle, proudly sporting the most coveted title in the business around his wide waist. The front roll fans lining the aisle are so out of control that a couple of security guards have to accompany Danny on his march to ring.


Riley: Dead man walking folks, stepping into the ring with Janus is like walking to the gallows.


Comet: I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, this is the biggest challenge of citizen Williams’ career. If he can defeat the Hell Machine than he can finally legitimize his reign and establish himself as a worthy Champion.


Riley: If he doesn’t than this will be his third straight title reign to end without one successful defense. Not exactly a Tom Flesher if you ask me but than again, who is?


Comet: Indeed if citizen Williams ever wants to be taking seriously as a Champion again let alone be “the Man” of the SWF, he badly needs to win this match. Otherwise he could end up with a reputation as a three time loser who couldn’t cut it as a Champion.


Stepping into the ring, Williams unbuckles his title and despite the odds being stacked against him he hands it away without a second look as if he’s confident he will see it again. Reminding everyone what it’s all about, Soapdish raises the heavy belt over his head before handing it off to an outside official. Standing tall in his corner like a giant stone monument reaching into the heavens, Janus looks down at the Champion with fearsome red eyes. Refusing to be intimidated, the unflinching Champion stares back into the evil eyes of the beast before him. Sensing that the match is about to begin, the crowd heats up drastically.


Ding! Ding! Ding!


Never before has a crowd been so hot at the opening bell, it’s literally bedlam! Showing no fear, the Champion bravely marches to the center of the ring with his head held high, waiting for the challenger to join him. Seemingly devoid of any human emotion, Janus creeps out of his corner like something out of a terrifying nightmare, methodically approaching the waiting Champion. The camera flashes are constant, making the ring look more like a disco dance floor than the setting for an epic battle. As the Hell Machine draws closer, Williams gradually finds himself drenched in total blackness, buried beneath the looming shadow of the walking human sky scraper.


Comet: Janus is without question the largest active wrestler in the SWF, enjoying a full 15 inch height advantage over the reigning Champion.


Riley: He could wrestle Williams on his knees and it still wouldn’t be a fair fight.


Coming toe to toe with his towering opponent, Danny looks up, and up, and up, and up, and up until his eyes finally meet those of the Hell Machine. Snorting and sniffing like the T-Rex in Jurassic Park, the warm foul breath of Janus blows down on Danny like the winds of a hurricane. Even in the face of such adversity, Williams doesn’t let his fears consume him. Instead of getting scared, Danny get’s mad. With nostrils flaring and cheeks puffing, a snarling Danny Williams shoves Janus as hard as he can! But the Hell Machine is like a brick wall, moving for no one. Pushing back, Janus knocks the Champion off his feet!


Riley: One can only guess as to how strong Janus really is but one thing is for sure, nobody in this federation even comes close.


Comet: Williams isn’t a light weight himself, probably the strongest small heavyweight I’ve ever seen. And yet he and Janus aren’t even in the same galaxy as far as power is concerned.


Not letting Janus get away with pushing him down, Williams back rolls to his feet and charges. The crowd roars as Danny starts slamming his trademark elbow smashes upside Janus’ big head! The blows land clean and stiff yet the cold expression on the big man’s face never changes as if the elbows are having no effect. Suddenly, the Hell Machine grabs Danny by his hair and pulls him into a brain rattling headbutt! Briefly melting his icy demeanor, a faint smile appears on the face of Hell Machine.


Comet: I must admit that I thought that citizen Williams would stick and move but to my surprise he’s bravely taking the fight to the Hell Machine head on.


Riley: That is brave, stupid but brave.


Scooping Williams up with ease, the Hell Machine hoists the 240+ pound Champion high over his head. After some customary stalling to show off his power, Janus casually throws Danny into the ropes, letting him land throat first on the outstretched cable!




Bouncing back to the canvas, a gagging Danny Williams wildly thrashes around, fighting to breathe. Soapdish chastises Janus, who lets the official’s warnings go in one ear and out the other.


Riley: That’s some smart wrestling from Janus. Where a less intelligent wrestler would have just slammed his victim into the canvas, the Hell Machine cleverly dropped Danny into the ropes which can do far more damage.


Comet: Which is why it’s illegal and shouldn’t be done under any circumstances, that villain could have seriously wounded the Champion.


Pushing the scrawny official aside, the Hell Machine effortlessly suspends Danny over his head a second time. Springing to life, the Champion spins off Janus’ hands and slides down his back. Grabbing the big man around his legs on the way down, Danny pulls Janus to the canvas with a sudden sunset flip! Rather than stay seated for the pin, the Champion hastily scissors the Hell Machine’s bad wheel for the...


Comet: Cross Kneebreaker!


Riley: Even that loser Johnny Dangerous nearly beat Janus with that crazy judo move!


Williams falls to the mat, stretching the Hell Machine’s leg out at a painful angle! Being trapped in the center of the ring, the situation looks hopeless for Janus but to the puzzlement of the fans and the Hell Machine, Williams releases the hold as quickly as he applied it. Back rolling to his feet, the Champion cooly shakes his finger at Janus as if to say,”I could go down this road but I don’t want too.”


Riley: What the hell? He could have had Janus beat, what’s that idiot up to?


Comet: I guess Janus’ bad leg won’t play a major role in the match after all. It would seem that citizen Williams doesn’t want to beat Janus because he’s injured, he wants to beat him because he’s better the man!



Riley: Nonsense, when your enemy has a weakness, you attack it no questions asked especially if your up against a 7'2" monster with a hundred plus pound weight advantage.


Comet: I don’t think it’s attacking a weakness that Williams’ has a problem with, he probably just doesn’t want to ride on the shoulders of others like Alan Clark who Janus can think for that bum knee. If Danny truly wants to be “the man” and prove to the world that he’s the best in the business than he’s done the right thing by choosing to cut his own path to victory.


Riley: What a moron, he’ll pay for that arrogance.


Knowing deep down that Williams did the right thing, the fans support their hero with a rousing chant of “Dan-e!” Feeling that he doesn’t need nor want Williams’ compassion, Janus rises to his feet with a snort. Turning a few circles around his Cyclopean challenger, Williams boldly instigates a collar elbow tie up. Using grease lighting quickness, Danny pulls the monster down into a side headlock. Not staying there for long, Janus runs Williams into the ropes, shooting him off his head! Hitting the ropes, Williams springs back at the Hell Machine against his will!




Janus levels Danny with a devastating shoulder block, knocking the Champion clear out of his boots!


Comet: Even with momentum on his side, citizen Williams can’t move the challenger.


Riley: It’s like running into a concrete wall, the harder you hit it the worse it is for you.


Grabbing Danny up by the wrist, the Hell Machine slings him off the cables with an Irish whip. Taking position in the center of the ring, Janus thrusts out his leg for the Big Boot! Having just tasted Janus’ foot wear two weeks ago, Danny smartly ducks underneath the High Kick, hitting the ropes a second time! Speeding back, Williams swings out his meaty arm, slamming a hard Lariat into the chest of the Hell Machine....to no effect!


Comet: Williams’ Lariat may not “Freeze Hell Over” but it’s dropped everyone it ever hit until now.


Riley: Should have gone after the leg, Danny.


Not even close to being knocked off balance, Janus smiles down at Williams, daring him to try it again. Determined to wipe that smirk off the challenger’s face, the Champion runs back into the ropes, using them to propel himself forward a second time. Once more, Williams swings out his arm as hard as he can...




but so does Janus who’s Lariat is well a little harder! Williams goes down in a cloud of sweat, while the repulsed fans let out a collective “ooooh!” Taunting the crowd, the Hell Machine does a double bicep pose as if the fans could forgot how big and strong he is.


“Janus Sucks! Janus Sucks! Janus Sucks! ”


Getting back to business, the Hell Machine pulls Williams upright and throws him back into the ropes. The Hell Machine swings up his leg, knocking the Champion goofy with the same Big Boot he intended to land a minute ago!




Williams drunkenly wobbles in place, almost begging to be taking out of his misery. Winding up for a home run, Janus launches his feared Rolling Lariat!




Not letting anyone land the same combo twice in one life time, Williams ducks under Janus’ club like right arm letting the big man spin wildly out of control! Regaining his balance, the Hell Machine spins back around only to get blasted by the big white boots of the Champion! Janus teeters but not even a perfectly executed Dropkick can sweep him off his feel! Hustling to his feet, Williams drills the Hell Machine with a second Dropkick, backing the big man up a little further! The sudden sign of vulnerability sparks the interests of the crowd.


Comet: It looks like citizen Williams may have found something that can take that invincible super villain off his feet!


Knowing that he has to keep moving or it’s his ass, Danny scrambles back to a vertical base...




only to get decapitated by a vicious Rolling Lariat! Channeling the spirit of Mr. Perfect, Williams does a full 450 spin before crash landing on the canvas in a lifeless heap. Running his thumb across his throat to signify that the Champion is finished, Janus drops down for the cover.





















Far from done, the Champion energetically kicks out. Thinking he at least had the Champion down for a two1/2, Janus sits up with a surprised look on his face. Looking to keep Danny down for good, the Hell Machine pulls him to his feet and grabs him around the throat, positioning him for the Chokeslam!


Comet: The last time Janus landed the Chokeslam it took citizen Williams out of a tag match for a considerable amount of time.


Riley: So chances are it can keep him down for the three.


Resisting Janus with every ounce of his strength, Williams squats as low to the canvas as he possibly can making it extremely difficult for the Hell Machine to get him up! Since he can’t throw Williams’ vertically, Janus tosses him horizontally, slinging the Champion into the turnbuckles with bone shattering force! Sucking up the pain in his back, Danny ricochets back, catching the big man off guard with a running elbow!




The hard strike that has knocked out so many, merely causes Janus some discomfort. Hoping to increase Janus’ discomfort, Williams darts into the ropes, springing back with a second Running Elbow!




This one moves Janus, knocking the Hell Machine back into the ropes. Sensing that the Hell Machine is hurt, the fans start to get anxious. So does Williams, who eagerly bounces back into the ropes, bulleting into Janus with a nasty Jumping Elbow! Holding his aching head, Janus slumps back into the ropes, needing them to stay on his feet.


Comet: Danny’s gonna do it, he’s gonna floor the Hell Machine!


Jogging back to the far side of the ring, a pumped up Danny Williams sprints across the ring, leaping head first at Janus with another Jumping Elbow! But the Hell Machine dips his head, elevating the soaring Champion over the top rope with a crafty Back Body Drop!





The fans pop out of their chairs in shock as Danny takes a sickening spill to the floor, landing extremely hard on his back! Barely fazed by the Champion’s spirited assault, Janus calmly shakes the effects of the elbows off.


Riley: Don’t be fooled Comet, Williams didn’t even come close to putting Janus down.


Stalking Danny like the Terminator, the Hell Machine climbs to the outside in pursuit. Upon peeling Williams’ remains off the hard floor, Janus whips him into the guardrail with authority!




Arching his back like an old man in need of a walker, Williams gingerly stumbles back at Janus who scoops him up like he’s weightless. The Hell Machine delivers a swift rib breaker to Williams before squashing him into the unforgiven floor with a brutal Powerslam!


Comet: Crash and Burn on the floor!


Riley: That’s a good way to puncture a lung.


Jumping to his feet, Janus roars at the front roll fans in celebration. Knowing that he can’t win the title by a count, the Hell Machine lifts Danny up like a baby and rolls him into the ring. Hastily climbing back inside, Janus climbs on top of Williams’ broken body, hooking a leg for the pin.
















The Champion meekly kicks out to a nice pop! Janus isn’t worried though, he knows that Williams is in bad shape even if he’s not ready to be taken out just yet. Moving at his own somber pace, Janus pulls Danny to his feet and fires him into the buckles! Unable to turn in time, Williams crashes into the turnbuckles chest first, nearly moving the ring from it’s foundation!





Danny drops straight back to the canvas, clutching his chest like the wind has been legit knocked out of him. Taking his time, the Hell Machine walks around to Danny’s legs and tucks his boots under his armpits. Falling backwards, Janus catapults Williams into the ropes! Danny whiplashes back to the canvas, grotesquely impaling his lower back on the Hell Machine’s pointy bent knees! Needless to say, Danny is screaming in agony. Caught off by guard by the grisly spectacle, many of the more sensitive members of the audience bring their hands to their mouths in repulsion.


Riley: Janus is a innovator of pain!


Comet: Merciful heavens, I think Williams may have broken his back.


Keeping the Champion’s boots tucked under his arms, Janus rolls Williams on to his stomach and sits back for the Boston Crab. In unbearable pain, the Champion’s tortured screams echo through the Cities Center.


Encouraging his victim to give up, Janus screams back,”Give it up, Danny!”


Not knowing the meaning of the word quit, Williams shakes his head in defiance. Sympathizing with the ailing Champion, the crowd begins to dramatically chant..


“Let’s go Danny, let’s go!” clap!clap! clap!clap!clap! “Let’s go Danny, let’s go!”


Exposing every indenture in his muscular upper body, Williams pushes himself off the mat, easing the pressure on his creaking back. Walking on his hands, Danny labors his way to the ropes. Soapdish orders the break but Janus could care less.




The official starts the count, forcing the Hell Machine to release the Crab or suffer a d.q. loss. Janus shoots Soapdish an evil glare as he rises back to his full height, a look that will no doubt haunt the official’s nightmares for years to come.


Riley: What determination from the challenger, not even the rules are gonna get in his way.


Comet: Determination like that could end up getting Janus disqualified and if that happens, no title.


Letting the near crippled Williams pull himself up with the ropes, Janus grabs the agonizing Champion by his wrist and whips him for what has to be the tenth time tonight. Refusing to cooperate with whips anymore, Williams hangs on to the Hell Machine’s arm, pulling him into a jaw shattering short arm elbow! The fans bring some positive feedback as the big man finds himself wobbled. Holding his back and grimacing, the Champion takes off for the ropes. Sticking with what works, Williams rockets forward for another running elbow but the Hell Machine catches him by his legs....





and slams him into the canvas with a ring shaking Spinebuster! The impact folds Danny in half, allowing the Hell Machine to casually lean over him for the pin.




























Williams uses his mule like legs to push the big man off of him! Warming up though they never really got that cold, the Illinoisans madly stomp their feet, creating a rumble that could be measured on the Richter scale.


Riley: Janus is getting closer, Comet. It’s taking Danny longer and longer to kick out.


Comet: Thus far this match has been all Janus, who I don’t believe has even been knocked off his feet once.


Shaking his injured leg out a little, Janus decides that it’s time to take this baby home. Flexing his impressive shoulder muscles, the Hell Machine does the classic Hulk Hogan pose, signifying his deadly bear hug. Snatching the Champion up by his hair, Janus once again propels him into the ropes. The Hell Machine spreads his long arms out to full wing span, setting a dangerous trap for the Champion.


Comet: Here comes the Hell Crush!


But Williams intelligently throws a wrench in the challenger’s gears by leaping on to the second rope with cat like agility! Springboarding back at the Hell Machine, Williams rockets into the big man with the reverse elbow from hell! At long last, Janus is on his back while in contrast the fans come to their feet!




Riley: Calm down their superhero man that was just a balance knockdown, nothing significant.


Williams is aching but he knows he has to get his ass in gear and capitalize off his sudden turn of fortune. Rolling out on to the ring apron, Williams ascends the turnbuckles step by painful step. Wincing as he balances himself on the top rope, the Champion gracefully dives at the challenger as he hurries to his feet! Flying through the air with cosmic potency, Williams drags the giant off his feet with a grisly Diving Neckbreaker Drop!


Comet: By taking to the skies like a superhero, citizen Williams has finally found some success against the Hell Machine!


Crawling on top of the stunned challenger, Williams hooks one of his heavy legs for the pin.







In a scary moment, Janus literally bench presses the Champion off his chest, launching him damn near across the ring.


Comet: What a heart breaker, the Hell Machine doesn’t appear to be fazed at all from citizen Williams’ high flying attack.


Riley: If Danny wants to keep Janus down for anything longer than a two, he’s gonna have to put him through a glass table.


Massaging his sore throat, the Hell Machine sluggishly sits up when the Champion grabs him around the neck for the Buffalo Sleeper. The fans are on the edge of their seats as Danny struggles to pull the big man’s arm back so he can complete the hold. Reaching up with his free hand, Janus grabs Williams by his hair and pulls him off his back with a snapmare type maneuver.


Riley: Nice counter wrestling from the Hell Machine, this guy can do it all.


Comet: I don’t think hair pulling qualifies as counter wrestling.


Riley: Well I would like to know what does.


Ignoring Soapdish’s warning about the hair pulling, the Hell Machine slowly climbs to his feet when Danny comes ducking behind him, clamping his hands around his head with a suffocating Sleeperhold! Manically thrashing his arms about, Janus searches for the ropes but none are to be found. It isn’t long before the Hell Machine’s legs start to become very heavy, too heavy for him to stand. Being bleed of his energy, Janus comically flops on his ass, allowing Williams to finally trap him in the Buffalo Sleeper!


Comet: He’s got it locked on now, this could be all she wrote for the challenger!


Riley: If the Hell Machine can manage not to breathe until he reaches the ropes than there’s still hope.


For the first time in the match, Janus wiggles and squirms as if damage is being inflicted upon him. Unable to remember the last time somebody escaped the deadly hold, the noisy fans come to their feet, praying that the monster will finally be slain. With his snake like tongue flicking in the breeze, a gagging Janus urgently slithers his way to the ropes.


Riley: That didn’t take long, I told you Janus was never in any real danger.


Quickly releasing the hold, Williams snap mares the challenger back into the center of the ring where he hastily reapplies the hold.


Comet: No but he may be in danger now.


For lack of anything better to do, the Hell Machine stomps his feet into the canvas while frantically prying at Williams’ arm. Really working the hold, Williams twists Janus from side to side, squeezing the blood out of his brain as casually as one would rinse a mop. Despite fighting a losing battle to stay awake, Janus refuses to quit, taking his chances with the approaching oblivion instead. The crowd is going crazy as the Hell Machine quietly grows limp in Williams’ arms.


Comet: He’s out! Janus is out!


Riley: Williams couldn’t make him submit so now he’s gonna have to cowardly take him out while he’s sleeping. I think Janus deserves better than that.


Just to make sure the Hell Machine’s out, Williams keeps the hold applied a littler longer before eventually releasing him for the desperate pin attempt. Super hot, the crowd eagerly screams along with the official’s count.












“Tw-NO!” Janus shockingly kicks out from underneath Williams before Soapdish can even bring his hand down a second time!


Comet: Unbelievable, the move that put down so many couldn’t even register a two against the Hell Machine!


Riley: Danny simply does not have the type of artillery necessary to defeat Janus, even if he was to attack his leg it probably wouldn’t make a difference. This guy is unbeatable.


Even though he was able to kick out rather quickly, Janus is far too weak to do anything threatening for the time being. Falling back to the canvas in despair, a worn down and battered Danny Williams rests on his back, contemplating his next move. Knowing that it’s a long shot, the Champion comes to the conclusion that there’s only move he has left that can possibly keep the beast down for the three. Letting out an emotional roar, Williams grabs the Hell Machine by his hair and stuffs his head between his legs.


Comet: The Champion, looking for the POWERBOMB!


Riley: Impossible, there isn’t a man in this fed that has the strength to Powerbomb Janus.


Comet: Actually, Dace Night did it some time ago.


Riley: Yeah but Janus has gotten a lot heavier since than, not to mention that Williams is a lot smaller than Dace.


Wrapping his arms around Janus’ wide frame, a worried Danny Williams looks to the fans for support. Giving Danny all the help he needs, the Illinois crowd heats up to the boiling point. Knowing that this isn’t going to be easy, the Champion readies himself for what will no doubt be one of the hardest Powerbombs he’ll ever have to deliver. Jumping the gun, camera flashes go off like machine gun fire. Finally, the Champion throws caution to the wind and channels every ounce of strength in his compact frame into one powerful lift!


“Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”cries Williams as he dead lifts the 360 pound Hell Machine off the canvas.



The monster effort pays off as the Champion lifts the seven footer all the way up to his shoulders, but to his horror he can’t keep him balanced. As a result Williams tragically collapses underneath the challenger, who lands on his chest with a bone crushing Lou Thesz Press! The fans watch on in terror as Soapdish starts the count.
































Williams wiggles out from underneath the tyrant! Finding their seats, the crowd lets out a giant collective sigh of relief.


Riley: Haha, I told you he couldn’t do it.


Comet: Citizen Williams has always relied on his heart to make the impossible possible, however there some things that not even the strongest of wills can overcome.


A bit drowsy, a sleepy eyed Hell Machine smacks himself around a little, waking himself up. Taking position in a near by corner, Janus squats down like a defensive lineman eagerly anticipating the snap. Making a foolish mistake, Williams stumbles to his feet, totally unaware of the human freight train rumbling towards him.




The Hell Machine spears Williams into the canvas with a rib shattering Gore that is so ferocious that it nearly causes Janus to do a handstand! Roaring like a angry predator, Janus snatches the squashed Champion up, clamping his massive arms around him for the Bearhug!




Riley: Williams is finished, nobody escapes the Hell Crush!


The eyes of the Hell Machine glow with intensity as he jumps up and down like a lunatic, using all his unearthly power to crush the Champion into nothing. As if he’s dying the most painful of deaths, the Champion fills the arena with the sound of disturbing blood curdling screams. Sympathizing with Danny, Soapdish comes close to stopping the match but the Champion practically begs him to let it continue. Remembering how they helped Danny escape the Boston Crab not too long ago, the crowd attempts to repeat history by cheering him through this dire situation as well.


“Dan-e!” boom! boom! “Dan-e!” boom! boom!


Feeding off the energy of the crowd like some sort of sonic vampire, Williams starts to hulk up. The crowd get’s louder as a grunting Danny Williams starts to rigorously free his trapped arms from the bear hug. Putting a stop to this comeback, the Hell Machine increases the pressure, squeezing the second wind out of Williams. The Champion tries to fight through it but he’s powerless to prevent Janus’ superior strength from overwhelming him. Blacking out, Danny ceases to struggle, slowly becoming as limp as a noodle. All this squeezing is taking a toll on Janus as well, who’s having problems keeping the hold as tight as it needs to be.


Comet: Citizen Williams is trying to power out of the Hell Crush but his body just won’t let him.


Riley: You don’t get points for effort, Comet. Ring the bell, the Champion is finished.


Feeling the Champion’s beating heart slow to a near stand sill, a weary sweat soaked Janus orders the official to stop the match. Soapdish investigates the lifeless Champion, coming to the conclusion that he’s passed out. Not exactly able to do the arm raise, Soapdish loudly counts while holding up his fingers. Mourning the loss of their hero, the Cities Center becomes as quiet as a tomb.

































“Thre-NO!” Soapdish stops himself as Williams returns to life with a snarling birth cry! Re-animated, the crowd goes into hysterics. Shaking his head in disbelief, an exhausted Janus attempts to crush the third wind out of the Champion but his strained muscles won’t let him.


Riley: This is impossible, he was dead and buried a second ago!


Comet: Some things can’t be explained, Bobbo.


Riley: What a cop out.


Behaving like a lunatic on PCP, a deranged Danny Williams slips his arms out from Janus’ boa constrictor like meat hooks, freeing them at long last. The fans enthusiastically count along as Williams rocks the big man with ten straight close range forearms, forcing Janus to release him from his kung fu grip!




Enjoying his new found freedom, Williams slams a beautiful reverse elbow into the Hell Machine’s temple, causing the big man to stumble on the heels of his boots. Looking to finish Janus off, the Champion elegantly spins at him, launching the feared...





which is sadly blocked! Countering like Holyfield, Janus slams a straight right down Danny’s throat, dropping the Champion like a sack of bricks which in turn silences the screaming fans!




Riley: Williams was out before he even hit the canvas!


Suffering from the aftereffects of an elbow barrage, Janus leans against the ropes for support, summoning enough power for one final run. Getting his head back on straight, the Hell Machine crawls on top of the motionless Champion, blanketing him for the pin.






































NO! Williams shoots a shoulder off the mat! Amazed by the remarkable resilience of the Champion, the fans create a rumbling that can be heard for miles. Obviously frustrated, the Hell Machine slams his fist into the canvas while shouting swear words. Angrily dragging Williams up by his throat, Janus lifts him up by one hand and in one fluid motion....




throws him down with bad intentions!




The Champion is nothing but a corpse but Janus oddly refuses to go for the cover. Instead, the Hell Machine suspiciously steps over the top rope, climbing out on to the thin ring apron. To the puzzlement of the fans, Janus awkwardly scales the turnbuckles like only few big men can.


Riley: What the hell is doing, why doesn’t he just cover Danny and get it over with?


Comet: It would seem as if he’s going to take this opportunity to go for the kill, put the final nail in the Champion’s coffin as they would say.


Riley: This is stupid if you ask me, there’s no need for Janus to try a high risk maneuver like this.


Even though he doesn’t look to comfortable on the top rope, Janus manages to maintain his balance. Thousands upon thousands of blue camera flashes explode around the ring as the Hell Machine leaps off the top rope, expanding his arms and legs for a surprisingly graceful Frog Splash!




The ring nearly implodes as Janus hits the high risk maneuver, crushing the Champion into dust!


Comet: HE HIT IT!




Fearing that this is the end, the fans watch in stony silence as Soapdish slides to the canvas and starts the count.














































NO! Even though he has the face of a dead man, Danny wiggles a shoulder off the mat, stopping the count in the nick of time! Overjoyed, the overzealous fans are literally dancing in the aisles.


Comet: What will it take to keep the Champion down!?


Riley: Janus hasn’t even come close to opening up on Williams , he’s still got plenty of things to pull out of his bag of tricks. This guy’s move set is so deep he needs a submarine to find a lot of his moves.


Bringing his hands to his face in disgust, Janus rolls over on his back while the thousands in attendance scream the name of his opponent at the top of their lungs.


“Dan-e! Dan-e! Dan-e!”


Wearing a pained expression on his face, Danny sluggishly rolls to the outside, free falling to the arena floor. Totally spent, the Hell Machine crawls out after him with a groan. Pulling the limp Champion up by his tights and hair, Janus tosses him back inside. Wiping some sweat off his brow, the Hell Machine slowly climbs up on to the ring apron only to find that Danny has already rolled out the other side of the ring.


Comet: Like we’ve seen him do so many times, the Champion is smartly creating as much distance as possible between himself and the challenger, buying himself some much needed recovery time.


Riley: He’s just delaying the inevitable, there’s no way in hell he can come back from the beating he’s absorbed.


Painstakingly jogging to the other side of the ring, the very annoyed Janus stomps the hell out of Danny before slinging him back into the ring. Stomping back inside, the Hell Machine forces Williams to his feet, setting him up for another Chokeslam!




Williams catches the Hell Machine off guard with a back elbow, freeing himself.


Riley: Oh come on, Janus you got more moves than the Chokeslam. What are you, the Thugg now?


Comet: I guess he figures that if it can stun Danny long enough for him to climb to the top rope, surely it can stun him long enough for another risky move. Besides, another Chokeslam on it’s own might be enough to end the Champion’s night anyway. Williams is hanging by a thread here.


Unable to stand up on his own, the Champion drops to his knees. Jumping straight up into the air, the Hell Machine drops his hulking leg across the neck of the sprawled out Champion! Jerking Danny right back, Janus goes for another Chokeslam! Fighting like his life depends on it, the Champion lunges into the sanctuary of the ropes. However, Janus cleverly brings up his boot and kicks off the top rope, springing himself and Williams back into the center of the ring!


Riley: Brilliant move, I told this guy was genius!


Taking advantage of Danny’s sudden misfortune, the Hell Machine drags the Champion up by his throat! Falling back on his wrestling skills, Williams busts out a swank arm drag from out of nowhere, flipping the huge behemoth over his shoulder!


Comet: But the Champion still will not allow himself to be Chokeslammed again!


A bit dizzy, the Hell Machine lumbers to his feet and upon spotting Williams, takes a big swing at him. Bringing up his arm, Danny nimbly blocks the Knuckle Bomb meant for his face! Confusing the Hell Machine with a cute little spin, the Champion blasts the big man with his trademark Rolling Elbow!




Janus blows back into the ropes, only to stumble back at Williams with his last breath!




Briskly performing a 360 spin, Williams catches the Hell Machine with a second Rolling Elbow! Relieved of his senses, Janus teeters, staggers, stumbles, and finally going down conclusively! Rubber legged, the Champion crumbles to the canvas while the crowd goes into jubilation!




Empty headed, Janus aimlessly crawls around the canvas, eventually finding his way to the ropes, using them to pull himself back up.


Riley: He’s not knocked out yet, Comet, the Hell Machine is still going strong!


Swaying from side to side, Williams forcefully persuades himself to get on his feet and make chase. Getting his feet underneath him, the Hell Machine turns off the ropes..




walking into the hardest Rolling Elbow yet! Like a hacked down tree, Janus timbers back to the canvas, where he ultimately remains! In horrible shape, Danny drops to his knees, doubting if he has the energy to carry on. There’s no lack of energy in the crowd though, in fact the fans are louder than they’ve ever been.


Comet: For the first time tonight, citizen Williams has truly hurt the Hell Machine!


Riley: He may have hurt him but I don’t think he has enough left in the tank to finish him.


Instead of growing stronger, Williams appears to grow weaker as if the toll of the match has finally caught up with him. Unable to go on, Danny sinks further to the mat but the fans won’t let him die. Egging Williams on, the fans began to endlessly chant...


“Dan-e! Dan-e! Dan-e!”


Picking up steam, the chant gets louder and louder with each passing second. Thanks to the Illinoisan’s support, Williams finds the courage and strength to finish the match. Making a tight fist, the trembling Champion wills his way to a vertical base. Groggier than a drunk Scotsmen, the Hell Machine tries to get up as well but his legs cave in, sending him on a one way trip back to the canvas. Raising his arms over his head, a fired up Danny Williams links his hands together, signaling the Powerbomb. Shaking and twitching, Williams pumps himself up for the big lift.


Riley: Didn’t this idiot learn anything the first time around, if he couldn’t get him up earlier in the match when he was fresher how can you expect to get him up later in the match after he’s done absorbed so much punishment?


Comet: But he’s got that adrenaline going now, Bobbo. Once that magical fluid gets released into your veins, anyone can become a superhero!


Riley: Were still talking about adrenaline right?


Stuffing Janus’ head between his legs, Williams confidently positions the Hell Machine for his favorite finisher. Coming to their feet for the millionth time tonight, the screaming fans raise the roof like never before. Huffing and puffing, Danny Williams summons power from the noisy fans, from himself, from god knows where. Knowing that he can’t get Janus up by lifting with his back alone, the Champion squats extremely low to the canvas, so low that he’s practically sitting down. Gaining momentum, Danny bobs up and down, getting himself even more fired up. Cheering Danny on, the fans do the impossible and raise the volume several more notches. Deciding that it’s now or never, Williams gives it a try! Every vein in the Champion’s body explodes out of his skin as he heaves Janus off the canvas with a strenuous scream of effort!




In a surreal moment that will outlive every active wrestler on the roster, Williams flips the 360+ pound monstrosity off the canvas and on to his shoulders. Maintaining his balance this time around, the Champion doubles over, slamming the big man into the mat! The Hell Machine bounces off the shock resistant ring, nearly shaking the Cities Center to it’s foundation.






It’s total pandemonium in the stands as Williams leans over the Hell Machine’s folded carcass for the pin. With ear bleeding proficiency, the fans screech along with the count.

































































Barely able to contain himself, Soapdish hops and down as he calls for the bell!







Not even the wildest of riots can come close to the insanity that has erupted in the Cities Center, it is without question a celebration for the ages! Totally strung out, Williams rolls over on the comfortable canvas, unable to move another inch. Making the victory official, Soapdish leans down, raising Danny’s arm in triumphant.


Funyon: The winner of the match by pinfall at 22 minutes and 43 seconds...........AND STILL SWF WORLD CHAMPION.................DANNY WILLIAMSsssssssssssssssssss!!!!


Retrieving the belt, Soapdish lays it across the immobile Champion, who cradles it like it’s his own child. Leaving their chairs behind, the gargantuan crowd swarms the ring side area to get a closer look at the Champion that they are convinced is more than human.


Comet: Never before have I seen such an incredible feat of strength! A legend has born tonight, Danny Williams is a true super hero!


Riley: Thanks to the miracle of steroids, Danny Williams has went from a lowly junior to a Heavyweight Champion that Powerbombs 7 footers. I smell a movie in the works.


The Hell Machine is still unconscious, drawing the attention of the ring side paramedics. Making his way to a vertical base, a sweaty Danny Williams rises to his knees, dramatically shaking his head from side to side. Raising the belt over his head, Danny parades around the ring, probably having delusions of godhood but you know, he’s earned it. The heroic power chords of In Flames adds to the scene, making it that much more dramatic and powerful. .


Comet: Well fans, it’s been a night to remember. We’ve seen every law of psychics broken, we’ve seen bones broken, we’ve seen giants Powerbombed, and now it’s time to say good night. I’m Cyclone COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMET!!!


Riley: And I’m disgusted.


Comet: See you next week fans.

Edited by realitycheck

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I will provide full feedback later tonight/sometime tomorrow. This is a placeholder to remind me.


I will say it was pretty close, and I felt the match had Hogan all over it as well, which was for better and worse. It was sort of in a... satirical way, though, which was interesting, but seemed somewhat inappropriate for the main event (and in light of the way Janus wrote his match).



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I will provide full feedback later tonight/sometime tomorrow. This is a placeholder to remind me.


I will say it was pretty close, and I felt the match had Hogan all over it as well, which was for better and worse. It was sort of in a... satirical way, though, which was interesting, but seemed somewhat inappropriate for the main event (and in light of the way Janus wrote his match).



How can a Hulk Hogan style epic not be appropriate for the Main Event? Which was more in terms of match structure and role of the crowd rather than a literal sense though the Powerbomb at the end was defiently my answer to the Andre slam. I don't think the baby face Champion working over an injured leg was appropriate either, a little too predictable for my tastes as well.

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The huge clock that covers the set for The 13th Hour slowly kicks towards 13 o’clock, now resting at 11 o’clock. Even after a straight hour of action in the Iron Man Match, the fans still aren’t quiet, chants and cheers ringing around The Mark. The SWF sign clique is out in full force, breaking out all the stops for the PPV. Every single match has it’s own huge full colour sign, promoting the match. Hordes of Kibagami, Dace Night and Danny Williams t shirts can be seen. “THIS SHOW IS 13 HOURS LONG!” is a sign that seems to keep finding its way onto camera, along with “RATS WANTED!”.


Comet: Welcome back Citizens, to The Thirteenth Hour, live on pay per view! Cyclone Comet and Bobby Riley still here at ring side.


Riley: But maybe not still awake! Comet, please hold back the jokes in this match, I’ve just say through an hour straight of them with no fluffer breaks.


Comet: You get fluffed during the breaks Robert?


Riley: How do you think I keep my healthy glow and don’t go insane around you.


Comet: Well, what a show we’ve had already tonight. The returning Ced Ordonez faced Ryan Dustin. Jay Dawg returned against his old partner and foe Munich. We had a cage match between Johnny Dangerous and Spike Jenkins for the Cruiserweight Title. A Casino Floor Match for the Tag Team Titles.


Riley: Why on a river boat, of all places? And if you people missed this, SHAME on you for not watching every single minute of SWF programming.


Comet: A truly shocking match, as Nathaniel Kibagami and Toxxic fought in a Last Man Standing Match. All I can say about the Five Wounds Match is that it was strange. And we’ve just seen the epic Iron Man Match for the USJL Title between Landon Maddix and Alan Clark.


Riley: You mean the USJL Triple Crown Comet. You have no respect for someone like Maddix, who worked so hard to gain such an important title.


Comet: Well, I don’t see how it’s important to you Robert. It’s not the World Title and Tom Flesher doesn’t hold it.


Riley: Well, he’s going to soon, as he’s about to win the number one contendership to the World Title against Dace Night, right now in fact. So be silent Comet.


The Smarktron flares up into life, the screen showing full body pictures of Dace Night and Tom Flesher, with a score board under each of the, both reading zero. Funyon sets up into the ring, with his style golden watch showing from the pocket of his tux. Soapdish follows behind him into the ring, ready to referee the contest.


Funyon: Ladies and gentlemen, the following one on one contest will be the final of the Best of Five Series of the Number One Contendership to the SWF World Heavyweight Title. The match will be a Canadian Death Match!




Funyon: The Canadian Death Match is won by reaching a combined pinfall count of ten or more, with only falls of three or more counting towards the total!




Funyon: Introducing firstly, from Birmingham England, weighing in at two hundred and fifty two pounds … ‘HORRORCORE’ DACE…






The PA system rips into life as the opening guitar harmonies from Hero shred through the arena…


“Hoping for a vision think of all the dreams that you have lost

your actions will resound forever in eternity

can anyone listen to your heartrending lament this last time


You build castles in the air with an ingratiating smile

The road of the solitary traveller psalmodies and elegies

that had been heard and forgot in the vale of tears


Speak of me now lord of the skies

You are the only one who knows

Hero in a world of demons


The code of honour follows a course

When all is said and done

Your actions will resound


Hoping for a vision think of all the dreams that you have lost

your actions will resound forever in eternity

can anyone listen to your heartrending lament this last time


Speak of me now lord of the skies

You are the only one who knows

Hero in a world of demons”


As the song blasts out, Dace charges down the ramp through the blaze of pyro from the entrance ramp. Standing at the bottom of the ramp, Dace throws the horns up into the air as one last blast sets of a huge flare from the top of the ramp, around the clock tower. Diving under the bottom rope into the ring, Dace leaps to the turnbuckles and throws the horns again, posing to the crowds.




Funyon: And his opponent, accompanied to the ring by Allison Onita, he hails from Buffalo New York and weights in at two hundred and thirty one pounds, this is …’THE SUPERIOR ONE’ TOM FFFFLLLLLEEEEEESSSSHHHHHEEEEERRRRRR!




A huge blast of blue pyro lights up the entrance ramp and the whole clock tower as the familiar pounding beat of Kashmir kicks into life…


“Oh let the sun beat down upon my face, stars to fill my dream

I am a traveller of both time and space, to be where I have been

To sit with elders of the gentle race, this world has seldom seen

They talk of days for which they sit and wait and all will be revealed


Talk and song from tongues of lilting grace, whose sounds caress my ear

But not a word I heard could I relate, the story was quite clear

Oh, oh.



Oh oh



Oh, baby Iv been flying... mama, there ain't no denyin'

I've been flying, ain't no denyin', no denyin'


All I see turns to brown, as the sun burns the ground

And my eyes fill with sand, as I scan this wasted land

Trying to find, trying to find where I've been.


Oh, pilot of the storm who leaves no trace, like thoughts inside a dream

Heed the path that led me to that place, yellow desert stream

My Shangri-La beneath the summer moon, I will return again

Sure as the dust that floats high and true, when movin' through Kashmir.


Oh, father of the four winds, fill my sails, across the sea of years

With no provision but an open face, along the straits of fear



When I'm on, when I'm on my way, yeah

When I see, when I see the way, you stay-yeah


Ooh, yeah-yeah, ooh, yeah-yeah, when I'm down...

Ooh, yeah-yeah, ooh, yeah-yeah, well I'm down, so down

Ooh, my baby, oooh, my baby, let me take you there


Let me take you there. Let me take you there”


Striding down the ramp, smugly side stepping the pendulum, Flesher watches as the machine pyro goes off around him and Allison. Stand at the foot of the ramp, his blue singlet matching her blue suit, Flesher wraps his arms around her and plants a huge kiss on her.




Riley: Oh that’s just disgraceful. Tom Flesher is coming out here to put on a great show for these people, even with an opponent like Dace Night. He’s even showing his love for his girlfriend and the fans react like that. Damn these scum, it’s a wonder Flesher is even bothering to come here tonight.


Comet: Maybe they’ll cheer for Flesher when he does something for them to cheer Robert.


Climbing the ring apron, Flesher glares at Dace, slowly setting through the ropes. Rage and anger show in both men’s eyes. Moving towards each other, they stand face to face, almost shoving each other, growling hatred at each other. Soapdish doesn’t even bother to try and force his way between the two, he just steps back and waves his arm for the opening bell.













Comet: Listen to the energy in this crowd Robert and look at the hatred between these two men. Just like so many other matches on this show, this is going to be a war!


Riley: In only the second ever Canadian Deathmatch in the history of the SWF, just think of the honour Tom Flesher will have defeating Dace Night in a match like this!


Comet: Actually I think there was a Canadian Deathmatch down in the SJL a while back Robert.


Riley: But does anyone ever care about the SJL, no! So be quiet, sit back, grab the popcorn and watch Tom Flesher at work.




The crowd whips itself up into a frenzy as Dace and Flesher simply stand there, glaring at each other. Like two gunslingers from the old west, their fingers slowly clenching, waiting for the quick draw to start. Even with the size he gives up to Dace, The Superior One hasn’t backed down before and he’s not about to start backing down now. Swinging his arm through the air, Flesher kicks the hostilities into life.


SLAP! Oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


Turning his check, the hand print almost glowing, Dace glares at Flesher between firing off a slap of his down.


SLAP! Ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


SLAP! Oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


Flesher fires back again, almost knocking Dace sideways with a second slap, even as Night leaves a mark across his face. But Flesher isn’t smiling for long as a huge blow literally knocks him sideways and the sound echoes out around the crowd.


SLLLAAAPPP! Wwwwwwoooooooooooooooooooo!


Staggering backwards, holding the side of his face, Flesher glares at Night, looking like a wild animal about to rip into a blood rage. Horrorcore just stands there, grinning and waving on the Superior One, just asking him to bring the fight. Stalking forwards, Flesher gets right up into Night’s face and starts jawing at him. Soapdish just stands back and keeps well out of the way.


Comet: Look at the intensity between Dace Night and Tom Flesher. It looks like this match is going to be nothing sort of a slug fest.


Riley: Don’t you dare say that Comet. The great Tom Flesher is not going to resort to fighting. The man is going to wrestle his way to victory and to a title shot!


Throwing his head back in a howl of rage, Flesher unleashes the biggest wave of Palm Strikes yet in the best of five. Hammering home wave after wave of blows into Dace’s face and chest, Flesher drives him back across the ring into the ropes. With Dace up against the ropes, Tom switches attacks and starts to lay down stinging Knife Edge Chops. The Chops make a sound that cracks through the whole arena and leaves huge red marks across Night’s chest.




Grabbing Dace by the wrist, the Superior One launches him across the ring into the other set of ropes. Waiting for just a moment, Flesher charges after him. Throwing his hand through the air, Tom meets Dace in the middle of the ring, with a huge Shotei that knocks Dace from his feet to the mat. Flesher throws up his arms and yells, as Allison leaps to her feet and cheers. But it’s quickly drowned out as the fans burst back into life. Simply rolling through, Dace springs back to his feet and lets out a huge roar, to Tom Flesher’s shock and horror.




Comet: Look at that Robert. Those Palm Strikes of Tom Flesher have almost no effect on Dace Night! They’re just not good enough after all these matches.


Riley: Oh you’ve got to be kidding me! Dace is just trying to play the hard man, he’ll collapse any second now. Any second!


But Dace doesn’t collapse to the mat, instead he launches forwards off his heels and breaks into a spin, sending his elbow sailing through the air and straight for Tom’s head. Franticly ducking, Flesher regains his composure and unleashes another round of Shoteis into the back of Night’s head. Diving forward, Flesher throws all his weight into the back of Night’s legs with a Rear Double Leg Tackle, sending Horrorcore toppling face first into the mat. Out the outside, Allison breaks into her cheerleader routine once again, yelling on for her man.


Comet: Well, he mat not be collapse Robert, but Flesher can still take Dace down to the mat. Looks like this match is going to be a full on clash of styles like never before in this series.


Struggling to wrap his limbs around Night’s legs, Flesher tries to tie him up and create a few moments of breathing room, but Dace twists over onto his front. Half sitting up, Dace reaches forwards and just punches Flesher in the face. The hail of left and right crosses smacking into the face of the Superior One force him to release his grip. Kicking his legs free, Dace grinds the sole of his boot into Flesher’s face for added measure before climbing back up to his feet. Reaching down and grabbing Tom’s arm, the Hardcore Goth hauls up the former World Champion before drilling him straight back down with a Short Arm Lariat. Holding on, Dace drags Flesher back up and nails him with a second Lariat. Again holding on, Night picks Fleshes back up and launches him across the ring into the ropes. Breaking into a run like a charging bull, Dace crashes into Flesher with a huge Lariat.




Comet: Lariat! Three straight Lariats and Dace is trying just to crush the Superior One under a sheer wave off attacks and end this match fast.


Riley: So he doesn’t blow up like the unfit brawler he is. He’s not even trying to wrestle Tom Flesher because he wont get lucky this time I tell you Comet.


Unlike Dace, Flesher doesn’t spring back to his feet, instead he just lays on the mat, holding his neck as Night drops on top of him. Soapdish dives in and starts up the first count of the match…













Comet: But the Superior One kicks out before two. This could be a long match if these two are breaking out all the stops here.


Riley: The score is still zero and zero. And if Flesher is pulling out all of his stops, he’ll win this one ten to nothing.


Not letting the Superior One get away, Horrorcore grabs him by the hair as he stands up. Keeping Flesher on the mat, Dace slams his knee into Flesher’s face once, twice, three times, snapping his head back. Stepping back a foot or two, Dace swings his head around and kicks Tom full in the face. Switching legs, Night kicks him in the back of the head twice before spinning around and cracking Tom with a Low Roundhouse Kick. Not stopping to make a cover there, Dace pulls Tom back into a sitting position before backing into the ropes. Springing forwards, Night barrels into the Superior One and snaps his head back with a huge Running Knee Strike.


SMACK! Rrrrrrrrraaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!


Dropping his weight across Flesher’s body, the Hardcore Goth cradles up one of his legs to make another cover.













Comet: Night breaking out those very rare kicks, trying to wear Tom down for the pin.


Riley: Dace just used Ejiro Fasaki’s running knee strike. How dare he do something like that!


Comet: Well, against Tom Flesher, it makes sense to try and follows the tactics of men that defeat him.


Sitting back on his heels as the Superior One kicks out, Dace half grins as he feels the rushing sound of blood pumping in his ears. Slightly dazed as he sits up, Tom tries to set his head straight, even as he feels himself being lifted back to his feet. Throwing out a Palm Strike, Flesher tries to fight Dace off, but Night swats it away and drills his knee into Tom’s mid section, doubling him over. Locking his arms around Tom’s mid section in a Waistlock, Night drives his knee into Flesher’s gut a few more times before lifting him up and slamming him back into the mat with a Gutwrench Suplex. Keeping the Waistlock clamped on, Dace back rolls to his feet and carrying Flesher with him, hauls the Superior One up from the mat and back down with a second Gutwrench Suplex. Floating over, Dace makes another cover as Soapdish leaps in to count the third straight fall.

















Comet: Two Gutwrench Suplexes from Horrorcore, but it’s still not enough to get him off the starting block.


Riley: Nothing’s going to get him off the starting block. You think something like that is going to put the Superior One down for a three count or more. Dream on Comet.


Scrambling back up to his feet, Dace breaks straight back into another attack on Tom Flesher, as the Superior One desperately grabs to the ropes to haul himself up. Cracking his forearm into Tom’s head, Night clamps down a Front Facelock and drags Tom away from the ropes. Grabbing a handful of Flesher’s singlet, Dace looks for a Suplex, but Flesher has head enough and really starts to fight. Swinging his arm out, Flesher blatantly low blows Horrorcore…




…Soapdish just stands there, waving his arms at the fact he can’t do anything about it. Grabbing Night’s arm, Flesher drags him down to the mat and scissors the arm between his legs. Rolling over and hooking his arm through Night’s legs, Flesher twists over into a La Majistral Cradle. Suddenly finding his shoulders pinned to the mat, Dace franticly kicks his legs, trying to throw Flesher’s weight off to escape the hold. Soapdish jumps in and starts the fall.















Comet: What a blatant low blow from Tom Flesher. But that cradle almost scored him the first points of the match. And in a match like this, it’s only the score that really counts.


Riley: You know it Comet, all money is legal. Dace can only be lucky so much before Flesher just ties him up like a pretzel and pins his ass.


Almost shooting back to is feet, Flesher can’t get up fast enough as Dace rolls up right after him. Grabbing Night’s wrist, Tom hops his hips and sends Horrorcore flying across the ring. Switches tactics from the Palm Strike, Flesher sticks his knee out and rams it into Night’s gut, sending him flipping into the mat. Throwing himself into the ropes, Tom comes charging back as Dace sits up, clutching at his gut. Shooting his foot out, Flesher drills it into Horrorcore’s face, knocking him back down into the mat. Quickly flipping Dace onto his feet, moving him more to the middle of the ring, Flesher straddles his back. Hooking Night’s arms over his legs, Tom looks like he’s about to sit back into a Camel Clutch to wear his foe down. But Tom surprises almost everyone when he leans forwards, onto his hands and knees, flipping Dace over his neck and pinning his shoulder down to the mat with a Gedo Clutch…

















Comet: Flesher is breaking out everything to hit Dace with, even the kitchen sink! And that Gedo Clutch that we haven’t seen from him in ages!


Riley: You see that Comet, there’s no way Dace is going to get way with out wrestling Flesher no. He’s full of rage and no focused. I think someone must have been playing Emo music backstage.


Shooting straight back to his feet, Flesher catches Night before he can get back up and kicks him in the head before pulling him up. Driving a knee into Horrorcore’s ribs, the Superior One clamps on a Front Facelock, looking to break out the Cement Series but Dace breaks out with another counter. Rather than trying to fight his way out or leg tackle out, Night wraps his arms around Tom and drives him backwards, straight into the turnbuckles, crushing him in the corner. Still keeping his arms wrapped around Tom, Dace digs his heels into the mat and arches his back, taking Flesher over with a Northern Lights suplex and holding on for the bridge. Soapdish starts the count as the Superior One wildly kicks his legs, trying to break free…































Comet: Night just got the first score of the match! Three count from that Northern Lights Suplex. What where you saying about quick roll ups Robert?


Riley: What the hell? That was a fast count damn it. Still, the match isn’t over yet. Flesher has a lot of ass he’s about to start pounding.


On the outside, Allison yells in rage at the referee as Flesher scrambles back to his feet. Dace tries to roll out under the ropes for a breather after his first score, but the Superior One grabs him by the ankle and hauls him into the middle of the ring. Wrenching Dace up to his feet, Flesher smacks a Palm Strike into the back of his neck, more to let out range than do any damage. Locking his arms in a Rear Waistlock, Tom snaps backwards, taking Night through the air and dumping him on his shoulders for another fast cover…













Surging forwards as his shoulders roll off the mat, Dace tries to break free of Fleshers hold to make room but Flesher holds on fast, like a mad dog. Making a tangled climb to their feet, the two men don’t stay there long as Flesher swings around into a front hold and pops his hips, sending Dace over with a Railgun Suplex, almost sending him crashing into the turnbuckles. Racing back to his feet, Tom drags Dace fully into the corner and starts to rain in a hail of stomps onto Horrorcore’s face. Letting out a cry of rage, the Superior One races across the ring into the ropes. Coming flying back at full speed, Tom sticks his boot out to drive it into Horrorcore’s face…


SMACK! Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh!


Comet: Dace blocked the boot scrape!


Kicking Night’s forearms away from his face, Flesher rains in another flurry of stomps, trying to kick Dace’s teeth down his throat. Hitting the ropes again, Flesher comes charging back and this time drills his boot into Dace’s face. Backing up again, Flesher drills in a second Boot Scrape and the he repeats it for a third one. A bruise is starting to from of Night’s face as Flesher drags him away from the corner and the ropes. Jumping into the air, Flesher brings both his feet down with a Double Stomp onto Dace’s head. Allison leaps up and down, cheering on Tom Flesher as the rest of the arena pours down it’s hatred.





Riley: It didn’t look it twice Comet. No one blocks entry from Tom Flesher. And now he’s really going to work. Good job Dace is a fugly sod to start with.


Grabbing both of Horrorcore’s legs, the Superior One doubles them back over his body and drops his weight across Dace’s shoulder to make yet another cover on him…



















Comet: The score is still three and nothing to Dace Night. It should be noted that Tom Flesher has not pinned Dace in this series. He’s made him tap, but that doesn’t count in that match.


Riley: So what if Flesher hasn’t pinned him yet in the series. He’s pinned Dace before and beaten him before. This time is no different Comet.


Sitting back on his hunches from the kick out, Flesher just scowls as he stands back up. Dace tries to quickly roll up but Tom boots him in the back of the head before kicking him in the face, letting out more frustration. Kneeling down, Flesher loops his arms around Night’s neck into a Front Facelock, twisted his body away from Dace’s reach as he does. Very slowly and carefully standing up, Flesher back peddles, forcing Dace to trail along with him in the Facelock. Checking where he is in the ring, Tom ducks his body and in a flash stands up, dragging Night across his shoulders into a Fireman’s Carry. Twisting and dropping to his feet, Flesher drops Dace on his neck with a DVD.





Leaving Dace flat on the mat, with his feet point towards the turnbuckles, Flesher leaps up and jumps to Dace’s feet. The Superior One reaches down and wraps his arms around Night’s legs. Leaning backwards, Flesher falls to the mat and sends Dace flying through the air, crashing face first into the turnbuckles. As Dace flops backwards into the mat, where he came from, Tom grabs his legs and drives forwards, flipping over and making bridge and a cover.



























Comet: Tom Flesher evens up the score, thee counts a piece. Now it’s a race to get a real lead in this match. Or even to finish it off right now.


Riley: What a comb from the Superior One. DVD, slingshot into the buckles and a roll up. That’s that sort of start wrestling that wins a match like this.


Comet: I have to say you’re very right Robert. And you have to wonder, who much more than a three count will the finishes of these two men be, if they can even hit them.


Pumping his fist in the air for a moment as he sits on the mat, Flesher looks out through the ropes as smiles at the cheering Allison Onita as he stands up. Night rolls onto his front and slams his fists into the mat in frustration. Leaping forwards, Flesher drills his foot into the back of Night’s head, slamming his face into the mat. Encircling Dace in a Rear Waistlock, Flesher pushes against the mat, dragging Dace backwards for the corner before hauling him all the way up. Ducking low, Flesher tries to snap backwards and send Night crashing into the mat with a Backdrop Driver…




…Wildly swinging his elbow backwards into the Superior One’s head, Horrorcore fights his way free. Forced to set Dace back onto his feet, Flesher shoves him off into the ropes, giving himself breathing space. Desperately having a duck a Lariat from the returning Night, Tom spins around and dives forwards, catching Dace in the side of the leg with a Tackle, sending him sprawling down to the mat. Latching onto Dace’s arm, Flesher shoots back up and drags Dace back up, pulling his arm through his legs and wrapping his arm around Night’s throat from the Logical Disconnect. Again wildly swinging his elbow, Dace drives it into Flesher’s head again, nailing the Superior One over and over, shaking him off.


Comet: Backdrop Driver and the Exploder Ninety Eight both countered by those pounding Elbow Smashes from Dace Night. They’re working far better for him than Flesher’s Palm Strikes are.


Riley: Comet, we’ll have to talk about pounding Tom Flesher thank you. My poor ears can’t take it.


Measuring Flesher up, Horrorcore leans back and smacks him in the face with a full Elbow Smash. Leaning back, Dace does it again, but hooking his arms around Tom’s waist and lifting him up into the air. Dropping to one knee, Dace drops Tom, tailbone first across his knee with an Inverted Atomic Drop. As the Superior One stumbles back, clutching at his lower regions, Dace swigs his leg up and plants a kick into Flesher’s chest. A second kick rings out across the arena as Night grabs Flesher’s head and brings it down, straight onto his knee. Slamming his knee repeatedly into Tom’s face, Dace snaps his head back over and over before reaching down and scooping up the smaller man. Holding the former World Champ across his chest, Dace arches backwards and throws Flesher overhead, into the mat with a Blockbuster Suplex.


BAM! Yyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


Darting over to Tom Flesher’s prone form, Night grabs him by the head again and opens up with another round of kicks to the head, drilling them into the Superior One’s skull. Slowly wrenching Tom up to a vertical base, Horrorcore breaks up into a full crushing wave of attack…




…Blasting Flesher with elbow after elbow after elbow, Dace has to hold onto Flesher to keep him from toppling over to the mat. Backing up, Dace leaves Tom wobbling on spaghetti legs, letting out a huge yell, Dace comes crashing forwards like a land slide, twisting on his heel and sending his elbow driving hard into Flesher’s skull…


CCCCCRRRRAAAAKKKKKKKK! Rrrrrrrrraaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!


Comet: Rrrroooooollllliiiiinnnngggg Eeeeellllbbbooooowwww!


Riley: He’ll kick out, he’ll kick out damn it! It hasn’t beaten Flesher yet, it wont star to beat him now!


Not even trying to pin Flesher yet, Dace wrenches him back up once again, into a Standing Headscissors. Slipping his arms under Flesher’s shoulders into a Double Underhook, Night grits his teeth as he drags back on Flesher’s weight. Flipping the Superior One into the air, Dace brings him all the way up onto his shoulders before driving forwards and almost sending Tom through the mat with a massive Tiger Driver into Powerbomb…


BOOM! Yyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!




Comet: Tiger Driver, turned into a full Powerbomb! Dace Night channelling his old mentor Danny Williams once again. He’s really trying to crusher Flesher with sheer power to beat him!


Riley: But Danny Williams could never beat Tom Flesher and what makes you think any of his poxy moves will do either Comet.


Leaning all his weight forwards onto Tom’s shoulders, Horrorcore presses down as hard as he can, trying to make sure he gets every last bit out of the pinfall as Soapdish leaps in to make the count…




































Comet: Dace Night takes the lead with that huge four count. Flesher is now trailing badly. Unless he pulls it out now, his chance of a title shot is gone!


Riley: How is this happening? Someone must have drugged Flesher before that match. You fools, you drug him at the clubs for that sort of things…hmmm saying that…


Climbing back to his feet, Horrorcore draws his hand across his through, signalling it’s over. Only needing a three count to defeat the Superior One, win the series and gain a shot at the World Title, Dace pounds his foot into the mat, wiping the fans up into a new frenzy. Clutching at his neck on the mat, Flesher slowly shakes his head, hardly able to stand as it is. Shoving himself up from the mat, Tom can hardly hear Allison’s warning screams as Dace stands behind him, ready to strike. Slowly and groggily turning around, Flesher finds a boot driven into his gut, doubling him over. Snapping his arms forwards, Dace locks on an Double Underhook, looking to finish of the Superior One. Feeling Horrorcore’s grip close around his arms, Tom drops to his knees, sandbagging for all he’s worth to try and save himself.




Wrenching backwards with all his might, Dace tries to simply dead lift Flesher up from his knees and into the air. Wriggling his arms like they’re a pair of snakes, Tom tries to slip free of Night’s grasp and scramble to safety but the hold is to tight. In frantic mood, Flesher rocks backwards and shoots his legs our, wrapping them around Night’s leg, attaching himself like a limpet. Unable to prise Flesher way from his leg, Dace releases the Underhook and punches the Superior One in the back of the head…


BAM! Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


Clutching at his balls, Dace slumps forwards as Tom unwinds himself and slowly stands back to his feet. Quickly grabbing Night’s arm and yanking it through his own leg, Tom wraps his arm around Dace’s throat and throws his weight backwards. Horrorcore goes flying through the air and comes crashes down on it neck in the middle of the ring as Flesher lands a Sheer Drop Wrist Crunch Exploder. Soapdish stands over both men, checking their connection as they lay sprawled out on the mat.




Comet: Low Blow! Flesher is almost desperate to try and regain ground in this match.


Riley: So he’s working like a true ring general, so what. It’s the Logical Disconnect that did the damage.




The arena creates it’s own private storm as they two men lay on their backs staring up at the lights. Slowly clenching their fists, Dace and Flesher start to strain, starting to roll their bodies over, trying to stumble back up to their feet. Shoving up from his hands and knees, Tom unsteadily gets to his feet, to the cheers and yells of Allison Onita. Grabbing Night by the scruff of the neck before he can fully stand up, Tom dives for the nearest turnbuckle and drills Night headfirst into it. Stepping backwards, sucking down this breath for a moment, Flesher charges forwards again and almost drives his foot straight through the back of Dace Night’s head.


CRUNCH! Ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


Comet: Yyyyaaaaakkkkuuuuzzzzaaaaaa Kkkkkkkiiiiiicccckkkkkk!


Riley: Now that’s the dominating Tom Flesher I love to see, in and out of the ring. Keep it up Tom.


Trying to keep himself firing on all cylinders to keep hold an advantage, Flesher almost throws Night out of the corner, whipping him across the ring onto the opposite turnbuckles. Racing across the ring, Flesher doesn’t even pause, not wanting to get caught with a defensive elbow. Getting lucky, Tom finds no opposition as he drives his knee deep into Night’s gut, sending all the air rushing out of his lungs. Moving backwards to watch Dace collapse in the corner holding his gut, Flesher backs up along the ropes, waving his arm and yelling insults to the fans. Letting out an almost bellowing battle cry as he charges, the Superior One races down the side of the at break neck speed, throwing his boot as and connecting with Horrorcore’s jaw.






Comet: Oh. My. God! Tom Flesher just literally kicked Dace Night’s teeth down his throat this that Running Boot Scrape!


Riley: Fear the f’n’ Boot Scrape Comet!


Stepping backwards form the corner, Flesher wipes the blood from the bottom of his boot. The camera zooms in to show the blood pouring form the side of Night’s mouth, and the visible gap where at least two of his teeth have been knocked out. Even Ms. Onita has her hands over her face in shock. Dragging Dace by the leg, away from the ropes, Flesher pounces on the injured Horrorcore and makes the fastest cover he can, taking full advantage.






















Comet: Dace Night still kicks out! Is nothing going to put this man down that isn’t a roll up?


Riley: He’s been digging into Silent’s stash clearly. What a cheater!


Looking down in disbelief, even as blood from Night’s mouth covers his singlet. Shouting in rage and furry at Soapdish as he struggles back up to his feet, Flesher pulls the bleeding Night to his feet and shoves him back into the turnbuckles. Taking a few steps run up, Tom drills a Palm Strike into Dace’s jaw, snapping his head backwards. Ducking through the ropes, Flesher climbs to the top turnbuckle, standing behind the dazed Dace. Taking a handful of spiky black hair, Tom presses his knee into the back of Dace’s head. Leaping forwards, the Superior One flies through the air and drops towards the mat, driving Night down face first.


BAM! Bbbbbbbbbbbooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


Comet: Ego Trip! Flesher’s rarely used finisher and he just used it to plant Dace right on his face!


Riley: What a smart move, he just busted Night’s mouth and now he’s following it up, this could be all!


Quickly hauling Night clear of the ropes and flipping him onto his back, Flesher grabs both of Horrorcore’s legs and rolls backwards into a over, leaning all his weight across Night’s shoulders…
































Comet: But even after the Ego Trip, the Superior One can only manage a three count on Dace. Dace still has a one count lead on Flesher. What is it going to take to win this match.


Riley: One little Ego Buster Comet, that’s all its going to take. Dace is in no condition to fight back now.


Slamming his fists into the ring canvas, Flesher can barely control his rage at not ending the match with that move. Looking over his shoulder, Flesher can see Dace isn’t even able to hold his injured face. Diving back across Dace’s body, Flesher hooks a leg and an arm, almost kneeling on Night’s chest to make a cover, trying to milk the damage for all it’s worth…


















Comet: Dace kicks out again! He just wont stay down for anything Flesher can throw at him!


Rolling over once gain, the Superior One unloads a wave of Palm Strikes into Night’s jaw, just to let out his rage as he moves back to his feet slowly, bringing Dace up with him. Raining in Shotei after Shotei just to add insult to injury, Flesher snaps his arms forwards and clamps his arms shut in a Waistlock. Letting out another cry, Tom tries to snap Dace head first into the mat with a deadly Ego Buster. Taking a page from Flesher’s game plan, Dace shoots his arms and legs out, grapevining them around Tom’s legs like and child and holding himself fast.




Snarling in rage, the Superior One starts to slam forearms into the side of Horrorcore’s jaw, trying to shake him off like an annoying nat. Shuffling on one leg almost, having to carry eighteen stone extra with him, Flesher reaches over and wraps his fingers around the rope, pointing the fact out to Soapdish. Looking over, Soapdish grabs Dace buy the shoulder, ordering the break. Giving up his limpet like hold, Dace rolls away, trying to bail out and protect himself and the remains of his teeth. Having none of that, not letting Dace get anymore of a breath, Tom pounces forwards and grabs Dace by the ankle, dragging him backwards away from the ropes.




Comet: Tom Flesher is battling to keep Dace in his grasp and keep hold of his chance to win.


Riley: Of course he is, because the man is a true champion Comet. Just look at him, he’s about to break out another ass pounding on Dace!


Wildly kicking backwards with his free leg, Night slams his boot into Flesher’s mouth. Rolling over onto his feet, Dace throws his foot out again and kicks Tom a second time, this time showing him backwards. Surging back to his feet, with blood still pouring from the side of his mouth, Dace cracks a forearm into Flesher’s had as he tries to charge back. Clamping on a Front Facelock, Night grabs a handful of blue singlet and wrenches the Superior One all the way up into the air. Letting the blood brain from Flesher’s feet down to his head, Horrorcore keeps him up in the air for second after second before throwing his legs out and dropping back, spike Tom on his neck with a Sheer Drop Brainbuster. Floating over into a cover, Dace grabs a leg and sinks into the cover, trying to keep his fire burning as Soapdish drops down for the count.

















Comet: Sheer Drop Brainbuster on Flesher! That was so close, all it needs from Dace is one three count for this all to be over.


Riley: But remember it’s not much more for a four count that will give Tom Flesher the victory as well. Don’t forget that one spandex Boy. And Flesher still has lots more weapons to use in this match.


Twisting over on the match, Dace flips Tom over with him, leaving the Superior One face down on that mat. Snaking his arms around and locking them around Flesher’s neck and under his arm, Dace clamps his hands together. Digging back into the mat, Dace slowly leans back, standing up and dragging Flesher up inch by inch, dead lifting his weight, even as the Superior One struggles against Horrorcore’s power. Getting back to a vertical base, Dace still has his grip on Flesher’s neck, despite his struggles. Arching his back, Dace throws Flesher overhead…




But just life the UWF-I match, Flesher reaches back and hooks his arm around Dace’s neck, twisting his body around and collapsing on top of him with a Lateral Press. But rather than holding on for the pin, Flesher rolls over again and kneels behind Horrorcore. Lifting Night up into a sitting position, Tom grabs Dace arm and bars it as well as locking an around this throat. Reaching around and placing his leg between Night’s, Flesher pulls back, locking on the Stretch Plum.




Comet: Hail Without Bail! Flesher just locked on Judge Mental’s Stretch Plum and he’s trying to choke Dace out!


Riley: What a smart move, if Dace is using Ejiro’s moves, then Tom can uses Judge’s.


Comet: And of course, I think Flesher knows that not even Dace Night can kick out if he’s out old!




Dancing around like a high school cheerleader, Allison Onita leaps about at ringside, cheering on her man. Wrenching back, Flesher twists to side to side, drawing out every bit of pressure on Night’s body, as he keeps his arm fully clamped across Dace’s throat. Struggling and straining, Dace bucks his body wildly, trying to claw away at the Superior One’s grasp to break free. Leaning back all he can, Flesher just lets out a yell as he keeps snapping from side to side, jerking on Night’s injured body. Soapdish can only stand back and watch as Horrorcore’s face slowly turns purple under the strain. Horrorcore tries to grab his body and Flesher’s towards the ropes but just can’t manage it from a stead position. Even with the chants of the crowd ringing in his ears, Dace slowly goes limp in the clutches of the Superior One. Releasing his grip, Tom watches Dace limply fall to the mat before diving on for another cover.

























Riley: Oh so close! All it takes it one more little fall and this will all be over!


Comet: I don’t think Dace was even awake when he just kicked out. He’s running on instinct here! These two have brought it all in this Canadian Deathmatch.


Riley: It’s just brutality Comet. These two are just through everything they can at each other. Dace has already been made even ugly thanks to Tom Flesher. Thank you Tom, you’re my hero!


Tiring of constant kick outs, Flesher has had enough and points up to the top rope, drawing a finger across his throat. Rolling back to his feet, the former World Champ grabs the Hardcore Goth and almost pulls him into a Fireman’s Carry to drag him over into the turnbuckles. Grabbing a handful of Night’s tights, Flesher half Suplexes him up before dropping Dace on the top turnbuckle. Climbing the ropes, Flesher stands half on the second rope and half on the top rope, the Superior One clamps on a Front Facelock.






Comet: He’s going for the Boilermaker! If he hits this, it’s going to be over! There is no way Dace Night can survive the Boilermaker after a match like this!


Riley: I know and it’s bloody wonderful isn’t it! Dace Night is going to get his just desserts after all of this best of five series! I can’t wait!


Reaching down, Dace grabs hold of the top ropes for dear life, squeezing his hands shut as Tom tries to lifts him up into the air. Straining backwards, Flesher tries to break Night’s grip and haul him upwards but he’s just not strong enough to manage it. Locking his legs around the turnbuckle bolts, Dace releases his grip and gives Flesher a huge shove in his chest. Crashing off the top rope back to the floor, Flesher half rolls over and clutches at his back as Dace slowly unhooks himself from the turnbuckles. Slowly steeping down onto the mat, Dace holds his head as the Superior One crawls across the ring slowly shoves his back up to his feet.


Comet: Dace blocked the Boilermaker! What’s left for these men to try to end this match with?


Riley: Whatever’s left, it’ll be something that Tom Flesher’s nailing, I can tell you that.


Falling back on the only thing he can use, Flesher sends his body surging forwards like the last attack of a dying warrior. Palm Strikes go flying through the air, cracking again Night’s skull but fail to even more Horrorcore’s head. Shooting his arm up, Dace drills home an Elbow Smash that just rips through Flesher’s defences like a chainsaw for through paper. The another Elbow Smash and another snaps the Superior One’s head back, before he slumps forwards, almost half heartedly trying to make a Double Leg Takedown. Reaching down, Dace wraps his arms around Flesher’s mid section and hauls him up across his shoulder.




Riley: He’s not going to. You’ve got to be kidding me. Dace can’t do that!#


Allison Onita just steps away from the ring apron and holds her hands over her mouth as Horrorcore holds Tom across his shoulder. Still struggling like an animal in it’s death throws, Tom tries to send last, desperate, Palm Strikes into Dace’s jaw, but Night just locks his arms even tighter, cracking Flesher’s spine across his shoulder. Twisting around to face the fans, Dace pauses for a second longer, a now gap tooth grin showing, before bringing his arms drown and sending Tom Flesher down. Plummeting down, down, down form Dace Night’s shoulder, the Superior One goes crashing head first, completely vertical into the mat.





























Funyon: Ladies and Gentlemen, here is your winner and Number One Contender to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship …




Collapsing backwards onto his BUTT, as just sits there, slightly holding his head and holds the horns up to the fans, listening to their roar as Hero rips out around the crowd. Allison just stands on the outside, frozen in shock as Flesher lays completely unmoving on the mat, almost unbreathing.


Comet: Dace Night does it! He defeats Tom Flesher in the Canadian Death Match and takes the Best of Five, three matches to two! Now he’s got a shot at the World Championship.


Riley: How could this happen! How, how, how?!


Comet: I don’t think the Superior One is so superior anymore Robery.


Wobbling as he stands up, Dace stumbles towards the turnbuckles and climbs up, throw his arms out to the cheering fans, soaking up their cheers, flashing a gap toothed grin, hold the horns high in the air.


Comet: But I don’t think Dace will have long to celebrate. He’ll be watching the World Title match to see who he has to face for that belt.


Riley: I hope Janus wins. So he’ll have crushed Danny Williams then he’ll crush Dace Night like over ripe fruit.


With Dace standing on the turnbuckles, bleeding, grinning and victorious, Flesher out cold on the mat, unmoving, defeated, the camera fades out…

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*Reads Danny's match*


Well mate, I'm gonna have to say it was a fair loss. Close as hell, but fair.

I think you did push the Hulk Hogan-ing a little to far, but mainly with the finish.


As for the beating Danny takes, you have these things in your defence 1) he's actuallty tougher than Janus, stat wise 2) he's the champion 3) it's a PPV 4) It's the ME 5)It's a world title match.


Those last 4 always make everyone tougher in wrestling, because they're blow offs and big matches, so more drama is needed. And Janus was just killing Danny, where as Danny was having to break out the big guns for even a two count.


I really did like the Rolling Elbow, bounces of the ropes, second Rolling Elobw, big fucker finally starts to go down, spot. And you're certainly up there for making Janus' Rolling Lariat completely evil.


Calling him Godzilla in the intros was something so perfect for Janus and that should carry on. Just like Duran when he was gunning for the World Title (recent example) you put Janus over like a mofo.


But then I'd have to agree with Zed, some of your "shoot" like comments, while being fun and something you've adapted to, seemed out of place in the match. I think it's the epic, dramatic battle thing, even with the dynamic of The Man and The Destory starts to break down under such strains of difference. Had this been against say myself, or Duran, it probably would have worked better.


Man it's hard to split these two matches when I'm close to both guys and share respect for both of them in a big way. But I guess that's something that comes out in a lot of stuff I say about matches.

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Guest Suicide King

Consider this my placeholder as well for indepth comments, Dace. I will say the matches were close, and Tom only ended up winning by three points on a hundred point scale. I will give more satisfying coverage a little later.

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I'm shocked it was close at all. Considering I finshed about at 2AM. the ending was clearly rushed and I ended up reoeating lines are phrashes far to much. It was an ok match, but a lot of my big plans didnt end up happening. I also ment to have Dace crushing Flesher with stike exchanges while the traded off bombs to be something more importanted but that didnt happen either. The plan I ended up following was just Dace superseeding Tom as the better man, following from the promo where Flesher is consered about his remaining life span in the fed and if he can actually win here.

I'm not completely unhappy, I showed for the whole series I wrote 3 of the winning matches, just couldnt top it off just as I wanted to.

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This is basically all I written, and what was going to happen. I didn't want to let it waste and die away without somebody seeing the work I put into it.



As we return from the previous promo, the stage lights up. The fans all around the Mark of the Quad Cities Center jump to their feet in excitement. All of Moline, Illinois are in attendance as the SWF brings one of their biggest shows of the year, 13th Hour straight into their backyard.


“What an amazing show we have tonight! Tom Flesher takes on Dace Night in the final match of their best of five serious. Landon Maddix and Alan Clark duke it out in an iron man match for the USJL Triple Crown Championship! And in the main event, the SWF ICTV Champion goes one-on-one with the SWF World Heavyweight Champion. Janus takes on Danny Williams in what will be a stiff as nails blood bath!”


“Speaking of stiff. Where is Spike Jenkins?” says Riley as he creeps out his commentating partner.




“What? He looked a little stiff before during his interview! They cage is completely set up, so he must be on his way out soon!”


“How about choosing better words before you speak next time, okay?”


“So it shall be done.”


The lights dim down, while a multitude of light blue lights begin flashing from the top of the giant clock tower, as "Not Today" by Hotwire starts up. Half the crowd begins cheering the Hollywood superstar, while the other half boo him for his heel antics lately. After a few moments, “Hollywood” Spike Jenkins makes his appearance on his third SWF PPV. He walks out from inside the clock tower, standing behind the swinging pendulum. White pyro explodes around the entranceway, as the camera zooms in on Spike. White pyro covers him as the pendulum swings back and forth. His determined face staring straight towards the ring.


“The following contest is for the SWF Cruiserweight Championship and will be inside a fifteen-foot high Steel Cage!” booms Funyon who is now standing over his seat. “The only way to win is by pin fall or submission! First, making his way to the ring…”


The pyro dies down, as Spike walks past the pendulum. The fans in the front row hold their hands out but Spike just walks past them, staring at the cage. Spike makes his way down the isle way stopping a few feet from the cage.


“The challenger! Weighing in at a total of Two Hundred and Twenty Five Pounds! He hails from Hollywood, California and is the Number One Contender to the SWF Cruiserweight Championship! He is “Hollywood” Spike Jenkins!!!!!”


Spike pulls the jacket off his back. He tosses it to the side, and grabs onto the chain link fence that will keep him and his opponent in the ring. Spike pulls himself up, as he climbs up the cage.


“Spike Jenkins defeated not one, not two, but three men to get to where he is tonight!” states Riley.


“Technically, he only defeated two. Crow was eliminated by Todd Cortez.”


“I see how it is. You are still against Spike for watching Crow get eliminated!”


“It was not the right thing to do! Spike has better morals than that!”


“Spike needed to win, Comet! He needed it! You heard him say that before!”


Spike climbs down from the top of the cage. When he reaches the top rope, he leaps off into the ring. He stretches and hops around a bit, waiting for the champion.



“Johnny Dangerous!”


“After The Flesh” by My Life with The Thrill Kill Cult starts up as the crowd immediately responds with cheers…






Smoke begins filling the stage, as strobe lights flash all around the arena. After a few moments, Johnny Dangerous makes his way out from inside the large clock tower. He walks out in front of the swinging pendulum, standing there with the Cruiserweight title over his shoulder. Johnny poses for the crowd, as he makes his way down the isle.


“Weighing in at a total of Two Hundred and Seventeen pounds. He hails from Las Vegas, Nevada! He is the current reigning and defending SWF Cruiserweight Champion! He is Johnny “The Barracuda” Dangerous!”


Johnny walks down the isle, slapping hands with random fans in the front row and blowing kisses towards the females in the audience. Johnny walks around the steel cage, and up the steel steps. He opens the door, and walks into the cage. Johnny steps through the ropes and walks into the center of the ring where Spike is waiting for him. They get in each other’s face, as Johnny unstraps the Cruiserweight title from around his waist. Johnny backs away from Spike, and hands the belt to the official of the match. The official wraps the belt up, and holds it above his head in between Spike and Johnny.


“That’s what it’s all for. The SWF Cruiserweight Title!” proclaims Comet.


The referee walks over to the cage door, and hands a crewmember the title belt. The referee closes the door behind him, and locks it. He walks back into the center of the ring, checks both Spike and Johnny and signals for the bell!



*Ding Ding Ding*


“And this cage match is underway!”


Both men walk back into the center of the ring, back into each other’s faces. Spike quickly starts the trash talking, but Johnny is right behind him with it. Spike stops the trash talk by locking in a collar-elbow tie up with Johnny. Johnny grabs on, and both struggle for control. They both push and pull, trying to gain the advantage. After knowing that this is going nowhere, Spike breaks the hold.


“Neither man could get the advantage out of that collar-elbow tie up. Spike seemed to think he could power out Johnny. Johnny just refused to let him do it!” comments Comet.


Immediately from breaking the hold, Spike gets chest-to-chest, face-to-face with The Secret Agent Man. Spike starts again with the trash talking, only this time to push Johnny backwards into the ropes. Johnny hits the ropes, and quickly rebounds with a hard slap across the face of Spike! Spike grabs at his face, but retaliates with his own slap! Johnny holds his face, but rebounds with a sharp kick to the ribcage!


“Stiff kick to the rib’s by the champion! Already bringing in his martial arts background against the champion!”


“Comet, you got to remember. Spike also has a history in the martial arts. So anything Johnny can do, Spike can do a whole lot better.”


“What is this? A Gatorade commercial?”


Spike stumbles back, holding his ribs in pain. Johnny charges backwards into the ropes. He bounces into the ropes, but is met with a running elbow by the challenger! Johnny falls back into the ropes, with Spike now pounding on him with rights to the head. Johnny uses his arms to cover up, but Spike is relentless. After several shots to the side of the head, Spike pushes Johnny into the corner. Spike grabs Johnny by the wrist, and Irish whips him across the ring into the opposite corner. Spike stands in the corner and poses for the crowd, which gets a pretty negative response.


“Look at that! Spike taking time out of his important match to pose for the fans!”


“Why is he posing? He said he was completely focused on this match!”


“He knows that he has Johnny done. It’s over. Might as well as give him the title now.”


“The match started not even two minutes ago!” cries out Comet.



Spike charges out of the corner, heading towards Johnny. Johnny explodes out of the corner himself, surprising Spike. Johnny dives down, as Spike dives over him. Both land in a roll, but Spike is the first up to his feet. Johnny gets to his knees, but Spike is already on the attack. He unleashes a right kick, but Johnny blocks it. He unleashes a left kick, but Johnny blocks that as well. Spike goes for a second right kick, but Johnny catches his leg! Johnny spins to the mat, flipping Spike over with a dragon screw leg whip! Johnny holds onto Spike’s leg, but Spike shoves him off using his free foot. Spike spins over onto his stomach, going for a high spin kick that Johnny ducks under. Spike spins back onto his side as he goes for a thrust kick to Johnny’s chest. Johnny jumps backwards out of the way, landing on his feet! Spike tries to get to his feet, but can only make it to his knees as Johnny whips out a sharp right kick to the chest.


“What an amazing array of martial art skills!” proclaims a now excited Comet.


“That Johnny ended really quickly with that kick!”


Spike clutches at his chest, but as soon as he moves his arms Johnny jumps in with a second kick to the chest. Spike grabs at his chest again, but once more rises to a full stance on his knees. Spike screams at Johnny to bring it on, which Johnny answers with a spin kick straight to the face of Spike! He wobbles back and forth, before falling face first to the mat!


“Johnny just used Spike’s three kick combo!” complains Riley.


“He’s using Spike’s own signature move against him!”


Johnny turns Spike over onto his back, and goes for the first cover of this Cruiserweight title match!


















T…NO! Spike gets a shoulder up! Johnny slaps the mat in frustration as he climbs up to his feet.


“Spike quickly getting the shoulder up. There was no way he was going to lose to his own signature maneuver!” claims Bobby.


Johnny gets to his feet, reaches down and grabs Spike by the arm. He locks his arm and wrenches back on it with an arm bar. Spike yelps out in pain. He climbs up to his feet, trying to take pressure off the pulled joint. Spike grabs at his arm, as he walks around in a circle to shake Johnny off. When Johnny refuses to let go of the hold, Spike cracks a right hand right in between the eyes. Johnny stumbles back, allowing Spike to charge into the ropes. He bounces off the ropes, and comes running in towards Johnny with the attack. But Johnny suckers him in, and releases a stiff shotei. Spike’s legs collapses under him as he falls backwards to the mat. Johnny grabs at his hand, but still drops down to the mat for the cover!


















TH…NO! Spike gets a shoulder up!



“Close call with that shotei! Johnny nearly knocked Spike’s lights out with that!”


“But he didn’t! That’s why Spike kicked out!”


Johnny climbs up to his feet. He reaches down, grabbing Spike by the hair. He pulls Spike up to a sitting position, and backs away. Johnny dives back in, and whips a kick to the back of Spike! Spike wrenches his back in pain, as Johnny drops down. Johnny places his knee into the back of Spike and pulls back on the neck with a chinlock!


“Chinlock by the champion to slow things down. Keeping Spike off his feet is a good strategy by the champion.”


Spike flails his arms around, trying to do anything to get out of the hold. Some fans cheer on the Hollywood Superstar, but most of the arena is 100% behind Dangerous. Spike begins shaking back and forth, trying to get up to his feet. After several tries, he is finally able to make it up to his knees, then to a full stance. Johnny tries to keep the chinlock intact, but Spike winds back and nails him in the gut with an elbow! Johnny nearly breaks the hold, but holds on. Spike winds back and nails him in the gut with a second elbow! Johnny breaks the hold as he grabs his abdomen. Spike stands up, trying to catch his breath. As he looks over at Johnny who is still bent over, Spike whips his right leg out and connects with a kick to the back of Johnny’s head. Johnny stumbles over, landing on his knees. Spike quickly hits the go behind, and tries to double underhook Johnny’s arms!


“Can Spike be going for the Cattle Mutilation? The move that got him here?!?!?” questions Comet.


“This is the move that his mentor, Mak Francis used to rack up many wins. Will Spike pick up his first SWF title with it tonight?”


Spike locks in the double underhook, and tries to force Johnny down onto his stomach. Johnny struggles though, standing on his knees and not allowing himself to go down. Johnny struggles as Spike pushes with all his might. Johnny decides to pull a kamikaze and swings his head back, head-butting Spike! Spike immediately breaks the hold and grabs at his nose.


“Johnny just cracked his own skull to crack Spike’s! What a freaking psycho!”


“Calm down, Robert. Johnny knows what he is doing in that ring.”


With Spike hunched over him, Johnny grabs Spike’s arm. He pulls Spike down to his knees, locking his legs around the arm of Spike’s he just grabbed onto!


“Johnny is going for The Interrogator! That crossface hold that has picked him up many victories!”


Johnny locks his legs around Spike’s arm, and tries to lock his hands around Spike’s neck. Spike tries to fight it off by pulling away from Johnny. He struggles and struggles, but Johnny nearly has it clinched in. Spike uses his free arm and cracks it over Johnny’s head. Johnny tenses up, as Spike unleashes a second punch. Johnny breaks the hold around Spike’s neck and arm, and rolls away. Both men grab at their limbs as they make it to their feet. Spike takes the first shot, as he charges in and drives his knee into the abdomen of Johnny. Johnny nearly falls over, as Spike grabs him by the hair. Spike pulls Johnny towards the cage, throwing him by his hair face first into the cage! Johnny’s skull connects with the cage as he ricochets back down to the mat. Spike stumbles around the ring, trying to shake the stinger out from his shoulder that Johnny nearly tore off with The Interrogator.


“Spike just barely getting out of the Interrogator. Then he uses the cage as a weapon against Johnny!”


“That’s what the cage is there for. To be used as a weapon.” Riley says as he gives off his mass knowledge of wrestling.


“Actually, it’s there to keep the two wrestlers in the ring. Also to keep everyone else OUT of the ring.”


“And to be used as a weapon.”


Spike charges into the ropes. He bounces off the ropes and comes running back towards the downed Johnny. Spike leaps into the air, and drops down. He drives the point of his elbow into the forehead of the Cruiserweight champion! Johnny screams out in pain, as he tries to sit up. Spike grabs him by the shoulder and pulls him back down to the mat. Spike grabs a handful of Johnny’s hair, as he begins to unload a flurry of punches to the forehead.


“He is viciously beating on Johnny! What crawled up his BUTT?”


“If you say anything about me, I swear I will stab you.”


“I’m being serious, Robert. Citizen Jenkins has been showing a mean streak lately.”


“If you want to know what I think…”


“Which I don’t” Comet interrupts.


“I think he is finally showing some charisma and backbone. He is finally stepping up for himself. It’s about time, I say.”


Spike rises to his feet, pulling Johnny up with him. Spike holds onto Johnny’s hair, and pulls him towards the cage again. Once again, Spike throws Johnny head first into the cage! Johnny bounces off the cage, and stumbles back into the waiting arms of Spike. He grabs Johnny by the hair again, pulling him towards the cage. Spike drives Johnny’s head into the cage…and starts grinding his head into the cage! Johnny screams out in pain, as blood begins pouring out of his forehead! Spike throws Johnny backwards to the mat. He begins tauntingly walking around the ring, as the arena fills up with boos. Johnny grabs at his forehead that has now been opened up.


“Johnny is bleeding! Spike has busted the champion open!”


“He isn’t just bleeding. He is bleeding…a lot!”


Johnny grabs at his head, as he tries to crawl away from Spike. Spike has other plans, as he charges into the ropes facing Johnny. Spike dives down to the mat, driving his foot into Johnny’s head with a baseball slide! Johnny’s head snaps back, as blood pours from his head to the mat. Spike quickly gets to his knees, turning Johnny over and going for the cover.




















TH…NO! Johnny fights out of it. Spike gets to his knees, and yells at the referee that that was a three count.


“Spike hitting a basement dropkick to the busted open forehead of Johnny Dangerous. The champion is at a huge disadvantage now that Spike has busted him open.”


Spike climbs up to his, cockily kicking Johnny in the head on the way up. He walks around towards Johnny’s leg. He lifts one of the legs up, wrapping it under his arm. He turns Johnny over onto his stomach, locking in a half crab! Johnny screams in pain, as Spike drops down on top of him. Spike locks his leg over Johnny’s as he turns onto his side. Spike locks his hands around Johnny’s head, and pulls back with an STF!


“STF by the challenger! Johnny is in trouble!”


Spike wrenches back on the neck of Johnny, as the blood really begins to pour down the wound. Johnny screams in pain, but there is no one to help him. He wails his arms around, but then uses them to try and break the hold that Spike has on his neck.


“How long can Johnny last in this, Bobby? He has been torn apart so far, and now this STF isn’t going to help at all!”


“He isn’t going to last long, at all. Johnny is already near passing out levels.”


“Passing out levels?”


“He is at about a .2 Gurrerro.”


“A .6 Gurrerro? Does that mean he’s at a 1.2 Muta?” asks Comet.


“Actually, it’s probably more like a .736 Muta. Hold on, where is my calculator?”


Back in the action, Spike pulls and tears at Johnny’s neck. Johnny screams in pain, but refuses to tap out. The referee continues to ask Johnny if he gives up, but he just screams “No”. The fans in the arena begin stomping there feet, and slowly start up a “Johnny…Johnny…Johnny” chant. Johnny continues to struggle to break the hold, but Spike is just relentless.


“He refuses to give up! He refuses to lose his title!”


“He’ll lose it. Sooner or later…”


After a good minute or so in the STF, Spike finally thinks that Johnny has enough. He breaks the hold around Johnny’s neck, and releases his leg. Johnny collapses to the mat, as Spike cockily pushes him onto his back. Spike lies back on Johnny’s body, and hooks the leg. The referee jumps into position, as Spike begins to count with him.























THRE….NO! Johnny gets a shoulder up! Spike looks around in awe, as he quickly gets to his feet. Spike pushes the referee back, screaming that it should be over.


“How did he kick out? I SMELL A CONSPIRACY!” screams Riley.


“It’s not a conspiracy. It’s determination! Johnny Dangerous is determined to walk out of 13th Hour the SWF Cruiserweight Champion!”


“No, it’s a conspiracy. The Secret Service is up to it!”


“Robert, we all know Johnny hasn’t been in the Secret Service for several months now.”


“Do we, really?” questions Riley.


Spike stomps over towards Johnny, grabbing him by the hair and pulling him to his feet. Spike grabs a handful of Johnny’s hair, and pulls him towards the cage. Spike pulls back on Johnny’s head, and attempts to slam his face into the cage. But Johnny blocks it with his hand! Johnny quickly elbows Spike in the gut. Spike kneels over, allowing Johnny to grab a handful of his hair. Johnny pulls back and smashes Spike’s head into the cage as the crowd explodes into cheers! Spike stumbles back, holding his head. Johnny stands against the ropes, trying to catch his breath. Johnny goes back to the attack, and kicks Spike in the leg. Spike drops to a knee, as Johnny charges backwards into the ropes. Johnny bounces off the ropes and comes charging back towards Spike. Spike sees him coming though, and stops him dead in his tracks with a kick to the gut. Johnny kneels over, as Spike locks in a front face lock and SNAPS down with a DDT!


“Snap DDT by the challenger! Johnny Dangerous is down!”


“Go for the cover, Spike!” shouts Riley.


Spike takes the advice of the colour commentator, and quickly turns Johnny over. Spike hooks Johnny’s leg as the referee gets into position!

















THRE…NO! Johnny gets a shoulder up! Spike grabs his head, as he has to figure out what to do.


“Spike is going to have to come up with something big if he wants to beat Johnny inside the cage!”


Spike stumbles up to his feet, as he paces around the ring. The crowd continues their “Johnny…Johnny…Johnny” chant. Spike walks over to Johnny. He leans over and grabs him by the hair, pulling him up to his feet. Spike pulls Johnny into a front face lock, again. He calls out “One More Time!”.


“Spike is going for another DDT! Johnny is already dazed and confused, another DDT might just put him away!” comments Comet.


“That was a good movie.” Says Riley. “Dazed and Confused.”


“Now isn’t the time…”


Spike holds onto the front face lock, and prepares to drop down with a DDT. But Johnny fights back with some punches to Spike’s back. Spike nearly breaks the hold, but Johnny wraps his arms around Spike’s waist. Johnny lifts Spike up into the air!


“Northern Lights Suplex! Johnny countered the DDT with a Northern Lights Suplex!” yells an excited Comet.



…But before he can drop Spike down, Spike knees Johnny in the jaw. Johnny quickly drops Spike back down to his feet.


“So close. But yet, so far! Ha ha!” laughs Riley.


Spike keeps the front face lock intact, as he lifts Johnny’s arm. Spike ducks under the arm, and grabs a hold of Johnny’s tights. He lifts Johnny up with all his might into a vertical position!


“Spike with the vertical suplex!”


But instead of dropping back with the suplex, Spike holds Johnny in the air for several seconds. The crowd begins booing the sheer strength of who could be the next Cruiserweight champion. Spike keeps his balance, as Johnny’s blood drips down onto his arm and chest. After about a good twenty seconds, Spike drops back driving Johnny back first into the mat.


“Stalling suplex by the challenger! All the blood rushing to Johnny’s head…”


“Only to pour right out of the cut on his head! Genius!”


Spike quickly floats over, and hooks the leg.
























NO! Johnny gets a shoulder up!




“How much blood must flow to this guy’s head before it gushes out before he realizes that he should just give up?” questions Riley.


“Johnny is running on sheer intensity at this point. Just refusing to give up!”


“Maybe he’s like a chicken. You know, how when they get their head cut off, they can still live for a while.”


“Are you seriously comparing Johnny Dangerous to an actual chicken?”


“Ummm…. yes.”



Spike climbs up to his feet, visibly annoyed at how his opponent won’t stay down. Spike gives an angry kick, rather then his earlier cocky kick to Johnny’s head. Johnny rolls over onto his stomach, holding his head in pain. Spike reaches down, grabbing Johnny by his hair. He pulls Johnny up to his feet, and drags him into the corner. Spike pulls himself up onto the middle rope, and sits down on the top rope.


“What can Spike Jenkins be going for?” questions Comet.


Spike pulls Johnny into a front face lock. Spike uses his free arm to twirl around, signaling for a Tornado DDT. Spike pushes off the middle rope, and spins around while holding onto Johnny. Spike goes to drop down into the DDT, but Johnny spins Spike around with another rotation. Johnny drops Spike down, who lands on his feet. Johnny wraps his arms around Spike’s waist, and lifts him straight into the air. He drops back, driving Spike back first into the mat!


“Johnny counters the Tornado DDT with a Northern Lights Suplex!” cries Comet.

















“Kick out, Spike!”









THR…NO! Spike kicks out!


“Spike has been in control the whole match. Do you really think a Northern Lights Suplex will really put him away? Come on, Comet…”


“I didn’t say anything! But it was a very close fall.”


“Ahh, shut up.”



Johnny rolls onto his stomach, and begins to make his way to his feet. Spike also begins to make his way up to his feet. Both make it to their feet at the same time. Johnny makes the first attack, as he hits a right hand over Spike’s skull. Spike stumbles back, as Johnny unleashes a second right hand. Spike stumbles backwards into the ring, dazed from the right hands. Johnny bursts out of the corner towards Spike. He throws one leg into Spike’s chest as he jumps into the air, cracking his other foot over the back of Spike’s head. Johnny lands on his face, while Spike does a full front flip from the impact!


“Standing enziguri by The Secret Agent Man! Spike takes a nasty fall with it!”


Johnny stumbles to his knees, dropping down on top of Spike.





















THR…NO! Spike gets a shoulder up!


“Johnny almost picking up the victory there! A few more impact moves like that, and Johnny will be able to walk out of here the SWF Cruiserweight Champion!”


Johnny rolls off of Spike and onto his stomach. The blood continues to drip down his face, most of his face already covered in dried blood. Spike sits up, his eyeballs in the back of his head. He wobbles around, before climbing up to his feet. Right behind him, Johnny climbs up to his feet. Johnny turns towards Spike, who charges towards him and drives a fist right into his forehead! Johnny falls straight to the mat, as Spike grabs the top rope to catch a breather.



From here, Spike just pounds away on the cut on Johnny's head. Spike was going to send Johnny into a corner, where Johnny would go for the Chaos Theory (the move Spike used on Cortez to win), but Spike counters out of it with an attempted Yakuza kick. But that gets swatted away, and Johnny hits a desperation MI Slam for a close 2 count. Spike goes for the Bad Beat, but Johnny counters and slingshots Spike into the cage busting him open. Johnny tears away at Spike's cut, like Spike was doing earlier. Spike hits a low blow and goes for a Sharpshooter. It's countered into the crossface. We have a long spot where Spike reverses out of the crossface in different ways, only to get put back into it. Spike finally gets out of the crossface, and puts on the cattle mutilation (the move that got him to this match). Johnny struggles, counters into a Fujiwara armbar, but Spike kicks himself out of it. Spike goes to top rope to finish Johnny, but Johnny stops him. Johnny goes to top rope for a MI Slam, but Spike low blows him and a Top Rope Wild Ride II (WC's finisher of sorts) ends it and Spike wins the title.


The whole story was Spike wanted the win so bad, he would absolutely kill Johnny to get it. He tried to cheat as much as possible (not as much as JL Heel Spike's days), and tried everything but Johnny refused to stay down. Johnny out smarts Spike and then tears away at him for some revenge. Spike tries to go with what got him there (Cattle Mutilation), but Johnny won't let it (Crossface, Fujiwara armbar). So Spike decided to go to the top rope, Johnny surprises him, but Spike cheats and goes all heelish with using Johnny's tag partner's finisher to get the win. I personally thought it was a train wreck, but meh.

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Guest Suicide King
I'm shocked it was close at all. Considering I finshed about at 2AM. the ending was clearly rushed and I ended up reoeating lines are phrashes far to much. It was an ok match, but a lot of my big plans didnt end up happening. I also ment to have Dace crushing Flesher with stike exchanges while the traded off bombs to be something more importanted but that didnt happen either. The plan I ended up following was just Dace superseeding Tom as the better man, following from the promo where Flesher is consered about his remaining life span in the fed and if he can actually win here.

I'm not completely unhappy, I showed for the whole series I wrote 3 of the winning matches, just couldnt top it off just as I wanted to.


Well, maybe you don't need my comments. ;) You touched on the biggest problem area of your match, that of course being the rushed ending. Description in particular suffered. I remember one spot that stuck out to me was towards the end where you just knocked Tom off the top rope to the outside floor, and absolutely nothing was made of it. In the end game of a match that is a rather big bump, and certainly a major momentum shifter. That was the most notable instance to me, but there were others.


Both Tom's and your match were good, but with you two I and most of the other markers have come to expect more. Neither of you actually wrote with the usual excellence that you both have. You guys can probably write good matches in your sleep, and both matches started off excellently, but it was clear that both you just ran out of time to tell the story you wanted.


So again, good matches all around and nothing to be ashamed of whatsoever. Particularly when taken with the rest of the series of matches, I think it is clear that Dace is ready for the Big Gold Belt.

Edited by Suicide King

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Good matches... I want to comment on both Dace and Danny... however am in the process of reading through. Comments for much of the stuff later tonight.

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Guest Suicide King
Let's hope Janus can hold onto that slippery Gold Belt for a little while before that happens, though (Y)


Just for a change of pace. ;)

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Shit, I wrote flood.....CRRAAP! You do release by back down do the floor, I meant back to the mat.

Damn I was tired. I just ment that Tom got shoved off the ropes to the mat, Dace hopes down, drills him, picks him up and and kills him.


Grumble grumble.

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Guest Suicide King

It's ok man. We've all done stuff like that before. Hell I remember in one of my matches I once had a guy knocked off of the apron to the floor, only to miraculously appear in the corner. ;)

Edited by Suicide King

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Well mate, I'm gonna have to say it was a fair loss. Close as hell, but fair.


I'm gonna have to disagree but no matter how hard I try to be subjective my opinion will of course have a slight biased.


I don't want to stir up emotions or anything and I hate to come off like a sore loser because when I feel the better man won I do awknowledge it or just shut up(see Kibagami's victory over me).


I don't know, Janus' match just doesn't strike me as having the same big Main Event feel or importance to it.


I think you did push the Hulk Hogan-ing a little to far, but mainly with the finish.


No not at all. The only real Hulk Hoganism is the great sense of timing that is used to maxmize my fictional audiences response, truely Hogan's greatest asset. This was the real Hogan influence on my match, not the selling or goofiness.


Of course there's the super human feat of strength at the finish which I feel is crucial to the direction I wish to take Willaims as Champion. If he's too be a memorable Champion, his first defense must be larger than life, historical even. Besides, if Lyger can Powerbomb Hashimoto's fat ass, certaintly a guy as big as Williams could Powerbomb a tall lean guy if he could take the bump.


The super human baby face comeback in the Bearhug is not so much a Hoganism as it's a traditional spot used in the majority of U.S. wrestling. It's not terribly complex or brilliant, but it's solid and I feel that giving the tone of the match it was appropriate.


As for the beating Danny takes, you have these things in your defence 1) he's actuallty tougher than Janus, stat wise 2) he's the champion 3) it's a PPV 4) It's the ME 5)It's a world title match.


Before the final transition, there are two bails to the outside and three counters(two Chokeslams and the Knuckle Bomb). Even after that, Williams sells alot inbetween the Rolling Elbows. That's not Hulk Hogan, that's Misawa(when he was great). In fact, it's almost overselling considering Janus never used none of his true deadly moves in the final run( Emerald Frosion, Screwdriver).


Truth be told, Williams beating wasn't that severe to began with. The Chokeslam, Knucklebomb aren't true finishers and I didn't take Janus' Frog Splash so much as an Ace(TD 91) than just a rare move he doesn't do becaues he's big. I took as being less powerful than the Emerald Frosion which Danny actually takes in Janus match only to brush off when he argues with the ref. It's no Screwdriver either.


But then I'd have to agree with Zed, some of your "shoot" like comments, while being fun and something you've adapted to, seemed out of place in the match.


The only real instance of that is the bearhug, which I think warranted some saitre like comments. To have the commentators provide a rational explanation for the super baby face comeback would have been even more comedic and goofy. I was really just trying to create a modernized 80s big Main Event style match. I guess that somehow got misunderstood.

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Sense of main event feel and importance comes from the style you choice to write. That's all I can say on that one.


It's the powerbomb that I felt tipped the balance to far over the line for me. But you've got a fair counter example to that one. With the other things Danny did, it was nothing more than he'd one in other matches, just on a slightly bigger scale due to the match, which I can say is completely fair and reasonible. It's just the powerbomb that's to much for me.


I'm not saying Danny seemed over tough, as he does bail out and sell alot as you say. But then you have the fact you build Janus as a huge monster. But all things conisidered, I think you got that balance right.


I say "shoot" comments, because you talk about wrestling cliches etc, and what they happen. I know what you ment to say and it did work, but they would have been more at home in your match with TMM (which was a great blend of comedy and wrestling on your half). They worked, but it was just a little to much saitre for a PPV World Title Match.


But as I said, it's hard to call this one. I'm not the best with comments, even with all the ones I make. I'm baised towards both of you, so that means I'm worse that normal with my comments. Maybe I am wrong, but I've got what I think.

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Sense of main event feel and importance comes from the style you choice to write. That's all I can say on that one.


But with all the talk of what's appropriate and not appropriate for a main event I think it should have been a factor. Janus did a good job of capturing that with the entrances but I think there was nothing about the actual match that jumped out as being Main Event special or important especially the last two anit-climatic transitions.


It's just the powerbomb that's to much for me.


I don't see how it's more far fetched than a 7'2 360 pound man taking a head bump from a Release German. It's also suppose to be something that Williams isn't expected to be capable of doing, that's what makes it dramatic and impacting. However it's not so far out of reach that idea of hitting it is impossible, it's just the right mix.


They worked, but it was just a little to much saitre for a PPV World Title Match.


It's just the one instance and just because the commentary parodies the action doesn't mean the actual action was saitre. Everyone uses the commentary for comic relief at some point. I don't see how a brief break in serious play by play is that big of a deal.


But as I said, it's hard to call this one. I'm not the best with comments, even with all the ones I make. I'm baised towards both of you, so that means I'm worse that normal with my comments. Maybe I am wrong, but I've got what I think.


That's all cool, I'm just venting because I'm terribly disappointed with the final decision and I don't entirely understand why the other match was chosen.

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Judging from what you've already said, I think this is going to be a decision you'll never be happy with, particularly after I tell you how I came to it.


Never the less, I'll address one thing first off: When I said what felt 'appropriate' for the main event, what I meant was the overall feel of the match. No, there's nothing wrong with writing a Hogan-esque main event. I think it stands out on PPV, and seems very strange for an e-fed like this, but there's nothing wrong with. What felt inappropriate was the fact it didn't really seem like a Hogan match, but between the prose, the action, the way Janus himself was written... it seemed like a satire on a Hogan match. I know know this was entierly unintentional, which is bad, since the fact it seemed less like an exact Hogan match and more like a smart parody of one, mainly because that's the writing element I enjoyed the most.


That said, it's an element that didn't feel... I dunno. It was the way it related to Janus' match that made it seem inappropriate. I compared the two matches side-by-side, and to be honest, I've never had two matches that seemed so completely different. I measured the way you approached the main event, Danny, and the way Janus approached it, and that was a big factor in my decision. You're going to disagree, but I honestly think that Janus wrote the much more dramatic match. His prose was incredible, and one of the few times he's managed to capture the fact he's a very good writer outside of the fed, on real writing, and implant it in his matches. It created that oh-so important atmosphere that I feel main events require, and it created an air of drama. A more serious one, which your match seemed to lack. It was almost cartoonish, and I couldn't, in good conscience, take that over how Janus wrote his.


Of course, that was hardly the only reason. I don't think either match had terribly impressive wrestling (Janus' match was average/above average), but there were some spots in yours that just killed it for me. The finish was definitely one of them -- I no way would I equitate Danny powerbombing Janus to Hogan slamming Andre. For one, the powerbomb is theoretically a move that requires much more strength and has much more impact than a body slam, and furthermore, Janus has WAY too much weight on Danny for him to essentially pick him up over his head and slam him down, and Danny's stature just makes it seem very far out of the realm of sensibility. You will disagree; many others I've discussed this with would not.


The other big thing was the frogsplash from Janus to Danny... that Danny kicked out of. To be completely, 100% frank, I don't buy that at ALL. I mean, unless you make that kind of thing into some kind of absolute EVENT, I can't see Janus hitting something off the top rope and then having someone kick out of it. It's just... no.


In my eyes, those two things were big gaffes that cost you the match. With a different finish and a removal of the splash spot, it probably would've been a much more difficult decision. Janus' match, while it was excellent writing, was just acceptable wrestling. If I had to compare them on merit alone, it would've been a serious judgement call. If this was a Storm match, even moreso. But as it was a PPV, I feel he succeeded in creating that big, dramatic main event match better than you did. Obviously, I stand by my decision.



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Janus has WAY too much weight on Danny for him to essentially pick him up over his head and slam him down, and Danny's stature just makes it seem very far out of the realm of sensibility. You will disagree; many others I've discussed this with would not.


Again in my defense...


In a tag match, Lyger when he was still a junior drifting around 205 or so, Powerbombed Hashimoto who at the time was about 300 pounds. Hash isn't an athletic evenly distrubuted 300 either. If that can happen, than yes I think Williams/Janus is possible. Considering that Janus is lean, athletic and probably a much better bumper than Hash and that a roid freak like Danny is much stronger than Lyger. If the "many others" have seen crazy shit like that, than I don't think they would be so quick to write it off.


Though actually it was watching Steven Williams' 94 Powerbomb bumps for smaller guys that really made it seem possible for me. He would kind of jump up and turn himself around, essentially Powerbombing himself. It looked great, being that Janus is younger and most likely more athletic than Dr. Death, I could picture him doing that.


This isn't just something I just decided to do, I did put alot of thought and research into it. If I didn't think it was possible, I wouldn't have wrote it.


Why I make such a big deal is because you can expect to see more stuff like this in the future and I want to clear it up right now that YES it's possible.


Besides is it really more far fetched as Willimas falling out of the ring with Janus landing on top of him on the floor. If Janus can take a Dangerous German, than I think he can take a Powerbomb bump. Anyway, any crazy thing you can think of that seems impossible has most likely happened before somewhere. Even Andre was body slammed twice before he ever stepped in the ring with Hogan.


I can't see Janus hitting something off the top rope and then having someone kick out of it. It's just... no.


It was Vader/Inoki that gave me that idea. Inoki getting a shoulder up off the Vader Moonsault. After seeing that, I don't have a problem with it. Despite escaping it, I think I put the Frog Splash over well. Two bails is probably the max before it becomes tedious selling. If it's put over well, than there isn't a problem.


I find the Screw Driver and Emeral Frosion to be far more deadlier moves.


But as it was a PPV, I feel he succeeded in creating that big, dramatic main event match better than you did.


Disagree. But I thank you for explaining yourself. I think it's very productive and helpful to see where the marker and writer disagree.

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Danny, if it's any consolation, people used to tell me that my moves were impossible all the time... so I started writing even more acrobatic spots, until the shit that I was writing originally looked ordinary by comparison... ;)


- Dub "I'm a freakin' circus acrobat; what do you mean I can't do it?" Cee

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Danny, if it's any consolation, people used to tell me that my moves were impossible all the time... so I started writing even more acrobatic spots, until the shit that I was writing originally looked ordinary by comparison... ;)


- Dub "I'm a freakin' circus acrobat; what do you mean I can't do it?" Cee

Actually I've seen alot of Wildchild's moves or similar moves done before.


The sommersault Missile Dropkick is very similar to a move that Misawa used in the 80s and still busted out out periodically throughout most of the 90s.


And I know I've seen Rey Misterio do a move like the Cannonball.

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