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Vengeance/Summerslam Main Events?

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Several sources within WWE have been saying that there has been a lot of talk about the Vengeance main event (which is a Raw brand PPV this year). The plan was to go with Edge vs. Chris Benoit for the World Heavyweight Title, although it appears as if that could change. There are still plans to go forward with Benoit vs. Triple H at SummerSlam so build up for that match could start next month and with the most recent Raw not promoting a Benoit vs. Edge match at the July PPV and not as much talk going on about it, things seem to look like they will change.



Source: PWInsider.com


With this news, I think it is quite obvious that WWE will put HHH over Benoit at Vengeance and have Edge take HHH on at SummerSlam in front of his hometown. WWE officials are very high on Edge, HHH has specifically said on Byte This that if he had to face anyone right now it would be Edge, and I wouldn't doubt that they would put him in the Main Event of the second biggest show of the year.


I know a lot of people myself included wanted to see Benoit vs Helmsley as the big "money" match at SummerSlam and possibly even having a series between the two at SS, No Mercy, and Halloween Havoc, but I have a bad hunch they will end Benoit's reign in as crappy a fashion as his title run has been conducted.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I don't see Benoit losing the title in his first 1-on-1 counter with HHH on PPV. I can see it happening at No Mercy, but not Vengeance. Just because Toronto is Edge's hometown means squat in wrestling. Booker T is like 0-2948 when he wrestles in Houston, or even Texas for that matter. Michaels lost the World title Match in San Antonio last December.


If anyone should have the title taken off him it's Eddie. I'm sorry, but the guy's reign has flopped thanks to crappy opponents and even crappier feud with JBL.

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Who would you put the title on?


-Taker? You'd be back in the same place, with no credible heels to challenge for the belt.


-Cena's not ready


-JBL - ha!


-RVD - ha!


-Booker - already killed

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

SS just proved how fucked up Smackdown is. Ugh. Eddie will be tarnished for a horrible title reign, but whats worse is there is no one he can drop it to without looking worse. Except Taker, but if he wins, SD is dead.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Well fuck, looks like the days of Raw being worthwhile are extremely numbered right now.


And just think, after HBK comes back and beats Kane at whatever PPV it is he can get another 50 title shots at Triple H as they renew their feud.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

WTF? After all of this three way bullshit they can't even give a simple blowoff and have HHH fight Benoit at SS? This once again shows that even when people are enjoying their shows(RAW only in this case) the booking is putrid.

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Did it seem to anyone else that Jericho was starting a feud with Triple H this past week? Would that be dropped for HHH/Benoit at Vengeance?


But, who knows, maybe that won't matter much and it was just used to build to HHH/Eugene this coming week.



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Guest Salacious Crumb

So we could potentially have HHH/Taker as the champs going into the fall?


Wow, that WWF sure knows how to put those new stars over.

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I don't see any reason to think that HHH is going to get the belt back any time soon. They've done so much to make him look like Benoit's bitch I don't even think he'd be a credible champion right now. I mean shit, he lost to Shelton Benjamin twice. If he does somehow win the title at Vengeance, I'm sure it would only be to drop it back again at Summerslam.


I say the best way to do it would be to get the Benoit/HHH match done at Vengeance, since it's not as big of a money match anymore, and just let Benoit get the clean job to end it. Then, they've got another month to build up Edge before starting the Benoit/Edge feud at Summerslam. To make it a big event, build it up as kind of a face/face thing going in. Then do the Edge knows he can't beat Benoit clean and resorts to beating him with a chair to win the title. Since he wins the title, it will still be a big event, and it will also be a good wya to get the feud going between the two. Of course, Benoit will win the title back in a month or two, before ultimately losing it to Randy Orton around Survivor Series or even the Royal Rumble. Meanwhile, HHH can undergo a winter of rebuilding/making movies, and by the time Wrestlemania rolls around, there will be no problem with him regaining the World Title.


On Smackdown, the best option is still for Eddie to drop the belt to Angle at Summerslam. If that can't happen, which it seems like it might not since I haven't heard anything about it in a while, then they might as well just drop the belt to Taker. It will at least be fresh and different, and might get people watching Smackdown. Of course, they'd have to have a decent heel challenger for Taker to make it work, but Big Show will probably be ready by that time, so maybe they can make it work.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
I don't see any reason to think that HHH is going to get the belt back any time soon. They've done so much to make him look like Benoit's bitch I don't even think he'd be a credible champion right now. I mean shit, he lost to Shelton Benjamin twice. If he does somehow win the title at Vengeance, I'm sure it would only be to drop it back again at Summerslam.


Go back to December and take a look at how he inserted himself into a feud he didn't need to be in and then proceeded to win the title.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

And let's just stop with the Angle bullshit already. You know he's done, I know he's done so let's just leave him out of the Summerslam and any other equation until he actually steps into a ring again.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Angle is done. The guy is going to kill himself in the ring if he tries to come back over and over again.


Besides, I don't see how it helps giving him the title, considering he'll be in the same boat Eddie is in. John Cena & RVD main eventing? no Thanks.

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With this news, I think it is quite obvious that WWE will put HHH over Benoit at Vengeance and have Edge take HHH on at SummerSlam in front of his hometown. WWE officials are very high on Edge, HHH has specifically said on Byte This that if he had to face anyone right now it would be Edge, and I wouldn't doubt that they would put him in the Main Event of the second biggest show of the year.


I know a lot of people myself included wanted to see Benoit vs Helmsley as the big "money" match at SummerSlam and possibly even having a series between the two at SS, No Mercy, and Halloween Havoc, but I have a bad hunch they will end Benoit's reign in as crappy a fashion as his title run has been conducted.

Talk about jumping into presumptions.


Let's get this straight. From this vague piece of news that stated Benoit MAY not fight Edge at Vengeance, you have thus found it to be quite obvious that:


1) It will be HHH/Benoit at Vengeance

2) HHH will win the title at Vengeance

3) The Main Event at SummerSlam will be HHH/Edge




I'm not saying that this plan isn't possible, but I find it ridiculous that you're stating it as if it's already been set in stone by WWE. For all we know, the Benoit/Edge feud can start as early as next week, considering Vengeance is a few weeks away. Then again, HHH could lose his #1 Contender's match to Eugene on Raw, and Bischoff could decide to slip Kane into the title slot at Vengeance once again. They could also possibly have another Battle Royal to determine the #1 Contender at Vengeance, since this is something that has become more popular lately for determining title contenders. Why.....they could even haul out the Elimination Chamber for Vengeance! Benoit, Jericho, Edge, HHH, Kane, Randy Orton. There we go. Huge Vengeance Main Event.


.....OR they could have HHH go against Benoit at Vengeance. Have Benoit pull the win out, and then have the big rematch at SummerSlam.


.....OR they could have HHH go against Benoit at Vengeance. Have HHH pull the win out, and then have the big rematch at SummerSlam.


Why, there are an amazing amount of routes they could go before Vengeance. They haven't really built up anything specifically for the PPV, and anything thus far - even if it's from Meltzer or the Torch - is wild speculation. Yet, if HHH is involved, you just immediately think the worst.....and other people take that presumption of the worst as solid fact.


Let's wait to see what they decide to do for Vengeance before we all start screaming about WWE screwing over Benoit....again.

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I think it would be great if at the "Great American Bash" The Big Show came out and chokeslammed Eddie and JBL through the ring. This would instantly build a monster heel vs face title program.

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There are basically three options on Smackdown (that don't suck).


Turn one of Eddy or Cena heel and build to a big match at Wrestlemania. Ideally, they will fight at Mania being easily the two most over guys on the show. This pretty much has to be the long term plan if the company is caring about Smackdown at all. The issue is what to in between time.


1) Let Eddy keep the title. This could be boring, but might be the best route to go if Eddy is the one to turn heel. Rey Misterio could make a potential face challenger to him to get him over as a heel, and then move him on to Cena. If Cena is to turn heel, the other two options are probably better in that they would offer a bit of a change of pace before the Cena feud starts.


2) Use Booker T as the traditional fall champion as a change of pace. He's close to a Smackdown main event level now. He just needs a couple of big wins before taking the title around Summerslam. Leave him the gimmick where he would rather be on RAW. It worked for Shawn Michaels in 1997, when he had the gimmick where he would rather be on Nitro.


3) Build up Charlie Haas as a credible threat. Turn him on Rico soon, obliterate him in their feud, and then move him onto Eddy. He would then be used throughout the fall. However, I don't think he's ready. He clearly has a longer ways to go than Shelton Benjamin does, but if they are reluctant to push Booker he would make the best option. Undertaker is like Shawn Michaels, Rock & Ric Flair in that he is basically a special attraction these days, and while I like JBL as a heel, he simply isn't viewed as being good enough in the ring.

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I love how these little "news" posts get everyone all rilled up. After a while, you guys start to sound like the angry townspeople of South Park.


"RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!" *pitchforks and torches up in the air*


Settle down. Don't let some vague news from some vague source ruin the rest of your day.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Update from Meltzer:


The rumored Benoit/Edge match for Vengeance will most likely be a ladder match.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Now suppose it is a ladder match, why would you put 2 guys who've had broken necks recently fight in a big bump type of match? That seems to be risking two of your bigger names for a gimmick that doesn't suit them.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

It was a joke, but we all know Meltz is itching to tack on the "Ladder Match" title onto a match. You can tell by his bitterness towards Chavo Classic that it's getting to him.

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