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SD SPOILER - Info on Mordecai

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So, there was no mention of Mordecai in the show spoilers, but as you know I get the TV feed of Smackdown, and they inserted a pretaped spot with Mordecai praying in front of his "cross" in a room full of candles.


Mordecai: "Before me lies a lockeroom full of sinners, blasphemers, and the obscene. None of them are worthy of your mercy and all of them will feel my wrath. And one of them, the worst sinner of them all, he has the gall to call himself champion. One who lies, cheats and steals. He takes the values that we endure and throws them in the gutter from which he came. A liar, a cheater and a thief. He will suffer for his transgressions and he will pay the price for his sins. For he will learn to hear me and fear me."


Tazz: "What's Mordecai's problem with Eddy Guerrero?"


So...Mordecai is coming after Eddy now. I guess they decided to scrap him going after Taker which lends credit to him at least turning tweener..


Please don't shoot the messenger..

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Well it does something good.


Gives someone else a shot at a Main Event feud, gives Eddie someone tough to over-come, and no Bradshaw as World Champion.


I still have confidence in Mordecai, so I won't kill the messenger yet.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Tazz: "What's Mordecai's problem with Eddy Guerrero?"


Jesus Tazz is a fucking idiot.


ANyway, if this leads to an IN-Ring feud, I'll probably buy a PPV with them headlining instead of Bradshaw. If it's just for Mordecai to cost him the title to Bradshaw, then I'll be pissed.

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Guest JacK

That would suck and blow on oh so many levels. Maybe it's Chavo Sr. . . I mean think about it . . . he lies cheats and steals, he's a champion, and he's of the cruiserweight variety so he can be squashed. But he's a heel, so that'd nix Mordecai's face-squashing.



What happened to building a challenger up before you feuded them with the champ anyway?

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If they take him straight from OVW to a PPV title shot, Smackdown is offical over, and is down to C-Show status. Oh, and the WWE title becomes the #3 belt in the company behind the IC belt.

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I have reason to believe that Eddy retains at The GAB, and then they use Mordecai as a transitional challenger during July and then switch gears and focus on Taker for Summerslam in August. Which basically means July is going to be full of suckiness which is worse considering RAW has a PPV. I suppose it could be worse (a couple more weeks of Bradshaw..) but having Mordecai challenge for the title in any way would be very close behind that.

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Well, Mordecai will never be taken seriously, but hey, these few weeks have pretty much mirrored Lesnar's debut, so you never know, he might benefit. it's still a shame Eddy's title reign is gonna be remembered for him having to carry slugs without having a decent opponent however.

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Tazz: "What's Mordecai's problem with Eddy Guerrero?"


Jesus Tazz is a fucking idiot.

That sounds bad, but Michael Cole's "What's he doin'?" when he talks about a heel grabbing a steel chair is even worse. What do you THINK he's going to do with the chair, Cole? Sit down in it?

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Guest Trivia247

Eddy is still about the proper size for Mordechai to still look somewhat hossness. and of course being the world champion gives the credibility to Knock Mordechai over to see if the guy does a Zomble Sit up if he is at all related to Undertaker's character.

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Back in the day, it wasn't unusual for a new wrestler to target the champ shortly after his debut ... just because we've evolved with the internet doesn't mean that this practice should stop. It actually would help get Mordecai over with the marks, even if Eddy wins the 'feud'.

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Guest Trivia247
Back in the day, it wasn't unusual for a new wrestler to target the champ shortly after his debut ... just because we've evolved with the internet doesn't mean that this practice should stop. It actually would help get Mordecai over with the marks, even if Eddy wins the 'feud'.

Besides its not like he'll win... He might brutalize him or get a DQ beatdown in the sake of his Lord, but I don't see him winning the title at all.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

If they do end up doing something with Eddy/Mordecai it would be a bad idea. I mean, are they TRYING to make that belt worth absolutely nothing? First they saddle Eddy with the task of carrying JBL around for two straight PPV's and now they are going to set up a program with Eddy(the veteran, the workhorse, and the guy who is deserving of the title) and Mordecai(the green, way too new and undeserving of a title shot, heavy on the gimmick worker) and that is suppost to help your main event picture and show overall? I have to doubt that Eddy could probably still have a solid match with him(all to Eddy's credit by the way) but this does nothing like make your title look extremely unimportant. But then again, with how terrible SD's been anyway.......it's starting to not even matter anymore.

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Guest JacK

I guess with a new wrestler sticking him straight for the belt isn't *too* bad . . . doing it with someone like Bradshaw was a joke. If Mordecai has a good showing then hey presto you've got an insta-upper-level guy in terms of people's perceptions. But at the moment they need to be building the brand and even more so the belt back up . . . they need to feud Eddy with someone as over as a main eventer as he is really, someone on his level. And they're aren't many of them on Smackdown, just Taker.


And aside from jobbing the title out to a nobody, the Smackdown title couldn't look any worse really.

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At least they can get away from Bradshaw and his Third Reich. Now, Mordecai.. this is interesting. I'm a Mordecai mark, so I'm happy about this. At the same time though, I don't know if this push is good or not. I'm gonna wait it out and see. I'm not gonna judge it right away.

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Back in the day, it wasn't unusual for a new wrestler to target the champ shortly after his debut ... just because we've evolved with the internet doesn't mean that this practice should stop. It actually would help get Mordecai over with the marks, even if Eddy wins the 'feud'.

I agree 100%. So far I admit that I like Mordecai alot, pushing him in a fued with Eddy will do wonders for him & his career. Plus it makes one more name on Smackdown that people will actually care about. Sure I would rather see Booker or RVD get the shot but hey this isnt bad either in my opinion. Besides Bradshaw is a peice of crap who no one will ever care about, unless Farrooq came back and they reformed the APA again.

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I like the idea. At least Mordecai is giving a reason to feud with Eddie, it's better than throwing Booker T or RVD into a feud "just because." Who knows, maybe Mordecai's secretly going to soften Eddie up for Taker. (Like Bradshaw hasn't done that already.)


EDIT: I forgot that I must mention that Mordecai is a rip-off my best friend's gimmick.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

At least Mordecai vs. Eddy sets up "How will Eddy overcome Mordecai?" We've only seen him wrestle once, squashing Scotty. Usually, back in the day, wrestlers would "study" their opponents for a big match. This makes Mordecai seemingly invincible to a pre-match strategy, while Mordecai has all the dirt on Eddy.


Mordecai seems like he can have a good match, and working with Eddy Guerrero would be a lot more helpful than sticking him in feuds with slugs like Taker or unmotivated wrestlers like RVD.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I meant Taker is a sluggish wrestler unless he's REALLY motivated.


I'm not gonna call someone a horrible wrestler after one 3:00 squash.


Nathan Jones I hated for botching everything he did. Tyson Tomko the same way. Outside of them two, I generally give everyone a chance to get over.

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So, in WWE storyline world, what has Mordecai done to actually warrant a shot at the title? Does beating Scotty now make one the number one contender? It's stupid. Why did Eddie need to win a battle royal to get his shot, yet Mordecai can get one 'just because'? Oh right, Eddie's a face, Mordecai's a heel, gottcha. Seriously, couldn't they at least have him beat someone that matters before pushing him to a friggin' world title feud?


And what is up with wanting to saddle Eddie with every hoss possible? Mordecai, JBL, Taker, Luther Raines and Mark Jindrak. Is there something that prevents them using Booker, or RVD, or Cena, or Rey? I don't like RVD, but surely the E realise that an RVD/Eddie feud would be pretty good. Name me one advantage for using any of the above menioned hosses (outside of Taker) over an RVD or Booker T?

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Can they at least come up with a new reason for challengers to go after Eddie?


Kurt Angle: Eddie lies, cheats and steals, therefore I must stop him.


Bradshaw: Eddie is a foreigner who lies, cheats and steals therefore I must deport him.


Mordecai: Eddie lies, cheats and steals therefore I must destroy him.


Can't we have someone just want to be World Champion to prove they are the best?

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Exactly. Every opponent of Eddie'shas had the same motives. Eddie lies, cheats and steals. Eddie's a former drug addict. Eddie's Mexican. Would it be so hard for anyone to just come out say 'I wanna be Champion'?


Or, can someone win a number 1 contenders match to show that they actually deserve a shot?

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Who said Mordecai wanted the title? Who said the feud if it even happens would BE for the title?


Here's a strange idea: Feuding with someone because you want to destroy them.

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I can't tell whether you are being sarcastic or are simply plain stupid.

I think Mordecai is an alright wrestler for his size. Kinda green, but I don't mind him.


I do mind the fact he's feuding with Eddy. Why isn't he after the freaking US title and battling the blaspemous, John Cena? ...oh, right, that makes sense.

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Who said Mordecai wanted the title? Who said the feud if it even happens would BE for the title?


Here's a strange idea: Feuding with someone because you want to destroy them.

Of course. He's going to be feuding with the Champion. That makes it seem, to me at least, that Mordecai will challenge for the belt. In fact if they do feud, I guarantee it will be for the title. What, are they just going to ignore that Eddie is the champ and have them have a bunch of non-title matches? Don't talk silly. YOU know the feud will be for the title. I know the feud will be for the title. Everyone does.


And the reason for the feud is that Mordecai wants to destroy Eddie? The same as everyone else. You may think that he doesn't care about the belt, but he will cut the same promo every one else always does. Eddie is a disgrace, a sinner, etc. Then he will say that we need a champion like him to bring SmackDown! from it's sins, or some junk like that. Just you watch.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

But Mordecai's gimmick actually WORKS when calling Eddie a sinner. He's GOD!


JBL is being a hypocrite when doing it, and Angle has always cheated.


And let's just see where they GO with this. Maybe he's gonna cost him the title, making Bradshaw the champion, and leading to a non-title feud. Nothing but a SD promo has come out of this, and everyone once again is jumping all over this minor news bit like it's written in stone.


Next someone will say it's going to be a ladder match.

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I can't tell whether you are being sarcastic or are simply plain stupid.

I think Mordecai is an alright wrestler for his size. Kinda green, but I don't mind him.


I do mind the fact he's feuding with Eddy. Why isn't he after the freaking US title and battling the blaspemous, John Cena? ...oh, right, that makes sense.

I was actually addressing ManOf1004Modes but...

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