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How much do video game store clerks make?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Shouldn't this be in Video Games & Toys?

Shouldn't you go to hell?

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Plus, bookstores are much more attractive than libraries.


cerebrus, at least the kid has a good attention span. And if you thought you might've missed him coming in, someone could easily tear off a barcode sticker and walk out with a book.

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When you have an HD set, you begin to support the idea of your favorite game at 60fps in widescreen format, and start loving the Xbox more than you peons with your old TVs that haven't changed since color was invented in the 60s. *holds nose up in the air*.




*realizes there's very little games or television programs that make use of HD*





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In that mall there was an arcade and more often than not there's where gang members would end up getting killed. You could literally run in one way, run past the arcade and shoot it up, keep on going and leave the mall.


I walked in and saw bullet holes all in the top of the skee-ball machine and the pinball machine for Last Action Hero, along with the glass see through walls between the actual arcade and the mall corridor. I decided it probably wasn't a good place to go for my arcade needs.

One of the malls around here was like that (South Shore Mall), and one other looks like it will be headed that way soon if it hasn't already (Roosevelt Field).


Which reminds me: if any LI Smartmarks go to South Shore Mall, DON'T WEAR RED.


As for the original post, I know a few people that work at Gamestop (one a manager at the aforementioned South Shore Mall), and it's not too bad. They don't pay minimum wage, but instead pay around $7-8. Plus, they end up getting lots of freebies. The only bad thing about Gamestop is the kid problem mentioned in this thread.

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plus its easy to get commishion.

Well that explains a lot of things -- I'm so sick of getting pimped all those things whenever I go to one of those stores that I've stopped and go to Best Buy, where I only get pimped free issues of Entertainment Weekley.


The main issue I have is with the kids. Don't get me wrong their are some very cool ones


No they're not, and it's interesting to see where parents drop off their brats now that most arcades in malls have gone out of business...

I work at Best Buy. We don't make commission, but at least we get a sweet discount(especially on anime) and we make more than mimimum wage.

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Guest KJ Brackish

Dude, it just depends.


I've worked for two Game Crazy's (Hollywood Video game store as you called it)


One was corporate and one was franchise. Franchise paid shit, and corporate didn't do to good as well for me being a manager.


Franchise Pay = $5.25/hr to be a grunt

Corporate Pay = $9.50/hr to be a manager-type




PS: Needless to say I don't work at a video game store anymore. It would be a fun job, just for the benefits, but I'll stick with my internship at a fitness center for now.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

TunzaGames, an Australian video game store franchise, would probably as much as, if not a little more than, someone working in a video store.

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Blockbuster Alberta now pays $7 something.


When I worked there, it took me till my last year to make $6.90, as before then it was $5.90 min wage. I was quite pissed about that, because if I was still working there, I'd have $7 plus my increase of a dollar that I earned by working 3 years with the company.


Oh well. Life is like that sometimes.

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One of my friends works at Gamrcrazy and I think he makes barely over minimum wage which is like 7.10 or something. However he does nothing all day but play games and so do his co-workers. Theyre all cool guys but way lazy. One timehe was playing Metroid and some lady asked him a question and he told her to hold on a minute or two so he could beat the level.

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Guest KJ Brackish

I worked at Game Crazy (Franchise) in West Valley City, Utah (Store 144905), and Game Crazy (Corporate) in Colorado Springs, Colorado (Store ?!?!?!?)........ why do you ask?



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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Even if the pay isn't huge, look at all the perks.

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One timehe was playing Metroid and some lady asked him a question and he told her to hold on a minute or two so he could beat the level.

Wow...that's great. No, seriously, I know that comment looks sarcastic, but I really like that story. I can just picture some old biddy dropping her jaw and wetting her pants as the guy frantically tries to beat some boss. Good stuff.

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I worked at Game Crazy (Franchise) in West Valley City, Utah (Store 144905), and Game Crazy (Corporate) in Colorado Springs, Colorado (Store ?!?!?!?)........ why do you ask?


Just curious.



One of my friends works at Gamrcrazy and I think he makes barely over minimum wage which is like 7.10 or something. However he does nothing all day but play games and so do his co-workers. Theyre all cool guys but way lazy. One timehe was playing Metroid and some lady asked him a question and he told her to hold on a minute or two so he could beat the level.


Yeah, there isn't a whole lot to do there and the customers are pretty cool most of the time. I'm almost lazy but I rather have the store looking nice, if the store is looking nice, VIDEOGAMES ALL DAY...

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At the Gamecrazy by my house me and my brother would go in almost everyday and either buy something trade something in, or challenge the workers to a game of Smackdown. Let's just say we were in there so much that people started asking us questions about the games

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Not only that, but things are way easier to find in a bookstore than in a library




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You know whats worse than the Kids through? Is there fucking parents dropping them off acting like its a day care center. I had one kid who comes in regulary mom come in and yell at me telling me "He's not allowed in here before 2:15" Like it was my fault and my job to watch him. Then I got other parents asking me if its ok if their kids play games while the parents go shop or something, like I could tell them no its not, get the hell out. Its so bad.

We once called the cops for child abandonment. Parents would LITERALLY leave their kids at the EB I used to work at from 10 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon.


...When a parent bitched, my boss simply told her "You don't pay us to be your child's baby sitter"

I've never worked in a video game store, but a friend of mine owns the local hobby shop, where I judge Magic tournaments. I usually close up for him on Fridays, but that's about it.


Anyway, we were both there one night when a kid who'd played a few times before was there. He was probably about 14 or 15. Around 10:30, when the tournament was close to being finished, the kid's father comes in. He was extremely irritated that his son was playing, saying he'd forbidden him from coming to the store until he got his grades up. He then tried to pin this on the store owner, like it's his job to keep track of which kids are in hot water with their parents.


Eventually, after a bunch of yelling from the father and some attempts to defuse the situation by the store owner, the father busted out this gem:


"If he's in here again, I'll sue you with all the power I have in this county!"


At that point, I'd had enough. I was watching a match still in progress at this time, but that stupid remark was one too many. BTW, the kid and his father appeared to be Hispanic, with the father sounding like a first or second-generation arrival.


Me: "Hey, it's YOUR job to keep track of your kid, not his. Why don't you just leave?"

Him: "I'll sue you too! With all the power -- "

Me: "You don't have any power in this county, you uppity immigrant motherfucker! Take your bullshit and your son and leave."


He started to say something, but bit his tongue, grabbed his kid, and stormed out.


The owner has several family memebers in the State Police. He looked the guy up and found that, to no one's surprise, he was a nobody, with zilch for power in the county.


I feel the pain of anyone who complains about parents dropping their kids off to be babysat.

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You know whats worse than the Kids through? Is there fucking parents dropping them off acting like its a day care center. I had one kid who comes in regulary mom come in and yell at me telling me "He's not allowed in here before 2:15" Like it was my fault and my job to watch him. Then I got other parents asking me if its ok if their kids play games while the parents go shop or something, like I could tell them no its not, get the hell out. Its so bad.

We once called the cops for child abandonment. Parents would LITERALLY leave their kids at the EB I used to work at from 10 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon.


...When a parent bitched, my boss simply told her "You don't pay us to be your child's baby sitter"

I've never worked in a video game store, but a friend of mine owns the local hobby shop, where I judge Magic tournaments. I usually close up for him on Fridays, but that's about it.


Anyway, we were both there one night when a kid who'd played a few times before was there. He was probably about 14 or 15. Around 10:30, when the tournament was close to being finished, the kid's father comes in. He was extremely irritated that his son was playing, saying he'd forbidden him from coming to the store until he got his grades up. He then tried to pin this on the store owner, like it's his job to keep track of which kids are in hot water with their parents.


Eventually, after a bunch of yelling from the father and some attempts to defuse the situation by the store owner, the father busted out this gem:


"If he's in here again, I'll sue you with all the power I have in this county!"


At that point, I'd had enough. I was watching a match still in progress at this time, but that stupid remark was one too many. BTW, the kid and his father appeared to be Hispanic, with the father sounding like a first or second-generation arrival.


Me: "Hey, it's YOUR job to keep track of your kid, not his. Why don't you just leave?"

Him: "I'll sue you too! With all the power -- "

Me: "You don't have any power in this county, you uppity immigrant motherfucker! Take your bullshit and your son and leave."


He started to say something, but bit his tongue, grabbed his kid, and stormed out.


The owner has several family memebers in the State Police. He looked the guy up and found that, to no one's surprise, he was a nobody, with zilch for power in the county.


I feel the pain of anyone who complains about parents dropping their kids off to be babysat.

That seems to be the problem with the little shits at the place where I go to Magic tournaments, but worse.


If anyone knows about the Shirley/Mastic area of Long Island, it's populated with little pieces of shit that have extremely bad parents, and as a result, the kids that go to the comic book store leave the place a fucking mess, steal stuff, beat up people, and even light things on fire (but they DO have the sense to do it outside). Is it any surprise that the William Floyd school district (which covers Shirley/Mastic) is ranked pretty fucking low in the state in testing, and is overrun with crime?


Where the fuck are their parents, and where are their fucking parenting skills?

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Guest Salacious Crumb

The comic book shop I frequent used to have problems with this. I've never understood where parents got the idea that these types of places are professional babysitters. All the kids do is get in the way, break stuff and never buy anything.


Now I admit I'll hang around the place for a few hours but I'm A) friends with the manager and B) actually buy things.

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Where the fuck are their parents, and where are their fucking parenting skills?


At home taking a nap or doing drugs.


You know what else pisses me off about the little shits. We allow them to bring food and drinks in there and they won't clean up after themselves or they'll spill and walk away. I had a kid in my store last week who had a cup full of ice. He dropped his cup and I put Bobby Heenan's new book down (which is a sin to make me put down a good book like that) and looked at him. He picked up his cup and I thought he picked up the ice he dropped and threw it away. As I was closing up I noticed a puddle right where he spilled his cup. So I banned all food and drinks for the kids when I'm working.


I almost had to fuck this one kid up because I allowed him to make a phone call and after he made it, someone called the store and he picked up and answered the phone while I was doing something. I started yelling at him and told him to get out. He tried to get bold and told me he wasn't gonna leave, by this time I was so fucking ready to grab the little shit and throw him out by his neck but instead I threaten to call the cops and he just said something stupid and left. I think he said something about hating clearks like me and I told him "yeah well I hate you too." I sware to God if I could have, I would have thrown this kid out the fucking door if I could have.

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