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Guest Rrrsh

By the IWC, Who is is the most Overrated Wrestler

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Guest Rrrsh

Austin matches were based purely on suspense and thats all. His matches are far from timeless, because you know the outcome. And when u know the outcome and actually watch the match as a story, it bores me to tears.

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Guest Rrrsh
Austin/Rock WM X-Seven. I rest my case

Most Overrated Wrestling Match Ever



MOWME for short.

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Guest Ray
Angle. I have yet to see a match by him with great psychology.

Summerslam 2001, sonny. Even though 'twas Austin who brought the great psych. ;)


Yah that match OOOOZED psychology. Man 20 minutes of brawling then hitting your sig moves and bumping a ref 20 times is the GREATEST bit of psychology EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Austin matches were based purely on suspense and thats all. His matches are far from timeless, because you know the outcome. And when u know the outcome and actually watch the match as a story, it bores me to tears.


Austin/Rock WM X-Seven.

Most Overrated Wrestling Match Ever


MOWME for short.

You continue to amaze me. -_-


Really, could you be more shallow in your analysis of Austin?

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Guest Monday Night Jericho
By the IWC, Who is is the most Overrated Wrestler



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Guest Rrrsh
Angle. I have yet to see a match by him with great psychology.

Summerslam 2001, sonny. Even though 'twas Austin who brought the great psych. ;)


Yah that match OOOOZED psychology. Man 20 minutes of brawling then hitting your sig moves and bumping a ref 20 times is the GREATEST bit of psychology EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Austin matches were based purely on suspense and thats all. His matches are far from timeless, because you know the outcome. And when u know the outcome and actually watch the match as a story, it bores me to tears.


Austin/Rock WM X-Seven.

Most Overrated Wrestling Match Ever


MOWME for short.

You continue to amaze me. -_-


Really, could you be more shallow in your analysis of Austin?

Shallow? Try and pick a word that makes sense next time champ.



Listen Austin Fan Boy, when u get it out of ur head that Austin isnt god and that he actually can do wrong, talk to me. Untill then, continue in your bubble.

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Guest Anglesault
But he also killed WCW cruiser division, underperformed in several "supposed to be good" matches with Austin and Angle among others.

Austin/Jericho goes right up with Angle/HHH in combinations that should have been really good but never got much higher thatn ***.


Some of those those matches (No Way Out 02, for both) were painfully bad.

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Guest Ray
Shallow? Try and pick a word that makes sense next time champ.

"Shallow" is apt. Your "Brawl sig move ref bump!!1" statement is quite shallow. You give no consideration to the character Austin is portraying and his *reasons* for attacking the ref. You simply give a knee-jerk "omg it's a ref bump!!!!" reaction.


Listen Austin Fan Boy, when u get it out of ur head that Austin isnt god and that he actually can do wrong, talk to me. Untill then, continue in your bubble.

Ill tlak to u wen u lurn how tu spel.

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Jericho, easily. His promos are grating and his ringwork, while above average, never really excites or surprises me. And yes, I've seen his stuff from Japan and WCW.

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Guest Monday Night Jericho
How is HBK overrated by Smarks?


I... have... no... idea...

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Overrated? Hmm. Many different guys come to mind, but no one guy stands out. I can't think of anyone in particular who stole all his offense from other wrestlers, who is only an average bumper despite being a skinny cruiserweight, who can't fly worth a damn despite being a skinny cruiserweight, whose matches all look alike, who wrestles WAY too stiff, who can't sell worth a shit, who can only have decent matches if he's in there with only a handful of certain guys who know how to carry him, who cuts incredibly goofy bad kung-fu-wannabe promos, who does a lot of worked-shoot bullshit in his matches but would get his head torn off by any real shooter, who "lives his gimmick" and takes himself way too seriously, yet who still gets verbally fellated by armies of smarks and gets booked all over the world...


























...oh nevermind, I just described Low-Ki.

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Shawn Michaels. He is criticized by smarks, but for his attitude, not for his wrestling ability whom most consider still at the top of the line. But he has yet to have a single great match since coming back, that didn't include Chris Benoit, the best worker in the company and even managed to drag Kane to a good match. His match with HHH on RAW at the beginning of the year was really good too, but of all the singles matches he had with HHH, that was the only standout, so it seems to be more of an exception than the rule. His Jericho match at Wrestlemania XIX was decent but horribly overrated, and was carried by Jericho anyways. His RVD match was just awful. He has been back for almost two years now, I think its about time to admit he doesn't have it like he used to.


HONORABLE MENTIONS: RVD (would have been number 1 two years ago, but more people are starting to sour on him now), Christian, Kidman


As a general rule, guys with flashy moves and good bumping ability, but little use of pyschology and long-term selling tend to be overrated. In Christian's case, it was due to him being one half of the best tag team since the Hollywood Blondes.

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Guest BobBacklundRules
Austin/Rock WM X-Seven. I rest my case



As for overrated wrestlers, I'd have to say Ultimo Dragon. I have seen his Japan matches and his WW3 "5*" with Mysterio, but in the ring he looks awkward and off balance. His kicks look weak and everytime he hits the ropes he does that roadrunner thing with his legs and that gets on my nerves.


Hate is a hard thing to explain.

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I have to say Austin by far. I dunno how some people in the world, hell some people on this board put up with him. He's so overrated.. sure he has the mic skills, but give anyone a mic and tell them to go out there and say What?! for 10 minutes, anyone can do it. And Beause everyone loved Austin (For God Knows What Reason?!), they would copy him. I've seen about 3 good Austin matches since his WWF/E debut let alone the last five years. Austin blantly is overrated, and does indeed fit into the title "Sucks"


Now don't get me wrong, Austin as part of the HollyWood Blondes with one, Brian Pillman was possibly one of the best combinations ever. Certianly one of my favourite along with the Can Am Connection(Martel and Zenk), The Midnight Rockers(Jannetty and Michaels), Brainbusters (Anderson and Tully), Rock n Roll (Gibson and Morton) and the Strike Force(Martel and Santana). But ever since Austin snapped his neck, he went from a capable **** 1/2 star wrestler to a usual ** at best wrestler, and that just doesnt cut it for me.





NOW for my comments on other people's sayings....


1) Christian is a bad wrestler?

- I have to believe not. He definately isn't the best worker, but he's not the worst. I would take Christian over 90% of WWE's talent to this day.


2) Shawn Michaels a bad wrestler?

- Again, I have to say not. Michaels is talented, and yet a shell of his former self, still one of the greats, who can put on a great match now and again, and thats saying alot again for WWE at this day and age.


3) Chris Jericho is a bad wrestler?

- WTF?! Jericho is awesome, sure if you put him in a league with Benoit or Guerrero, he's not with them, but then again who on the WWE roster is in the same league as them? Charlie Haas maybe? Kurt Angle, Paul London... ? That's about it.


4) Ultimo Dragon a bad wrestler?

- HAHA! Honestly, that was worth a few laughs. Sure his costumes can be a bit annoying, I guess?? But this guy is a talent, if WWE had used him properly and we got to see Chavito vs Dragon on PPV, that would of been a fantastic treat to all of us.


5) Kurt Angle a bad wrestler?

- I'm not even going to go there. That's just stupid.


6) Triple H a bad wrestler?

- Over the last few years, his match quality declined, but he was never a "GREAT WORKER" to begin with. He was decent to good, and he still can put on a good match from time to time. He is a bit stale though. Overrated maybe, but a horrible worker? No.


I've probably missed a few that were mentioned but oh well... those were the main ones that stuck out.

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hbk shawn michaels i mean sure he was good but id say bret hart ric flair steve austin chris jericho eddie gurreou hhh barry windham harley race terry funk ricky steamboat chris benoit kurt angle and vader were all better than him.

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Guest Ray
Somebody hand this man a dictionary.

There isn't a dictionary in the world big enough to teach him. :mellow:


I have to say Austin by far. I dunno how some people in the world, hell some people on this board put up with him.

Because he's a great wrestler- a master of character portrayals and rich in-ring storytelling.


He's so overrated.. sure he has the mic skills, but give anyone a mic and tell them to go out there and say What?! for 10 minutes, anyone can do it.

As if we only like him for "mic skills" ? As if he never did anything but "What?" ? You need to watch more classic Austin interviews. This is exactly what I was talking about when I said Austin's recent terrible work has tainted peoples memory of his career.


And Beause everyone loved Austin (For God Knows What Reason?!), they would copy him.

Well the WWE style *was* based on and around him for years....


I've seen about 3 good Austin matches since his WWF/E debut let alone the last five years.

You probably weren't paying attention then.


Hell, one feud alone (vs Bret) produced three great matches- two being two of the best WWF matches ever.


Austin blantly is overrated, and does indeed fit into the title "Sucks"

No, he's not. You'll have to do better than "Austin sux he just says what!!!!11" if you want to argue against Austin.

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Austin was also seriously injured and was wrestling slugs like Taker & Kane for over a year from 1998-1999. Watch his pre-injury and 2001 work. Austin can be a fantastic wrestler when healthy.

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Survivor Series 96

Wrestlemania XIII

Canadian Stampede



If you can watch those 3 matches and not think that Austin is an amazing worker, there will be no convincing you otherwise.



<----Is still bitter that Bret/Austin never got a proper blowoff.

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Guest Ray

Well when you consider who else was on Austin's team and the load he had to carry due to it.....

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Yeah... like I said.. Austin had a few good matches in WWE.

But then again, look who the hell they were against!

Bret Hart? Owen Hart? Brian Pillman? Some of the greats in the business.


Austin was awesome in WCW, but in WWE he just became a shell of his former self. Age maybe? Injuries... but hell Benoit can put on a **** match while injured, so that's not a very good point. Hell, I like Austin to tell the truth... but none of his stuff from about 1998 on was any good. About one good match since 1998, that I remember, which was Austin/HHH vs Benoit/Jericho.


So Austin's top 5 matches are great, but 1-2 good matches in the last five years, just doesnt impress me enough. Therefore he is the most overrated wrestler, currently. In 1998 even 1999 It probably would of been him.


Austin's Best Matches


Steve Austin vs Bret Hart (SS96)

Steve Austin vs Bret Hart (WM13)

Steve Austin vs Vader vs Bret Hart vs Undertaker (Final Four)

Austin/HHH vs Benoit/Jericho (RAW)

Bulldog, Hart, Hart, Pillman, Neidhart vs Shamrock, Austin, LOD, Goldust.


There may have been 2 or 3 more, however. I just dont think he's a good as he used to be. He used to be putting on **** clinics all the time in WCW. Whether in a tag match with Brian Pillman, or in singles matches against the likes of Steamboat and others. I like Austin, I just think his in ring career in WWF was no better then mediocre.

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Guest Ray
Yeah... like I said.. Austin had a few good matches in WWE.

But then again, look who the hell they were against!

Bret Hart? Owen Hart? Brian Pillman? Some of the greats in the business.

How did I know this was coming? Yeah, Bret carried him. Sure.


Wait, Austin was in control of the Survivor Series match and *his* character was driving the story. And he had good matches with Savio Vega and Marc Mero.


Austin was awesome in WCW, but in WWE he just became a shell of his former self.

Actually he was a much better, more experienced, and smarter worker in WWF. His body of great matches in WWF is far superior to his body of work in WCW.


Hell, I like Austin to tell the truth... but none of his stuff from about 1998 on was any good. About one good match since 1998, that I remember, which was Austin/HHH vs Benoit/Jericho.

Except for vs Dude Love from Unforgiven/Over the Edge 98 (the latter being one of the most important WWF matches ever), vs Undertaker from Summerslam 98 (a shockingly smart, underrated match), vs Rock from Backlash 99, vs Val Venis from Smackdown in 99 (a lost classic and the best Venis match ever). All of that while wrestling infrequently and with a broken neck and in the horrible Vince Russo era, where almost no good matches happened.


Then Austin takes a year off, gets healthy, and has dozens of classics with Rock/HHH/Jericho/Benoit/Angle/etc.


So Austin's top 5 matches are great, but 1-2 good matches in the last five years, just doesnt impress me enough.

Austin hasn't been a full-time healthy wrestler since 2001, and wasn't wrestling for most of 2000, so drop this "last five years" talk.


I don't judge wrestlers by counting their good matches, but since you insist on this "only had 2 good matches" since 2000 talk:


vs. Benoit - Raw 11/20/00

vs. Angle - Raw 11/00

vs. Angle - Raw 1/8/01

Royal Rumble 2001

w/Rock vs Angle/Benoit - Raw 2/01

vs. HHH - No Way Out

vs. Rock - Wrestlemania

vs. Rock - Raw 4/2/01

w/HHH vs Benoit/Jericho - Raw 5/21/01

vs. Benoit - Raw 5/28/01

vs. Benoit - Smackdown 5/31/01

vs. Benoit vs Jericho - KOTR

vs. Angle - Summerslam

vs. Angle - Smackdown

vs. RVD vs Angle - No Mercy

w/Angle vs. Rock/Jericho - Smackdown 11/15/01

Survivor Series 10-Man, with Austin as the key player on his team

vs. Booker T - Smackdown 1/24/02


And that's just off the top of my head.


Therefore he is the most overrated wrestler, currently.

Would you like to tell me how a retired wrestler can be overrated "currently" ?


I just dont think he's a good as he used to be.

You mean a retired wrestler with a severe neck injury isn't as good as he once was? Really?!


He used to be putting on **** clinics all the time in WCW. Whether in a tag match with Brian Pillman, or in singles matches against the likes of Steamboat and others. I like Austin, I just think his in ring career in WWF was no better then mediocre.

Except his best WWF tags (w/Michaels vs Owen/Davey, w/HHH vs Benoit/Angle, w/Angle vs Rock/Jericho) are all as good or better than most of his tags with Pillman. And his best WWF singles matches (vs Bret, vs Rock, vs Benoit) are all better than he matches with Steamboat, as he was less experienced then and wasn't as good a storyteller as he later became.



But yeah, he was always carried in WWF. Except he's basically deaf in one ear and has to call all his matches, therefore making it quite hard for his opponents who are follwing *his* lead to be "carrying" him.

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vs. RVD vs Angle - No Mercy


This is one of the matches I've actually seen recently. It's just your basic three way dance. One guy gets knocked out of the ring, two guys go at it. Another guy gets knocked out, the two other guys go at it, ect. It was enjoyable for me because I'm a pretty RVD mark, but I wouldn't call it a great match or anything.


Well when you consider who else was on Austin's team and the load he had to carry due to it...


Aren't seeing who the opponents are usually a better judge of carrying a load?

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Guest wildpegasus
. And he had good matches with Savio Vega and Marc Mero.

That reminds me. Savio Vega is definitely underrated. He had nice his matches in the WWF. Marc Mero is underrated too.




When people say carrying what do they mean? I always took it as someone who was dictating what happened in the majority of the match. ie someone can be carried to a good or bad match. Some people take it as the wrestler who brings certain things in his arsenal that allow the match in question to be good. So which one is it? Or is it a combination of both?

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Guest Rrrsh

vs. Benoit - Raw 11/20/00 - Benoit is the best wrestler in WWE

vs. Angle - Raw 11/00 - Dont Remember

vs. Angle - Raw 1/8/01 - Dont remember

Royal Rumble 2001 - Nothing special

w/Rock vs Angle/Benoit - Raw 2/01 - A monkey could have a good match with those guys.

vs. HHH - No Way Out - Boring

vs. Rock - Wrestlemania - Most Overrated match in History.

vs. Rock - Raw 4/2/01 - Dont remember

w/HHH vs Benoit/Jericho - Raw 5/21/01 - Very good

vs. Benoit - Raw 5/28/01 - Good, but predictable

vs. Benoit - Smackdown 5/31/01 - Good, but predictable

vs. Benoit vs Jericho - KOTR - Meh, nothing special, unfortunatly.

vs. Angle - Summerslam Second most overrated match in History

vs. Angle - Smackdown - Dont remember

vs. RVD vs Angle - No Mercy - Good, but not great

w/Angle vs. Rock/Jericho - Smackdown 11/15/01 - Look at the cast of charicters, not a tough feat.

Survivor Series 10-Man, with Austin as the key player on his team - That match was increadbly predictable.

vs. Booker T - Smackdown 1/24/02 Not good at all.

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Guest Ray

Thank you Rrrsh, for making the worst post ever.



Why do I even bother?

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Guest Rrrsh

You pointed out his supposed great matches after 2000 and I told you why they are not.



Wost post ever? Get over yourself Austin Boy.

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