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Guest Anglesault

Bischoff's plans

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Guest Anglesault

It became apparent somewhere around the Regal match tha Bischoff's EVIL~! plan was to get rid of all Eugene's friends before the match. He had Rocky thrown out and apparently Jericho, Regal and Edge killed. But why didn't he do anything to prevent Benoit from coming out like he did?


I'm not complaining or anything, just wondering why nothing was really done on the Benoit part of the "get rid of Eugene's friends" thing that was happening tonight.

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Guest Trivia247

Yes true, I mean Benoit was able to remain on the premises, you'd think he would like call Rock on his cell and leave the back door open or something.

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Benoit hasn't been as overt about his friendship with Eugene maybe?


That doesn't quite explain why Edge was eliminated though. Edge never had much interaction with Eugene.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

It was another cog in the overall burial of Benoit as champ.

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When Benoit went to Bischoffs office the crowd just fell dead he has as much charisma as a two day old bar towel

Whatever. I guess if I watched the show on mute I could agree with you.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
When Benoit went to Bischoffs office the crowd just fell dead he has as much charisma as a two day old bar towel

Shut up.

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When Benoit went to Bischoffs office the crowd just fell dead he has as much charisma as a two day old bar towel

Since we're all chiming in on this, anyone else want to make fun of the complete lack of needed punctuation in this post?

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When Benoit went to Bischoffs office the crowd just fell dead he has as much charisma as a two day old bar towel

Since we're all chiming in on this, anyone else want to make fun of the complete lack of needed punctuation in this post?

Actually I was thinking how, back in '82, this local wrestler used to come out and whip a 2 day old bar towel around above his head like a helicopter blade. Dude was over like a mofo with that towel!

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It was another cog in the overall burial of Benoit as champ.

Oh god, please.


Ok, Benoit isn't the main focus of the show, but 'overall burial' is the type of whiney blind Benoit favoritism that makes this folder so bad.

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To stay on topic, maybe Benoit was allowed to stay because Bischoff knew he'd try to help Eugene, allowing HHH to beat down Benoit after the match, with no-one able to help him.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
It was another cog in the overall burial of Benoit as champ.

Oh god, please.


Ok, Benoit isn't the main focus of the show, but 'overall burial' is the type of whiney blind Benoit favoritism that makes this folder so bad.

How is he not being buried? Since he won the Royal Rumble, minus a brief period in April, he's gotten nothing. He was an afterthought to the WMXX ME, he barely gets on half the shows, his feud with Kane got nothing as far as buildup and he's been in the shadow of HHH/HBK the whole time. Not any one instance is a burial but when you start putting it all together it equals a burial.

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Guest Dazed

Yay, "Benoit's title reign is being mishandled" is the new "Randy Orton sucks". If you want to talk about Benoit's title reign, make a thread about it. This thread is about something different.

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I think he's only lost one singles match since coming to RAW, and that's to HBK. I wouldn't say he's being buried. Then again I may be wrong.

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It was another cog in the overall burial of Benoit as champ.

Oh god, please.


Ok, Benoit isn't the main focus of the show, but 'overall burial' is the type of whiney blind Benoit favoritism that makes this folder so bad.

How is he not being buried? Since he won the Royal Rumble, minus a brief period in April, he's gotten nothing. He was an afterthought to the WMXX ME, he barely gets on half the shows, his feud with Kane got nothing as far as buildup and he's been in the shadow of HHH/HBK the whole time. Not any one instance is a burial but when you start putting it all together it equals a burial.

Afterthought to the WMXXME? What the fuck? They gave him about 5 minutes in-ring to celebrate with the belt AND Eddie, gave him the JR hyperbole...he made the champion tap out. Where were Michaels and HHH after the bell? Gone. That was Benoit's time.


His feud with Kane wasn't given proper time. Maybe that's because feuds require...you know interviews. And segments. Both of which Benoit has been proven to be bad at. Plus, HHH/HBK was the more important match so obviously it gets better billing. Title or not.


Fact is, he doesn't 'get on half the shows' (another exageration) because without wrestling, there's nothing for him to do.



As for getting thrown out...there's a simple reason why Benoit wasn't thrown out. So they could build the HHH/Benoit feud. If Benoit was thrown out, you'd all be bitching 'Oh, Benoit got thrown out. He's not on the show again. He's the World Champion. It's all HHH's fault. Wah wah wah!' They can do no right unless Benoit is main eventing every show against other work-rate gods.


I've said it before. This isn't ROH, and unfortunately Benoit just doesn't meet the criteria for being a successful champion.

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I think there's more to being a successful champ than getting a ton of tv time.


And the reason Benoit wasn't thrown out is because The Rock had already been thrown out. If Benoit had been thrown out, and then returned to make the save at the end, everyone would be wondering "Why isn't Rocky with him?" rather than "Oh, good, Benoit's making the save!"

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Guest Anglesault
As for getting thrown out...there's a simple reason why Benoit wasn't thrown out. So they could build the HHH/Benoit feud. If Benoit was thrown out, you'd all be bitching 'Oh, Benoit got thrown out. He's not on the show again. He's the World Champion. It's all HHH's fault. Wah wah wah!' T

Well, they could have done the "If you interfere during this match..." and have te guy come out immediately after the match routine.

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As for getting thrown out...there's a simple reason why Benoit wasn't thrown out. So they could build the HHH/Benoit feud. If Benoit was thrown out, you'd all be bitching 'Oh, Benoit got thrown out. He's not on the show again. He's the World Champion. It's all HHH's fault. Wah wah wah!' T

Well, they could have done the "If you interfere during this match..." and have te guy come out immediately after the match routine.

Well, that's what they probably should have done.


Then again...it is the WWE.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
It was another cog in the overall burial of Benoit as champ.

Oh Christ.


He won the royal rumble.

He won the world title by beating HHH

He beat Shawn Micheals

He's been in a number of long matches that allow him to showcase his style.


Benoit is NOT someone that you have dominate a show. He comes to the arena, kicks some ass, and leaves. That's why he's such a badass.


But hey no one ever complained when Austin/Rock/Taker/HHH/HBK dominated the show so maybe Benoit should too!

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Guest Dazed

Here's what I don't understand -


Logically (heh, off to a bad start already), Bischoff can make any match he chooses. So why not just make Triple H vs. Benoit for the title, on the condition that Evolution beat the living shit out of Eugene? That way there's no risk of HHH losing the title shot, and a guarantee that Eugene will be humiliated.

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Guest Trivia247
Here's what I don't understand -


Logically (heh, off to a bad start already), Bischoff can make any match he chooses. So why not just make Triple H vs. Benoit for the title, on the condition that Evolution beat the living shit out of Eugene? That way there's no risk of HHH losing the title shot, and a guarantee that Eugene will be humiliated.

In this day in age a 4way beatdown on someone isn't humiliating. Especially to a gimmick like Eugene. I mean look at how many people got trashed by a Evolution beat down lately, Benoit, HBK, Mick Foley, Shelton etc.


I think there should be a phase two of the Gimmick of Eugene... where the first stage was him being a "Special" Guy but a total Wrestling Savant.....


but Now after all the attempts at trying to break hurt and humiliate him, Eugene becomes... the "UNSTABLE Special" Guy who goes on a rampage and beats up everyone he meets. Until he overhears Bishoff laugh with Coach and he Bursts in and beats both men down to the point of Hospitalization.

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Guest Repo Man Reborn
does anyone else think that the old "GM in the mix all the time" angle is tired and stupid?

Are you kidding me?



Next, you'll be telling me the "Unlikely Duo scheduled to fight each other - but forced to tag" concept is yesterday's news!!


Or wrestler after wrestler being fed to Kane as punishment is played out?!!








And on now back to the topic, Benoit was not ejected because we, as the loyal WWE fans, NEEDED to see Triple H squash him with a pedigree to understand how inferior he is to the best wrestler alive today.

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