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Guest SoZe

Benoit vs HHH

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My bad on Cripple H.


Changing the subject, I think cobainwasmurdered has a point. If HHH keeps up the workrate and jobs to more midcarders, then I'm willing along with it.I just hope he jobs to Jericho or Benoit at SurSer.

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I agree with CWM, and have said so before. Wins and losses are what matters, moreso than the amount of TV time you get. Benoit is not the type of character or wrestler that you can give 30 minutes of interview time to every week. He just comes out, wrestles, wins, and leaves. Kind of like Goldberg in WCW, except Benoit does it with fantastic competitive matches instead of squashes.


It is much better than Jericho's title run where he was less important in the storyline than Trip's dog.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
HHH getting the belt back is a horrible thing. The belt instantly goes back to not meaning a thing when he gets it. It happened after the Goldberg reign and it'll be even worse this time. It probably will also lead to HBK wanting his millionth shot after finishing off Kane's credibility when he comes back. And Lord knows their feud was only just warming up by the time Bad Blood rolled around. And we also go back to HHH has beaten everyone and has no one to feud with boring tired ME we've had since the fall of 2002.


My only question is how bad a burial this is going to be of Benoit.

How the hell do you figure that the belt means nothing when HHH gets it?


If anything, it means MORE when the focus of the show is also Champ.

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While HHH isn't the anti-christ- his ability to leech himself onto the top programme on RAW despite not being world champion is quite annoying. He's overshadowing Benoit and making him out to be a lame duck champion.


I don't think HHH is the one putting himself into the top slot neccasarly. Vince obviously has a thing for his character and seees HHH as THE man for the company.


Also, I don't think he's really overshadowing Benoit that much. Benoit made him tap out, Benoit made HBK tap out, Benoit made Kane tape out.


I think Benoit's been doing just fine. I don't think Benoit is the type of guy that a show should revolve around like it has when HHH was the champ. Benoit is just not charismatic enough outside of the ring.


I'm just happy to see longer matches and to see them building the show one week at a time. Aside from the Lita storyline I don't have a single major issue with Raw.

Triple H sits in on booking meetings, he's part of the family- it's not hard to figure it out.


Bad Blood was built around Triple H v. HBK with Benoit v. Kane being an afterthought.


HHH-Eugene is getting major screentime while Benoit v. Kane was all about who would get to face HHH.


I'm enjoying RAW too (I even bought tickets to Vengeance!) and I love the fact that Benoit is champ- I don't want HHH to retain and have RAW go back to the way it was.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

HHH Vs. HBK was the main event because it was in a HIAC and it was capping off a feud that had been going on for over a year. That kind of thing is going to earn a bigger buyrate than Kane/benoit.


HHH-Eugene is getting major screen time because Eugene is over like crazy and HHH is the only logical choice for a heel to mess with Eugene at this stage.


This Eugene stuff will be over soon enough anyway/

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And it's convenient that Eugene becomes the hottest thing on RAW and HHH suddenly becomes part of his storyline. That's what I mean by HHH overshadowing the champion.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
And it's convenient that Eugene becomes the hottest thing on RAW and HHH suddenly becomes part of his storyline. That's what I mean by HHH overshadowing the champion.

And what other heel is there to put with Eugene in this angle? N.O.N.E.


HHH is the only wrestler who has been built up as the type of person that would expolit a handicap person.


He's the only logical choice. It's not a conspiracy. It's continuity.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

HHH is doing a lot of very effective and nuanced (for wrestling) work on the mic with Eugene, and it's a shame that some here can't get off their high horse and admit it, because HHH might be ending Benoit's title reign.


LET IT END, says I:


His work was light years better chasing the title then it has been since. His chops have lost some sting, his germans have lost some power, and he seems less focus and more dependant on the same 5 moves.

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And it's convenient that Eugene becomes the hottest thing on RAW and HHH suddenly becomes part of his storyline. That's what I mean by HHH overshadowing the champion.

And what other heel is there to put with Eugene in this angle? N.O.N.E.


HHH is the only wrestler who has been built up as the type of person that would expolit a handicap person.


He's the only logical choice. It's not a conspiracy. It's continuity.

Why not elevate a heel like Orton or something? Considering all the horrible stuff he's done....


Why does it always have to revolve around HHH?


Even though Regal is being hung out to dry here- I don't mind the HHH-Eugene storyline. I'm just sick of everything revolving around The Game.

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Rhamsus is right. Vince is really the person that is the cause of this debacle. He listens to the wrong people, IMO. He really needs to give guys in the upper midcard a chance to win the gold. He also needs to start elevating people on both shows by going over HHH and ranchertaker. -_-

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Guest SoZe

What I was trying to express was not my feelings about the OUTCOME of the matches, but my dissapointment in the fact that a guy faking like he's retarded will be ruining any and all story this match could have. I mean, I had been hoping for one of the better singles matches of this year, and now Eugene will be gnawing on his knuckes acting all tard-like, and most assuredly being a focal point of the match. Seriously, how can you put on a classic with Corky as guest ref?

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HHH's time in this business has come and gone. He's already had his time in the spotlight. It's now time for the WWE to create new stars and new players. To continue relying on old/current stars is making the same mistake that WCW made, and look what happened to that company.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
And it's convenient that Eugene becomes the hottest thing on RAW and HHH suddenly becomes part of his storyline. That's what I mean by HHH overshadowing the champion.

And what other heel is there to put with Eugene in this angle? N.O.N.E.


HHH is the only wrestler who has been built up as the type of person that would expolit a handicap person.


He's the only logical choice. It's not a conspiracy. It's continuity.

Why not elevate a heel like Orton or something? Considering all the horrible stuff he's done....


Why does it always have to revolve around HHH?


Even though Regal is being hung out to dry here- I don't mind the HHH-Eugene storyline. I'm just sick of everything revolving around The Game.

Orton is doing his own thing right now, going from feuding with Ebony and Ivory (Shelton and Edge) to Eugene would be a bit of a jump.

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Guest Choken One

what the fuck is with that stupid ass name?


was pointing one is black and the other is white neccesary?

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
what the fuck is with that stupid ass name?


was pointing one is black and the other is white neccesary?

It amused me. I just used it as a pet name.


I find your insanely offended reaction to it amusing as well. Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney got nothing, on those two.

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Guest Wondermouse
what the fuck is with that stupid ass name?


was pointing one is black and the other is white neccesary?

Sounds like he was just making fun of one of the worst songs of all time.


And let's face it, Shelton's gimmick pretty much focuses one the fact that a) he's a very good amateur wrestler and b) he's very black.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
HHH's time in this business has come and gone. He's already had his time in the spotlight. It's now time for the WWE to create new stars and new players. To continue relying on old/current stars is making the same mistake that WCW made, and look what happened to that company.

Indeed, wouldn't want to bank off the only star you have left with any name recognition.


No siree Bob.

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Benoit's not exactly the future of the company. With his suplex-intensive style, he'll probably end up retiring before HHH does. I think HHH is doing a very good job in his current role, and if he gets a one-month reign from Vengeance to Summerslam, I would have no problem with it at all.


However, I do agree that this is not the time for another lengthy HHH reign. The fans have already paid to see HHH's huge reigns finally end three times in the last two years. If he had another one right now, I think it would be hard for the fans to get excited about it. HBK and Goldberg both ultimately failed against him after initial title wins, and it wouldn't be right for the same thing to happen to Benoit. When Benoit loses the belt, it needs to be to someone different so that Raw feels like it's making some progress.


I guess if I was booking right now, I'd let HHH get the quick one-month reign at Vengeance after interference, and then tell Evolution to stay out of the match when he faces Benoit at Summerslam so they can see who the better man really is. Then, Orton can beat Benoit with tons of interference later (at Survivor Series maybe), and HHH will still have grounds for a face turn. HHH/Orton is still the obvious main event for Wrestlemania, and if HHH stays away from the title for nine months and turns face, he would probably be a completely fresh champion by the time he wins the title back.

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Guest Choken One

Maybe it's just me but with HHH going Hollywood...


Is this out of the question?


Chris Benoit (face) Vs The HeeL World Champion Chris Jericho

Eddy Guerrero (Heel champion) Vs John Cena

Triple H Vs The Rock


I could easily see Triple H stepping down from the world title pedastal to get the main event hype with the Rock...


It's Trips greatest rival...Rock's greatest Rival...At WM. IN HOLLYWOOD.


Sounds picture fucking perfect for the FINAL blow off.


So I say Benoit loses it via mass interference, HHH manhood is challenged and calls off the help at 'Slam, loses clean to benoit, Wins the title Back at No Mercy/Havoc with the Gimmick Match (Iron Man, 2/3 Falls, I Quit, something flair like im sure)...HHH to lose the title back to a transition face champion like Edge for Jericho win it at the Last Raw PPV of the year(Armageddon?) and Benoit to challenge for it at WM against his biggest rival.


add Shawn/Kurt for bonus effect for the WMXXI card.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Yeah, because he destroyed the name recognition of everyone else.

You can't destroy name recognition.


Name recognition is knowing who someone is. It's not how over someone is. It's how well they're known by the general public and media.


HHH is that man.

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Guest Choken One

Who else in the company is a part of the name recognition clan in WWE?


*not counting the Austins, 'Bergs, Lesnars and Hogans whom aren't affliated with the company no longer



The Rock


Mick Foley

Ric Flair

Vince McMahon

Stephanie McMahon


and you can Argue Chris Jericho simply for his VH1 stints and such, where he may be recongizable from that aspect but it's not as a WWE Worker.

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Guest Nater

Kane was #1 contender until last raw where he lost his shot at the title.

The #2, HHH, became the new contender.


If HHH wins, logic would follow that the guy with the greatest record versus the champ in order would get shots.


1. Benjamin

2. Benoit

3. HBK

4. Kane


For a while I see a HBK/Kane rivalry, hopefully they can squeeze some nice grudges out of each other.. if not ... it will prove that klique guys (insert work insult).


The only thing stopping Shelton right now is Shelton. He can work enough of the mic to please the crowd and his abilities in the ring are fantastic for how little time he's been solo. I'd love to see him in the world title picture, alas we know the sad truth.



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Actually, there's plently wrong with Shelton:


1. He got injured right in the middle of his big push, killing all of his momentum.


2. He has no character at all. None. He's just a guy who happens to win wrestling matches, and happens to be black.


3. His promos are mediocre at best. He may have his moments, but I'd still grade him below Benoit as a mic worker.


4. He has a hard time putting together good matches as a face. When he can rely on working down body parts and cheating, and then throw some cool spots in toward the end, he looks great in the ring, but as a face on Raw he's been downright boring.

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Guest Nater
Actually, there's plently wrong with Shelton:


1. He got injured right in the middle of his big push, killing all of his momentum.


2. He has no character at all. None. He's just a guy who happens to win wrestling matches, and happens to be black.


3. His promos are mediocre at best. He may have his moments, but I'd still grade him below Benoit as a mic worker.


4. He has a hard time putting together good matches as a face. When he can rely on working down body parts and cheating, and then throw some cool spots in toward the end, he looks great in the ring, but as a face on Raw he's been downright boring.

Injury is not whats wrong with Shelton per say as what is holding him back.


Shelton's lack of character is Shelton hampering himself. Then again many champs dont have much character.


Shelton's lack of promo skills also hamper himself. The champs that got by with no character had mic skills to compensate, as two entertainment factors Shelton does indeed fall a bit short. Benoit's got more character than he does mic work.


His moveset and variations are fresh enough and constantly new in each match for me to say he is far superior to 90+% of the rest of RAW. Should he incorporate new elements into his matches instead of you know... winning them, he could develop character in such a way.



A point of interest would be how Shelton's 'cocky guy factor' began to diminish as the weeks rolled by towards him getting injured. Shelton's mic work has always been at least precise or interesting as opposed to boring to the point of heelishness (cough cough) as such I would tend to give him the credit I think he is due.

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Who else in the company is a part of the name recognition clan in WWE?


*not counting the Austins, 'Bergs, Lesnars and Hogans whom aren't affliated with the company no longer



The Rock


Mick Foley

Ric Flair

Vince McMahon

Stephanie McMahon


and you can Argue Chris Jericho simply for his VH1 stints and such, where he may be recongizable from that aspect but it's not as a WWE Worker.

Kurt Angle is better known than Stephanie LeVesque.

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Guest combat_rock

Personally, I think they should go with a face vs. face match between Jericho and Benoit. After Benoit succesfully defends his title at Vengence, have HBK come out and argue with Hunter over who should get the next shot. Then Jericho comes out, and tells them both to shut the hell up (much to my relief, as I am soooo bored with HBK/HHH). This sets up a Triple Threat for the number one contendership at Summerslam, which Jericho wins. Then the next week, HBK and HHH will both bitch to Bischoff, so they'll get put in a tag match against the two American Canadians despite being enemies. Typical stuff with HBK and HHH not really getting along, but then either Benoit or Jericho accidentally clocks the other, turning neither, but adding some heat between them for their match. Then make it a submission match for good measure.


Well, that's what I'd do....

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Yeah, because he destroyed the name recognition of everyone else.

Touche pussycat!!

Triple H has buried everybody in WWE that's why they are having a hard time in creating new main eventers, Benoit will be part of that club right after SS and then we are back to square one with Triple cHHHin being the one and only main eventer on RAW/SD.

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