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Guest TheJewof2001

What exactly is trolling...

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Nicely done.


Except I think the guy is trying to be ironic, maybe. Maybe not.

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Guest Dazed

At it's most basic, trolling is this:


Intentionally disrupting a Usenet newsgroup by posting obviously inaccurate or inflammatory information hoping to get a rise out of people. The perpetrators are known as "trolls".



Posting outrageous messages to newsgroups (or sending outrageous emails to many recipients) to generate many irate responses, or similar conduct



Essentially, it's making inflammatory posts, with the intention of being a dick.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Don't forget the most obvious case, which would be pulling young posters under a bridge and eating them.

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On the front page it says "What exactly is trolling By Agent of Oblivion."


EDIT: now it says "By alfdogg" since I replied.

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I think the inspiration is from the fishing term. Trolling is posting complete crap only for the purpose of baiting the posters into starting a flamewar. Some trolls are easier to spot than others. A troll's sole purpose is to disrupt the board. They are not interested in discussion.

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Guest Loss

I define trolling as saying something for no other reason than to get a reaction out of people. This isn't so bad on its own, but trolling becomes a problem when it's obvious that the person doing the trolling doesn't even agree with what he himself is saying. I also consider trolling any post that's done to "get over", not necessarily to make a point or contribute a discussion, but posting something so people will notice your existence.

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I think the inspiration is from the fishing term. Trolling is posting complete crap only for the purpose of baiting the posters into starting a flamewar. Some trolls are easier to spot than others. A troll's sole purpose is to disrupt the board. They are not interested in discussion.

I've never once seen a salmon flame a trout.

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I think the inspiration is from the fishing term.  Trolling is posting complete crap only for the purpose of baiting the posters into starting a flamewar.  Some trolls are easier to spot than others.  A troll's sole purpose is to disrupt the board.  They are not interested in discussion.

I've never once seen a salmon flame a trout.

That's why the proposed R-rated version of "Finding Nemo" failed.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

^Your brain on drugs is a red x. X is used widely in Straightedge culture. Ironic Avatar/Custom Title combination. Very high concept.

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Can a person get banned for trolling in HD?


I'm interested in knowing this as well.....

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Well, there's different kinds of trolling. Like, I'm about |--| ;)..yeah, that's KIND of trolling, but no one's going to get banned for it. The flaming/take it to HD rules are kind of blurry these days anyway. The folder definitely harbors a certain kind of attitude, and certain kinds of topics, and either a person likes it or they don't. Some (a lot) of things in there are dumb, but it's not really meant to be the Library of Congress in there or anything. I let that kind of shit slide.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I'd desrcibe it as a very kliqish area of the board. if you don't know anyone in there and don't know who's who it can be pretty lame because people will jump all over you.

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I'd desrcibe it as a very kliqish area of the board. if you don't know anyone in there and don't know who's who it can be pretty lame because people will jump all over you.

I agree with that. Though I've always found it amusing. I used to just lurk until every other post was Birds in the Hotel with some dumbass one liner. That asshole made me post in HD, and for that he should be banned.


EDIT: Not to mention the fact that at 1:23 PM my time, BitH was the last post in 13 HD threads. Wow.

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The "Britney Spears grabbing weiner" thread needs to be killed. It's just degenerated into Dids and Nelly's Bandaid calling everyone idiots for having different tastes in women.


EDIT: OK, Nelly's Bandaid didn't actually *call* anyone an idiot, he's just acting very high-and-mighty and acting like his opinion is law.

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Guest Nelly's Bandaid

Alfdogg how is that possible when my point has nothing to do with conflicting opinions?

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You're basically telling everyone that we'd all fuck Britney because she's famous and that we don't have a right to call her trash because we've never met her.

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Your judging her personality and lifestyle on selective information given to you by the media


That's the point, your not sitting in a bar, your judging her by certain pictures and footage fed from the media, your falling into that trap that makes people into the kind of sheep that keep's this retarded cycle alive. I don't care if you don't find her attractive, just don't judge her and her lifestyle on specific sensational information you've been given.

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