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Chuck Woolery

PROMO: "Good Morning, Hawaii!"

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"Look, Todd, I've told you -- I put in my vacation time before we won the Tag belts."


Our scene opens up on a Motel 6 somewhere in Boston, where Mike Van Siclen is pacing around one of the tiny beds. Todd Cortez is sitting on the other, and both mens' title belts are sitting on the end table. The two members of Hollywood Boulevard are obviously tense, and Van Siclen is trying to calm Cortez down.


"Mike, can't you reschedule or something? I mean, it's five shows, and you'd be rusty for the pay-per-view. What if Zenon wants us to defend? Do you want me to go out there in a handicap match?"


"Todd, look, I'm sure Zenon won't make you defend them for us. And even if he does, so what? It'll be the Boy Scouts again, and it's not like we didn't make quick work of them the last few times. You could take one of the guys from the Oat Toast or whatever and make them your partner, and we'd still win."


"Mike, we're partners, not me and someone else."


Van Siclen looks at Cortez, and the full irony of the whole situation sinks into both men. Cortez, from the streets, and Van Siclen, the cocky veteran who has lived the high life, and somehow, they are the most fluid tag team in the SWF today. It boggles the mind, really, but the truth of it is not lost on Van Siclen, and he takes a seat on the bed opposite Cortez.


"Look, Todd, I'm absolutely positive that Zenon will not book us in a title match while I'm gone. And even if he does, he's going to have to do it before I leave, and I'll just smack him around a bit and make sure he doesn't do anything."


"Mike, that's not the point. The point is that you're leaving me high and dry here, when we're supposed to be the tag team champions, emphasis on team."


"I understand, Todd, but... I don't know. Just take my word for it -- Alex will not be putting you into a title defence while I'm away. Okay?"


"... fine."


"Good. Now, about Lockdown... we're going to need you on the outside with us."


"Who is we?"


"The Tecnicos."


"... the Tecnicos?"


"Yeah, me, Toxx, JD, King and Hunt. Don't you watch Mexican wrestling?"




"Well, we had a meeting earlier, and we figure that we're obviously the good guys here."


"Okay. What does this have to do with my presence?"


"Well, Todd, they have Steve the Cameraman, Allison Onita, and Megan Skye at ringside, that we know for sure. And this is a pretty big match, so Chris Card and Natasha will probably be out there, too. So we need something to combat that, since right now we have... Jet and Kelly. We need somebody who can throw Card and Allison around, and that, my faithful partner, is you."


"... fine. You do owe me for this, though."


"Yeah, and I owe you for taking time off, too. I'll try to work my pull into a title shot for you or something."


"Thanks, bro."




The two men go back to conversing, but it's obvious that some doubt remains in Cortez. Van Siclen is thinking it, too, though he would never state it. How people think Van Siclen is carrying the team, how people think that Cortez can't do it on his own. Mike would never admit it, but deep down he knows that this might be just his way of testing Cortez, seeing if he can get the job done on his own. Does Mike trust Todd's ability that much?


As Todd exits the room, Mike indirectly gives us his answer, pulling out a cell phone and dialing an obviously familiar number.


"Hey, Alex? You know that title defence scheduled for Storm... do you think we could get that canceled?"


Mike seemingly notices the camera suddenly and covers the lens, forcing us to...



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Don't make me hurt you, Charlie. :P


Let's be real, now: I'm as full of myself as the next writer (moreso, depending on who you ask), but t'ain't nobody better than J&R. That team was the G.O.A.T (no, not that G.O.A.T.), hands down... and, of course, Wild and Dangerous comes in at second.

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Can Zack carry on as a single wrestler?










I dunno.

I'm hoping that was sarcasm, considering I've had quite a few singles matches here.

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Bah! Give me DVD and the Fallen most days of the week.


Anywho, good promo, but you should have kept the make-out scene, Mike. That really sealed it for me that MVS and Cortez are a true team.


I'll run over here now...

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No thanks, Mr. Greatest Cruiserweight of all time, I'm already working a program. Thanks for the offer anyways, though.



- Austin "Rando held the cruiser title longer than you" Sly

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Huh. You're all just lucky that I gave up on the Cruiserweight Division and have now crash-landed in the Main Event, or I'd be holding that belt so tight that even spontaneous multiple orgasms wouldn't make me let go


Toxx-"You wanna play egos, my character acts like this ALL THE TIME"-ic

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You seem to be under the impression that you still have some kind of draw around here. :lol:

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