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HOLT meter

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I am bored often, so I stole this idea from Duran. I looked through the HOLT reports starting from Feb. 1. If your name was in the top pops/heat list, you get points. 5 for first, 4 for second, etc. And away we go!


Most Pops


1. Dace 33 points, 2x most pops

2. Danny Williams 27 points, 3x most pops

3. Charlie Matthews 23 points, 3x most pops

4. Alan Clark 20 points, 1x most pops

5. Annie Onita 17 points, 2x most pops


Honorable mentions - WildChild 14 points, Johnny Dangerous 9 points, Coy West 9 points


Most Heat


1. John Duran 33 points, 4x most heat

2. Va'aiga 29 points, 5x most heat

3. Toxxic 20 points

4. Tom Flesher 16 points, 3x most heat

5. Todd Royal 15 points, 1x most heat

5. Landon Maddix, 15 points


Honorable mentions - Hville Thugg 14 points, Mike Craven 8 points, The Masked Man 6 points, Janus 6 points.


Note, I did combine tag team and stable pops/heat to individual tallies. And stuff.


Another note, I just went with the search feature, and I didn't find any HOLT reports from around May. It skips from April to June. I could me missing something, and if so, if someone will kindly point that out to me, I'll edit this. And stuff.

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Man, when did I get so over? This is what I get for being in angles where the heels have a crap load of heat.


I think I'm gonna have to start doing something along this line (MOTN) or something in my show reviews.

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... Another note, I just went with the search feature, and I didn't find any HOLT reports from around May.  It skips from April to June...

That's because I wasn't available to write the HOLT Report between April and June.

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... Another note, I just went with the search feature, and I didn't find any HOLT reports from around May.  It skips from April to June...

That's because I wasn't available to write the HOLT Report between April and June.

Yeah, but Maddix took over for a few shows, so he could've stepped up. Damn slacker.


Kind of interesting that Toxxic got so high without being first in heat at any time.


Edit: Also interesting to see the amount of love WC gave himself and Johnny. I guess it might have been more, but people would've been suspicious. That, and like I said, Maddix took over for a few shows...

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What can I say...I'm a lazy bastard.




*Continues writing 6,000 odd words of a stupid 10 Man Tag Match*

You magnificent bastard. ;)

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