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Update On Kurt Angle's In Ring Return

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Kurt Angle has been telling people backstage that he wants to become an unbeatable heel and lead a stable of heels upon his return. His feeling is that Smackdown needs its own version of what Triple H is to RAW. Some have become upset with Angle for the ways he has brought up this new idea.


Credit: PWTorch.com


Kurt Angle is expected to return to the ring at Summerslam, likely in a match against Eddie Guerrero. Word is that Angle has finally come to accept that he will have to change his wrestling style to a safer one if he wants to continue wrestling. In the past, he has gone against doctor warnings and worked his usual style despite his neck problems. Despite the change, Angle is confident he can make it work.


Credit: Torch Newsletter

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Guest SoZe

I LOVE Angle, but I am extremely skeptical that he's going to be able to extend his career past a few more matches. I wish, this wasn't the case, and would love to be proven wrong, but I just don't see it happening with Kurt's style.

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Guest Choken One

Didn't Kurt already have his own little Angle Foundation last winter?


All right? Who would this 4 Angles group be?


Luther Reigns (The Big Man)

Charlie Haas (The Technical Workhorse)

Jamie Knoble and Chavo Guerrero (The Tag Team)


*I'd rather slide Nunzio instead of Chavo but why split the FBI?

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Guest darkquack
. Some have become upset with Angle for the ways he has brought up this new idea.

some need to shut the fuck up cuz nobody is better than angle in the ring who is currently wrestling in the us. let that man do whatever he wants because he persuades me to buy ppvs if he is in the main event. I will buy any ppv angle is in the main event even if he is in a fucking wheelchair

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Guest darkquack
Have fun wasting your money, sport.

why is it wasting it if i enjoy what i spend it on? i wont buy a ppv if angle isnt on it wrestling. there is no incentive to me. i dont care about big fat overweight wrestlers. besides im rich. dont be jelous

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Guest Markingout
. Some have become upset with Angle for the ways he has brought up this new idea.

some need to shut the fuck up cuz nobody is better than angle in the ring who is currently wrestling in the us. let that man do whatever he wants because he persuades me to buy ppvs if he is in the main event. I will buy any ppv angle is in the main event even if he is in a fucking wheelchair

Yeah man, Angle is the best... :huh: Angle hasn't ever been the best in the USA with people like Eddie,Benoit, and Bryan Danielson wrestling.

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Guest bigm350

Wow, just wow. Angle is awesome but I don't know how you can say he's better than Benoit or Eddy. I know its your opinion but I think Kurt needs to get a better grasp of psychology in his matches to be considered in the same class as Benoit and Eddy.

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Guest Staravenger
Kurt Angle is no Hulk Hogan.

Angle has the wrestling talent on his side, but Hogan just kills him in every other department. Even when it comes to heel/face reactions, Hogan was a lot more hated as a heel than Angle and was a lot more over as a face. He kills Angle when it comes to being a main event draw, his charisma is off the chart, and he doesn't try and kill himself in the ring because he can.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Kurt Angle is no Hulk Hogan.

Angle has the wrestling talent on his side, but Hogan just kills him in every other department. Even when it comes to heel/face reactions, Hogan was a lot more hated as a heel than Angle and was a lot more over as a face. He kills Angle when it comes to being a main event draw, his charisma is off the chart, and he doesn't try and kill himself in the ring because he can.

And plus, Hogan's matches when he was carried by guys like Hansen and Inoki aren't any worse then Angle's when he was carried by guys like Benoit and Austin.

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Guest JohnnySwift
Yeah, the only way an Angle-led heel faction will work is if they actually get to win every now and then.

And bust out the awesome Team Angle jumpsuits again

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I think Kurt Angle needs to be HHH in that he's a SERIOUS~! monster heel who beats people constantly because he's awesomely good or whatever.


The stable leader thing doesn't work out for him, though, because they're never going to do what I described above. Instead, he'll always be a dork or an idiot, and it'll look dumb for all these guys to follow this dumbass around and not question why they look up to him.

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Guest bigm350

I dug serious Kurt. The character he played before WM XX going against Eddy was awesome.

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. Some have become upset with Angle for the ways he has brought up this new idea.

some need to shut the fuck up cuz nobody is better than angle in the ring who is currently wrestling in the us. let that man do whatever he wants because he persuades me to buy ppvs if he is in the main event. I will buy any ppv angle is in the main event even if he is in a fucking wheelchair

Yeah man, Angle is the best... :huh: Angle hasn't ever been the best in the USA with people like Eddie,Benoit, and Bryan Danielson wrestling.

Get the hell out of here with Bryan Danielson......I'll agree with Benoit and Eddie but don't put Danielson in there with those guys.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I think building the show around Kurt in his present condition is foolhardy at best.

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Guest Choken One

Danielson is above Angle.



Duckquack is a fucking imbecile if he openly supports Angle wrestling himself to a Wheelchair.


Do you really want him to be our generation's Dynamite Kid?

Kurt Angle is 35 years old and has a young beautiful Daughter and wonderful supportive sexy wife and has countless avenues for this future beyond the spectrum of professional wrestling.


Anyone that supports a Kurt Angle return isn't a fan of Kurt Angle.

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I don't see Kurt facing Eddie seeing as he has been more involved with Cena lately. but as always, plans do change. I think this is a good idea because now the internet will comlain about more than Triple H. lol

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Anyone that supports a Kurt Angle return isn't a fan of Kurt Angle.

Are you INSANE?



I mean, come on now. Do I want him to return? Sure... but only if he can physically do it. Wrestling is his LIFE, as an amateur greco-roman style wrestler to being a professional sports-entertainer...it's his life. It must kill him every day to know that he can't be in the ring wrestling. Yeah, it was his refusal of slowing down that got him to this point, but he wanted to give it his all every single time. I'm sure he'll slow down when he comes back this time, because he's close to permanent injury.


But I support him returning if he can still go. It's his life and I do not advocate taking someone's life away from them if they still have the passion and the ability to do it.



The idea of having a heel stable though...I don't like that idea. That would seem as though they were following in Raw's footsteps, and it would make it seem like Angle was trying to "be like HHH", and that is the last thing he needs to be doing.


I could see a FACE stable forming, however, though more as a "i help you, you help me" type of deal instead of a full fledged team... say Eddie, Cena, RVD, and Rey Mysterio ...sure, Rey hasn't done much against Angle or anything, but I like the idea of Rey & RVD teaming consistently. RVD and Cena could also play the "tensioned teammates" as both want the US Title, which could make for some interesting match-ups as time progressed.

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. Some have become upset with Angle for the ways he has brought up this new idea.

some need to shut the fuck up cuz nobody is better than angle in the ring who is currently wrestling in the us. let that man do whatever he wants because he persuades me to buy ppvs if he is in the main event. I will buy any ppv angle is in the main event even if he is in a fucking wheelchair

My eyes are bleeding 1.2 Muta right now.

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Danielson is above Angle.



Duckquack is a fucking imbecile if he openly supports Angle wrestling himself to a Wheelchair. 


Do you really want him to be our generation's Dynamite Kid?

Kurt Angle is 35 years old and has a young beautiful Daughter and wonderful supportive sexy wife and has countless avenues for this future beyond the spectrum of professional wrestling.


Anyone that supports a Kurt Angle return isn't a fan of Kurt Angle.

Please. Just stop already.


To call duckquack a "fucking imbecile" for that one particular comment is absurd. There are plenty of his other quotes you could have used for that certain description.


Not one person on this forum truly knows the extent or the seriousness of Kurt Angle's injuries. In fact, I would say there is only a select group that actually knows just how dire the situation is. Kurt, of course. His wife. His doctor. And....that's probably about it. Every conflicting report you read about Angle's neck being one bump away from snapping or Angle's neck not being as bad as once perceived are simply hearsay. Nobody knows for sure what the exact situation is, but people - especially WWE Internet reporters - like to pretend they do.


Choken, you have absolutely no idea whether or not another match would lead Angle to a wheelchair. And truthfully, if it would, I doubt anybody's opinion on this website would matter one bit towards changing Angle's opinion on whether or not he should wrestle. He's going to make the decision himself, so it's unbelievably silly to read people screaming for Angle's retirement or preaching about how much he has to live for. Yeah, guys, he has a good life. But it is not your duty to tell him the decision you want him to make. Nay, the decision you DEMAND he makes.


Anyone that supports an Angle return isn't a fan of Kurt Angle? Ridiculous. It might be best if you took off the "holier-than-thou" glasses for one minute. The people that support an Angle return are JUST THAT - fans of Kurt Angle. He WANTS to wrestle. They want to SEE him wrestle. They want to see him participate in a WWE ring, just as Kurt wants to do it himself. They're the fans that Angle wants. Not the people that look down upon him and throw tantrums when they hear of his decision to keep wrestling. Why, those are the people that become more of an annoyance, simply because they're as much in the dark as the rest of the wrestling world is, yet like to portray the image that they know everything. But it does look all the more humanitarian when these people call for the retirement anyway, huh?


Don't stress yourself over Angle's decisions when you have no actual source for the background besides some secondhand story that Meltzer heard from some wrestler who may or may not have eavesdropped on a conversation Kurt had with his wife about his doctor's visit. Don't pretend like you know more about Angle's health than Angle does himself, and don't throw out stories about the Dynamite Kid when there's no true, rock-hard, solid evidence that this situation is even near the same ballpark. Just drop it.

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NYU: To be fair, it isn't like Angle doesn't have a history of rushing back to the ring when he wasn't quite ready, and then quickly getting reinjured. Face it, he's got a bad neck that's never going to be 100%, and probably nowhere close to that.


We don't know the extent of the damage, but we have good reason to believe he's in pretty bad shape, especially since the "miracle surgery" wasn't all it was cracked up to be.


Choken did overreact, though.

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If Lyger can continue his career by changing his moveset after having a brain tumor and still give great matches, then Angle can continue his career with a new moveset with an not so reportedly good neck and still be as awesome as he was.

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From all reports, Austin's neck was fucked up a lot worse than Kurt's ever was, and he changed his style, and managed to squeeze out four incredibly successful years. Sure, he did a lot more brawling and wasn't the in-ring competitor he once was, but he also had several ****+ outings. I think if Kurt embraces the stable leader role, and wrestles about as much as say Ric Flair, with a few squashes mixed in where he does a couple belly-to-belly suplexes and hits an Angle Slam, then he should be fine going back to the ring.


Oh, and as for the people that were bitching at Fear Havoc, when Angle's 100%, he IS the best wrestler in North America. Yeah, Benoit and Guerrero might be more crisp, and sell a little better on occasion, but has Benoit carried Edge to ****+ on multiple occasions? Hell no. Has Eddie carried Brock and the Big Show to ****+ in a triple threat match. Hell no. Could either one of them make a three-on-one handicap match against three of the top wrestlers in the WWE look like an even balanced exciting match, that's not too unrealistic when they win. Hell no. Shit, Benoit and Eddy only held the title for about three months each, and they already started getting complacent and bringing down their game a little bit. Angle's held the title with pride through four different reigns without ever letting up for a second.


And Hogan's a legend. He's from an era where different things amounted to overness, and he succeeded like pretty much no one has. However, he never had as much charisma as Kurt Angle. Hey brother. Say your prayers, brother. You're going down brother. In this era, he can't stick around for six months without getting stale. I'm sure if Kurt Angle wrestled in the 80's, he could have been WWF Champion better than Hogan, and NWA Champion better than Flair. Of course, he probably would have tried too hard in the NWA, and got crippled after five or ten years, but while he was there, he would have been the best damn thing going.


OK, I admit I'm kind of an Angle mark, but that doesn't make anything I said any less true.

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Don't stress yourself over Angle's decisions when you have no actual source for the background besides some secondhand story that Meltzer heard from some wrestler who may or may not have eavesdropped on a conversation Kurt had with his wife about his doctor's visit. Don't pretend like you know more about Angle's health than Angle does himself, and don't throw out stories about the Dynamite Kid when there's no true, rock-hard, solid evidence that this situation is even near the same ballpark. Just drop it.

Funny how you brought that up....


Many backstage feel that Kurt Angle is milking his injury for all it's worth, working the rest of the wrestlers and management in the process. Those angry with Angle point out that he worked through WrestleMania, then took the following months (traditionally the slowest months of the wrestling year) off. Now he is gearing up for a return at Summerslam for another big payday.


Credit: PWTorch.com

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I doubt he's milking it, he's had neck problems in the past so he's just playing it safe and making sure its recovered enough so he can have another decent run until he needs to recooperate again. I mean Big Show has been gone since Wrestlemania as well, and id be more worried about my neck then my knees and I dont think there is a return date for the Big Show yet.

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Guest Staravenger
And Hogan's a legend. He's from an era where different things amounted to overness, and he succeeded like pretty much no one has. However, he never had as much charisma as Kurt Angle. Hey brother. Say your prayers, brother. You're going down brother. In this era, he can't stick around for six months without getting stale.

...You have got to be shitting me.


Angle: WOOO! Im an olympic gold medalist! I drink milk! Woo!


Face it, there will never be a "Best of Kurt Angle Promos" tape that lasts longer than three seconds.

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And plus, Hogan's matches when he was carried by guys like Hansen and Inoki aren't any worse then Angle's when he was carried by guys like Benoit and Austin.


Your a f*cking idiot.


End of story.

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