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Weekend boxoffice report July 9-11

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J-Lo is considered A-list and she's never had one movie over 100 million.


Will Ferrell was in the surprise hit comedy hit Old School.

He was the sole reason Elf made so much money.


And look at Anchorman- it had a huge opening.


The man has proven he can open a movie and has achieved commercial and critical success.

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I'd say so.


Fallon's career prospects seem iffy (The trailer for Taxi supposedley looks terrible).


Chris Kattan and Tracy Morgan have done nothing post-SNL and Molly Shannon's sitcom completely bombed.


With Mean Girls being a big hit I could see Tina having a successful career in writing. She also is developing a sitcom for NBC.


But it looks like Will is going to join the ranks of very famous SNL stars. Pretty amazing considering his first week Entertainment Weekly named him most annoying castmember.

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With "I, Robot", "Anchorman", and "Spiderman 2" all in the listings I can't see "Cindrella Story" cracking a 10 million out of this weekend.


Releasing THIS film in the middle of the summer movie season? Talk about leaving a girl whipping in the wind.

I was just at Denny's and it's really pathetic. They have cinederalla story princess meals that have pink all over them (pink ranch dressing, pink sprinkles on icecream, etc.) and princess cherry sprite or some crap like that. And if you order a princess slam you get a free cinderella story poster! WOW! Needless to say I had never heard of this movie until I got to Denny's. Die movie die.

Off topic, but what do you get with a "Princess Slam"? Is it a Grand Slam with pink whipped cream and strawberries on the pancakes or something? Pink meat? I need to know...

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"A Cinderella Story" looks absolutely horrible. Wow, can you get any lazier to dream up that concept? Hopefully no one over the age of 14 will give it the time of day, but of course it will probably be a hit...


"I, Robot" is going to be lousy, but it has Will Smith. Then again...remember Wild, Wild West? He was the only major star in that one, too. BOMB, DAMNIT!!


White Chicks still being in the top ten makes the baby Jesus cry.

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Guest Smues
Off topic, but what do you get with a "Princess Slam"? Is it a Grand Slam with pink whipped cream and strawberries on the pancakes or something? Pink meat? I need to know...

There were three Princess slams available. All three came with the pink princess sprite or whatever the hell they called it. One was a burger and fries with pink princess sauce of some kind. One was a breakfast meal with pink sprinkles on the pancakes or something like that. And the other one was a chicken strip meal with more pink sauce of doom. And if you order a princess slam you can get pink princess ice cream for $1.29 more!

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I, Robot has been high on my list of films to see since I first heard about it on a car website (talking about the Audi supercar Will Smith woul drive). It's getting my $7.50 this Friday.

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IMO, the ONLY reason to see "I, Robot" is because it's directed by Alex Proyas.


I don't know about it. It looks like the type of cheesy sci-fi flick I would normally watch (at matinee price), but then again, it has Will Smith in it - and I would place him in my top five list of actors who annoy me every time I see them.


A friend of mine has a theory about this film - it's the type of movie that Arnold would have been in if he was younger and still making movies.

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IMO, the ONLY reason to see "I, Robot" is because it's directed by Alex Proyas.


I don't know about it. It looks like the type of cheesy sci-fi flick I would normally watch (at matinee price), but then again, it has Will Smith in it - and I would place him in my top five list of actors who annoy me every time I see them.


A friend of mine has a theory about this film - it's the type of movie that Arnold would have been in if he was younger and still making movies.

That's a pretty sound theory considering this movie looks like a cross between Terminator and The Animatrix (specifically The 2nd Renaissance).

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Anyone know how well Harry Potter did in comparison to the other two? I heard it's not doing as well.


232mill ain't bad tho.. Is it?

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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone WB $317,575,550


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets WB $261,988,482


Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban WB $232,795,692


Plus the $405 million overseas, I'd say it did pretty well.

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IMO, the ONLY reason to see "I, Robot" is because it's directed by Alex Proyas.


I don't know about it.  It looks like the type of cheesy sci-fi flick I would normally watch (at matinee price), but then again, it has Will Smith in it - and I would place him in my top five list of actors who annoy me every time I see them.


A friend of mine has a theory about this film - it's the type of movie that Arnold would have been in if he was younger and still making movies.

That's a pretty sound theory considering this movie looks like a cross between Terminator and The Animatrix (specifically The 2nd Renaissance).

It's an adaptation of an Asimov work, so you could say those other two contained elements of the original concept.

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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone WB $317,575,550


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets WB $261,988,482


Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban WB $232,795,692


Plus the $405 million overseas, I'd say it did pretty well.

I would have thought that it would have made more domestically, though, as it is by far the best film of the three.


And outside of Spider-Man, which I have sentimental ties to anyway (me being a Spidey mark since I was a little kid), Harry Potter was probably the best film that I've seen this year. I was actually AMAZED by how much I liked it. I walked in not really expecting much, and was stunned at how much I enjoyed the film.

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I think the Harry Potter series is going to make less movie with each film.


Even though Shrek 2 came out two weeks before HP, I believe it effected HP's numbers.

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The first Harry Potter made so much money because everyone wanted to see it so it's unfair to compare the other two to that one.


Prisoner of Azbakan is going to end up making about 20 million less then Chamber of Secrets which is nothing.


Azbakan faced a lot more competition. Chamber of Secrets had the fading Santa Clause 2 and got to make assloads of money over the 5-day Thanksgiving weekend. That's how they were able to make most of their money.


Azbakan had to deal with overrated crap like Shrek 2. I don't think anyone expected the movie to as big as it was (after I saw it I still don't get it) and it definetley hurt Potter. Day After Tomorrow also did a lot better then expected and it also hurt Harry a bit too.


I think the dark tone could've scared people off a little bit. Parents who took their kids to the more safer Sorcerer's Stone or Chamber of Secrets may have been a bit scared to take their kids to see Azbakan since it was a very scary movie.


I don't think Warner Brothers is losing sleep over this. They produced a great movie (Best of 2004 imo), and are still making huge profits. Harry Potter 4 should easily break 200 million. As long as they don't pull a Batman and Robin the series should be very profitable for them. I'm just worried about the potential of replacing the new kids. I love Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe and it would feel weird to see someone else stepping in their shoes.

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And they're making a huge profit off this when you factor in all of this.


Even though getting their ass kicked by Shrek does probably sting a little. It even pisses me off.


I just wish for Harry Potter 4 they would've brought back Cuaron. I loved the dark and scary tone of Azbakan and even though I'd probably like it I just would be dissapointed if they went back to light and happy like the first one was.

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I didn't know that. It makes sense since I'm sure the stress of handling the biggest cash cow in Warner Bros isn't something I'd want to deal with.


I think the director of HP4 is the guy who did 4 Weddings and a Funeral so he's got street cred. I really wish they could get Rowan Atkinson to be in one of the movies. That'd own

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Guest Choken One

Did you actually just say Harry Potter was BEST OF 2004?


That's Hilarious.


ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND owns Harry Potter's little ass.

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Yes I did- It's the best movie I've seen of 2004 with Kill Bill and The Passion right behind.


I never got a chance to see Eternal Sunshine. When I'm in Toronto I'm very far from the multiplex cinema so I never go to see any movies there so I usually just stick to my local arts cinema. Sadly Eternal Sunshine never came there until after I left.


Jim Carrey is my second favourite actor behind Norm (Okay- I know Norm doesn't count) so I'll definetley pick up the DVD sight unseen in November or December.


So Harry's the best movie that I've seen in 2004. Does that make you happy Choken?

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