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Guest DonWestMark03

Triple H

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Guest DonWestMark03

I was wondering what people thought of Triple H now. I think he is kicking ass. Well, what are your thoughts?

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Guest KJ Brackish

He's definately making A LOT of improvement IMHO. He's doing 10x better than say..... er..... 6 months ago. That is just my opinion tho.



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He's still sucking up way more TV time then he should. But it's nice to see him job every now and then. Although the belt is going to be like the USWA title. Lawler to someone else, back to Lawler, to someone else...then back to Lawler...you get the idea

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I think I can't win the title on a nothing ppv show that most people had no clue was even on tonight. I think it's better for me to get heat by beating Benoit in Toronto and killing off this Atlanta GA wannabe. Yeah, that's the ticket. Kill off his Canadian fanbase with a double whammy. :lol:

------Triple H backstage memo to Vince Mcmahon :D source Stephanie Mcmahon


Seriously, as long as he remains entertaining and he has been since his match with HBK last December. He knows keeping the belt on Benoit the longer the better for the value of the title for when he regains it.

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Guest wildpegasus

I have never been more disgusted with a wrestling match than what happened tonight at Veangance. Not even with the Bret Hart/Yokuzana/Hogan Wrestlemania 9 disgrace. Benoit was screwed tonight and the way HHH is protected and made to look good is riduculous.

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Do i want to see the World Title around his waist? No. Do i want to see him cut a 10-20 minute promo every week? No. Do i hope he becomes a success in the movie biz and starts appearing as frequently as the Rock? Yes.


In all seriousness, the guy has been busting his ass in the ring this year, and has been (sort of) elevating other wrestlers. There's just too much of him, too often, for me to care about anything involving him.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Nothing's changed. Triple H is still doing what made me dislike him in 02/03.

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I think his workrate has improved, in part because it's obvious he's not on the juice anymore. I think he realizes that he can't pull off the invincible heel gimmick anymore. His losses to Benoit and Benjamin attest to that. His next title reign won't be as long. He'll clearly lose the title at Halloween Havoc or Sur Ser.

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In ring, HHH has improved leaps and bounds of '02 and '03 HHH, but he still hogs the camera and main event storylines too much.


I hate to say this, but I will. Right now, at this very moment, I'd rather see Randy Orton in main event matches and storylines than HHH for the sheer fact that he's got upside (at least now he does) and he's not HHH.

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Guest GreatOne
In ring, HHH has improved leaps and bounds of '02 and '03 HHH, but he still hogs the camera and main event storylines too much.


I hate to say this, but I will. Right now, at this very moment, I'd rather see Randy Orton in main event matches and storylines than HHH for the sheer fact that he's got upside (at least now he does) and he's not HHH.



Trips is like the only heel anymore that anyone'll buy being all over the place, in other words, think of Ric Flair not being involved at the top of the card in WCW in his heyday anyone remember Clash XV (?) where Flair fought Luger for the US title and saying to themselves "THIS is lame"? (or substitute Rock and Billy Gunn)


Randy Orton? Uh, no. The dude looked in that dueling Rock promo like he was about to cry, now you want him headlining Mania? You know it's not too much different than saying "I don't like WWE I'm gonna go watch TNA".

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

he was supposed to look like he was going to cry. it's called acting.


Are we having problems figuring out wether or not wrestling is fake?

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I have never been more disgusted with a wrestling match than what happened tonight at Veangance. Not even with the Bret Hart/Yokuzana/Hogan Wrestlemania 9 disgrace. Benoit was screwed tonight and the way HHH is protected and made to look good is riduculous.

Benoit still has the title. HHH failed, his plan crumbled, Evolution was beaten back...


You've got some issues.

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Guest Choken One

Triple H was in NO way protected tonight.


He tapped.

He needed a retard to help him win for his master plan.

His retard couldn't even get the job done.


Benoit gets HHH to tap yet again...

Benoit outsmarts Eugene (well, yeah)

Benoit beats off 5 People at once to win the match.


Yeah, HHH is so fucking protected.


Triple H has made himself be a completely vulernable worker these days as he has STILL be unable to live up to his promise of beating Benoit for the title and couldn't get his master plan to work, having it backfire on him. Yeah the only thing "devious" he has done is take up more airtime...thats not really a bad thing.

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Guest GreatOne
he was supposed to look like he was going to cry. it's called acting.


Are we having problems figuring out wether or not wrestling is fake?

Where the hell did that come from?


OK maybe I should have used the term out of his league, that better? Geesh....................

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Well at least Benoit is going to last longer as chamion than Eddie, PPV wise, over 4 months. If H's movie miraculously begins filming, Benoit may hold it past Summerslam, but I'm not praying. Just give Benoit and Triple H an clean one on one match with no Evolution, or Eugene, or any other person and I will be happy no matter who the winner is. Triple H has been great since Wrestlemania as to puttig guys over, but Christmas is just around the corner and who knows if he will get greedy again. lol

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Randy Orton? Uh, no. The dude looked in that dueling Rock promo like he was about to cry, now you want him headlining Mania?

Wait, I thought he was headlining Mania, against Triple H. That seems to be what all of the buildup is for.


As far as Triple H's protection is concerned, it doesn't matter. He knows he's getting the title back at the second biggest PPV of the year in front of a Canadian crowd, so he shouldn't have a problem jobbing to Benoit and a retard at a second rate PPV. That automatically makes him better than he was last year, when he couldn't be bothered to job to anyone until he pulled his groin and wasn't allowed to wrestle. And even then it was like pulling teeth.


And just think, in five weeks we could very well have Undertaker and Triple H as champions again. That's scary.

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Guest JRE
Triple H was in NO way protected tonight.

No no- see, wildpegasus is pointing to how Triple H is being protected in a "subliminal" way.


See...uh....HHH didn't tap to the...wait nevermind. It took more than one chairshot to...no, nevermind- the one did it. Um...HHH didn't resort to some disgusting plan to try to wi....wait, he did try that.


Ah fuck it, Triple H looks like shit after this match. I mean realistically, what does he have going for him? His wrestling failed against Benoit...his friends failed against Benoit...and his plan failed against Benoit. He's got shit.

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If the title goes from Crippler to someone not named Triple H then maybe I'll let up on him. Triple H acting "right" scares me since that could lead to a Randy Orton esque IC title reign. Very long, very boring and very pointless.


Too bad Jericho went face, Jericho vs Benoit would have been a better Summerslam with Flair vs Eugene (pure comedy but seems dead obvious) and HHH vs Edge vs Orton for the IC title as the undercard.


If the belt goes from Benoit to someone other than Trips then I'll consider he might have changed. Until that happens, it's still Trips being Trips.

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Guest Choken One

I'm thinking Edge drops the title right back to Orton tonight...this will just let Randy show how much he loves the title by treating even more lovingly after winning it and after that 24 hours of being the non-champion, he learns he FEEDS off being the champion, making him more vicious and callous in his defenses.

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I would hope so. Edge may have the weakest finishing move ever. It basically looks like he runs up and hugs the person to the ground. And not even hard, like he places them gently on the mat.


He makes the pounce of Monty Brown look like the damn Orange Crush.

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Guest Ray
I would hope so. Edge may have the weakest finishing move ever.

Yeah, CLEARLY a great reason to take the title off him after he just won it...

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Guest bigm350

I think HHH is doind a good job. Its nice to se him job to Benoit again. But then again his performance might have something to do with being in the ring with great workers. ( Benoit, HBK)

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Guest JerichosHi-Lite

I've been a big fan of Triple H's since 1996/1997, but during his crap performances and "Raw is Triple H" stage, it was hard to stay such a huge fan of his. Now that's "turned over a new leaf" it's easy to be a fan again =)



That's the best way I can put it

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Guest INXS

I never had a problem with HHH's work, he ws amazing throughout 2000 and 2001, and only became almost average in the ring since returning from his injury in 2003. His work this year, especially in the past few months, has been amazing. When HHH has another great character to play off (Rock, Foely, Eugene more recently) his promos are stellar and the same when in the ring with someone talented. HHH was trying to pull decent matches out of Steiner and Nash which at this point is damn near impossible. HHH's mania match and last night's match showed that he's still got it.

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Guest Benno

if theyre going with hhh-orton at mania, benoit should keep it till survivor series and then drop it in the elimination chamber to orton...we can then build up to mania....not that i think orton is ready or anything, i just think its the best way of telling the story if this is the direction we have to go in..

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