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The OAO Raw thread for 07.12.04

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Guest Staravenger

Great...Flair badmouthing Hulk Hogan...boo!


And the return of John Cenas horrible Y2J Stinger commercials? Blech.

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Yeah, but if they give people a reason to give half a crap about Kane, he brings the ratings...then they screw him over again. Why I have no idea since he seems to be everything they'd want in a main eventer.

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Anyone heard if Manchurian Candidate is good? It looks alright.

It's a remake of a classic. Go see the original and rent it at your favorite video rental store.


No idea if the Denzel remake will be able to cut it.

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Guest Staravenger
Yeah, but if they give people a reason to give half a crap about Kane, he brings the ratings...then they screw him over again. Why I have no idea since he seems to be everything they'd want in a main eventer.

The Real Story, as told by Me:


Triple H & Kevin Nash are close friends. Kevin Nash played the character "DIESEL" in the WWF. when Nash left, McMahon made a new Diesel....Glen Jacobs, better known today as Kane. Maybe Triple H is looking out for his friend by having Kane held down for his mockery of Nash.

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:( Damn, I thought Jericho said it was cancelled.


And she's the one I kept pointing out as, 'Damn she's ugly'.


:lol: They booed when she said I made these clothes for you.

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Guest Staravenger
Ugh, Diva search. And we swithc to the derby.

And we is the keyword.

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Guest Choken One

y dont they just bring back the Nitro Girls instead of this bullshit.



Thats dancing? Looks like Kotz.

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Has Kane lived down being Isaac Yankum and Fake Diesal yet? I hear more jokes about the necrophelia angle than either of those two gimmicks.


NOOOOO! These segments are killing my brain cells!

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Guest Quik

Damn board crashes.


Man, Flair has a knack for bleeding hardway. Amazing too, his skin's gotta be like leather knowadays. Figure he'd need a buck-knife to blade.

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