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The OAO Raw thread for 07.12.04

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Guest Staravenger

It's confirmed: Kane pissed Triple H off.


In the span of 24 hours, he jobs to MATT HARDY, a man who couldn't beat Zach Gowen, get's punked out by Lisping Lita, who didn't lisp and showed TALENT, and then Jericho punks him even more.

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Guest Fook
Oh boy another Jericho vs Kane match.

Maybe Jericho will use the dreaded COFFEE OF DEATH!!!

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Guest Staravenger
Oh boy another Jericho vs Kane match.

Maybe Jericho will use the dreaded COFFEE OF DEATH!!!

You think this is about...coffee?!

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So who is the father?


Lita said the father wasn't Kane's...but didn't say it was Matt's. :P


Does this mean they're going to play it out a full 9 months or what?

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Guest Staravenger
What I miss?

Lita cutting her best promo ever, and KAne getting served.

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Why's everyone doing the chest-first turnbuckle bump these days?

They're all trying to pay homage to Bret so he'll come back.

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Guest Quik

Kane's a goofy-looking motherfucker.


He always misses that fucking elbow drop.

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Guest Staravenger
I predict that Jericho wins with a rollup.

If that's true....grrr.


And how often does Kane hit that fucking elbow? I think he did ONCE recently, but don't recall ever before.

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Guest Staravenger
Is that officially called "That ****ing Elbow Drop?" Geez, language, people.

Because he's missed it 9999 times out of 10000.

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Guest Staravenger

DQ on a LOW BLOW!? Whats it been, 15 years since we got that? CHOKESLAM TO THE REFEREE AHAHAHA!

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DQ on a LOW BLOW!? Whats it been, 15 years since we got that? CHOKESLAM TO THE REFEREE AHAHAHA!

They needed to go to commercial so the cut the match short?

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Guest Quik

I like the sound of that... "That fucking elbow drop".


So, Jericho and the ref both get chokeslammed. Peachy.


Ooh, Benoit drops the belt to Eugene. Makes sense.

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