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Favorite video gam store

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I do most of my shopping at my local Gamecrazy. Everyone who works there actually knows about the games theyre selling so theyll tell you if it sucks. I hate Gamespot though. They don't know shit and just want to sell me anything. Best Buy is also a good place for cheap games.

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I do most of my shopping at my local Gamecrazy. Everyone who works there actually knows about the games theyre selling so theyll tell you if it sucks. I hate Gamespot though. They don't know shit and just want to sell me anything. Best Buy is also a good place for cheap games.

It depends what Gamestop you go to. Most of the ones around here have people who are intelligent with video games.


Game Crazy, I can't say because there are only two around here (Selden and Ronkonkoma).


Best Buy is OK, but not the best.


EBGames is pretty good, too, as they have MUCH better trade-in prices than Gamestop.


I've had a bad taste in my mouth from Circuit City, as the $4.99 "promotion", which was actually a clearance, was REALLY shitty, and the employees kept on saying how they would get a shipment in.


Nothing is really heads and shoulders above the rest, though. The worst has to be Toys-R-Us and K-Mart, though. Their prices never go down.

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Guest Dumb Fuck

Concerning EBGames, Gamestop, Gamecrazy... it all depends on your store, and the workers there.


The best store I've heard of though are Gamerush's (they're only available in very few Blockbusters), and they give very high trade-in values, plus some good deals for games.


Also, for trading in older games... FYE gives some good prices. However, they also have some ridiculous overprice many of their games. If you're looking for a new console, or a newer game and don't care if you wait a week after other stores get it... FYE is a good option.

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Gamecrazy, simply cause I work there and get discounts.


I used to shop at EB, but ever since I started working at Gamecrazy I get my games and stuff there. Also the fact that Blockbuster ripped off Hollywood's idea with the gamestores makes me feel a bit proud that I was apart of something that got ripped off.

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Guest Vitamin X

Gamestop, definitely. EB's deals always have a catch behind them, and Gamestop is the kind of place I have had no problem with going in and getting good trades and deals. I don't care much for if the employees know their shit or not, as long as they don't bother me because if I go into a game store I usually have a pretty good idea of what I might get before making a $30-50+ investment. And the ones here are helpful enough that if I have a question they answer it well and quickly, so it's all good.


There's no gamecrazys here (I work at Hollywood Video after defecting to Blockbuster also..though I might pull a SWERVE~ on Hollywood because they pay shit down here..) or gamerushes but there are tons of mom and pop video game shops, and mostly EB's and Gamestops everywhere.

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I have GameCrazy, 2 GameRush stores, and, GameStop in my area...


I gotta go with GameCrazy for the most part, because I've done most of my shopping with them for used games, etc, for the past year since they opened up a store near me.


Although, I can now say that I do like GameRush, especially after trading in 12 games and getting Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain for $9.99 each, and, NCAA Football 2005 for $39.99.

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The local Blockbuster does sell used games and used consoles but has not changed the corner of the store into GameRush. I did spend $20 there this week as it had better deals than EB Games.

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EB is the only one close to me, but I have 2 Gamestops and an EB at a mall I frequent 30 miles way.


The EB near me has the best service and quality of employees even though the prices usually aren't as good (they have some great deals a lot of the time, but typically they don't drop prices on the brand new games as quickly as they should.


The prices at the Gamestops/EBs further away from me are generally better, but the service leaves much to be desired sometimes depending on the employees there at the time.


Blockbusters aren't very close to me--there's a good one in Washington, PA I've been to, but the others I've been to charge too damn much for used games ($21.99 for a used Greatest Hits edition of Simpsons Road Rage? Screw you, assholes.)


I've been at only one Gamecrazy, but I have no complaints. Only one employee, a female, in the Gamecrazy section (it was inside a Hollywood video) but she was sweet, hot, knowledgable and obliging without being overbearing. Prices were really good as well, being on par or cheaper than the EB/Gamestops in the area.


EBs and Gamestops I've found to be pretty much the same, but EB seems to have the better service overall. EB replaced my lost discount card free of charge. Gamestop makes me carry around a receipt so they can type in my number. :P Plus Game Informer is a piece of crap magazine consistently, while GMR is almost always superior.

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EB is the only one close to me, but I have 2 Gamestops and an EB at a mall I frequent 30 miles way.


The EB near me has the best service and quality of employees even though the prices usually aren't as good (they have some great deals a lot of the time, but typically they don't drop prices on the brand new games as quickly as they should.


The prices at the Gamestops/EBs further away from me are generally better, but the service leaves much to be desired sometimes depending on the employees there at the time.


Blockbusters aren't very close to me--there's a good one in Washington, PA I've been to, but the others I've been to charge too damn much for used games ($21.99 for a used Greatest Hits edition of Simpsons Road Rage? Screw you, assholes.)


I've been at only one Gamecrazy, but I have no complaints. Only one employee, a female, in the Gamecrazy section (it was inside a Hollywood video) but she was sweet, hot, knowledgable and obliging without being overbearing. Prices were really good as well, being on par or cheaper than the EB/Gamestops in the area.


EBs and Gamestops I've found to be pretty much the same, but EB seems to have the better service overall. EB replaced my lost discount card free of charge. Gamestop makes me carry around a receipt so they can type in my number. :P Plus Game Informer is a piece of crap magazine consistently, while GMR is almost always superior.

I had one female employee hit on me in EBGames :lol:


She was sad to find that my wife was in the store with me.

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Guest Coffey

I usually go to places like Wal*Mart & K-Mart because they are open 24/7 and I'm usually going at like 1am. If I do buy a game in the day, it's usually from a place like Circuit City. All the actual game stores, like Babbage's/Game Stop are in the mall, and it's not worth fighting the downtown traffic.

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A few differences I noticed at the stores (Used PS1 games):


Syphon Filter 3 was $15 at EB and $10 at Gamecrazy.


Crash Bandicoot Racing $10 at EB and $7 at Blockbuster.


Golden Tee $10 at EB and $7 at Blockbuster.


Ready to Rumble at EB $5 and $3 at Blockbuster.

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I have access to:


Best Buy, Circuit City, Wal-Mart (4), Target (2), EB, Gamestop, and FYE all within a half-hour drive.


I steer clear of video stores like Blockbuster and Hollywood, mostly because the older the game is, the less it works. I rented GTA: Vice City from Hollywood, and it kept giving me a disc read error. Flip the disc over, there's a scratch almost an inch long. Hollywood has used games for sale, but you can tell that they're for sale for a reason. They're all crap. Nothing even remotely interesting. The Blockbuster near me sounded intriguing when I heard about the unlimited gaming deal that they had, but there was nothing for a selection. I'm mostly into sports games, and the most current one they had was MLB 2002. No thanks.


As far as Best Buy and Circuit City go, they're right across the street from each other. I went to Circuit City in a vain attempt to get ESPN NHL 2K4 for 4.99, which they didn't have (and a big thanks to all the people who picked one up for me when I literally begged in that thread :().


Wal-Mart and Target are...well, Wal-Mart and Target. Meaning that if you hit them right, you can get a great deal. Wal-Mart has GTA: Vice City for 18 bucks, but I don't have the money right now.


Which means that most of my time is spent at EB or Gamestop since I work at the mall anyway. EB seems to have more games, but their staff (at least at the one I'm at) are incredibly snobby about everything. For some reason, at this EB, if you still have PC as your gaming system, you're nothing. Whatthefuckever. I use them for their knowledge on release dates and shop at Gamestop. Their staff isn't as knowledgeable (most of them are downright stupid), but they have good prices on used stuff that nobody else really cares about (mostly hockey games, and N64/Sega cartridges.) I also collect McFarlane Sports Picks, which they carry somewhat. Every once in a while, they'll get in a good shipment of them, but they don't do special orders at all.

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Guest Vitamin X

It's interesting how much Blockbusters and Hollywood Videos vary from place to place, it really does though. Here's an explanation for why Andrew could have found Road Rage for $21.99 or similar ridiculousness.


As with movies, Blockbuster (I'll use them since I know the way they work much better than Hollywood-1 year of service as compared to 2-4 weeks) releases a certain amount of games to sell off as previously viewed/played. Blockbuster actually makes their biggest profit off of PVT's and PPG's, since they obtain their inventory at a real cheap price and end up making a good gain when a customer buys more than one at a time (hence why you see so many 2 for $20 or 3 for $25 deals..No matter how much you think you're saving, Blockbuster/Hollywood still makes even more). Two explanations why you'll see a crappy game overpriced is because it was either priced incorrectly by an incompetent employee or it was just transferred to previously played, and they want to see how much they can get out of the game before dropping the price. The best days to check in on what games just got put out as used are Mondays (the day most stores begin their PVT/PPG transfer and sometimes finish) or Wednesdays (the deadline for when they have to be done) for the reasons stated, and also because there are MUCH less customers to come in and buy newer games right off the bat, and then you're left with the MLB 2002's and ESPN2k1's which sell for $5 or cheaper until the company decides to have them destroyed and get a tax credit on them, as with movies. This is how Blockbuster is able to continually expand their new release section without making every store a mile long, they sell a good portion of it off as previously viewed/played and either sell them all off until they get to a desired amount for older releases, and all movies that haven't been rented in a certain time (I forget if it's 13 months or 24) are sold as MOP (Merchandise Opportunity Product) for $4.99, transferred to another store that doesn't have as many PVT's or PPG's so they can be bulk up their used section, or destroyed. Another good piece of advice when buying anything from any store is to check the disc for scratches after the employee unlocks them, as it's possible to have defects from so many people possibly renting that very copy who don't take care of their games, just like getting a used copy from Gamestop/EB, but there are many more people who are likely to have used a copy of the game, and thus a higher risk.

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I've been at only one Gamecrazy, but I have no complaints. Only one employee, a female, in the Gamecrazy section (it was inside a Hollywood video) but she was sweet, hot, knowledgable and obliging without being overbearing. Prices were really good as well, being on par or cheaper than the EB/Gamestops in the area.


All Gamecrazy's are inside a hollywood video Andrew, unless they put them by themselves now, which I haven't heard about.

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I'd say EB, because the only stores in town that sell games are Best Buy, Walmart and EB, and EB is most likely to actually get the games in on launch day. I've taken too many trips to Walmart or Best Buy a couple days after launch only to hear that they still hadn't gotten the game in yet.

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Hey, want to trade in your games with Gamestop?


Before you do that, I suggest paying a hooker 50 dollars to forcibly shove an 18 inch spiked dildo up your ass. I think that would be a much better deal.


Ebay it, people.

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Hey, want to trade in your games with Gamestop?


Before you do that, I suggest paying a hooker 50 dollars to forcibly shove an 18 inch spiked dildo up your ass. I think that would be a much better deal.


Ebay it, people.

Good call there. I got around $20 each for Madden 2004 and Smackdown HCTP which is definitely more than GameStop or EB woulda given me.


I love Fry's. Mostly because they put out flyers advertising $10 on some new releases. And since I've got a Best Buy Rewards card (hey, they gave it to me gratis) I go there and price match, and get the points as well.

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Hey, want to trade in your games with Gamestop?

I usually go with half.com. On Ebay you pay a fee regardless of if you sell it, and then if you do sell it there's an additional "final value fee."


However, Half.com is very inflexible as far as setting shipping fees, so I use both depending on what I'm selling. Cheaper stuff--go with half.com. More expensive stuff--go with Ebay. However, Ebay owns half.com (they bought them) and they're closing it in October...so I'll have to Ebay or find another site like Half.


"Your video games are even better than cash when you trade them in at Gamestop!"


...that is, if your cash happens to be Turkish currency or something.


A fairly new game that cost 40 bucks new being worth 7 bucks trade-in credit isn't "better than cash."


Two explanations why you'll see a crappy game overpriced is because it was either priced incorrectly by an incompetent employee or it was just transferred to previously played, and they want to see how much they can get out of the game before dropping the price.


Yeah, I figured that's why it was 2 bucks more than the MSRP and USED to boot.


I typically go to rental places and find a number of the pre-played games overpriced...then I wait for a price drop. Pretty sweet when I was able to get 4 for the price of 2 at Movie Gallery, snatched up the decent $14.99 titles, and sold half of them and basically got the other two for nothing.

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EB I guess, even though they are overbearing and treat me like a child.

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That's because they probably are operating under the assumption that a girl doesn;t know gaming all that well. More fool they.


Media Play does it for me, and EB Games isn;t bad, then again I have been shopping there since I had my C64.

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