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The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

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Guest ArchoanJB

except....it wasn't a roll-up..it was a backslide, pretty big differance.

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What a non-sensical ending.


Many fans are already disliking Edge. He's getting a solid number of boos in a considerable amount of arenas ALL over the country. The guy needs something to get the crowd back on his side.


So what do they do?


Have him cheat.....yet AGAIN....against a guy that people, for the most part, have been cheering more heavily than Edge.


In what way does this make sense? It's only hurting Edge more in the end.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
I feel a Batista vs. Canada thread coming on.

And that thread will be yet another classic. Bank on it.

Just remember that it was my idea so I can get some of the credit.

It was MY idea, buddy.

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Guest tangerine

That **3/4 match was a classic?


I don't understand why they are STARTING raw with the Iron Man

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Which body part will Orton work on tonight?  Wow Orton starts out with the headlockery but can't do the matwork spot properly.

You think you're going to get involved in the show at all, or are you just gonna bash Orton anytime he's on screen. Why do you even watch?

I shall not drink the Orton is improving after ever match kool-aid.

But why drink the insult Orton everytime he appears just because he's there koolaid..?


And Chioda was...well completely smashed in that.

I drink the Teddy Long Hater-aid.


Orton can bump but that playa needs to work on his promo and resthold skillz.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
What a non-sensical ending.


Many fans are already disliking Edge. He's getting a solid number of boos in a considerable amount of arenas ALL over the country. The guy needs something to get the crowd back on his side.


So what do they do?


Have him cheat.....yet AGAIN....against a guy that people, for the most part, have been cheering more heavily than Edge.


In what way does this make sense? It's only hurting Edge more in the end.

Maybe they want to turn him heel. The trades have been hinting at it... hell, even THEY were hinting at it when Benoit/Edge were tag Champs.

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It seems WWE doesn't really see it as a feud-ending match; IM matches have usually ended in "controversy."


They wouldn't have enough time for the SD matches?


(Well, that's a reason, not a good reason, but...)

They could always have a 30 min ironman.

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I enjoyed that match, but the bad finish was just piss poor. Don't book all these huge matches each week when you are running out of fresh programs and you can't book anything but schmozz finishes.

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Guest Staravenger





Actually it appeared it came out on the guy in the USA flag shirt.

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Thanks to the Diva search segment, I caught Liberty!: The American Revolution on PBS. I would have come in here and advised others to tune in, but it was too good to leave.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen



And that wasn't a schmozz (whatever the hell THAT is) finish.

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And "Sweet Home Alabama" was a damned good PPV theme. That this board doesn't like it shows that my affinity for it is well-placed, as is my dislike for Rush.

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What a non-sensical ending.


Many fans are already disliking Edge. He's getting a solid number of boos in a considerable amount of arenas ALL over the country. The guy needs something to get the crowd back on his side.


So what do they do?


Have him cheat.....yet AGAIN....against a guy that people, for the most part, have been cheering more heavily than Edge.


In what way does this make sense? It's only hurting Edge more in the end.

Maybe they want to turn him heel. The trades have been hinting at it... hell, even THEY were hinting at it when Benoit/Edge were tag Champs.

If they're trying to subtly hint at turning Edge heel, then I wouldn't have a problem with it.


But it looks like WWE is still going with the Edge angle of taking down Evolution one-by-one. All indications are that they're banking him to be the #1 face on Raw in the near future through the fall and winter.....and this is doing nothing to help that. The only way they could get out of this "Edge picks off Evolution until we finally get to Edge/HHH" storyline is if they have Edge join Evolution - which now opens an all-new Pandora's Box of inconsistencies.


So far, all I'm seeing from this Edge Intercontinental-Title-Run-into-Main-Event-Slot is piss poor planning. And it's becoming more imminent every week that this is very quickly ruining Edge's chances as a top face.

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It seems WWE doesn't really see it as a feud-ending match; IM matches have usually ended in "controversy."


They wouldn't have enough time for the SD matches?


(Well, that's a reason, not a good reason, but...)

They could always have a 30 min ironman.

The Bronze Man Match!


The closest they've done has been the 30 minute Ultimate Submission match, I think.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Well, that was a total waste of two hours.



The Batista parts were good.

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An Angle/Benoit Ironman would have been better. ah well. *is still content to see this Ironman live*

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I thought RAW was pretty decent, no overhaul of Eugene, a decent match for next week, first match on the card too. HHH's promo was great, the main event was decent. I know where they are going with Edge's cheating to win streak. They are going to ave Evolution upset with Edge cheating to win and then Edge is going to give some Sesame Street promo about how it doesn't feel good when you cheat, or soething close to that by teaching Evolution a lesson.Although I'm not happy about it, I see Triple H winning next week and have him feud with Edge on the road to Summerslam and beyond. The rest was pretty good but not spectacular. September 13th can't come soon enough so RAW can stop taking a page from Nitro with the diva search.

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Guest Tonights Highlite

Just thought I'd break down the ME on RAW... I don't like snowflakes, because that's all subjective and I'd rather say it was a very good/solid match.


I was pleasantly surprised after watching the Orton/Edge match. Everyone says headlock, headlock, headlock, for the PPV match, but I didn't see it so I don't know for sure. I didn't see that here, but I will admit that I wasn't concentrating on the opening as hard as I could have.


The tone of the match was set up well by the Edge/Orton promo, which showed some believable tension. There's a definite sense of importance to the match, being in the ME and getting the last minute hype session.


Match wise, smart work by both men and they sell and bump well to get across the fatigue factor. The addition of new ways of showing parity, new moves and plans of attack, like the dropkick spot (although they didn't and shouldn't need the IAS, it always gets a pop), Edge going after the arm almost sadistically (to combat the RKO set-up), Orton breaking out the backdrop suplex onto the barricade (A hard bump to show just how much he's pissed off from Edge's earlier comments) and Edge retalliating with the spear to the back (which was Orton's hard bump in response to the Backdrop).


The middle didn't really drag like I was expecting after the commercial break, though it did drag. They executed a "resthold" segment, otherwise known as an honest to god, semi-well worked heat segment. Makes sense, since he wants to hit an RKO and has just dumped Edge on his head ON THE CONCRETE no less. People might underate that bump, but I think it was a tough one. He hits Mike Sanders 3.0 in there somewhere and I'm a Mike Sanders mark, so I anytime I see that move, I cheer.


Parity again with the crossbodies to get the crowd invovled. The nearfalls were all fairly hot. And the crowd got more and more hooked as they progressed through them. I know I did! Shout out to the Okie roll (which shows Edge's desperation to get the match done), Missile dropkick (because it counteracts Orton's miss on the High Cross-body)... and I can't forget to give the missed spear spot a shout out (which was taken from the PPV and then flipped on it's head, by having Edge stop himself, leading into the Edge-o-matic nearfall, which was swank).


I dug the boss striking sequence, in there somewhere, but I can see how some people might want him to save that, as it could come off as being old school just because I want to show how old school I am. I still liked it, though.


Like someone said earlier, they know how to execute nearfall sequences. The ref bump didn't lead to a run in, but (while it was easy to see it being set-up, which is never good. The whole front row turned towards the ramp, damnit) it does delay the spear pin, (Orton goes to cheat with a chair and it backfires on him, once again like at the PPV) building suspense for when Edge does hit it and the ref can count. Orton's low blow/RKO combo was nice. I bought it, even though I believed Edge was winning from the start. Finisher parity with Orton kicking out of the slight delay spear, after Edge kicks out of the low blow/RKO combo (which put some very real doubt as to who was going to win). Crowd was REALLY into that sequence. And in the end, Edge counters the RKO and gets the pin on Orton by doing what he has to do to win (the finish being a nod to the Batista match and an attempt to show that Edge will do what it takes to go through Evolution, by hook or crook and get HHH).


It had good structure and build. And most importantly it made sense. I'll readily admit it started fairly slow (a product of the WWE ME style, which I don't hate as much as most when done correctly) and the heat was off, as the crowd was fairly behind Orton, until they figured out how to draw them in with the heat segment and extended nearfall sequence, but even then it was sketchy.


But what I don't get is why do people think roll-up finishes are cheap? Edge outsmarted Orton at his own game and walked away with the title. Orton kicked out of his spear finisher and Edge in turn made a last second adjustment to come out victorious, after already taking the move once and kicking out. Orton went to the RKO once too often and paid for it, proving that being cocky and bullheaded can't always get you the win, no matter how good you think you are.


And that's that.

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Guest Brian

I was also sorta pumped to see Rosie as a superhero, just because we should get Helms as a supervillain.

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I would only be pumped to see Helms as a supervillian if he was very business-like and somewhat megalomaniacal. Put him in a nice suit and have him be the smart villian to counteract Rosey as the strong hero. Strength would eventually win out, but not before being out-smarted numerous times to the jeers of the crowd, making his final victory that much more sweet.


Have Helms bring in a giant bodygaurd to fight Rosey as well. I don't really have any suggestions for that role, but any self-respecting villian would do that, as well as destroying things valuable to the hero...like say...his new uniform! Even in kayfabe, everyone knows who Rosey is, and they kinda jump around Helms...so it would be hilarious if Rosey was forced to wrestle the bodygaurd guy in the S.H.I.T. gear just cause Helms trashed the real stuff.

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