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Dr. Tyler; Captain America

Popick is a fucking tool.

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This is continued from this thread.



Well, some people around here actually like the fact that I speak and talk about matters Tyler.


For those keeping track, "speak and talk about matters" means "post at TSM". No need to act all flowery, Popick; everyone already knows that you think you're worth a million bucks. Just look at your sig.


And by the way, who, exactly, are those people?


Name names. Don't be polite.


I mean, I know what I'm talking about, and back it up with facts.  Nothing is more frustrating than when the facts are laid bare in front of someone and they refuse to believe the reality as is.


Here's where you're completely off base; economics isn't a science, you moron. You'd think that an economist would be one of the first to admit that. For every theory that you use to back up your posts, there's another, opposing theory that "refutes" it (not saying every one of your theories is wrong, nor am I saying every one of the counter-theories are right). That's the nature of economics or any social science, for that matter; while there are many mathematical formulas and instances by which economics seems like a mathematical certainty, economics doesn't occur in a vaccum. There are millions and millions of variables that economics can't account for, and for all the Laffer curves you throw at us, it doesn't tell us a damned thing when two planes fly into our critical infrastructure.


For Christ's sake, learn this and put on a fucking humble hat every once in a while.


And it is very tiring to hear the same arguments brought up time and again without any further changes in the fact aside from hindsight and imperfect updating.


Pot, meet kettle.


And yes, Tyler.  I've been proven wrong.




And I've changed my opinion when the facts spoke to changing.


Cite one example. I've never seen you deviate from a textbook. NEVER.


I'm no expert.  But right now, I've been at this seven years.  Might as well call it as I see it.


Starting off every other post with "WELL, I'M AN ECONOMIST, AND..." doesn't exactly jive with that "I'm no expert..." rap. You act like a pompous jackass half the time because you happen to work for the Justice Department. This is my entire point.


Your credentials mean dick. Stop stating them. We know you're an economist. We still don't care. You're posting on a wrestling messageboard and you expect people to fellate you because you happen to have a Bachelor's degree in economics. It's just not going to happen.


Move the fuck on.

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Guest FrigidSoul

I don't know how the Current Events forum works, but if you're gonna bash Popick in this forum then you need a funny photoshopped picture of him, or a quote where you can emphasise things he takes seriously and the rest of the world laughs at.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Hey children, its summer. When you get angry on this message board, go outside and get a damn slurpee. Hang out. Don't waste your time arguing over something stupid on a current events message board. The way things have been going, it seems as though y'all are ornery. Fiesty like dogs in heat. Summer is supposed to be fun. Arguing over Nikjohns, Choken One, and Popick can be resumed during the bleakness of winter. I am looking forward to work.

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Guest Sagrada3099

But to be fair, this Stephen Joseph character is an unimaginable tool.


And yes, Aesop Rock is everyone's new messiah.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Popick is the kind of guy that can spout theory at me all day, and I'll annoy him more with one belch than he can with the world's biggest textbook. I hate valedictorians out of personal prejudice. Ass-kissers, the lot of them.

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Guest FrigidSoul

I shall now break down a Popick post in the correct HD format


Well, some people around here actually like the fact that I speak and talk about matters


If only the board was equipped with that buzzer noise that has been programmed to make any human being feel wrong for what they said.


Nothing is more frustrating than when the facts are laid bare in front of someone and they refuse to believe the reality as is.

I don't give a damn about whether the facts support this or that.


So in closing, when talking to Popick expect him to Dance around the issues


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Dear Vyce,


From your choice of avatar and terrifying custom title, I can tell you have just what it takes to strike fear in the hearts of both CE and HD regulars.


Visit us more often!





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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Dear Vyce,


From your choice of avatar and terrifying custom title, I can tell you have just what it takes to strike fear in the hearts of both CE and HD regulars.


Visit us more often!





You truly can be a fucking prick.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Dear Vyce,


From your choice of avatar and terrifying custom title, I can tell you have just what it takes to strike fear in the hearts of both CE and HD regulars.


Visit us more often!





You truly can be a fucking prick.

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Guest Sagrada3099

I need more Dr. Viktor Von "Illustrious One" Doom in my life.


And All you motherfuckers do to.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

One more retarded post, and I'm getting the pellet gun.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I've got a childhood full of dead sparrows to prove it...

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Guest FrigidSoul
I've got a childhood full of dead sparrows to prove it...

My childhood revolved around pinning little toads to a board and making a Ninja Turtle Graveyard when I no longer enjoyed playing with actions figures.

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