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Wrestling hotlines...

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Usually, I see on sites that they advertise the fact they have their own hotlines. What are the purpose of their hotlines? Do you have to pay to call them?

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Yes you have to pay, I'd imagine.


As soon as I saw the thread title it reminded me of the old WCW hotline. Thos e commericals were great.

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Guest AdamF

Before the internet really took off, there were literally hundreds of wrestling hotlines, all free. I even used to run one myself. Most of them were just answering machines or voice mail boxes with a recorded message of all the days top wrestling news. Ther were pretty cool, as it was just a regualr local call, and for the most part brought a lot of local area fans together and got the word out on local indy shows.


There used to be several pay lines as well, including lines run by The Chatterbox, Dave Meltzer, Bryan Alvarez, the Torch, and several others.

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Yes you have to pay, I'd imagine.


As soon as I saw the thread title it reminded me of the old WCW hotline. Thos e commericals were great.

Call 1-900-909-9900!

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Guest suplexmasta

I always preferred Joey Styles' shills where he would come within a nanometer of libel with WCW(thir usual opposition) or WWF. Plus, his teaser information was always funnier, like: "Which major star up north is hitting the crack pipe this wek? All this and more from the ECW Hotline!"


I wonder how much money the ECW hotline actually made, as we know Heyman couldn't keep the money flowing fast enough.

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Yes you have to pay, I'd imagine. 


As soon as I saw the thread title it reminded me of the old WCW hotline. Thos e commericals were great.

Call 1-900-909-9900!

I remember and actually have this one video that one time they where talking about the hotline and Heenan says and if you call I will tell you why I left the World Wrestling Federation and you have to remember that this is 1994 so I was just shocked that Heean said World Wrestling Federation during WCW programming.


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1-900-909-9900 is forever burned into my head.

Yeah same here whenever someone says anything about a hotline that is the first thing I think about.


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Guest AdamF

"I've got a scoop so hot that I can't mention it on the air! Call me tonight on the WCW hotline and I'll give you all the details!"


And he wonders where they came up with the idea for "Scheme Gene?"

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That WCW hotline probably made quite a bit of money off people without the internet during 96-98, Their usual tactic was to say "today we have huge news on a major WCW title change in Japan" which was always about either the WCW Women's Championship or Women's Cruiserweight Title(lasted a few months in Japan) which must have pissed off the people who called up.

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Guest Mr. Wrestling
"I've got a scoop so hot that I can't mention it on the air! Call me tonight on the WCW hotline and I'll give you all the details!"


And he wonders where they came up with the idea for "Scheme Gene?"

Actually yes, on the Monday Night Wars DVD when they mention the Billionaire Ted skits. Gene says that "maybe my hotline was too much for them." So judging from that, I'd say the hotline had something to do with it.

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