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Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

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Guest MikeSC

Have you read John Fund's "Stealing Elections". It goes over that election in detail and what, exactly, happened.


...Also discusses how fraudulent LBJ's first electoral victory to the House was...

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Haven't read that one yet... couldn't find it at Barnes And Noble, so I picked up "If It's Not Close, They Can't Cheat" by Hugh Hewitt instead.

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Guest MikeSC
Haven't read that one yet... couldn't find it at Barnes And Noble, so I picked up "If It's Not Close, They Can't Cheat" by Hugh Hewitt instead.

Gotta look for Fund's book. An excellent read, discussing FL and MO in 2000, SD in 2002, TX whenever the hell LBJ won his first House seat, etc.


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Haven't read that one yet... couldn't find it at Barnes And Noble, so I picked up "If It's Not Close, They Can't Cheat" by Hugh Hewitt instead.

Gotta look for Fund's book. An excellent read, discussing FL and MO in 2000, SD in 2002, TX whenever the hell LBJ won his first House seat, etc.


I think I'll pick that up and read it on Election Day which, coincidentally enough, is on the Day Of The Dead this year.

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Guest MikeSC
Haven't read that one yet... couldn't find it at Barnes And Noble, so I picked up "If It's Not Close, They Can't Cheat" by Hugh Hewitt instead.

Gotta look for Fund's book. An excellent read, discussing FL and MO in 2000, SD in 2002, TX whenever the hell LBJ won his first House seat, etc.


I think I'll pick that up and read it on Election Day which, coincidentally enough, is on the Day Of The Dead this year.

For some irony, I was looking at some whackjob leftist site and, apparently, asking to review registrations in OH is now considered "a voter suppression effort".


Gotta love the left. The Chicago machine was small change compared to the current DNC.


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The latest map is deeply disturbing. Why is Ohio turning blue?

Kerry seems to be leading the most recent polls in Ohio- that's why.


I still think that site is pretty sketchy.


RCP has it 232-207


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Here's something I wouldn't mind seeing:




Now that's pretty damn interesting. It's possible, though not probable, that this would result in a Bush/Edwards White House.


That would be hilarious.

And perfect.

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The latest map is deeply disturbing. Why is Ohio turning blue?

Kerry seems to be leading the most recent polls in Ohio- that's why.


I still think that site is pretty sketchy.


RCP has it 232-207


Well what?


Do you have anything to contribute besides a map?

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Here's something I wouldn't mind seeing:




Now that's pretty damn interesting. It's possible, though not probable, that this would result in a Bush/Edwards White House.


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Here's something I wouldn't mind seeing:




Now that's pretty damn interesting. It's possible, though not probable, that this would result in a Bush/Edwards White House.

Good Lord :ph34r:

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Now that's pretty damn interesting. It's possible, though not probable, that this would result in a Bush/Edwards White House.

That has 'reality TV' written all over it.

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More crazy, yet eerily possible electoral possibilities... picked these wild bits of speculation from electoral-vote...


Stupidity news revisited: Yesterday I pointed out that one of Kerry's Ohio electors, Rep. Sherrod Brown, is constitutionally ineligible to be an elector because he is a federal officeholder. He resigned yesterday as elector, undoubtedly due to my pointing this out to 650,000 people. Suppose he had stayed on and Kerry won the popular vote and Ohio and the electoral college 270 to 268. If the Republicans had gone to the Supreme Court and gotten Brown declared ineligible and also gotten a ruling saying that Ohio could not replace him with someone the voters had not selected, the score would be Kerry 269, Bush 268. Since Kerry would no longer have the required 270 electoral votes needed to win, the House, controlled by the Republicans, would then choose Bush. We could have had a situation in which Kerry won the popular vote, Kerry won the electoral vote, and Bush became president. I don't think that would have been good for the country.


Even more unlikely news: A reader pointed this out to be. Suppose the EC is tied 269 to 269 and the House deadlocks 25 states to 25 states. This is exceedingly unlikely, but just suppose. Then the Senate gets to choose the vice president. Also suppose the new Senate is divided 50-50, a very real possibility. Then the sitting vice president, Dick Cheney, gets to cast the deciding vote, electing himself as the new vice president. In the absence of a president, Cheney would be acting president for four years. This is not likely to happen because the Republicans are virtually certain of controlling at least 26 state delegations in the House. Still, scenarios like this one support the case for electoral college reform.

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Is it just me, or do these polls 'flipflop' every day?


Is it just me, or does that render these polls moot and ridiculous?

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Just wondering what's allowed come Tuesday in terms of election thread? Can we have individual state threads, or does it have to be General Election talk, Swing State talk, official EC thread, and other races being held that night.

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The hell?


This makes no sense. Minnesota went from BUSH partial to KERRY getting control in less than 24 hours?


And Ohio and Florida swung in different directions as well. This is bunk.

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At least in the Zogby numbers, Bush's numbers in the Dairy Triangle (Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin) have been poor.


though 6 Zogby daily polls:


In Iowa, he hasn't hit 47% since Monday. He's been around 45% since then.


In Minnesota, Bush's best showing was 46%


In Wisconsin, Bush's numbers have gradually sunk, with an average of around 46%.


Bush would need a majority of undecideds and maybe a bit more, which is unlikely, to win in the Dairy Triangle

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