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Star Wars Episode III Title Announced

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Maybe we'll all be pleasantly surprised.


No, waitasec, I think I read something that detailed Jar Jar's assistance in the Rebellion and that he was on Alderaan with Bail Organa when the planet got nuked.


I'm watching Episode I tonight after the Yanks/Sox game, just to see what other stuff still needs to be addressed.

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Guest Calandro

I think the thrird prequel will suck just liike the ones before it. Which is sad. Lucas could havedone great things with the prequels.

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Maybe we'll all be pleasantly surprised.


No, waitasec, I think I read something that detailed Jar Jar's assistance in the Rebellion and that he was on Alderaan with Bail Organa when the planet got nuked.


I'm watching Episode I tonight after the Yanks/Sox game, just to see what other stuff still needs to be addressed.

It's been heavily rumored by those involved in the shooting of the new Prequel footage that Lucas plans to insert into Return of the Jedi's DVD release that Jar-Jar is supposed to return to his homeworld at the end of the Prequel and that there will be a sequence in the new ending of ROTJ where we see Jar-Jar as the leader of his people and him reacting to the fall of the Empire......

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Maybe we'll all be pleasantly surprised.


No, waitasec, I think I read something that detailed Jar Jar's assistance in the Rebellion and that he was on Alderaan with Bail Organa when the planet got nuked.


I'm watching Episode I tonight after the Yanks/Sox game, just to see what other stuff still needs to be addressed.

It's been heavily rumored by those involved in the shooting of the new Prequel footage that Lucas plans to insert into Return of the Jedi's DVD release that Jar-Jar is supposed to return to his homeworld at the end of the Prequel and that there will be a sequence in the new ending of ROTJ where we see Jar-Jar as the leader of his people and him reacting to the fall of the Empire......

I hope not. I heard what I posted first, so I'm banking on that.

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I like the title, and am glad Lucas didn't shy away from a more harsh word like "Revenge" in favor of something lighter. Lucas has basically said there is going to be a lot of evil and dark things in this movie, so I hope it delivers.

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It's been heavily rumored by those involved in the shooting of the new Prequel footage that Lucas plans to insert into Return of the Jedi's DVD release that Jar-Jar is supposed to return to his homeworld at the end of the Prequel and that there will be a sequence in the new ending of ROTJ where we see Jar-Jar as the leader of his people and him reacting to the fall of the Empire......


I really don't think this is going to happen because it would anger too many fans that Lucas is adding extra-unwanted fluff to the original trilogy. MPG's rumor is much more likely to happen and I would be very surprised if it didn't happen.


I think they put the h in the wrong place.


If Jar-Jar's death does not happen in ROTS than I may agree just a little.

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Came across this, figured I'd post it


It took George Lucas 21 years, but he's finally using the word ''revenge'' in a movie title. ''Revenge of the Jedi'' was only an early dummy title for 1983's ''Return of the Jedi,'' but ''Star Wars: Episode III,'' due May 19, 2005, is really and truly named ''Revenge of the Sith.'' (Look for the T-shirt on a geek near you.) Even as Lucas and untold hundreds of digital animators continue to tweak ''Episode III,'' a surprising number of details have slipped out, thanks largely to Lucasfilm disclosures on Starwars.com, and less official leaks on fansites such as theforce.net. So hold onto your Jar Jar Binks action figure as we recap what's known so far (other than the fact that someone will definitely call Padmé ''m'lady''):


Chewbacca's back-a! Growl! Peter Mayhew, who played Han Solo's fuzzy pal in the original trilogy, will be sweating it out in the hairier-than-Robin-Williams costume again in ''Episode III.'' He'll have company -- at least one sequence will be set on Chewie's home planet, Kashyyyk. But don't fear a reprise of the infamously dreadful ''Star Wars Holiday Special,'' which showed scenes of domestic life on Kashyyyk (including, believe it or not, a sexy Wookiee TV show). ''Revenge of the Sith'' will instead depict Wookiees at war, complete with hirsute soldiers commanding battleships. It's far from clear, though, how we'll recognize Chewbacca among thousands of his brethren, especially since Chewie's name roughly translates to ''raaaargh'' in Wookiee-speak.


Space battle After the traditional opening scroll (e.g., ''It's been quite a rough week for the Republic….''), ''Episode III'' will plunge directly into a lasers-a-flyin' spaceship battle, the kind that's been largely missing from the prequels. The conflict – between Republic forces (the good guys) and the Separatists (as led by Count Dooku, remember?) -- will apparently mark the end of the storied Clone Wars, which largely took place between ''Episode II'' and ''Episode III'' (and in an ongoing Cartoon Network miniseries). It will go on for 20 minutes, which, the Force willing, means a long stretch where we get to listen to stuff blowing up instead of Lucas-penned dialogue (''I don't like sand.'').


The new bad guy Meet General Grievous: half-alien, half-robot, and all Toys 'R Us bestseller. Grievous, who looks like the offspring of Skeletor and one of Will Smith's ''I, Robot'' nemeses, is the Donald Rumsfeld of the Separatist forces. The aptly named, many-limbed Grievous is capable of attacking with as many as four lightsabers at once, all taken off the corpses of fallen Jedi. And unlike the near-mute Darth Maul, the all-CGI Grevious will actually talk. (Lucasfilm wouldn't comment on reports that Gary Oldman is in negotiations to do the honors.)


Jedi vs. Jedi Like the other five ''Star Wars'' movies, ''Revenge of the Sith'' will include a lightsaber fight. But this time, it's Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) throwing down against his former mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) -- and it'll get messy. Stunt coordinator Nick Gillard claimed on Starwars.com that at 12 minutes, the sequence will be ''the longest fight scene in cinematic history.'' (Didn't he see ''Kill Bill''?) And we already know the ending: Anakin loses. According to ''Star Wars'' lore that the new film may or may not follow, the young Jedi-gone-wild will fall into a volcano, which leads to…


Vader Volcano or not, Anakin comes out of his duel with Obi-Wan gravely injured: mutilated, if not actually dead. Saving him will require a fitting for a familiar black suit, mask, and breathing apparatus, which means his journey to the dark side will be complete. It also means James Earl Jones will finally get some voiceover work


Credit: Entertainment Weekly (EW.com)

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If I recall, orginally ROTJ was called Revenge of the Jedi, but it was changed to Return because Jedi don't get revenge.

It also helped in spotting counterfeit merchandise. I'm not entirely sure the leak wasn't planned.

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I still don't know why they need ANOTHER villain, especially a very hokey looking one like Greivous, when they already have Dooku and the soon-to-turn-evil Palpatine and Anakin

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I still don't know why they need ANOTHER villain, especially a very hokey looking one like Greivous, when they already have Dooku and the soon-to-turn-evil Palpatine and Anakin

yeah but, Return had multiple big bad guys in it: Palpatine, Vader, Jabba, Boba Fett, what's his name that commanded Vader's Starship...worked okay for that movie...


My guess is that Dooku gets wiped out early on, making way for Anakin about halfway through the movie...

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I still don't know why they need ANOTHER villain, especially a very hokey looking one like Greivous, when they already have Dooku and the soon-to-turn-evil Palpatine and Anakin

yeah but, Return had multiple big bad guys in it: Palpatine, Vader, Jabba, Boba Fett, what's his name that commanded Vader's Starship...worked okay for that movie...

Understood, but there was at least a clear heirarchy of villainy in that movie


I don't know how "badass" Greivous is supposed to be, but I hope that even Lucas would not be dumb enough to make him an equal or even near-equal to Anakin/Vader (which is what the rumors make it seem like)

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he would probably be the foil for the Mace Windu character or some shit like that, like Anakin ends up being for Obi Wan, Yoda for Dooku, etc....though I'm sure Anakin kills Dooku in a fit of rage, thus advancing him further to the darkside...

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Guest Paul H.

Man.i'd like to see Anakin go bad becuz he caught the princess bicth banging Obi..


I mean what other thing better to turn you into an ass-hole but women?


AND it will make sense since his mother got duked and killed by the aliens he saught love in the arms of another broad and then she betrayed him for another so somehow he blames the Jedi for all of this?MONEY! :ph34r:

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