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The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
There we go. A pop for a Benoit decision.

I wouldn't brag about it like Benoit's some super over face, because the Pedigree got a pretty big pop, and HHH is a heel.

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...I guess Iron Man Rules say you can't hold onto a submission hold after a fall is official...

The Mania XII rules if I remember correctly said each competitor would get a break between falls.

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Guest Quik

Could anyone score me video of the Benoit shimmy from when he was trying to break the Pedigree attempt?

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Now a Arn Anderson spinebuster....


whats next a Harley Race high knee???


A Bret Hart Sharpshooter...


A Chief Wahoo McDaniels Indian Deathlock..

WWE: The Sharpshooter was invented by the Rock, dumbass!

They ALWAYS say "Shades of the Great Bret Hart" when The Rock does it.

Last week they seemed to be pissing on Bret, which is why I brought it up. :P


We know all about Revisionist History.

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Guest Trivia247

guess HHH forgot the secret of the Crossface stephanie showed him in 2000?

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...I guess Iron Man Rules say you can't hold onto a submission hold after a fall is official...

I never got that.


Why let go, keep it on and get another submission!

Because the match wouldn't be as fun to watch if, say, HHH put Benoit in an Indian deathlock for 58 minutes. Plus, Benoit would have to pass out eventually, so there's the logic problem of a referee leaving an unconscious man in an injurious submission hold.

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Guest Quik

Why can't we have a clean finish?


Oh yeah because it's HHH and he isn't facing HHH.

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