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Raw Drinking Game

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Hey, can anyone give me some help:


Past couple of weeks my buddies and I have been makin' Raw more fun with a "Take a Shot" Raw drinking game:


Examples including:


- "Take a shot for hearing that awful "WHEN I OPEN MY EYESSSS!!!" song during the "Diva Search"

- "Take a shot for Jericho insulting a larger wrestler only to get pinned or pummeled later"


Since more than half the show will be HHH/Benoit match, obviously, a large amount of the game will have to do with these two stars.


Can some people list some drinking rules for the match, and any other funny nuinsances from the past month or so? Annoying things that make the show suck are what we're looking for:


Not needing 100 posts of "Drink if..."


Just like, 5 or so at a time 'til I get a decent list. Thanks!


Edit: Thanks to whoever moved this and made in a new thread. I thought it'd be flame bate for starting another Raw-related thread the day of the show.

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Guest Dazed

Yeah, I split this off of the main Raw thread, it seemed threadworthy in it's own rihgt.

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I haven't watched RAW in 2 months, but I'll try and help out here:


Take a shot everytime JR calls Batista an "animal".


A shot for every Diva Search segment that gets booed.


Drink whenever Trips USES THE KNEE~!


A shot for each guy that interferes in the main event.

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Take a shot everytime someone uses a resthold.



Sixty-minute Iron man match :D



Hopefully Orton will wrestle as well....we will have some drunk folks tonight



A shot for every Diva Search segment that gets booed


heheh...Since I will be there this ought to be fun

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Take a drink if...


...someone uses the term "the fact of the matter is this" in a promo.


...Benoit repeats the same catchphrase or figure of speech more than once in a promo.


...the crowd starts singing lyrics to "Kiss Him Goodbye" by Steam.


...a new tag team with a mystery member wins the titles.


...Jim Ross gets some piece of title trivia totally wrong.


...Bischoff threatens to fire someone.


...Bischoff gives someone the night off and they show up later in the show.


...Flair gets pulled off the turnbuckle and thrown across the ring while getting into position to do a double-axe handle.

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Guest Fook

Drink if Bischoff punishes someone by having them face Kane.


Drink for every fall in the iron man.


Drink every time JR says that HHH is the best wrestler alive today.


Drink every time anyone says that Benoit is "for real".

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Take a shot anytime a segment that happened less than an hour ago is replayed


Take a shot anytime JR calls Kane a "monster"


Take a shot anytime someone kicks out of a finisher

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Take a shot every time JR utters the following words or phrases: Hoss, Bah Gawd, government mule, crazy as a pet coon, deranged, and business is about to pick up. :D

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Guest Coffey

A few of the best ones have already been mentioned. They all involve the commentators:


-Jim Ross calls Batista "an animal"

-Jim Ross calls Kane "a monster"

-Jim Ross calls Trish Stratus "a jezebel"

-Jerry Lawler says the word "puppies."

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Take a shot everytime Jericho does that annoying growly voice 'BABAAAY' during a Highlight Reel.


A shot everytime one of the roster insults one of the Diva chicks.


A shot everytime Batista or Orton gets a chant or pop.


A shot everytime Lawler mentions Regal or Benoit crying.


A shot everytime Lawler says a match 'may very well be the best match I've ever seen', like he did during Edge/Orton last week.


A shot everytime JR insults himself.


A shot when Tomko botches a move.


A shot everytime Lita shows up...just because.


A shot everytime JR says 'I respect freedom of expression, but that boy can't sing a lick' during a Sylvain Grenier appearance.


Two shots for a U.S.A chant during a match where the face isn't American.

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Guest JMA

- Take two shots whenever Bret Hart or Montreal is mentioned.


- Take a shot whenever Triple H says, "You see..."


- Take a shot if Triple H uses the Sledgehammer.


- Take a shot whenever a WWE product (book, DVD, t-shirt, ect) is shilled.


- Take a shot whenever Edge CHEATS 2 WIN~!


- Take two shots for every segment relating to the US Presidential election or politics in general.


- Take a shot whenever Eugene mentions some obscure bit of wrestling trivia.


- Take two shots for every "anti-smark" comment by the announcers OR wrestlers.


- Take two shots for ANY McMahon (not including Triple H) appearing on the show.

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Guest Quik

Pound a beer when the ref does the dreaded "x" sign.


Pound 2 beers if they do a fake injury angle, complete with JR and Lawler doing the Owen Hart voice.


Take a shot each time there's a blown spot.


Take a shot whenever HHH pedigrees Benoit (in a replay, build-up video or in an actual match)


Take a shot whenever Flair says something that makes him sound drunk.


Pound a beer if they end the show with the focus on someone other than Benoit.

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