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Mets acquire Benson in 3 team deal

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A couple of deals here. The Mets have picked up Kris Benson from the Pirates, giving up Ty Wigginton, minor league pitcher Matt Peterson, and minor league catcher Justin Huber in return. Wigginton and Peterson go to the Pirates, and Huber goes to the Kansas City Royals. The Royals send pitching prospect Jose Bautista to the Pirates for Huber.


The Mets also picked up Victor Zambrano and minor leaguer Batolome Fortunado from the Devil Rays in return for Scott Kazmir and Jose Diaz.


What the hell are the Mets thinking? They traded away their best catching prospect AND their best pitching prospect for an above-average pitcher and a very average pitcher. The Benson deal isn't bad, but giving up Kazmir for Zambrano is unbelievably stupid.

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Guest Anglesault
giving up Ty Wigginton,



Mark my words, Met fans, giving up Ty Cobbinton will haunt you!

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well Kazmir was always going to be "the next Billy Wagner". Typical Mets to do this. The Mets had issues with Kazmir's endurance and questioned if he could be a starter in the major leagues. I think the deal was done because Rick Peterson, the pitching coach for the Mets, is in love with Zambrano and thinks he can cure his weaknesses.

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giving up Ty Wigginton,



Mark my words, Met fans, giving up Ty Cobbinton will haunt you!



The Benson deal isn't bad (except for the Huber thing) but the Zambrano trade could suck a lot or be very good (if Rick Peterson can do anything)

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I'm shocked(ok, not really) that they traded Kazmir. He was doing decent in the Florida State League(3.46 ERA or something similar) before going to the Eastern League on 7/8 and tearing shit up there(to the tune of 1.73 ERA I believe as of 7/28).

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I'm stunned about Kazmir as well. Kazmir is the kind of pitcher that you trade when you pick up Randy Johnson or Carlos Beltran. In Philly we have Cole Hamels, who is at about the same level, and he's untouchable.

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So, will I be seeing Kazmir soon with the D-Rays or do we think that he'll be in the minors for a little while longer?

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

Kazmir is only 19 or 20 as far as I know.


But keep rooting for the Rays, in a few years they will be handing out beatings most liberally.

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No freaking doubt. I can't wait, as I'll have access to it all, as I get ~150 games a year on basic cable...


I can't wait.

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I got Jose Bautista confused with Denny Bautista, who I think the Royals picked up for Jason Grimsley.

Don't forget about 2B Tony Batista of the Expos...

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I know what everyone is saying. That the pitching coach of the Mets is going to fix Zambrano. Excuse me? Organizations go through pitching coaches like Moises Alou goes through chew. Even if he can make Zambrano a better pitcher, who says he'll even be around through next season? Don't worry, the Mets will not able to touch the Phillies, Marlins, or Braves. Zambrano will be a huge bust, and Benson is not a late innings pitcher, add that to a pretty questionable bullpen. Quesitonable in this case may just be due to the performances of Franco.


Now I await some kind of move by the Cubbies. They need to beef up if they want the wildcard.

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Are you sure Jose Diaz is a catcher Al? According to minorleaguebaseball.com, Diaz has a 4.69 ERA in 80.2 IP(20 games) with 65 BB's and 87 K's in the eastern league with the Binghamton Mets.


Nevermind, meh...well there's Diaz for those interested.

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All I got to say to Mets fans is have fun with Vicky. I just got completely frustrated with somebody who has such good stuff yet pitches like a total wuss. The guy couldn't handle Tampa Bay and now he's gonna be in a pennant race??? Good Luck. Plus, it looks like we picked up a pitcher who could be in the bigs as soon as next year. We need starting pitching both in the farm system and with the big club (which will probably have to wait until the fall for that). Good job Chuck, keep bringing the team in the right direction (finally).

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Baseball Primer's Transaction Oracle put it best when analyzing the trades:

New York Mets - Do a whole bunch of stupid shit

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Baseball Primer's Transaction Oracle put it best when analyzing the trades:

New York Mets - Do a whole bunch of stupid shit

Better yet, baseballprimer has a self-immolation thread for Mets fans.

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Pennant race?


Nope, we're 7 games out and see yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......Braves are almost out of sight.



You trade The #1 Pitching prospect, the #2 or 3 pitching prospect , and also the future star catcher.....................for Benson (who is a free agent after this season), and Victor Zambrano......oh by the way, we got rid of one of our top HR and RBI guys who was doing well at 1st base. Now we got Jason "I make Rey Ordonez's bat look good" PHillips with more playing time.



Great job, I was thinking they can trade David Wright for Jamie Moyer also.

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Oops... my bad I actually thought you guys were still in it but I (obviously) haven't looked closely at the NL East in a few days. Still, Zambrano is not a good pick-up for you guys. I feels sorry for Mets fans since I actually like to see them do well (since my Dad is an old Met fan and my favorite team ever is the 86 Mets.)

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Guest Anglesault
I'm stunned about Kazmir as well. .

I'm not. It's what the Mets organization has done for years-fuck up, in one way or another without doing anything to actually override the fuck up (Unlike the Yanks, who have been able to kind of cancel out alot of their stupidity)


I'm still trying to get over the loss of Ty. Half my material is now gone.


Although, I guess WFAN will have callers remembering the "Golden days on Wigginton" in scary, Eulogy style rants.


So, this may work out better for me in the long run.

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Are the Mets even trying to be good anymore? Because it looks like they aren't and are just giving up. They traded away damn good players for a pitcher that will be gone at seasons end.


The Pirates will eventually get rid of these guys anyway. Lord knows they couldn't possibly try to resign a player once they become good.


Thank God I don't care about the Mets.

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Here's the deal, at least according to Ed Coleman on the FAN. Rick Peterson was not big on Scott Kazmir, he didn't like his size, makeup, etc. As I said earlier, Peterson is in love with Zambrano and thinks his problems are easily correctable. The "organization" in recent months (ie Rick Peterson) have soured tremendously on Kazmir and thought he was expendable. Basically,it seems Rick Peterson is making all the key decisions for the Mets these days. Management listens to his every word. Now maybe Bored would know this, was Peterson like this in Oakland, or does Beane allow this sort of thing?

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So for Art Howe, is it more fufilling managing a team with a limited payroll and good personnel guys or a team with a huge payroll and idiots scouting?

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I'm just glad Zambo is out of the AL East, he gave the Bombers a lot of trouble......


I don't think this is as bad a deal for the NYM as everyone else, but it's by no means something they needed to do, especially 7 games out. Glavine-Leiter-Trachsel-Benson-Zambrano is a nice 5, but should they by some miracle pass ATL, Philly and Florida they don't even NEED that many starters for the playoffs. Wigginton isn't such a big loss in my book, I don't think they wanted him playing every day anyway, but because of the Piazza-Phillips-Wright situation in some weird way it's a downgrade on both sides of the plate for the short term.


I do think Zambo can become a very good pitcher in the NL, not Carlos good, but close. The key here is keeping Benson in the off season, and they shouldn't have to give him more than 6-7 mil to do it, or at least I wouldn't go any higher than that.

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Here's the deal, at least according to Ed Coleman on the FAN. Rick Peterson was not big on Scott Kazmir, he didn't like his size, makeup, etc.

The guys in Double AA. Petersen hardly worked with the guy. The size thing doesn't make a lot of sense, since Petersen worked with Tim Hudson who's doesn't have your typical pitchers size.

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Here's the deal, at least according to Ed Coleman on the FAN.  Rick Peterson was not big on Scott Kazmir, he didn't like his size, makeup, etc.

The guys in Double AA. Petersen hardly worked with the guy. The size thing doesn't make a lot of sense, since Petersen worked with Tim Hudson who's doesn't have your typical pitchers size.

Yes, that is true, but the organization has soured on Kazmir as a whole. Furthermore, Peterson has a big say in matters as he is real close to Al Leiter, who in turn is REAL close to management. And again, Peterson has out right said that Zambrano is a favorite of his. The New York radio has hinted that Peterson was a driving force in this move, and Rick was basically saying in the long run that he thought Zambrano was better than Kazmir.

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