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Mods on power trips

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What's the deal with all the stupid restrictions on everything lately? You can't talk about this here, or the topic will get closed. You can't talk about this at all or the topic will get closed. This topic carries a vague resemblence to another topic, so it has to be closed. And some person's posts aren't clever enough, and he occasionally ignores the inanely obscure and cumbersome forum rules, so he has to be OMG BANNED!!!


Let me just show some examples here. When Brock Lesnar does something, the only people that actually care are WWE fans. Do you think sports fans give a fuck who the last guy that makes the Vikings practice roster is? Of course not. But Brock Lesnar doesn't wrestle for the WWE anymore, and the official forum rules state that since he is no longer part of the WWE, he must be reclassified by his latest endeavour which is his dabbling in football. As a result any threads about Brock in the WWE folder must be reclassified or closed immediately before they are read by the wrong person. In addition, we need another inane thread to be pinned regarding the extreme importance of not mentioning Brock Lesnar outside of the WWE folder.


Another example, Scott Keith. Most internet wrestling fans at least know who he is, and have an opinion on him. In addition, they would probably be mildly interested to know that he is leaving 411, at least moreso than they would be to know another update on the condition of Trish Stratus's pinky finger. But no, SK is not part of the WWE, and he even writes for another site, so any threads pertaining to him must be closed immediately. Never mind that it would up the traffic for the smartmarks.com if anything when people go to read the Dames review because SK's isn't there. Rules are rules and they must be followed.


Finally, the other day, I started a thread giving an idea for what they could do with Summerslam if HHH won the Iron Man match. But, no there were already "several" threads about the Raw main event of Summerslam, and mine was unnecessary and needed to be closed. Of course, several threads actually meant one which had been given spoiler tags in the subheading by the mods, but that was beside the point. As everyone knows a good mod's job is to indiscriminately ban posters and close threads until only the very best of the best remain.


Now I know the SmartMarks forums are private and all of that, and the mods have the right to do whatever they please. I know all of that and I don't really think anyone's disputing it. My question is "What's the point?". If people want to discuss something, why not just let them? It's one thing if people are actively harming other people's discussions. i.e. The guy who writes 100 comments along the lines of: "HHH has a big nose. Thanks." every time there's a Raw thread; I would understand if someone wanted to ban him. Even if people are blatantly posting things in the wrong forum or going off-topic, I could see the moderators needing to step in. But these incessant attempts to control what people talk about seem highly unnecessary.


I know being a mod is kind of a thankless job. It's mainly people who really enjoy the forums and just want to make them better. Seeing as how there's a pretty decent amount of work involved, people get bored just doing small occasional changes and want to throw their weight around a little bit. It's one of the few perks one has being a mod. I just think it would be nice if the mods could back off a little bit, and realize that the ultimate goal of the forums is to offer enjoyable discussion for individuals with similar interests.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Did the WWF folder really need the 5 or 6 posts it got about Lesnar signing with the Vikings though?

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Guest Anticrombie

You know what man I totally agree with you man, and the one mod I'm directing this at is that sonuvabiyatch, nikjohns.



Wuz Up Foo, u bin trippin yo



I demand that nikjohns either resign from his post as mod, or that somebody cans his ass power abusing ass.



Iggy and Me vs this boards corrupt mods


I'll take AoO first (I told you to change my name to Anticrombie, now you're gonna get it jigga)


Iggy you take on Dr. Tom since doctors scare me.




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What's the deal with all the stupid restrictions on everything lately? You can't talk about this here, or the topic will get closed. You can't talk about this at all or the topic will get closed. This topic carries a vague resemblence to another topic, so it has to be closed. And some person's posts aren't clever enough, and he occasionally ignores the inanely obscure and cumbersome forum rules, so he has to be OMG BANNED!!!




Let me just show some examples here. When Brock Lesnar does something, the only people that actually care are WWE fans. Do you think sports fans give a fuck who the last guy that makes the Vikings practice roster is? Of course not. But Brock Lesnar doesn't wrestle for the WWE anymore, and the official forum rules state that since he is no longer part of the WWE, he must be reclassified by his latest endeavour which is his dabbling in football. As a result any threads about Brock in the WWE folder must be reclassified or closed immediately before they are read by the wrong person. In addition, we need another inane thread to be pinned regarding the extreme importance of not mentioning Brock Lesnar outside of the WWE folder.


I disagree. That belongs in the sports forum and that rule has been in effect since he left to persue an NFL career.


Another example, Scott Keith. Most internet wrestling fans at least know who he is, and have an opinion on him. In addition, they would probably be mildly interested to know that he is leaving 411, at least moreso than they would be to know another update on the condition of Trish Stratus's pinky finger. But no, SK is not part of the WWE, and he even writes for another site, so any threads pertaining to him must be closed immediately. Never mind that it would up the traffic for the smartmarks.com if anything when people go to read the Dames review because SK's isn't there. Rules are rules and they must be followed.


There's more to it than that. This board was an offspring of his board. Bad blood and stuff still exists I guess.


Now I know the SmartMarks forums are private and all of that, and the mods have the right to do whatever they please. I know all of that and I don't really think anyone's disputing it. My question is "What's the point?".


The point is to have a board with moderated discussion.


Which is what this is.

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This topic carries a vague resemblence to another topic, so it has to be closed.


Why use more than one topic when all the discussion on a topic can be put into one thread?


And some person's posts aren't clever enough,


Mellow out on the drama.


and he occasionally ignores the inanely obscure and cumbersome forum rules, so he has to be OMG BANNED!!!


Obscure and cumbersome? The rules are actually pretty easy when you think about it. *cough*


Mellow out on the drama 2


Let me just show some examples here. When Brock Lesnar does something, the only people that actually care are WWE fans. Do you think sports fans give a fuck who the last guy that makes the Vikings practice roster is? Of course not. But Brock Lesnar doesn't wrestle for the WWE anymore, and the official forum rules state that since he is no longer part of the WWE, he must be reclassified by his latest endeavour which is his dabbling in football. As a result any threads about Brock in the WWE folder must be reclassified or closed immediately before they are read by the wrong person. In addition, we need another inane thread to be pinned regarding the extreme importance of not mentioning Brock Lesnar outside of the WWE folder.


Brock Lesnar isn't a wrestler, why should discussion of him be in a wrestling section? pretty easy, no?


Another example, Scott Keith. Most internet wrestling fans at least know who he is, and have an opinion on him. In addition, they would probably be mildly interested to know that he is leaving 411, at least moreso than they would be to know another update on the condition of Trish Stratus's pinky finger. But no, SK is not part of the WWE, and he even writes for another site, so any threads pertaining to him must be closed immediately. Never mind that it would up the traffic for the smartmarks.com if anything when people go to read the Dames review because SK's isn't there.


SK has nothing to do with WWE and nothing to do with TheSmartMarks.com. Why the fuck should he be discussed in a forum that is, by design, meant for WWE wrestling and news. Dur


Rules are rules and they must be followed.


you wacky little forum anarchist you.


Finally, the other day, I started a thread giving an idea for what they could do with Summerslam if HHH won the Iron Man match. But, no there were already "several" threads about the Raw main event of Summerslam, and mine was unnecessary and needed to be closed. Of course, several threads actually meant one which had been given spoiler tags in the subheading by the mods, but that was beside the point.


See point one of this post


As everyone knows a good mod's job is to indiscriminately ban posters and close threads until only the very best of the best remain.


So you don't make good threads or pay attention to what is going on in the forum. Your fault, not the mods


I just think it would be nice if the mods could back off a little bit, and realize that the ultimate goal of the forums is to offer enjoyable discussion for individuals with similar interests.


It's little shits like you that are making the mods back off...one by one...by being driven to quit. What you're lookin for based on this post, is a total cesspool where there is absolutely nothing of worth because everyone runs around like chickens that have just lost their heads.



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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

step 1. beat head against wall

step 2. let wound bleed

step 3. bleed until unconscious

step 4. throw computer out window and promise never to use one again

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Brock Lesnar isn't a wrestler, why should discussion of him be in a wrestling section? pretty easy, no?


Because he WAS a wrestler?? If Michael Jordan decides to run for Governor are we forbidden to discuss this news in the Sports section, since he's retired? I can't believe I'm even trying to make sense of this.


SK has nothing to do with WWE


The only reason anyone gives a shit about him is because he WRITES REVIEWS OF WWE PROGRAMMING.



Forgive me for asking, but have all of you gone insane? What has happened here? Did the months and months of debate and dissection over these "rules" clouded your ability to use your common senses?

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In my opinion, discussing Brock Lesnar matches should be fine in the WWE folder because they don't fall under the Old School banner yet. But Brock making an NFL team roster doesn't have a whole ton to do with WWE, since he's like not a wrestler.


The only reason anyone gives a shit about him is because he WRITES REVIEWS OF WWE PROGRAMMING.


Scott Keith is just an internet reviewer. Should we post a thread whenever Dave O'Nitwit updates his blog? Or when DEAN~! posts his Workrate report on DVDR? He's just a writer and besides that, there are better writers then him out there.


Is it really a problem that SK shit is locked off this forum? It's not like he does much that is threadworthy anyway. Really, where's the problem?

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Should we post a thread whenever Dave O'Nitwit updates his blog?


It's not like he does much that is threadworthy anyway.

SK announced that he was quitting. Do you think we'd care to have a thread made everytime he updated his blog for any other reason? Why even bring this point up?


not to mention he fucked this place over...


Well if that's the real reason why we're not allowed to talk about him, then I fully respect it. Just be honest and tell us.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

SK is not newsworthy. he has no connection whatsoever to the WWE. It'd be like me making a thread in the WWE folder saying I was no longer going to discuss wrestling here.


Brock is not employeed by the WWE, unless he's making comments about the WWE then anything pertaining to him should go in a different folder.


Most importantly, there have been NUMEROUS threads on both of them AFTER the mods made clear that they didn't belong in the forum.

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The only reason anyone gives a shit about him is because he WRITES REVIEWS OF WWE PROGRAMMING.


Scott Keith is just an internet reviewer. Should we post a thread whenever Dave O'Nitwit updates his blog? Or when DEAN~! posts his Workrate report on DVDR? He's just a writer and besides that, there are better writers then him out there.


Is it really a problem that SK shit is locked off this forum? It's not like he does much that is threadworthy anyway. Really, where's the problem?

The fact "there are better writers then him out there" doesn't change the fact that he is one of the most popular and most read internet wrestling writers out there. If there are enough people that want to discuss him or his decision to not write for one of the top 3 wrestling sites on the 'net, then what's the problem? A Scott Keith topic in the wrestling forum isn't any different than a Bill Simmons or Tony Kornheiser topic in the Sports Forum. I'm not saying SK is on the same level as them, but all three basically do the same thing.



Oh well, I know this post isn't going to change a thing, but those are my feelings on the subject. Can we at least know the reason why we can't talk about him?



EDITED: whoops

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

He has nothing to do with the WWE.


EDIT: Fine edit your post...

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Guest Anticrombie



I see Iggy and I got you to resign.


We did it Iggy. One down, a couple more to go.


Let us celebrate with one banana for you:




And one for me:




And now a good sit:



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The mods are right about removing Brock Lesnar NFL posts from the WWE folder. That I agree with, especially since part of the issue was the frequency of which these posts showed up. Brock is no longer a WWE wrestler, so don't put stuff on his NFL career there.


There is precedent for not allowing stuff about/from other writers from the WWE folder, although it's a shaky and arguably mistaken rule, with people pitching a fit when Dean's Workrate Report was once moved to fucking Fantasy Booking and Columns, and because it's not always enforced. However, the stuff dealing with Keith wasn't even a column or show review, it was Keith leaving 411, which is hardly worth posting about in the folder.


That said, I disagreed with APO basically saying talk about Keith has no place here and isn't allowed, locking the thread in the process.


If the issue here is Keith having an association with the board years ago, who cares? It's out of everyone's mind by now, save for those who keep some ancient unwritten rule around where anything regarding Keith is a no-no. How can we truly divorce ourselves from him and forge our own identity if we keep it in place anyway? In addition, Keith's decision isn't exactly personal and private, no one's business but is own, if he talks about it to his millions and millions of adoring fans. Move it to General Wrestling and let people speculate on what he's up to, but that should be the extent.

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Nope, not at all. Although it is a shame you weren't aborted.

I'm suprised that you have managed to move yourself up to uberbitch on the bitch scale since you were de-modded.

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I've been here since the begining (actually since The SmarKboard - "the blue one with the goofy background") and I don't even remember where or why all the animosity started.


That being said, let me add a




EDIT: Jesus, come on...

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Guest Dazed
Nope, not at all.  Although it is a shame you weren't aborted.

I'm suprised that you have managed to move yourself up to uberbitch on the bitch scale since you were de-modded.



Oh, it's you. Why are you following me around, again?

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Guest Anticrombie
That being said, let me add a



You're a long ways from home Dorothy.


"Ma, set the table and heat up the oven, we're havin' dinner tonight"




It's cool nikjohns, I understand you're just letting off some steam by flaming me. I'll accept it, since you seem to be in a bad mood because people didn't respect your authority. I don't really understand why the monkeys and the zookeepers just can't get along. Perhaps someday our collective vision of a utopian wrestling board where the monkeys and humans hold hands while singing "Kumbahyah" will be realized.


If that day never comes, then damnit we can always dream.








I love you guys

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Let me just show some examples here. When Brock Lesnar does something, the only people that actually care are WWE fans. Do you think sports fans give a fuck who the last guy that makes the Vikings practice roster is? Of course not. But Brock Lesnar doesn't wrestle for the WWE anymore, and the official forum rules state that since he is no longer part of the WWE, he must be reclassified by his latest endeavour which is his dabbling in football. As a result any threads about Brock in the WWE folder must be reclassified or closed immediately before they are read by the wrong person. In addition, we need another inane thread to be pinned regarding the extreme importance of not mentioning Brock Lesnar outside of the WWE folder.

Brock Lesnar is a football player and his football career should be discussed in the Sports folder. The WWE folder is already full enough, is it that hard for you to scroll down the page a bit and go into the Sports folder to talk about Lesnar?


Another example, Scott Keith. Most internet wrestling fans at least know who he is, and have an opinion on him. In addition, they would probably be mildly interested to know that he is leaving 411, at least moreso than they would be to know another update on the condition of Trish Stratus's pinky finger. But no, SK is not part of the WWE, and he even writes for another site, so any threads pertaining to him must be closed immediately. Never mind that it would up the traffic for the smartmarks.com if anything when people go to read the Dames review because SK's isn't there. Rules are rules and they must be followed.

Personally, I don't care if you talk about SK's personal life, but not in the WWE folder. He doesn't work for the company so whether or not he's still writing Raw rants for 411 is just clogging up that particular folder. If you want to talk about that, I'd say take it to General Wrestling or even Hardcore Discussion. However, I think his next book in on the WWE in particular, so that may be something that could be discussed in there (so long as it doesn't degenerate into 'OMG HE'S FAT'-type posts, since those are retarded).


Finally, the other day, I started a thread giving an idea for what they could do with Summerslam if HHH won the Iron Man match. But, no there were already "several" threads about the Raw main event of Summerslam, and mine was unnecessary and needed to be closed. Of course, several threads actually meant one which had been given spoiler tags in the subheading by the mods, but that was beside the point. As everyone knows a good mod's job is to indiscriminately ban posters and close threads until only the very best of the best remain.


Now I know the SmartMarks forums are private and all of that, and the mods have the right to do whatever they please. I know all of that and I don't really think anyone's disputing it. My question is "What's the point?". If people want to discuss something, why not just let them? It's one thing if people are actively harming other people's discussions. i.e. The guy who writes 100 comments along the lines of: "HHH has a big nose. Thanks." every time there's a Raw thread; I would understand if someone wanted to ban him. Even if people are blatantly posting things in the wrong forum or going off-topic, I could see the moderators needing to step in. But these incessant attempts to control what people talk about seem highly unnecessary

I don't venture into the WWE folder much, so I can't answer these 2 things for you, but I will say that the mods don't do anything with the purpose of making the board a worse place to post. Everything that's done (in our minds, anyway, people will definitely not agree on everything, and that's fine) is done with the purpose of making it a more enjoyable place for everyone.

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Bitch bitch bitch whine whine whine... ow, there's sand in my vagina!


There's the door.


If you don't like this place, walk thru it and don't come back.

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There's the door.


If you don't like this place, walk through it and don't come back.


Chill out. I still like the boards.


It's not like I was demanding the board make changes, or saying we have the right to keep threads open or something. I was just pointing out that some of the stuff the mods were doing was getting silly. It was more a "everybody look at what a waste of time this is" thread than a "make changes or else" kind of thread.

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