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Guest Staravenger

WWE Wrestlers Upset Over Dress Code Policy...

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In wrestling, it's well-known that the wrestlers book their own hotels and take care of their own travel arrangements. Sure, the WWE is giving the wrestlers a stage on whch to perform, but what is the WWE without the wrestlers?


I didn't know that...


I thought WWE paid for everything...

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

Here's another little bit on the dress code, don't know if it's true or not.


At a recent talent meeting, Chris Jericho, Edge, and Molly all spoke out against the new WWE dress code that requires wrestlers to wear slacks and a shirt to the arenas, on flights, etc. Jericho said that in addition to it being inconvenient, the dress code takes away the wrestler's "individuality." He added that WWE markets their wrestlers as unique and different, but then wants them to all dress the same and have fans view them as conformists.


Edge added that it looks just as bad to fans to see wrestlers sitting in coach as it does to see them in casual clothes, since most athletes and actors never fly coach.


Molly added that it also looks bad when four or five wrestlers are packed into one rental car.


Obviously Edge and Molly were trying to use the dress code as a way of improving flights and transportation at WWE's expense.


Jericho also asked if Steve Austin, who always came to the arenas in jeans and one of his own "Stone Cold" t-shirts, would have ever been expected to follow the dress code.


Triple H is one wrestler who always dresses up as a way of selling the high profile lifestyle of his character, something Ric Flair also does and has been doing for decades.


Swiped from wrestlingnewsworld.com

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I don't know how a guy like Big Show can find many business-like outfits.



Anyway, everytime I've seen any of the guys outside of the shows they've been dressed in a manner that would pass this standard. Rock was dressing more casual but he's the #1 draw so I don't think they give so much of a fuck.


Edge whines about a pissy fan reaction and now complains about flying Coach. Someone has an ego. I don't see what's wrong with encouraging guys to fly coach, although if they put their own money up to it I don't see why they can't do better (that one WCW referee who quit after he got roasted for buying his own first class ticket, for instance. That shit shouldn't be happening, either.)

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Guest Paul H.
WWE workers are now constantly grumbling about the new dress code recently implemented by WWE management and are not bothering to hide it. Wrestlers are now expected to dress in a more business like manner while traveling to and from events. Many WWE wrestlers, most vocally Bob Holly, have complained and said that the mandatory dress code is an unfair burden on wrestlers who already face a tough travel schedule.


The complaining really got started in Corpus Christi at a recent house show when temperatures were in the 100 degree range. Wrestlers complained that they were forced to wear long pants and dress shirts to comply with the dress code, while everyone else was allowed to wear t-shirts and shorts.


Credit: 1wrestling.com


All athletes in NBA/MLB/NHL etc. have to do the same thing (hell, even in high school you had to dress up before a game for football and basketball), so I don't get the bitching. I'm not even surprised Holly is the most vocal about it, he's always running his mouth.

Wrestling's a work,dogg ...they should be allowed to dress however they feel.No sportscast is gonna run up on HHH or Kane and ask him for an Interview.

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Edge whines about a pissy fan reaction and now complains about flying Coach. Someone has an ego. I don't see what's wrong with encouraging guys to fly coach, although if they put their own money up to it I don't see why they can't do better (that one WCW referee who quit after he got roasted for buying his own first class ticket, for instance. That shit shouldn't be happening, either.)

From what's been reported the wrestlers pay for they own flight but, if you're a main eventer the WWE pays for your flight in 1st class. Which is why they got piss that Billy Silverman got first class tickets never mind the fact he paid for them himself. But, then X-Pac was always flying in 1st class around that time to and lord knows he was anything but, a main eventer at the time.

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I disagree that Edge and Molly were trying to get an upgrade in flying or rental cars. I think they were pointing out how silly it is to implement this dress code to promote their high-profile lifestyles when they fly coach and share rental cars to keep costs down. Most wrestlers wear track pants and T-shirts with fanny packs because it is comfortable and convenient for their travel schedule. If anything, I would have expected WWE to have them dress in a manner that furthers their characters, not make them all dress up.

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Guest Paul H.

But those guys are acting like First class is out of their pocket-range,first is like 30% more than a coach ticket.They're not flying around the world all the time their in the same region of the country for weeks at a time...it ain't that expensive.


They seem to equate first class with status or some shit,first-class is not exactly like renting a Gulfstream.


Yes,they should pay for their own accomadations and flights also.If it was up to me I wouldn't give them guareenteed money or merchandise percentages either.


Wresters grow on tree's ,there isn't a shortage of talent out there.I never understood why promoters take crap from the under-card.

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But those guys are acting like First class is out of their pocket-range,first is like 30% more than a coach ticket.There not flying around the world their in the same rgion sofr weeks at a time...it ain't that expensive.



Seem to me that the locker-rooms in wrestling are like a mix between a retiremnet home and a HS home room.

I totally understand why they fly coach instead of first-class. It's not like they have long-term job security. If a wrestler gets injured or becomes unpopular, he can lose tons of money. It is smart to save money when it comes to travel arrangements since they travel alot. There is no need to fly first-class or rent a car by yourself other than wasting money for the luxury of it. These guys do this almost daily.....it's not like we're talking about three flights a year. Besides, you always hear wrestlers commenting on the comraderie on the road, and all the fun they have with their travel partners.

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I disagree that Edge and Molly were trying to get an upgrade in flying or rental cars. I think they were pointing out how silly it is to implement this dress code to promote their high-profile lifestyles when they fly coach and share rental cars to keep costs down.



And I don't really get why WWE is trying to portray all their wrestlers as high class. Wrestlers should dress according to thier characters. Of course, I wouldn't expect Jericho to wear glittery pants everywhere he goes, but why should he with his gimmick dress the same way as someone from Evolution? And if John Cena is expected to wear a button down shirt with slacks, that's stupid. I know wrestlers don't have to live thier characters 24/7, but they should somewhat. Anyways, a lot of wrestler's characters are pretty close to the actual wrestler, so that would be a lot easier to impliment.

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I disagree that Edge and Molly were trying to get an upgrade in flying or rental cars.  I think they were pointing out how silly it is to implement this dress code to promote their high-profile lifestyles when they fly coach and share rental cars to keep costs down.



And I don't really get why WWE is trying to portray all their wrestlers as high class. Wrestlers should dress according to thier characters. Of course, I wouldn't expect Jericho to wear glittery pants everywhere he goes, but why should he with his gimmick dress the same way as someone from Evolution? And if John Cena is expected to wear a button down shirt with slacks, that's stupid. I know wrestlers don't have to live thier characters 24/7, but they should somewhat. Anyways, a lot of wrestler's characters are pretty close to the actual wrestler, so that would be a lot easier to impliment.

Exactly what I was thinking about the individual characters. They have moved back to a more kayfabe approach, so I don't see why they won't do it that way. I would expect to see Cena wearing a throwback and baggy shorts. I wouldn't expect Taker to wear a leather duster every time I saw him, but if I saw him in slacks and a button down, I would think he was going to a funeral.

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Guest BDC
They seem to equate first class with status or some shit,first-class is not exactly like renting a Gulfstream.

It IS. Go back and read. You fly first class if you're a main eventer, which is why they got pissed at Billy Silverman paying out of his own pocket.

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Maybe this is all Triple H's plan to make himself look like a model employee that should be followed. It's his idea ;)


Seriously, didn't wrestlers way back all wear suits heading into the arena during the days of Bruno Sammartino? That's it! They are catering for Bruno to return.

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Edge whines about a pissy fan reaction and now complains about flying Coach. Someone has an ego. I don't see what's wrong with encouraging guys to fly coach, although if they put their own money up to it I don't see why they can't do better (that one WCW referee who quit after he got roasted for buying his own first class ticket, for instance. That shit shouldn't be happening, either.)

From what's been reported the wrestlers pay for they own flight but, if you're a main eventer the WWE pays for your flight in 1st class. Which is why they got piss that Billy Silverman got first class tickets never mind the fact he paid for them himself. But, then X-Pac was always flying in 1st class around that time to and lord knows he was anything but, a main eventer at the time.

That can't be right. I've read WWE pays for the wrestlers plane tickets and the tickets are either mailed to the wrestlers home or they pick them up at the airport. The rental cars and hotels are paid for out of the wrestlers pockets.


I know Lance Storm did a column or answered this on his message board around the time of the Billy Silverman stuff. The Torch (Dave) also wrote about it. They said midcarders get coach and it's possible to bump them up to first class if they pay for it out of their own pockets, but it's looked down apon. It's one of those WWE unspoken rules that only management, veterans and main eventers can fly first class and if you dare break these rules Bradshaw fucks you in the ass or you get on Taker's shit list.


Other promoters pay for tickets as well. Jesus, how many guys complained Heyman never got their tickets to them? That's why smaller promotions like guys to live around their main territory. It saves money.

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Guest Staravenger

The question of the Day: Does Stevie Richards go first class or in the luggage department? He IS a wrestling veteran, but he's the biggest jobber since Special Delivery Jones.

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The question of the Day: Does Stevie Richards go first class or in the luggage department? He IS a wrestling veteran, but he's the biggest jobber since Special Delivery Jones.

Maybe you haven't seen RAW lately, but I have a feeling that with this new cross-dressing diva gimmick WWE has for him, he is about to get a push of Test-like proportions.


The dress code thing is pretty stupid. What does it matter what they're wearing when they show up to the arena? There are more important things to worry about than what Chris Jericho is wearing when he arrives at the building.

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That can't be right. I've read WWE pays for the wrestlers plane tickets and the tickets are either mailed to the wrestlers home or they pick them up at the airport. The rental cars and hotels are paid for out of the wrestlers pockets.


I know Lance Storm did a column or answered this on his message board around the time of the Billy Silverman stuff. The Torch (Dave) also wrote about it. They said midcarders get coach and it's possible to bump them up to first class if they pay for it out of their own pockets, but it's looked down apon. It's one of those WWE unspoken rules that only management, veterans and main eventers can fly first class and if you dare break these rules Bradshaw fucks you in the ass or you get on Taker's shit list.

Yeah I think you're right. Sorry.

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CC, it was the fact that they'd make me cut my hair, and I don't plan on cutting my hair short ever again. I had a crewcut until I was 12, and the last time I had short hair I hated it.


I'll just echo everybody else's sentiments and say the wrestlers should wear something suiting their gimmick. I could see 'Taker coming in with black jeans and a black shirt, and Guerrero wearing a pair of slacks and short-sleeve button-up, but if Foley comes in for another run? If I remember the line in Have A Nice Day...

He didn't realize that it wasn't the clothes I was wearing that didn't look good, it was me.

Some people just don't look right dressed up.


Maybe the dress code should just be "no shirts with profanity on them, and your clothes must be clean."

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Looking at these posts it seems I'm the only one that agrees or supports the new code....Damnit its only a shirt and slacks.....hell if it was suit it wouldn't hurt anything.....

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Guest Staravenger
Looking at these posts it seems I'm the only one that agrees or supports the new code....Damnit its only a shirt and slacks.....hell if it was suit it wouldn't hurt anything.....

Ahem. Make that one of two people.

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CC, it was the fact that they'd make me cut my hair, and I don't plan on cutting my hair short ever again. I had a crewcut until I was 12, and the last time I had short hair I hated it.


I'll just echo everybody else's sentiments and say the wrestlers should wear something suiting their gimmick. I could see 'Taker coming in with black jeans and a black shirt, and Guerrero wearing a pair of slacks and short-sleeve button-up, but if Foley comes in for another run? If I remember the line in Have A Nice Day...

He didn't realize that it wasn't the clothes I was wearing that didn't look good, it was me.

Some people just don't look right dressed up.


Maybe the dress code should just be "no shirts with profanity on them, and your clothes must be clean."

You know what, I echo your clear and concise wisdom, and think that would be a suitable dress code for public schools as well. No need to go off the deep end with rules, but no need to do with apparel either. Just use some common sense and discretion, right?

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WWE's fine structure for violating the dress code is $500 for the first offense, $1,000 for the second offense, and a suspension for the third offense. Rey Mysterio, D-Von Dudley, and other SmackDown! wrestlers have already reportedly received a fine for violating the code.


With the increased stringency of WWE rules, many are complaining that WWE is becoming a "fascist" type of company, with things being run, according to one source, "just as Vince McMahon would want [them]." Obviously, Vince McMahon is "in charge," but the feeling is that Vince and other officials are abusing their power.


Credit: Lords of Pain

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This really is simply because HHH dresses like he's going to an office whenever he's showing up for an event.


Also, another reason the dress code is a dumb idea:

They'll be wearing the nice clothes for all of an hour! Or, well, however long it takes them to get from the airport to the hotel, and then from the hotel to the arena. Once they get into the arena, they'll go to the locker room and put on their ring gear anyway, so what's the big deal?

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