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SWF Lockdown Losing Matches...

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Yes, I know this sucks, just proof I showed~. :-)


“Welcome back to S…W…F LOOOOOOOOOOOOCKDOOOOOOOOOWN~!” says Cyclone Comet with his usual amount of overabundant happiness. “With me as always is Bobby Riley, and I’m CYCLOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE COMET~!”


“Must you always do that?” asks Riley.


“Why wouldn’t I?” replies Cyclone, oblivious to Riley holding his ears in pain.


“Oh, no reason.” says Riley as he sighs. “It’s a loaded show tonight, including Toxxic keeping the belt warm for Tom.”


“But first, we’ve got a hardcore match for the number one contendership to that title.” says Comet. “Funyon looks like he’s ready, let’s send it to him.”


The dapper as always Funyon waits for his cue and then begins, “The following match is set for one fall with a twenty minute time limit as is under hardcore rules!”


Large pop for the coming chaos as the veteran ring announcer continues, “It is also a number one contender’s match for the Hardcore Gamers Championship! Introducing first…


Cue the creepy beginnng to 'Back on Earth' by OZZY~ as David Cross walks out to the ring, focused on the ring as the crowd gives him a small, but larger than last show’s pop as a small bit of pyro goes of behind him.


“…weighing 277 pounds, from Oil City, Pennsylvania…”THE FALLEN ANGEL” DAAAAAAAAAVID CROSS!”


Cross walks down to the ring, absent mindedly slapping hands as his eyes stay focused on the ring. As he gets in, he gives his jacket and cross to the ringside attendant.


“Cross was impressive in his redebut last week, defeating Citizen Xavier.”

“So he beat another rookie. Big deal. As much as The Birdman is a freak, at least he’s been in the SWF for a little bit.”


“And his opponent…” Funyon continues.


Birdman comes out to “Let’s Get Retarded” by the Black Eyed Peas. He will come out from behind the curtain and dance on the stage just as the music of the song begins to pick up. Birdman runs down to ringside, interacting with the fans, before sliding underneath the bottom rope to enter the ring. He removes his cape and dances inside the ring as Cross just stares at him.


“…weighing 219 pounds, from Psrts Unknown….THE BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRDMAN!”




The two fan favorites just look at each other for a second before El Birdman flaps his wings a little to cheers, before trying to charge in with a quick kick to the gut of Cross. But, The Fallen Angel quickly blocks that and just throws the suited grappler down to the mat. Birdman recovers quickly and gets right back up, only to get nailed by a quick forearm knocking him back into the corner. Cross then sends the feathered high flier into the corner, who bounces right out…into a BIG BOOT!


“Citizen Cross just dominating here from the opening bell, throwing around one half of Flip Flop like he was a - “

Riley interrupts, “a dead bird?”

“I was thinking more along the lines of a sack of potatoes or something, to be honest Robert.”

“Well, what old Birdbrain has to do is stop being knocked around like his middle name was Battered Wife. Use his speed and quickness to keep Cross confused. After all, he can’t be all that smart.”


Cross picks up the slightly groggy Birdman, puts him in position and takes him over and slams drops him to the mat with a big gut wrench suplex! Without taking a breath, The Fallen Angel then picks up the lightweight competitor again for a vertical suplex, but The Birdman is able to flap his “wings” enough to get out of the suplex and slide down his opponents back! Taking advantage of the luck he was granted, The Birdman immediately takes Cross down to his knees by dropkicking him right in the back of his right one!


“Just like that, The Birdman has changed the momentum of this match.” says Comet.

“He has to keep up the pace though,” replies Riley. “If Cross recovers quickly, Birdbrain’s down a creek without a paddle or hell, even a boat.”


Birdman immediately runs to the near ropes as Cross gets up to his feet. But, the feathered freak is quick enough and launches an Asai Moonsault right at Cross, knocking him to the ground! Not even pausing for a moment of celebration, The Birdman drops a quick elbow, then gets right back up and delivers a fistdrop right to David’s skull! The Birdman then races to the top rope as Cross gets up, a bit groggy. He stumbles around, then turns around, right into a FLYING HEADSCISSORS right from the top rope! The Birdman grabs a leg, and Kivell counts…









“Citizen Cross seems to be not really that effected by Birdman’s attacks as of yet, Robert.” says Comet.

“Well, Cross outweighs Birdbrain by about sixty pounds. He has to hit more than two or three moves before even thinking about going for the pin,” replies Riley.


Cross is surprisingly first to get up, but is immediately knocked down by a charging Birdman who gets up right after the large grappler from Oil City. Flapping his wings wildly, The Birdman is able to get a few shots in, dazing Cross. Birdman then whips Cross into the far ropes, but as the masked bird goes off the near ropes, he leapfrogs Cross only to get nailed by a SPEAR by Cross when the two warriors go off the ropes again!


“See what I mean, Comet. A mediocre big man will always beat a small whacko in a bird suit every time,” says a chuckling Riley.

“You are a discredit to your orientation, Robert.” says Comet with a bit of dissapointment in his voice.

“Hey, I’m just bored. Neither of these guys seem to want to go hardcore at all,” says Riley.


As Riley says that though, David rolls outside the ring and begins to search under the squared circle. After a few moments and murmurs from the crowd, Cross pulls out a…cookie sheet?


“Not the most dangerous implement of destruction, but Citizen Cross could cause some major headaches for The Birdman with that cookie sheet.”

“Or he could bake up some oatmeal cookies,” replies Riley.


Sliding back in the ring, Cross waits for The Birdman to turn around and…




…down goes The Birdman with a thud to the mat! The crowd cheers the violence, as The Fallen Angel picks up a groggy Birdman and grabs his left wing, locking a half nelson on the feathered fan favorite. Then, as The Birdman struggles a bit flapping his free wing, Cross takes him up and over with to the hard mat with a nasty HALF NELSON SUPLEX!


“That can’t be good for The Birdman’s neck,“ says Cyclone as the crowd pops for the brutality.

“Do birds have necks?” asks Riley.

“Are you seriously asking that Robert, or is it another of your silly jokes?” retorts Comet, a little perturbed.

“Seriously, I don’t know. In biology class, the football team always sat in front of me,” says Riley.

“What, were they too tall?”

“Well, I was on my kn -”



However, Cross doesn’t bother going for the pin. Instead, he picks up El Birdman by the no - er, beak and kicks him in the gut! As the crowd pops, David brings up The Birdman for a jackknife power bomb, only to get assaulted by his feathered foes wings! After a couple hard knocks to the noggin, Cross drops the cruiserweight wrestler to the mat, allowing The Birdman an opening. He takes it, driving a quick knee to the gut of Cross, then bringing him down to the mat old-school with a SWINGING NECKBREAKER!


“Cross is allowing Birdbrain way too many openings. He isn’t taking him seriously. Not that most people would. I mean, it’s a guy in -”

Again, Cyclone cuts off his partner, “nockkay about the ayfabekay.”

“Wha - oh? Right. Nevermind then.”


Taking the cookie sheet Cross dropped to the mat prior, The Birdman goes right to work as Cross gets up, nailing him not once…




…not twice…




…but three times…




Cross is now wobbling in the middle of the ring, as The Birdman tosses the cookie sheet at him. On instinct, Cross grabs it, only to get nailed with a dropkick RIGHT INTO THE COOKIE SHEET! Cross stumbles right out of the ring, as The Birdman runs and dives on to the groggy Cross with a TOPE CON HILO sending both fowl and man down to the floor!


“The Birdman is on a real roll here, using the slightly more liberal rules to give him an advantage,” says Comet.

“If this was say, Spike Jenkins, you wouldn’t be saying that. You’d be decrying his rulebreaking and dastardly ways.”

“That would require Spike being able to be dastardly.”

“Point taken.”


Back outside the ring, The Birdman is up first and looks for something, anything, under the ring. After a few seconds as David gets up, he brandishes his weapon…a bag of cotton candy!?!


“What in the name of Todd?” says Riley.

“I truly have no idea, Robert.” replies Cyclone. “Perhaps the cotton candy is laced with ether or some other plan.”

“Or The Birdbrain is exactly that.”

“Entirely possible.”


After a split second, The Birdman tosses the bag of cotton candy at Cross who catches it easily. But, as Cross catches the bag of candy, The Birdman jumps into the air towards his opponent and plants his feet into the victim's midsection while wrapping his hands behind the victim's neck, as though going for a monkey flip... only instead of flipping his opponent overhead, Birdman drops his weight straight down towards the mat, jamming his knees underneath the victim's chin!


“BIRD BREAKER!” yells Comet as the crowd explodes with cheers.

“See, the dummy Cross should’ve just flattened this idiot a long time ago. It’s not like he doesn’t have the moveset. Stupid do gooders,” says Riley with contempt in his voice.


Getting up slowly, Cross gets to his knees after the stunning move only to get hit again as The Birdman flies through the air with a MOONSAULT OFF THE RING BARRIER! Both men fall to the ground again with Cross taking the brunt of the punishment on the unforgiving concrete floor! Birdman does a little dance to the cheers of the crowd, then rolls Cross in. He then gets on the apron and flip in on to The Fallen Angel with a nasty somersault legdrop and the pin…












“Citizen Cross has not given up on this match yet, Robert!”

“Unfortunately. Longer this match goes, the longer until we see Maddix finally take out Johnny Dangerously once and for all.”

“Keep on dreaming, Robert.”


Cross slowly gets up again, rising to a vertical base. But, as he does that, The Birdman scatters to the second rope and dives on to Cross with a huge BULLDOG! Driving Cross face first to the mat, the Birdman then gets up, dances something resembling a jig, then rolls to the outside. After only a second, the fans pop big as one half of Flip Flop has a table!




“Savages, all of them,” says Riley.

“Says Mr. Has A Tape of SWF Bloodiest Matches of 2003,” replies Comet.

“That’s for research purposes.”

“Whatever you say, Robert. Whatever you say.”


The Birdman sets up a table right in the middle of the ring, pulling the legs out and locking them in, before grabbing an out of it Cross and laying him on the table. Shaking his feather clad ass a little, The Birdman goes to the top to the cheers of the crowd as he launches himself off the top, crashing his full weight on to The Fallen Angel’s chest. Only one problem…Cross moves!




“The Birdman just took a huge gamble to finish this match, and -”

“- it just failed miserable, Comet!” says a cackling Riley. “Looks like this hero just fell!”


Cross gets up first, rising to the cheers of the crowd as The Birdman rolls in agony. Raising his fist, Cross pulls his feathered foe up then drives him right back to the mat with a vicious SHORT ARM LARIATO~! As the crows continues to cheer, a groggy Birdman is helped up, kicked in the gut, brought up high in the air, then slammed right into the mat with great force thanks to the move known as the…


“…BLLLLLLLLLACK MASS~!” yells an excited Comet.

“Check please. The Birdman is cooked.”


Cross simply hooks the far leg as Kivell counts…














Funyon immediately speaks, “The winner of the match via pinfall, and the new number one contender to the HARDCORE GAMERS CHAMPIONSHIP….the FALLEN ANGEL, DAAAAAAAAAAVID CROSS!”


“Back to Earth” begins again as Cross goes to a corner and salutes the fans as The Birdman walks to the back, holding his back a little.

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Comments would be appreciated on mine.



SWF Lockdown: Nathan Xavier ~VS~ Candice


“Welcome back to Lockdown folks!” Comet begins once again as the TV scene opens up to the bustling crowds. “Up next we have two more relative newcomers facing off in the ring.” Comet informs the people at home. “Nathan Xavier, who lost his debuit match to David Cross on Storm faces off of the UNDEFEATED Candice!” Riley exclaims. “Candice has only been in two matches Riley.” Comet points out. “Yeah,. but she won in both of those matches.” Riley fires back. “At any rate, Candice is going to have a real battle on her hands when she faces off against the mostrous Nathan Xavier, who has 1’8 inches and just over 200 pounds leverage on her.” Comet points out. “Pfft… Candice can run circles around that steriod freak.” Riley huffs. “It’ll be a snap for her to go 3-0 in the SFW!” Riley adds. “There’s more incentive for Nathan to win this match though, since Citizen Frisco made the challenge to the entire locker room that whoever beats Candice first will win a cool clean 5 grand!” Comet states.


“China Girl” by David Bowe starts up over the sound sytem breaking the relative silence of the arena. The entire crowd stands up in unison and begins to echo out in boos as Candice, Frisco, and their massive bodyguard Lobo all walk out onto the ramp and make their way down to the ring area. “Ladies and Gentleman… the following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Okinowa, Japan and being accompanied by Frisco and Lobo, she is Candice!” Funyon booms out. Candince and her entourage all make their way around ringside to the southwestern (north side faces the entrance ramp) side of the ring, and all three of them sit in wait for Candice’s opponent Nathan Xavier to make his entrance. “What a group! No one in their right minds would think of opposing them!” Riley compliments.


Quickly, “China Girl” is replaced by the opening riffs of “(go To) California” by Rob Zombie, bringing on rounds of cheers from the crowds. From the back emerges Nathan Xavier, with his lovely wife in tow, and his cast iron chain slung over his shoulder. Slowly, Nathan and his wife come to a halt on the top of the entrance ramp and glare down at Nathan’s opponent and her entourage. “What the hell are they waiting for?!” Riley complains. “I think Nathan doesn’t want his wife down at ringside with all that muscle down there on Candice’s side. Comet ponders. “Oh come on… I’ll keep her cute ass safe!” Riley exclaims. After a quick conversation between Nathan and Sasha, the two shake their heads in agreement, give eachother a quick kiss and Sasha exits the entrance ramp to the backstage area while Nathan conintues his trek down to the ring. Crowds all around give several shouts of boos at the departure of the beautiful Sasha Edwards, but quickly get over it.


“Now coming to the ring from Santa Clara, California, Nathan Xavier!” Funyon calls out again as Nathan hops up onto the ring apron and climbs through the middle rope into the ring. Nathan grabs the chain off of his shoulder and hoists it up into the air as a souvenier for the entire crowd to see as he steps up onto the middle rope. Suddenly from behind, Candice slides into the ring and immediately begins to viciously attack Nathan’s back while he’s not looking, causing him to drop the chain down to the ring floor. “Candice is wasting no time in this match! She’s already going after Nathan!” Riley points out. Quickly, the referee slides into the ring and signals for the bell to ring as Candice continues to fire blow after blow into the tough back of Nathan. “Nathan Xavier has had back problems in the past and Citizen Candice is really hoping to make that a serious problem in this match.” Comet reports. “Well duh Comet… Candice isn’t a moron. Neither is her manager Frisco.” Riley fires back harshly. After several dozen hard blows to the back of Xavier, he suddenly fires a sharp elbow back into the face of Candice, stunning her momentarily and causing her to step back a little ways, giving Nathan enough time to collect himself. Once Candice clears the cobwebs from her head, she again charges into the corner to continue her assault but unfortunately Nathan is ready for her this time and quickly sidesteps, causing Candice to go careening into the turnbuckle. Taking advantage of the situation, Nathan quickly begins to fire hard knees into the lower back of Candice, causing her to wince in pain every time the hard knee blasts her in the back. After a four count from the referee, Nathan backs off of Candice and begins to wander away from the turnbuckle, soaking up the immense cheers from the crowd. “What an assault by Citizen Xavier!” Comet compliments. “Yeah… what a CHEAP assault! Candince had no way of getting away!” Riley aggrivatedly fires back.


Slowly, Candice turns herself around, still leaning heavily against the turnbuckle with the immense pain in her back. Without warning, Xavier comes charging into the turnbuckle and absolutely crushes Candice against the turnbuckle with a devastating full body avalanche. “Oh my god! What a full body avalanche from Xavier!” Comet cries out. Quickly, Candice staggers out from the turnbuckle and collapses in the middle of the ring. “This has got to be it!” Comet concludes. “No likely! Candice has much more in her system!” Riley fires back. As Nathan is dropping down upon the limp body of Candice for the pinfall, Candice’s manager Frisco jumps up onto the ring apron, calling the attention of the referee who immediately jumps up into the face of Frisco. As Xavier is down upon Candice hooking her leg for the pinfall, Lobo, Candice’s huge bodyguard quickly grabs Nathan’s right leg and hauls Xavier out of the ring to the floor, where he and Xavier begin to exchange heavy blows upon eachother.


After about 5 or 6 seconds of Xavier and Lobo exchanging blows, Xavier suddenly gets the upper hand in the battle. Xavier begins hitting consecutive blows on Lobo, while in the ring Candice is just beginning to get to her feet. After three consecutive hard shots on Lobo, Nathan fires a stiff knee into the mid-section of Lobo, doubling the big man over, and quickly follows up with a hard axe-handle smash, bringing the big man crashing to the floor. With his work donwe Xavier slides back into the ring, only to be met by a hard kick to the face as he’s trying to get back up to his feet. Viciously, Candice begins to fire kick after kick into the tough stomach of her opponent as he struggles to get to his feet. “Candice is really going to work on Xavier in this match.” Riley comments. Finally, Nathan Xavier reaches his feet after Candice let up the kicks a little bit. Using her speed though, Candice charges at Xavier and takes him down to the mat again with a quick, but effective Leg Scissors sweep. Candice quickly follows the move up with a Camel Clutch, pulling back hard on Xavier’s chin. “Hard camel clutch by Candice. Citizen Xavier is in real trouble here.” Comet points out. “You’re damn right he is!” Riley fires back, exited. Just as the referee drops down to ask Xavier if he gives up, Nathan frees both of his arms, grabs a hold of Candice, and literally throws her off of himself, effectively breaking the hold. “What a reversal by Xavier!” Comet compliments. “Pfft… wasn’t that great.” Riley huffs.


Slowly, Xavier begins to get to his feet, while Candice jumps up like it’s still the beginning of the match. Once again, Candice begins to rush after Xavier once he’s on his feet, but this time Nathan catches her with a huge boot to the face, followed by a massivce leg drop across her upper chest. Nathan quickly covers for a pin, but only gets a two count from the referee before Candice fires an arm up into the air. “Candice still fights on!” Riley states. “Candice is one tough girl.” Comet compliments. “That’s why she’s still undefeated!” Riley points out. Slowly, Xavier begins to bring Candice up to her feet but once on their feet Candice breaks out of the hold Xavier has on her and once again begins to fire hard kicks to the chest, followd by a stunning spinning kick to the jaw, that brings the big man down to his knees, holding his jaw and chest in pain. Candince begins to focus on the back of Nathan, bringing down hard fists down upon his back, slowly knocking him down to the floor. Once on the floor, Candice begins to furioisly stomp away at Xavier’s back, occasionally dropping hard knees down on his back in a relentless assault.


“Candice is really bringing the pain to Xavier!” Riley comments cheerfully. After about 30 seconds of brutality, Candice backs off of Xavier and fires her hands up into the air, basking in the echoing boos of the capacity crowd. Not wasting much time though, Candice exits the ring onto the apron, makes her way to the northeast turnbuckle, and ascends to the top, sitting in wait for Nathan to reach his feet. “What’s Candice got planned here?” Comet wonders. “Something big… I can tell.” Riley answers. “Well I know that Riley… I was just wondering what that big thing is.” Comet corrects. “Well I dunno…” Riley replies. Slowly, Xavier begins to climb up to his feet, while Candice sits atop the turnbuckle, waiting for Xavier like a vulture. Once Xavier reaches his feet, Candice leaps off the top turnbuckle and floors Xavier with a beautiful Missile Dropkick. “What a beautiful Move!” Riley cheers. “I agree… that was quite impressive.” Comet agrees. Candice quickly rolls over on top of Xavier, hooking the leg for the pinfall, but only recieves a two count before Xavier powers out of the pin. Quickly Candice begins to haul Xavier to his feet forcefully, but suddenly Xavier breaks out and slaps his massive hand around the throat of Candice and quickly hits a hard chokeslam on the smaller opponent.


“Massive chokeslam on Candice! Citizen Xavier suddenly has the upper hand in this battle!” Comet reports. “Nah… Candice is going to get right back on the attack soon. This is all just a ploy to get Xavier to drop his guard.” Riley fires back quickly. Slowly, Xavier begins to haul the devastated Candice up to her feet, using her long hair as leverage, getting the referree on his back about it. Once on her feet, Xavier grabs Candice and lifts her effortlessly above his head in a bench press type maneuver. For a little showboating, Xavier benches Candice three times, getting a huge pop from the crowd as a result. “Oh come on… that’s not needed at all you showoff.” Riley huffs. “Citizen Xavier is benching Candice like she weighs nothing!” Comet reports. As quickly as Xavier brought Candice up there he brings her right back down to earth in a hard press slam, crashing the mat with a sickening THUD. Xavier hooks Candice’s leg for a pinfall.






Thre… “Candice gets an arm up!” Riley calls out. “This lady is showing a lot of heart in the face of such an overpowering man.” Comet complments. Slowly, Xavier begins to climb up to his feet, leaving Candice to ascend under her own power. Once she reaches her knees, Xavier begins to move in but suddnely Candice rolls up the big man in a school boy, only to get a short two count before Xavier powers out again. “Almost a pinfall on Xavier!” Riley reports. “Xaver beat the count by a mile though.” Comet points out. Still in massive pain, Candice crawls up to her feet, not backing down for a second against the big man. Once again Candice begins to fire hard kicks into the chest of Xavier as he is trying to reach his feet, causing him to wince in pain at each hard kick. Candice quickly slides around the big man and hooks her arms around his back, setting him up for a german suplex, but Candice just can’t get the big man over for the suplex. Suddnely, to the horror of Candice’s henchmen, Xavier breaks the hold Candice has around his massive waist and lifts her up into a standing fireman’s carry and quickly drops her down upon her head, getting massive pops from the crowds. “Heat Stroke! Citizen Xavier hit the heat stroke on Candice!”


Xavier quickly drops down upon the lifeless Candice and hooks her leg for the pinfall, but before the referee could get a hand down for a one count, Frisco drags Zavier off of Candice, breaking the pinfall attempt. Both the referree and a furious Nathan Xavier jup up to their feet and begin to yell at Frisco, but the referee pushes Nathan out of the way and signals for Frisco to go backstage immediately. Frisco and the referee begin to get inot a huge argument outside the ring while Frisco reluctantly begins to head backstage. Unbenounced to both the referee and Nathan Xavier though, Candice’s bodyguard Lobo crawls into the ring and blindsides Xavier with a stunning clothesline from the side. “What is this?” Comet demands. “This is not fair in the least! Xavier should already have this match won!” he continues. “Whine Whine…” Riley simply replies. As quickly as he can, Lobo hauls Nathan up to his feet and hits a massive Powerbomb, shaking the ring violently upon it’s completion. Lobo then hauls Candice over the fallen body of Xavier for the pinfall, just as Frisco exits the ringside area to the backstage, with a large smile on his face. “This is crap! Candice is going to steal this after a hard fought battle!” Comet continues to rant. “Candice deserves this win through and through! Xavier is just learning not to mess with Frisco’s crew!” Riley gleefully replies.


The referree quickly realizes that a pinfall is going to take place and drops down to count.






Three… “No! Xavier gets out!” Comet exclaims as Xavier benches Candice off of him, right into the referee laying on the floor. Furious that his work didn’t have any affect, Lobo hauls Xavier out of the ring and onto the ring floor to finish the job. Suddenly, Xavier begins to fight back, shooting hard fists into the chest of Lobo, stunning him enough for Xavier to haul Lobo up onto his shoulders, and bring the massive man down with his “Heat Stroke” once again. “Heat Stoke on Citizen Lobo! What power by Xavier to get that massive man up onto his shoulders and down with the Death Vally Driver!” Comet excalims, while the crowds all explode into cheers as Lobo lies on the ground in serious pain. Exhausted, Xavier slides under the bottom rope and into the ring, where he is met once again by hard stinging kicks from Candice. Fighting through the pain, Nathan slowly claws his way up to his feet, using the ropes for leverage, as Candice continues to fire kick after devastating kick into the thick chest of Xavier. Suddenly, Nathan fires back with a kick of his own, doubling Candice over and allowing Xavier to haul her up into a powerbomb like position, letting her body dangle down over the chest of Xavier. “I sense the end coming!” Comet states exitedly. “Not true! Candice will get out of this Comet! You just wait and see!” Riley protests.


After stalling for several seconds, Xavier brings Candince down crashing to the mat with the ever devastating “Flatliner” (Finishing Move: Stalling Hangman’s DDT) causing the entire crowd to erupt in cheers as the pinfall commences.






“Three!” Comet calls out. “That’s all she wrote! Candice has been beated for the first time in her SWF Career!” Comet adds on. “No! That was a fast count! It shouldn’t be allowed! Fire that damn referee!” Riley protests angrily. “Citizen Xavier has just become five thousand dollars richer!” Comet continues on. Victoriously, Nathan Xavier rises to his feet, thrusting his arms into the air while his beautiful wife Sasha happily makes her way out into the arena and sprints down to the ring to join her husband. In the middle of the ring, the happy couple celebrates while Nathan’s music echos out over the PA system. Suddenly, Frisco appears at the top of the entrance ramp with a mircophone in his hand. “Cut the music!” he orders. Rather annoyed, Xavier glares up at the manager standing at the top of the ramp, while Lobo and Candice slowly make therir way up to Frisco, both people in a great deal of pain. “Nathan… you may have squeaked out a win in this match, but there is no way I’m going to let you get away with this. Take your damn five thousand and enjoy it while you can!” Frisco threatens. Nathan quickly turns around and asks for a microphone, while Frisco walks down to Candice’s side and helps her up the ramp.


“Frisco… hold up a second.” Nathan calls out, getting the attention of the manager. “As far as squeaking out a win like you say, I suggest you get your glasses checked grandpa… because what just happened is what I like to call an ass-whooping.” Nathan gloats, bringing on rounds of cheers from the crowd. “As far as your five thousand goes though… you can keep it any buy yourself a new suit or something. I don’t need your money… I already took all I need out of your b*tch.” Nathan arrogantly states, causing Frisco to advance upon Nathan Xavier with a look of pure hatred on his face. Lobo quickly holds back Frisco though, telling him that there will be other times to get back at Nathan. “You’re going to get yours Xavier… I swear on my life you’ll get yours soon.” Frisco warns angrily. With that, Frisco drops the mic and leads his trio backstage, while “(Go To) California” by Rob Zombie once again blasts out over the System. “Well that was sure a heated battle… and from what I can see, Citizen Xavier sure hasn’t seen the last of Candice and her two henchmen.” Comet reports. “That’s for sure… this big steroid freak is going to get his sooner or later.” Riley adds on. “At any rate, stay tuned to SWF Lockdown, where we have much more action to bring you, including the World Heavyweight Championship match between Toxxic and Dace Night!” Comet gladly reports.


Nathan and his wife both begin to head backstage, acknowleging the cheering crowds the entire way as the cameras fade out to begin another stretch of commercials.

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Jake, without even reading it I can point out one thing.


Space it OUT, man.


Having commentary and action all in one long-ass paragraph is no fun to read, and can detract from big moments in your match. At the very least, adhere to basic grammar and keep your commentary seperate from the action.

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Well here's my match. I as well wanted to show that I wrote, and I would also like to know what I did wrong/where it went wrong. Basically, any comments would be appreaciated.




The Delta Center comes to life as SWF Lockdown returns from commercials! After a solid hour and a half of action the Salt Lake City crowd is literally pumped to kick off the first of the last two remaining matches! Referee Matthew Kivell, the official for the upcoming match, comes jogging down the ramp as the Smarktron flares to life, displaying an intense graphic of Johnny Dangerous and Landon Maddix. Though the image only moves for three seconds before coming to a halt; all the hate, frustration, and anger these two share towards each other is clear as day! For now, a chiseled and war-torn “VS” stands in between them ripping one another apart, but soon…that too will be removed.


“…and what we have before us now,” booms Comet, “is a match that should have ended at our illustrious Pay-Per-View extravaganza, Ground Zero! Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case and once again we will see Johnny Dangerous versus Landon Maddix, and quite possibly… for the very last time!”


“Which, as you already mentioned, should have already happened,” adds Bobby Riley. “Johnny Dangerous wasn’t content enough to accept defeat at Ground Zero and move on like a good loser. Instead he started up another fight with Landon Maddix!”


“Citizen Maddix brought it upon himself,” reminds Comet. “Agent Dangerous stated beforehand that he was more than willing to leave the series as it were. Landon was the one who couldn’t stop running his mouth.”


“I think Johnny’s the one who’s been running the mouth a bit too much lately if you ask me-”


“Which we didn’t…”


“Shaddup!” growls Bobby. “Johnny’s wrote a check with his mouth that his ass can’t cash! He doesn’t realize what kind of a mess he got himself into when he decided to tangle with our future World Heavyweight Champion, Landon Maddix!”


“Well I think it’s time to quit guessing and find out,” says Comet. “Let’s turn this one over to Funyon to introduce these two combatants!”


Funyon steps into the ring and raises his microphone to his lips. “Ladies and gentlemen,” he bellows. “The following contest is a non-title match and is scheduled for ONE FALL! Introducing first,” Funyon’s voice trails off as the lights drop down and a voice picks up on the speakers, whispering a name in a deep, sultry voice…




The Utah fans let off a tremendous pop, but their cheers are barely heard as “After the Flesh” thunders out from the speakers much louder than ever before! The stage is quickly immersed in a thick white smoke that billows out from the sides, serving to momentarily conceal the Barracuda. That is until strobes light up from all corners, partially illuminating Johnny as he moves through the smoke and finally appears at the top of the ramp! Smoke moves all around him as he stands in place and simply gazes out at the crowd through his high-tech shades.




“From Las Vegas, Nevada,” continues Funyon, “and weighing in at two hundred and twenty pounds; JOOOHNNY ‘THE BAAARRAAACUDAAAAAAAA’ DAAANGEROUUUS!!!”


Funyon barely has the chance to pull the microphone away from his lips before Johnny takes off down the ramp in a full sprint. He slaps as many outstretched hands as he can reach before coming upon the ring and leaping up to the outside apron.


“Agent Dangerous is on the scene!” cheers Comet. “He revealed on our last show that he was on a new mission; to cleanse the SWF of all villains! Let’s see if this new purpose helps him to defeat the same man who he couldn’t beat at Ground Zero.”


“Oh, please,” scoffs Riley. “That’s about the most ridiculous statement I’ve heard out of you all night! How is Johnny claiming to be on a mission going to make him any better of a competitor?”


However, before the two announcers can continue with their bickering, the opening guitar riff to Incubus’ “Megalomaniac” shreds through the speakers! Boos ring out almost immediately as the fans anticipate the entrance of Landon Maddix, only to be thrusts back into their seats when a booming voice picks up…










The song kicks into high gear, blasting all across the arena and driving the crowd into a frenzy of hatred! When they think that they couldn’t boo any harder, the curtains part and Landon Maddix struts out onto the stage with the Intercontinental-Television Championship firmly secured around his waist. He strolls to the top of the ramp then stops and looks out at the booing fans… then promptly dismisses them with a wave. He’s not in the mood to deal with their heckling or lack of consideration for a true talent tonight. This match is all about proving for once and for all that he is clearly superior to Johnny Dangerous, and he intends to show it!


“Something noticeably missing from Citizen Maddix’s entrance is usual ring accompaniment,” notes Comet. “All members of Chris Card Enterprises have been rightfully banned from ringside for this match.”


“It’s not like he needs them to win matches,” Riley counters, “they’re here for emotional support and encouragement. It’s not like Landon gets the entire arena chanting and cheering for him.”


“No but he sure gets them booing for him,” replies Comet. “Besides, the fans that cheer on Agent Dangerous don’t suddenly spring into the ring and clothesline Citizen Maddix. There’s a huge difference.”


Once in the ring Landon unfastens the ICTV Championship from his waist then hoists it out to the crowds! They boo him mercilessly, making it nearly impossible for Funyon to deliver his introduction. Still the courageous announcer tries. “From Huron, South Dakota, and weighing in at two hundred and ten pounds, he is the reigning SMARTMARK WRESTLING FEDERATION INTERCONTINENTAL-TELEVISION CHAMPIOOOOOOOON; LAAANDOOOON ‘LA CUCARAAACHAAAAAAAA’ MADDIIIIX!!!”




Landon turns towards his opponent’s line of sight then taps on his title belt and pounds his hand into his chest. He wants to make sure that Johnny remembers who beat him at Ground Zero, and the sneering look on the Barracuda’s face shows that he does. However, the chance to reclaim that prize is not on tonight’s agenda, and Landon can safely hand his belt off to Kivell knowing good and well that he’ll get it back at the end of this match. Kivell hands the belt off to a ringside assistant then calls for the bell.




“Bells gone,” says Comet as the two competitors converge on each other and get right in the other’s face, “but there is no action just yet. These two are waiting… no daring the other man to try and strike first! I tell you, Robert, the tension here is so thick you’d need a chainsaw to get through it!”


Cheering from the crowd circulates all around these two competitors as they stand nose to nose. The fans eagerly anticipating these two men finally coming to blows, and when the first strike is finally thrown, this crowd literally explodes!






Landon fires off a lighting fast jab into the Barracuda’s jaw, but Johnny isn’t even fazed! He fires back, absolutely slamming his fist into Maddix’s mouth!




“Here we go! Here we go!” exclaims Comet, as Landon stumbles back from the shot. “We’re off with a bang, and these two aren’t pulling a single one of those punches!”


Johnny closes in on his foe and swings his fist into Landon’s jaw with enough force to knock a hole through a brick wall! For the second straight time, the ICTV Champion is sent rocking on his heels with a hand to his face. The blows that the Barracuda is handing out certainly aren’t lacking on the stiffness, and Landon knows that he can’t slug it out with his opponent if he intends to win. He wisely gages Johnny’s distance, and when Dangerous comes barreling in for a third shot, Maddix ducks and rolls through, popping up just to the side of the Secret Agent...




Then jumps up and slams both feet into the Barracuda’s chest with a dropkick! Nailing Johnny just as he spins around!


“Just look at that,” sings Riley, beaming from ear-to-ear. “Now THAT’S the kind of calculating attack I like to see, and it’s part of the reason Landon Maddix has grown as such a fierce competitor in the SWF today. He may not be big and muscular, but he’s quick on those feet and even quicker with his mind.”


Johnny climbs to his feet with one hand clutching his chest while Maddix watches from several feet away. “COME ON, JOHNNY!” snarls Landon, beckoning the Secret Agent on with his hand. Johnny obliges, racing towards his foe, and the two competitors leap towards each other, clashing with a murderous collar-and-elbow lock up! They scramble for leverage, but Landon can’t hope to win a war of strength against Johnny Dangerous and the Barracuda muscles his opponent into a corner! Kivell tries to worm his way between the two men for a break, but Johnny keeps pushing as Landon frantically tries to get the Barracuda off of him!


“By Zeus!” shouts Comet. “Forget about wrestling, these two are trying to kill each other in there!”


Kivell finally starts to issue a count, but before he gets past one Landon quickly fires of two short forearms to the side of Johnny’s skull! Johnny wobbles back from the shots and Maddix steps in…




…and delivers a parting jab to the cheek!




“And a cheap shot by Citizen Maddix to end that exchange,” notes Comet which is duly noted by Johnny as well, “and I don’t think the Barracuda liked that one bit!”


Johnny snarls at his foe, but it doesn’t intimidate the ICTV Champion in the least. Instead Maddix fires out of the corner and flattens Dangerous to the mat with a lariat! He quickly drops down to cover for…





TW-NOO!! Johnny kicks out just before two, and shoves Maddix off of him and climbs back to an upright position. Landon gives him no room to recover though; grabbing Johnny by the wrist he steps forward, whipping his opponent across the ring…


NO! Johnny reverses, and Landon ends up being the one to get whipped across the ring! Dangerous times the motions perfectly, and jumps up at the precise moment to deliver a drop kick into the Champion’s chest, but Maddix frantically grabs onto the ropes…




“And the Barracuda falls flat on his face,” snickers Riley, as Johnny hit’s nothing but air before gravity pulls him to the mat. “I feel sorry for this nation if that’s the kind of man they’d send out to defend us!”


“Like you’ve never made a mistake? Let’s take a look at your entire career!”


“Hey, I’ll have you know, I’m a ten time former World Champion,” replies Bobby


“I’m talking about your career in the SWF, Citizen Robert, not the cross dressing pageants!”




Johnny jumps back to his feet, but he has absolutely no time to offer up a defense as Landon comes screaming across the ring…




…and the Champion creams Johnny in the bridge of his nose with a flying forearm, dropping him to the mat like a bad habit! An “OOOOOH!” bursts from the fans as Johnny lies on his back writhing in pain and covering his face. His opponent, Landon Maddix, already has his next move planned out, and he darts to the corner. A second later and his up on top, and just as fast, is in the air! He leaps towards the Barracuda and extends his elbow way out, getting some serious hang time before driving the point of his elbow directly into the Secret Agent’s sternum!




Johnny convulses on impact, roaring in pain as he grabs his chest!


“Maddix isn’t playing around tonight,” notes Comet. “He’s already busting out the big moves in record time, and putting his speed to use in doing so!”


“That’s because he’s proving a point, Comet! Johnny tried to cast a shadow of doubt on Landon’s ICTV Title victory at Ground Zero, but Maddix is going to prove otherwise by putting the Barracuda down now,” Riley says, as Maddix pops back up to his feet and zooms back to the corner. “To make it worse, Landon’s going to beat Johnny the same way he did at ground Zero. Remember that triple set of elbow drops? Landon’s going for them again!”


“Maybe,” says Comet, “but he’s going to go to the well one too many times and it’s going to backfire on him!”




Contrary to the Masked Announcer’s remarks, Landon hit’s for a second time. Driving his elbow back into Johnny’s sternum and causing the Barracuda to shrill in agony! The screams of pain bring a sick smile to the Champion’s face, and he excitedly leaps to his feet and pumps his arms to the crowd!








“Citizen Maddix--looking for some accolades from these fans and getting none of it,” remarks Comet. “I don’t know what he was expecting, but for some strange reason I don’t think that was it.”


“These people should be thrilled! He’s beating Johnny just like he said he would, and without any of his friends at ringside!”


Landon just shrugs them off and turns back to his prone opponent. However, Johnny took the extra time Landon gave him and has started crawling his way towards the ropes; grimacing from the pain in his chest as he moves across the ring. Landon chases after him and kicks the Barracuda over onto his back then slams the sole of his boot into Dangerous’ chest over and over again!








“Ugh!” Comet disgustedly sighs. “Such disrespect by the Champion; He may not have his friends at ringside with him, but he certainly isn’t easing up on attacking a man when he’s down!”


Kivell swings into action and pulls Maddix off the Barracuda, but Landon isn’t about to let this referee put a stop to his beat down and he shoves the ref away! He moves back in on Johnny, ready to cave his chest in, but the referee’s distraction proved more helpful to the Barracuda then you could imagine. As Landon swings his foot down Johnny quickly snatches the Champion by his boot, and uses the momentum to flip Maddix onto his face!




“What amazing reflexes the Barracuda displays!” exclaims Comet. “In seconds he has reversed the situation and snapped on an ankle lock!”


Landon screams in sheer horror as the Barracuda cranks away on his ankle, frantically kicking his leg in hopes of working it free. Finally, after a little effort he slips away from Johnny’s grasp just enough to reach forward and grab onto the ropes to pull himself free. Kivell calls for the break as Landon lets out a sigh of relief, “-and a close call there for Citizen Maddix,” remarks Comet. “He knows he doesn’t want to get caught up in any of the Barracuda’s deadly submissions.”


“Deadly my ass!” spits Bobby. “It’ll take a lot more work that one crappy little ankle lock for Landon to give in.”


Landon pops back up to his feet and gets defensive, as the sudden turn of events serve to do little more than angering the ICTV Champion. He waits for Johnny to climb back up to his feet, and though the Barracuda is clenching his chest he strangely appears to be reinvigorated. Perhaps from the fans who stand to their feet chanting “JOOOOOHN-NY!” over and over again, as well as the fact that he knows he can’t fail.


Landon quickly explodes from his standing position and closes in with a closthesline, but Johnny ducks under the intended lariat and pops up behind the ICTV Champion. As Landon quickly spins on his heel to face his opponent, he’s met by a stinging knife-edged chop!






“Agent Dangerous is battling back for control!” Bellows the Masked Announcer, as Landon staggers back, grimacing from the chop, but quickly returns fire with a chop of his own!




“Ha!” snorts Bobby. “Landon isn’t giving up his advantage that easily!”


Dangerous, however, isn’t even phased! He stands in place, frothing at the mouth like a lunatic and sends another chop into Maddix’s chest!




“COME ON!” Johnny shouts, slapping his chest as if to say “is that all you got?”, and the crowd roars their approval! It’s definitely not however, and with a loud grunt Maddix steps in and slashes the Barracuda’s chest with another chop!




Johnny holds his place, growling from the stinging pain then fires back a chop of his own!




“What an exchange we have going here!” shouts Comet, over the fans tremendously loud cheering. “Agent Dangerous is starting to get a second wind building while Citizen Maddix is giving everything he has to subdue this beast… and this crowd is going insane!”


Johnny smacks his chest once again, goading his opponent into keeping the exchange going! Like before, Maddix steps in for another chop, but Dangerous blocks it with a forearm and…









…unloads with a series of eye-watering knife-edged chops, lighting up Landon’s chest and backing him all the way into the far ropes! The ICTV Champion howls in agony while holding dearly to his beet-red chest, and offers up no defense to the Barracuda as he is grabbed by his arm. Johnny steps forward and slings Landon diagonally across the ring, sending the Champion back first into the unforgiving steel post!






Landon crunches into the turnbuckles then staggers out of the corner; one hand gripping his back while the other still nurses his wounded chest. He unintentionally stumbles right into the Barracuda’s path, and like before offers no defense to his opponent as he is taken by the arm and whipped into the adjacent post!






He hits and stumbles back out of the corner and Johnny storms across the ring… then jumps up…




“… and absolutely blast Citizen Maddix out of his boots with a Johnny Kick!” shouts Comet. “I can’t believe it! Agent Dangerous has turned the tides of this match and in doing so, has completely decimated the ICTV Champion!”


Johnny drops to his knees and heaves himself over his foe, covering for…



























NOOOOOOO!!!! Before Kivell can even begin the motion of the final count, Landon thrusts his shoulder off the mat! The crowds groan and Johnny silently damns the situation, but then he quickly goes back to his task at hand. He grabs Landon and drags him up by his scalp, with Maddix screaming all the way up, then thrusts his knee into the Champion’s gut! Landon doubles over, grimacing as he clenches his midsection and Johnny ducks down and shoots the legs, hauling his opponent onto his shoulders in a fireman’s carry.


The crowd is on the edge of their seats, cheering whole-heartedly as Johnny looks out to them with Landon draped over his shoulders and lets out a tremendous battle cry! The Barracuda takes a single step forward… then flips forward…






…and drills Landon back first into the canvas with a colossal thud!


“Spinal Exploder!” calls Comet. “Johnny takes another shot to Citizen Maddix’s back, and I don’t know how much more of this abuse the ICTV Champion can take!”


“Oh, he can take plenty alright,” hisses Bobby. “His match at ground Zero should have proved that to you! He hasn’t even gone half the time he went at the pay per view with Johnny Dangerous, so believe me when I say he’s got plenty left in the tank!”


However, Johnny aims to prove the colorful Bobby Riley wrong and drops down to pin his nemesis! He grabs Landon’s leg and rolls back on it, firmly pinning the Champion’s shoulder’s to the mat as Kivell drops down to count for…











































NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Half a millisecond before three, and to the shock of the Salt Lake City fans Landon kicks out! They roar in disbelief, and Johnny just stares in awe. He can’t believe the amount of drive inside his foe, besides the fact that… by all counts he should be well aware of it by now. Dangerous climbs back to his feet and groans as he gets upright. With his little burst of adrenalin starting to wear off his throbbing chest starts haunting him once more. He reaches down and grabs Maddix by his chin and pulls him up to his feet, and with one hand fixed to his sternum Johnny socks his foe right in the mouth!




The ICTV Champion stumbles across the ring and falls into the corner, and he turns around just in time to catch sight of Dangerous charging in for an avalanche! Maddix quickly darts out of the way as Johnny leaps towards him, once again proving that speed is on his side tonight! Johnny, like a bumbling fool, goes headfirst into the top of the turnbuckle!




His head bounces off the post like a well aired basketball and the Secret Agent goes stumbling backwards, completely stunned out of his mind. Above his right eye blood begins to trickle down, and the crowd winces with an “OOOOOH!”


“Dear Zeus!” cries Comet. “Agent Dangerous has been busted wide open!”


Landon quickly shifts his game plan to formulate for this new outcome; making a quick break for the ropes, “-and there goes that calculating mind of the ICTV Champion!” shouts Riley, as Landon hops up to the middle rope and springs off, “He sees his opening and doesn’t even play around! He’s going straight to the last act!”


Landon leaps right for the dazed Secret Agent, snaring him by the head and…






“CRASH LANDON! CRASH LANDON!” shouts Riley, leaping from his seat as Maddix drills Johnny head first into the ring with no remorse. “Landon Maddix has this match won! I told you Landon would come through, Comet, didn’t I?”


“He hasn’t come through yet,” replies Comet, redirecting his broadcast partner’s attention back to the ring. “Look, he’s too winded to cover! It took every thing he had to deliver that Crash Landon!”


Sure enough, both men are down. They lie face up; separated by a mere five feet as Kivell steps between them. He swivels his head back and forth, making sure no one is moving before utilizing the ten-count.










“And the referee has reached the count of two,” notes Comet. “So far neither warrior has moved—they might very well be out cold!”


“Don’t count on it,” replies Riley. “Well, at least for Landon’s sake that is. He may be down, but he sure in the hell ain’t out!”










The crowd grows with excitement; chanting “JOOOOHN-NY!” and cheering for their hero in hopes of sparking him back to life. However, much to their dismay, Landon stirs instead. He bolts into an upright seated position and wails in pain as he grabs hold of his tender back. Kivell momentarily stops his count, but Maddix plops back down on the mat, forcing the ref to go on.




Landon moves directly after five; rolling onto his stomach and starting to inch his way towards his fallen foe.




Finally, Landon reaches Johnny and he heaves his arm over his opponent’s chest then collapses next to him. Kivell instantly diverts his attention from the ten-count to count the pin, and the crowd watches in sheer horror as the referee seals the deal for Maddix!


“Now he’s got the cover!” squeals Bobby. “Adios ‘Agent Dangerous’!”


















































“BY ZEUS! JOHNNY KICKED OUT!” exclaims Comet, but his voice is barely heard as the arena nearly explodes into cheers. His broadcast partner however, is certainly not cheering.


“Son of a bitch!” he curses, angrily pounding his fist into the table. “He’s like some kind of monster from a horror movie—not matter how many times you try to slay it, it just keeps coming back!”


“Clearly, his cosmic powers have kicked back in,” deadpans the Masked Announcer, rolling his eyes at Riley’s ignorance. Bobby just stares at Comet with his mouth agape; simply beside himself for even signing a contract to commentate next to this spandex-clad freak.


Back in the ring, Landon pulls himself up while across the ring Johnny reaches for the ropes to aide him in getting back in an upright position while wiping some of the blood away from his forehead. After a fair amount of struggle, the Barracuda staggers to his feet, still stunned from the effects of the Crash Landon, and his face painted red.


“These two men are up, but you’ve got to be asking yourself; how much more could either man possibly take,” says Comet. “They’ve been handing out some of the hardest shots I’ve seen all night!”


The two men stumble towards each other, determined to fight no matter how much their bodies beg them to stop. Johnny swings his fist out and nails the Champion in the mouth, but all it takes is a quick retaliation for Landon to keep his opponent stunned. He swings his knee into Johnny’s gut, doubling him over then cranks his forearm straight into Dangerous’ open wound! The Barracuda is knocked to the canvas, and he lies there while grimacing in anguish, “-and the so called Agent Dangerous doesn’t look to hot now,” remarks Riley, “does he, Comet?”


Comet shakes his fist at Riley, remaining silent as he knows he is about to never hear the end of this one from his announcing cohort. Landon knows it as well, and excitement begins brewing. He takes off across the ring at half pace, closing in on his foe as he lies in the middle of the ring. Just before reaching Johnny, Landon throws everything he has into back-flipping forward into the air and unfolding right over the Barracuda for a running Shooting Star Press…








“YES! Agent Dangerous just might have something else left!” shouts Comet, dripping with hope as Riley’s chin is left resting on the table.


Pushing off the mat with both hands, Landon quickly glances over his shoulder to check on his opponent’s position and is surprised to find one blood stained Johnny Dangerous stalking towards him. Panicking, Maddix scrambles across the mat, trying to reach the ropes, but Johnny dives after him and snares the Champion by his ankle! The crowd roars their approval, and even more so when Johnny drags Landon back to the middle of the ring. Johnny knows he couldn’t possibly keep a steady balance long enough to deliver a standing fight, so with Landon’s foot in hand, he steps over Maddix’s back and cranks his opponent’s foot over his shoulder!




“THE BARRACUDA!” exclaims Comet as Johnny locks in his deadly, over-the-shoulder half crab. “This could be the final curtain for Citizen Maddix! Though a valiant and strong warrior he is, he simply can’t hold out against this!!”


“The hell he can’t!” snarls Riley. “All he has to do is get back up to his feet and nail Johnny with one last move! Johnny’s putting every last bit of effort into this, and if Landon can realize that and simply hold out this match is his for the taking!”


“Not in his current position it isn’t!”


The crowd excitedly leaps to their feet, loudly cheering on the Secret Agent as Landon wails in pain! He tries his hardest to suppress it. To push the pain back from his mind and head for the ropes, but after the beating to the back he’s taken it feels like someone stabbing a pitchfork into his spine!


“Come on, Landon, hold out!” shouts Bobby.


Landon reaches out with one hand and digs his nails deep into the canvas, but before he can pull himself anywhere Johnny gives a firm snap to Maddix’s leg and pulls down even harder! Finally, Landon Maddix has no other choice, and he lowers his head while closing his eyes. Unable to watch as his hand frantically smacks the mat…








Kivell signals for the bell and the fans go absolutely ballistic! “After the Flesh” begins pumping from the speakers once more for a victory lap, and Johnny finally releases his hold on Landon Maddix, and then slumps over onto the mat.


“The winner of this match, by submission,” bellows Funyon, “JOOOOHN-NY ‘THE BAAARRAAAAAACUDAAA’ DAAAAANGEROUUUS!!!”


“Agent Dangerous wins! What a match!” cheers Comet. “I knew he could pull through on this, and what a spectacular charge he made to simply hold on long enough to win this match!”


“Whatever,” spits Riley. “Johnny may have won with a lucky move, but Landon is still the Intercontinental-Television Champion! We all know that THAT’S what matters in the end!”


“Say as you will, Robert. However, this saga comes to a close with Johnny emerging victorious. He may be leaving without the ICTV Title, and he may leave with a little less blood, but he definitely leaves Landon Maddix with something to remember!”


“Whatever,” hisses Bobby. “This next match will have a better outcome. There’s no way Dace Night dethrones our new World Heavyweight Champion, Toxxic!”


“You never know, and I for one am betting the Citizen Night finally terminates his nemesis,” Comet says. “Stay tuned, Citizens! Next up is our main event; Toxxic versus Dace Night with the SWF World Heavyweight Championship on the line!”


Comet finishes shilling the main event as we get one last view of Johnny Dangerous and Landon Maddix sprawled out on the canvas. Landon with the ICTV Title draped across his chest, and Johnny with blood painted all over his face…



As we:


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My total suckfest that was my second and last shot at winning the World Title. Bah....time to think about quiting early.

Not bad for 6K in 4 hours, but I get the feeling I wouldnt have won without far to much effort anyway.


Salt Lake City’s Delta Center feels like the eye of a huge storm. The ever-faithful SWF fans line every standing space and seat in the arena. People that have driven hours to see the show still stand there, loving even moment so far. Signs can be still seen all around, with a few hastily made ones that have popped up through out the show. Readjusting his expensive tuxedo, Funyon stands up and climbs into the ring once again. Referee Hall makes his way out from the side of the ramp and rolls into the ring, ready for the main event. A hush starts to fall over the crowds as they see what’s about to happen.


Comet: Weeeeeeelllllcccccooooooommmmeeeee back Citizens! This is still SWF Lockdown, I’m still Cyclone Comet and here with me is…


Riley: Still a man that wonders if I get paid enough for all of this, Bobby Riley.


Comet: What a huge show we’ve had already tonight, the line up has been huge and we’re still not done yet.


Riley: But we’re close to it. Even if we didn’t have great Fleshers-Per-Minute. And I tell you he should be in the main even right now. But I can wait.


Comet: Well Robert, one way or another, Toxxic won the World Title and now he’s stepping up for his first defence. But the curse must be hanging heavy over his head.


Riley: Curse, what curse, have you forgotten to take those pills again Comet?


Comet: If you look at the past World Champions, you have to go back a long time to see the title was last defended successfully.


Riley: Bah, Toxxic isn’t Tom Flesher but he is Toxxic. And now he’s going to prove himself as a champ AND he’s going to beat Dace Night’s sorry ass again!


Comet: We’re about to find out if you’re right. Because now it’s time for the main event Citizens.


Funyon: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following one on one contest is the main event of the evening. It will be for one fall and will be for… THE SWF HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WWWWOOOOOORRRLLLLLDDDD!




Funyon: Introducing firstly, from Birmingham England, weighing in at two hundred and fifty two pounds… he is… DACE…




Funyon: NIGHT!


The hammering opening drum beat kicks into life with the arena lights flashing as Painkiller kicks into full gear with the opening scream. Bursts of pyro flare up from the entrance ramp as Dace appears at the top of the ramp. Standing under the flashing lights and looking out through the smoke, the White Night pauses for a moment before striding down the ramp and tagging hands with everyone he passes. Trying to zone himself out on the vibe of the crowd, Dace cracks the briefest of smiles at a huge “HELLO MUM!” sign in the front row before rolling into the ring.


Comet: Mum…what’s a Mum Robert?


Riley: Must be some nutty British thing Comet. You know what they’re like with all those extra ‘u’s.


Grabbing the ropes and flexing his arms, Dace literally rips his Horrorcore tshirt off his chest like Hulk Hogan and lobs the tattered remains into the front row with a yell. Pacing around the ring, Dace looks like an animal trying to get the scent of blood, just moments before Toxxic is due to make his entrance.




Funyon: And his opponent, accompanied to the ring by Jet, from Nottingham England, weighing in at two hundred and eighteen pounds … he is the leader of Revolution Zero … the Straight-Edge Sensation … THE SWF HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WOOORRRLLLLDDD … TOXXIC!






Rookie kicks into life with the opening riff and a huge round of pyro from all around the ramp and stage set. Standing under the Smarktron is the World Champion Toxxic and Jet. The Title Belt around his waist, Toxxic ever so slowly makes his way down the ramp. Watching Night like someone watches a caged wild animal in a zoo, Toxxic climbs onto the ring apron and hands the World Title to Jet. She holds up the Title for all to see as Toxxic throws up his arms, bringing another wave of pyro blasts.




Stepping through the ropes, Toxxic takes back the World Title and slowly hands it over to Referee Hall, who shows it to Dace before handing it out to the Time Keeper. The two Brits look at each other from across the ring. The White Night, Horrorcore and the God-Pushed Straight-Edger. They step towards each other slowly, Toxxic soaking up the boos and jeers, almost enjoying them. Dace just glares at him, thinking of nothing but violence and hatred…of the kill. Hall quickly checks them both over before waving his arms and calling for the opening bell.






Comet: And we’re underway Citizens! And in such a heated match as a World Title match, the first moments can be key to who wins and who loses.


Riley: Well if you’ll shut up for two seconds, we’ll see how Toxxic is going to win!


Mockingly, Toxxic thrusts his hand out for a handshake, waggling his fingers and shouting taunts at Dace over the sound of the fans. Raising his fist Horrorcore just gives his fellow Englishman two fingers, waving them in his face. Visibly offended, Toxxic sends his right arm slicing through the air with an European Uppercut, but Dace isn’t going to have any of that this time around. Slapping the blow away like an offending fly, Dace drills an Elbow Smash into the face of the Straight-Edge Sensation, staggering him backwards. Dace only have one thought “Carpe fucking Jugulum.”


CRACK! Yyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!


Comet: Elbow! If this is how Toxxic plans to win the match Riley, I really doubt it’s going to work.


Riley: Just because Dace is a cad with no damn manners! Just you wait Comet, Toxxic is the Hot Commodity for a reason. Because he’s the World Champion, even if Flesher let him win.


Comet: ……?


Not leaving even an inch open for manoeuvres, Dace follows in with an second Elbow Smash and then a third, snapping Toxxic’s head back each time. As the World Champ starts to sag under the blows, Dace changes his attack and starts to drill home a round of knee strikes into the mid section. Forcing the air out of Toxxic’s lungs, Dace leaves him gagging for air as a knee to the face snaps Toxxic’s head back yet again. Another elbow leaves the Straight-Edge Sensation sagging to his knees like a rag-doll. Like a predator smelling blood, Horrorcore steps back just enough to grab Toxxic by the head and yank his face down into another brutal knee strike. Half hauling the Champ back to unsteady legs, Night leans back and flattens him with a final crushing forearm blow.


BAM! Yyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!


Flopping to the mat like a boneless fish, Toxxic is left staring up at the lights as Dace drops on top of him in the first cover of the match. Hall jumps in to count the fall as Jet yells on encouragement to her man…









Comet: Opening flurry for strikes from the White Night takes the World Champ down but it’s not enough to put him away!


Riley: What? This match has only just started Comet. Dace’s stupid “Hulk smash!” routine isn’t going to keep Toxxic down. He’s never down, almost like Flesher.


Rolling back to his knees, Dace roughly grabs the Straight-Edge Sensation by the hair and fires off with short-range vicious forearm smashes before getting back to his feet. With Toxxic still dazed from the strikes, Dace twists on his heel and sends Toxxic flying towards the nearest turnbuckles. Well-honed skills kick in as the World Champ springs up the turnbuckles and launches himself through the air, twisting around to deliver a Role Reversal. But in mid air, Toxxic sees Dace hasn’t been moving and NOW he’s running forwards. Unable to roll out in time, Toxxic feels every single particle of oxygen rush out of his lungs as Dace’s foot crashes into his chest in mid air.


SMACK! Rrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!


Comet: Yakuza Kick! Dace double bluffed the World Champion, waiting out the Role Reversal then took him out of mid air!


Riley: Damn it. Come on Toxxy-baby, we can’t have this happening. But don’t worry Comet, Dace won’t get chance to do anything like that again.


Again like a lifeless rag-doll, Toxxic hits the mat, flashbacks of the dive through the table at Ground Zero running through his head. He can feel the added two hundred and fifty pounds dropping onto his chest as Dace makes the cover. Through the fog that everyone gets after being hit so hard, Toxxic franticly kicks his legs, trying to break free of the cover.












The profane roaring of the fans pounding in his nears along with near blood lust, Dace stands back up and yanks Toxxic up from the mat like he’s a plaster stuck to a flesh wound. Seeing the fog still in the eyes of the World Champ, Horrorcore clamps his arms in a Rear Waistlock and takes a few steps backwards. Taking a risk and hoping to completely take the World Champ off his game, Dace sends his weight arching backwards and throws Toxxic through the air. Instincts kick in again and Toxxic flips on, landing on his feet, almost buckling but just holding him balance…


Riley: Hah! You can’t German Toxxic! What was Dace thinking with that one?


…Breaking forwards into a charge to get the match under his control and hang onto his title, Toxxic doesn’t spot what’s going on until it’s too late. The White Night ducks down, catching Toxxic by the legs and then stands up violently, launching the Straight-Edger up through the air and ropes the ropes…crashing all the way down to the floor. Again there are flash backs, again of the fall from the air through the table. But this time there’s no table to break his fall. Deep inside his mind, Toxxic has the thoughts of “I’m going to kill that bloody bastard!”




SMACK! Yyyyyyyyaaaaahhhhhhhhh!


Comet: He wasn’t trying to Robert! Dace just double bluffed the World Champ again! Toxxic isn’t the only one that can play psychological warfare games!


Rushing over to her boyfriend, Jet kneels down beside him, checking him over for a moment. In the ring, Dace stands as a walking body of fury and bloodlust. Throwing his arms up to the roaring crowds before rolling out of the ring. Halls count rings dimly in both men’s ears, but for different reasons. Jet stands up and backs away slowly as Dace walks across the floor to Toxxic’s body. Looking at her, Dace flips her two fingers as reaches down and wrenches the Champ up. Horrorcore slams a simple close-fisted punch into the Straight-Edger’s face before rolling him back into the ring. Hall’s count continues to rise as Night rolls back in himself and drops over Toxxic with a quick cover.













Comet: Toxxic got his foot on the ropes. And even I have to say that was fair and without Jet’s help.


Riley: See Comet, his first defence and he’s showing the ring awareness of a champion like Tom Flesher have personally taught it to him.


Comet: Not only did Toxxic save energy by not kicking out, he’ll have gotten back some of that mental advantage. Showing he always knows where he is in the ring.


Knowing he’s just opening a huge lead in the race for the World Title but seeing any more head games would be a bad idea against someone with Toxxic’s record, Dace switches back to the ‘A’ game. Ignoring the usual warning calls about closed fists, Dace feeds the poison free Brit several rounds of knuckle sandwiches before hammering a knee into his stomach. Forcing Toxxic into a Standing Headscissors, Dace quickly Underhooks both of his arms and yanks him into the air like a dead weight. Flicking his legs up and making a frantic counter, Toxxic scissors his legs around Horrorcore’s neck and swings his weight backwards. Caught off-guard by the sudden counter, Night ends up going head over heels and ends up on his shoulders with Toxxic sitting on his chest and cradling his legs.




Riley: Hurricanrana counters the Tiger Driver! That’s a mark of a World Champ. Any counter at any time. The Hot Commodity is going to take any head games Dace goes and hit him in the face with them!










Shoving with his hands, Dace throws the two twenty of dead weight off his chest and struggles to leap straight back to his feet. Toxxic almost sails through the ropes as Dace kicks out, but he catches hold of them to stop himself. Sucking in air, Toxxic knows he only has seconds before Dace is attack again but he’s already got a plan together in his mind to take care of that. Night sees Toxxic hanging across the middle rope, fighting to move and rushes in for another attack. Hearing the humping on the mat, the Champ doubles his grip on the ropes and leaps up, sending his legs up into the air and shooting out. The kick catches Dace flush in the face with a huge Mule Kick. “Eat that sunshine!” runs through Toxxic’s mind as his body flops back to the mat in time with Dace’s.




Comet: On the fly counter from Toxxic. Using the ropes to assist that huge leaping Mule Kick from the mat.


Riley: And that’s why the Straight-Edge Sensation is the World Champion and Dace Night is a unskilled thug. Even if the fans can’t see it.


Dragging himself back up with the aid of the ropes, Toxxic shakes his head as he sucks in more needed lungfuls of air. Using the ropes to kick-start his run, the Straight-Edger leaps into the air and sends both feet crashing into Horrorcore’s jaw again, this time with a Dropkick as he tries to rise. Rather that dropping straight into a cover, Toxxic rolls away and stands up slowly, taking in more of the even important air. Working like a chess master, the World Champ works out a new game plan as he stands and curses himself for those double bluffs. Knowing his body wont stand many more big bumps, his ribs already burning again, Toxxic moves to return the favour to Dace. A flurry of European Uppercuts come in to think and face for the White Night to block, each one smashing his head from side to side and knocking his mind off focus. Catching his hands around Dace’s neck, Toxxic sits out with a Jawbreaker.




Holding on, even as a small burst of pain shoots up his spine, Toxxic back rolls along the mat, taking Dace onto his back in one smooth motion, hooking up his legs with an inventive pinning combination. Hall has to leap in at the sudden roll to start to the pin fall count.







Comet: Jawbreaker to an Inverted Rolling Cradle but it’s not fast enough to put the White Night down. Both of these men are breaking out all the stops because this is the World Title they’re fighting for!


The wave of panic settles down inside Dace’s mind. It always comes when a wrestler suddenly finds themselves on their backs with a hand hitting the mat. Franticly trying to get himself back in gear, Dace springs to his feet and barely swings sideways out of the back of a Superkick that would have really made his jaw ache. Spinning around, Dace just isn’t fast enough to stop a boot from the Straight-Edge Sensation that doubles him over. Taking a handful of Night’s hair, Toxxic leaps up and comes down, slamming Dace’s jaw and face into his knee with a Facebuster. Another small flicker of pain from his back and ribs burns in Toxxic, but not as much as Dace’s head as Toxxic holds on and spikes it with an Evenflow DDT.


WHAM! Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbboooooooooooooooo!


Riley: Looks like Dace just had a very Sobering Thought. And that thought is that he’s about to lose this match!


Comet: Toxxic looks like he’s watching how he lands. After that splat on the floor, I’m not surprised. But will it catch up with him before Dace does.


Quickly rolling sideways into a cover, forcing all his weight across Night’s shoulders, Toxxic is far to aware of that ever present pain you get in a wrestling match. But he knows it’s just a case of hurting the other guy more than you hurt yourself, everyone does.












Dace rolls to his side and sits up slowly, holding his head for a moment. But in that moment, Toxxic as already sprung up and hit the ropes. Dace gets to one knee as the Straight-Edge Sensation comes flying back and smacks a Basement Dropkick into his face. Pain erupts from his scared face as the pair of boots snaps his head backwards and leave him back of the mat, Night can’t do anything but try to think ahead to the next move to stop that one. Knowing that any sort of diving around could go very wrong for him, the World Champion simple comes for a standard Oklahoma Roll rather than his Slingshot version. Toxxic flips over Dace’s body and rolls Night onto his shoulders yet again for another cover.








Backrolling, Dace takes a risk on his ring position and takes Toxxic overhead by the grip around his arm. Not trying anything flashy like rolling into an Armbar, Dace simply drops his weight into a cover, in one corner of the ring, but just far enough from the ropes…















Comet: Oklahoma Roll gets reversed into another cover by Dace. Toxxic may have fought back to the lead in this match, but he hasn’t won yet.


Riley: Won, all he needs to do is leave with that belt Comet. And he will do, fair and square. But trust me, he’s going to put Dace out on his back once again!


Scrambling along the mat, Horrorcore backs himself up against the ropes and throws his arms up in defence around his head as Toxxic leaps back to the attack, swinging kicks around in arcs. The blows back off his forearms for a few seconds, before Dace can send his fist surging forwards and hammering deep into the gut of the Straight-Edge Sensation. Able to hear the air rushing out of Toxxic’s lungs, Dace grins to himself. “Now it’s playback time bitch.” Pulling himself back to his feet with the ropes, Night quickly scoops Toxxic up and slams him down as hard as possible with the ever-faithful Scoop Slam. The fire roars back into life as his back hits the ring canvas and the World Champ knows it wont take many big bumps to leave him open to the Torture Crab. His thoughts still scattered, Dace keeps it simple and just drops a knee hard into the smaller Brits chest, keeping him breathless.




Jet looks on with a worried stare, yelling words of encouragement to her boyfriend all the time, rather than insults at Dace. Rather than going for any holds so close to the turnbuckles and the ropes, Horrorcore shows whom still has the strength advantage as he scoops Toxxic up and over onto his shoulders without to much effort. Toxxic just lies there, waiting and playing his own mental games. As soon as Dace turns his back to the corner, Toxxic kicks his legs out and swings around, dropping to the back. Keeping his arm wrapped around Night’s head as he falls, the Straight-Edger drops to one knee and drives it into Dace’s spine as he falls. Standing straight back up, feeling even rib as he ropes, Toxxic leaps backwards, kicking his feet off the turnbuckles and swinging around. “I’m always gonna be better than you Dace,” the thoughts runs through Toxxic’s mind as he hits the mat with the thud and drives the back of Dace’s head down as well.


Comet: The start of the Detoxx chained into the Final Shine from the Straight-Edge Sensation!


Riley: Truly beautiful moves from the Champ. He avoids Dace’s Reverse DVD just to plant him with a move to work his head.




Pausing for just a moment as his body objects to the sudden landing on the mat, Toxxic rolls over as the pains fades a little, it’s enough to hurt but nowhere near enough to stop him from making the cover. Dace looks up at the lights through the fog of being dropped on the back of his head, rage still pounding in his ears. That anger that keeps everyone going, that makes you able to kick out and kick the other guy’s ass. He can just hear the sound of Hall’s hand slamming against the mat.


















Riley: What are these lot chanting for? He only kicked out. It’s not like he’s going to come close to winning or anything like that!


Latching on grip like a cowboy on a wild bull, the World Champion makes sure the challenger has no room to slip away. Taking a tactic straight from the play book of guys like Williams, Night and Flesher, Toxxic slams home a few quick and easy European Uppercuts and punches as he hauls Dace up, keeping him stunned to set up the next chain of events. Holding the White Night at arms length, Toxxic measures him up, before hopping back a step and launching his foot through the air. Dace just can’t move fast enough to dodge the Superkick as he crashes into his face and knocks him back to the mat. Renewed fire burning in his brain, with a feeling like being in a church tower when they’re ringing the bells, Night clutches at his face, just being glad it wasn’t Janus hitting him. Smirking, Toxxic grabs both of Dace’s legs and flips over into a simple Jacknife pinning hold.






















Comet: And another pinning combination from Toxxic. He’s taken those early big shots from Dace, just to come back and run things at his own pace.


Riley: Exactly Comet, he’s dealing with the pain, pacing how he lands. But Dace is just getting kicked in the head every five seconds. And even with the brain the size of a pee, we’ve still see he can get knocked out and pinned!


Springing back to his feet, the Hot Commodity watches Dace struggle up for just a second before booting him in the gut to stop him trying anything. A left crashes into Dace’s head, and then a right, another left and another right, the punch combo leaving Horrorcore staggered once again, as Toxxic winds up and spins around. Staggered but not dazed as Dace ducks under the Discus Clothesline. Snapping his whole bodyweight around like it was on a coiled up spring, Night twists his body around and launches out elbow first, aiming for Toxxic’s face with teeth removing intent. Knowing two can play this game, Toxxic smoothly ducks the desperation Rolling Elbow and slips behind Dace. Reaching around Night’s head, the World Champ locks his hands and falls backwards, again dropping Dace on his skull, this time with an Inverted Sitout Faceslam. “Damn metal freak is going to stay down.” The Straight-Edge Sensation holds on and grabs Dace’s leg to make it a full cover as Hall drops in for another frantic count.






















Swinging his arm through the air to single that this one might as well be cover, Toxxic looks at Jet for a moment. She starts pounding the ring apron like a drum roll, knowing it’s almost over as well. In a mirror to the beginning of the match, the World Champ picks the challenger up and forces him into a Standing Headscissors. Underhooking both of Horrorcore’s arms, Toxxic lifts him up and spins in the middle of the ring before sitting out and dumping Dace on his face. A slight fire ripples up his spine and ribs as he hits the mat but Toxxic knows it’s not enough to put him off or stop him. Rolling Dace over smugly, he hooks a leg just a make sure as he leans forwards into yet another cover.


























Comet: Toxxic Shock Syndrome but Dace kicks out! The White Night is still fighting and he’s not going down yet.


Riley: Please, when did he last even make a move to hurt Toxxic? The Straight-Edge Sensation is just too damn fast and too damn good. He’s going to have that World Title until Tom Flesher takes it from him.


Just about thinking straight over the pounding in his head, with spots and stars flicking infront of his eyes, Dace looks up to see the Straight Edger standing over him with an evil smirk across his face. Taking hold of an imagery can of Pepsi Max, Toxxic pops the ring pull and chug backs of a few gulps of air before wiping his mouth and flashing the ‘V’ to all the fans in the arena.




Adding one last insult, Toxxic lands an open handed slap across Night’s face as he picks up the struggling Metalhead from the mat. Knowing Dace isn’t in any state to fight back now, Toxxic clamps on a Front Facelock and reaches down, hooking the inside of Night’s knee ready for the Caffeine Bomb. “I didn’t want to do this, not use his moves, but this might be the only way to beat him,” that sole idea running clearly through his head, Dace grits his teeth and lashes out. A sloppy and slow fist crashes into Toxxic’s ribs, it’s not that strong, but the effort of trying to lift up Night for the Caffeine Bomb and the pain still there from hitting the floor makes it count. Feeling the grip on his head and neck slacken, Dace franticly pounds away with his fists into Toxxic’s ribs and back, clubbing away. A final blow brings up a yelp of pain from the Straight-Edger and he stumbles back. Then a completely new combo catches him off guard…Left Cross…





Left Cross…






Left Cross…




Dace kisses his right hand and sends in sailing into the Champ’s face like a battering ram of history, fuelled with history and hate.




Toxxic leaves his feet and thuds back down to the mat like he’s just been KO’ed. Having to support himself on his knees, Dace looks up at the stunned crowd and lefts out a simple cry.






The reaction is a little mixed, but right now anything that puts a beating on Toxxic will get a cheer from the fans. Forcing himself forwards, the cries of pain still ringing inside of his skull, the White Night advances on Toxxic…”Right you little bitch, time for a lesson.”


Comet: Is that what I think it is Robert? Dace just used the move and the cry of his former tag team partner and stable mate and late enemy.


Riley: How dare he, disrespect the moves of a great World Champion like Va’aiga in such a way?


Comet: They where partners and Tag Champions before that Robert. Maybe it’s the one thing in the well Dace can use to defeat Toxxic.


Riley: It’s a disgrace that’s what it is. I hope Va’aiga comes back and drops him on his head again for this!


Toxxic tries to sit out but a boot lashes out and catches him in the face, knocking him straight back down to the mat. The rush pushing him back to life, giving that little edge you need to get back in control, Dace reaches down and scoops up the Straight-Edge Sensation. Leading him by the head like a boy to the woodshed, Dace breaks into half sprint and rams Toxxic’s head into the nearest turnbuckle. Spinning him around in the corner, Dace grabs the ropes and plants a huge High Kick into Toxxic’s face. Hearing Hall’s yells about getting out of the corner and the start of the five count, Dace makes the most of it and drills in two more massive High Kicks that snap Toxxic’s head back. Just before the five, Dace steps back and lets Toxxic sag forwards. Catching the toppling and almost lifeless World Champion, Dace picks him up and twists around before launching him down into the mat with a bone jarring Spinebuster Slam.






A sharp rush of air escape Toxxic’s lungs as he hits the mat and the feeling of hitting the floor from up in the air becomes far to close again as the fire around his spine is rekindled. Knowing that Dace know has all that rare and valuable time to recover, the Champ tries to will his aching body to move. Grabbing Toxxic’s leg, Dace rolls backs into a cover and pumps his fist into the air briefly as a sign to the fans. Jet yells on from ringside as Hall drops down and starts the count.























Comet: Spinebuster from the White Night. Toxxic is coming closer and closer to losing the World Title tonight.


Riley: He hasn’t lost it yet Comet and it’s NOT going to happen. It’s just not.


Pumping his fist into the air again, this time in a Maori sign, Horrorcore again channels his former partner and enemy, the Maori Badass. Clutching at his ribs, the World Champ rolls over and pounds the mat, reaching for the ropes to pick himself up again. The world swims for a moment as he feels himself being lifted up and then looking straight into the face of Dace F’n’ Night. The Straight-Edge Sensation can see the elbow sailing for the air but all to quickly it collides with his face. Scooping Toxxic up almost like he’s a baby, Dace holds him across his chest and lefts out another roar…”I hope he hasn’t watch these tapes…” Dace thinks to himself as he bounces of the ropes and runs forwards before leaping up into the air and bringing himself down as hard as he can, with all the weight he can manage, right onto Toxxic with a Maori Drop.


WHAM! Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


Comet: Maori Drop! The first one seen in the SWF for months!


Riley: He’s not Va’aiga, it’s not going to work. Toxxic is the World Champ and the they never go down easy Comet.


























Swearing in rage at Hall, Dace pushes himself back up and wrenches Toxxic back up as well. Clocking the Straight-Edger right between the eyes with one last quick Elbow Smash, Dace slips behind him into a Rear Waistlock, clamping his arms shut. Not playing any games this time, not messing about, Dace goes to snap his weight backwards for a Dangerous German Suplex. But in the dash for self-preservation and to hold onto his title, Toxxic sucks up the pain and rolls forwards. Not flipping Night over his shoulders, the Straight-Edge Sensation just hooks Night’s limps as he rolls through the air and takes him over, into a Rolling Prawn Hold Cradle. Hooking him up as tight as possible, the Champ can feel his torso and head screaming at him to stop as Hall pounces in to count the sudden fall…






















Barely kicking free at the last second after the world suddenly turning upside down, Dace swears to himself at being caught like that. Holding for his head for a moment, letting his inner ear settle back to a balance, Dace stands up just as Toxxic leaps again. Pain hurts, but only for so long when someone’s not hitting you and that’s the only thing the World Champ thinks of as he leaps up and sends his feet crashing into Night’s knee with a Dropkick. It’s not to take his legs out, just to take him down. Barely able to push himself up, Toxxic wraps one arm around the White Night’s head and falls backwards, rolling along the mat and just managing to make it into a Small Package. Hall again leaps in to count the fall.





















Comet: A pair of sudden roll ups but they’re not enough to snatch the win away from Dace.


Riley: Snatch the win? Dace hasn’t won yet Spandex Boy. Toxxic is still going to leave this match as the World Champion damn it!


His ribs and back now burning like someone’s jabbing hot pokers into them, Toxxic struggles to breath after that sudden burst that he hoped to get the flash pin. A fresh wave of pain explodes as a Brummie fist crashes into his face. Slowly getting to his knees and rubbing at his knee for a few moments, Dace looks down at Toxxic…”Ok, time for the hard way.”


Comet: Well Riley, I think we’re about to see what it’s going to take to keep the World Champ down.




Seeing Jet is just standing there yelling at the top of her lungs, he hopes to count on fair play and luck. His head is still buzzing his pain but he knows Toxxic’s body must he feeling worse right now. Shaking out his right arm, Night growls and focuses. Letting all his bloodlust, rage, hatred, anger and desire to win boil into one point, running down his right arm and pointing straight towards the Straight-Edge Sensation. In the middle of the ring, Toxxic holds his ribs, fire burning like an inferno now, his every move to stand up aching and burning. Looking around, he can’t see Dace anywhere near him and so slowly and carefully he stands up, checking around as he holds an hand to his sides. Even as quick as he is, even with all the skill he has, Toxxic is dazed and staggered and simply can’t move fast enough to move out of the way of the charging rhino heading straight at him…”Awww bugger!” Swinging his arm out, Dace unleashed the BIGGEST, NASTIEST, ITS BACK IN TOWN, TAKE THIS YOU FUCKING POSER TWAT, I’M GOING TO KNOCK YOUR HEAD BACK TO BLIGHTY LLLLLLLAAAAARRRRRRRIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAATTTTTOOOOOOOOO!






Comet: Lllllllllaaaaaarrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiaaaaaaatttttttooooooooooo!


Riley: Oh Jesus nnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooo!


The blow hits Toxxic like a tidal wave of death. It knocks him from his head and sends him back flipping through the air. Spinning over a full four hundred and fifty degrees before crashing down into the mat like the wrecking from a plane crash. Dace drops down for the cover as the whole arena shouts along…





















The roof leaves the building, the sound of noise is deafening, like a sonic boom right inside your head. Every single person is on their feet and chanting. Funyon’s cry can barely be heard even form the PA system.






Comet: Can you hear that Robert? Can you hear it? Dace just climbed to the top of the mountain and threw Toxxic right off the side!


Riley: This can’t be happening. This is a bad dream. It’s all a dream. Dace is not SWF World Champion. I’ll pinch myself and wake up in bed and Flesher will be there to make it all ok…


Referee Hall takes the World Title belt and raises Dace’s hand in the air before dropping the title across his chest. Just able to hold his right arm in the air, pain shooting through it after hitting Toxxic so hard, Horrorcore clutches at the title with a tear in the corner of his eye. “Take that one bitch,” he thinks to himself as he basks in the thunderous roar of the fans chanting and cheering. A few feet away, Jet kneels over her boyfriend, checking to see if he’s even still alive. Barely able to sit up, Dace looks around at the fans that are still chanting for him. Standing up slowly like an old man that hasn’t moved for many years, Dace ignores the figures of Toxxic and Jet, just looking out around the arena.


Comet: And Dace Night is the newest in a long and historic line of SWF Champions. On this night, he did it all!


Riley: Well, there’s still that damn curse. So as soon as Toxxic gets a rematch or even better…as soon as Tom Flesher gets a shot, he’s going to lose that title.


Comet: Robert, we’ll see about that when it comes to it. But tonight, it belongs to the White Night.


Supporting himself on the ropes, Dace throws his arms in the air to the cheering fans, holding the World Title tight as the chant rings on as the image fades out.



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SWF Lockdown: Nathan Xavier ~VS~ Candice


- First things first, as Mike said, you need to space out your action and commentary more. It's just a pain to read when everything is all paragraphed together like that. Something like this:


"..." Comet said, annoyed, "..."


"..." Riley said with a chuckle.




"..." Riley squeeled. "..."


Is better. It gives you a nice spaced look, and make the match easier to read. Maybe it's just rust or something, who knows. That's not my point to pass judgement on.


- Another thing... it doesn't look like you read through the match for any errors in grammah (spelt that way on purpose). Looks like they're mostly usage errors, but some words are just completely wrong ("scene" instead of what I would assume to be screen in the first paragraph, for example). It doesn't look like you ran spell check at all, either... I think that'd catch something like "David Bowe"... of course, you might have corrected it from "Bowie" on accident, I don't know.


- I realize I'm nit-picking, but with entrances and such you could at least follow the fed standard of including weight and hometown as well as name. The way I usually do it is "Making his way to ringside/the ring/the hood, yo, from (home town), weighing in at (weight), name". Just a simple suggestion that might add a little to your matches.


- Commentary reads like a bitch, a bitch with no content. You need to expand on what Riley and Comet are saying, because right now they're just little talking heads with no emmotion or direction. Little one liners do not make for impressive reads. You break character a bit with Riley also ("I'll keep her cute ass safe").


- Interesting idea giving directions for each side of the ring. I've always just said "exits the ring" and pretended they were in the area I wanted them to be. Of course, that might be one of my own problems... that and lack of motivation. Anyways...


- A bit of the action is repetitive. Or at least how you wrote it is. Simplicity is best sometimes... try not repeat the move unless it's necessary for clarification. Hard knee! Hard knee! On the other hand, there's points in the match that lack description where it would be best suited. Points where the match turns should have the most description to them and should be highlighted with a flurry of commentary. Anything to draw attention to the fact that this is where the pace changes.


- Some lack of continuity in style here. If you're going to count out the pinfalls, you should probably do it all the time and not just the big ones. Once again, it helps to space out the match a bit and it makes every pinfall seem like it could be the last.


- Hmm... I don't really know my wrestling. But by common knowledge, I don't think that the exchange following the chokeslam and school boy works that well. I don't see how Candace would make it to her feet first after such a devastating amount of punishment. Just reads odd to me, all though I don't know wrestling, so take this as you will.


- I don't like this at all:


After stalling for several seconds, Xavier brings Candince down crashing to the mat with the ever devastating “Flatliner” (Finishing Move: Stalling Hangman’s DDT) causing the entire crowd to erupt in cheers as the pinfall commences.


It's just... wrong to identify your finisher like that. Have the commentators put it over or something. But don't index it or something, know what I mean?


- Such epic burns after the match as well...


Anyways, this seems like it was far from your best work. I know you had to put it together rather quickly as well, as I know you hadn't worked on it at all the day before the show went out. Hopefully some of this stuff helps you out.


I'm going to eat my BK, and then come back and look at the next match if I have time.

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Johnny...I'm not gonna feedback or anything because I suck at all that, but I will say I'm majorly surprised I won with such a rushed match. I'm sure someone else better equipped will give an explanation.


One thing though. You're still using "After The Flesh" for your entrance in the match. I took it from the promo that you'd switched to the MIB music.

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Sly, with the entrances, I just do it the wat the WWE does entrances. doing the entire thing just seems rather redundant IMO.


I know the grammer sucks in my match... I was in a real hurry to get it done at the end and get it to Raynor and I didn't have time to look it over like I usually do.

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That's what I figured. Anyways, just suggestions on my part. Did I do anything useful?

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