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TNA Impact Spoilers

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TNA Impact spoilers




by Dave Meltzer


[email protected]


Results from tonight's tapings in Orlando


Dark matches

Bobby Roode & Eric Young & Johnny Devine b Konnan & Ron Killings & B.G. James

Sabu & Christopher Daniels b Kid Kash & Dallas


Impact show

Jeff Jarrett b Psicosis - a squash, Psicosis didn't get too much in


Monty Brown b Jimmy Rave


Mikey Batts & Jerrelle Clark b The Naturals. 3 Live Kru came out for a ditraction and the jobbers team scored the upset. Said to be well done


Petey Williams b Amazing Red when Scott D'Amore used the hockey stick. Vince Russo came out and banned D'Amore from ringside from this point further. Dusty Rhodes came out and said he wanted D'Amore at ringside so he can get him


Raven b Todd Sexton - Very quick squash match, Sabu attacked after


A.J. Styles & Jeff Hardy b Abyss & Alex Shelley due to problems with Abyss & Shelley so they are starting the face turn angle


New matches announced for Wednesday

Williams vs. Chris Sabin, Dusty in Sabin's corner

Styles vs. Kash street fight

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Guest Harry, Archie and Gus

And I'll start watching when Vince Russo, Dusty Rhodes, and maybe the most offensively untalented of the bunch Scott D'Amore are banned from being on camera for the rest of the history of TNA. When you're in Russo territory its time t give it up.

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Jarrett squashing Psicosis is nauseating, but on paper this looks like the best Impact in weeks, even if Raven's forty second three-move matches are a complete waste of time.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
Jarrett squashing Psicosis is nauseating, but on paper this looks like the best Impact in weeks


No, once again, this appears to suck. I'm done with this show. It's not important, it's a 3rd rate Heat.

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Jeff Jarrett b Psicosis - a squash, Psicosis didn't get too much in.


-- Could of been decent. Psicosis is awesome, and Jarrett can be good. Too bad it says it's a squash.


Monty Brown b Jimmy Rave


-- Another squash which sucks ass because Jimmy Rave rules. Monty is good, but gimme a break, its not impressive when he kills Cruiserweights everyweek on IMPACT! or XPlosion!


Mikey Batts & Jerrelle Clark b The Naturals


-- Should be awesome. I really like Batts & Clark and the Naturals are awesome, I've liked them since the beginning, I liked Stevens before TNA. Should be a very good match.


Petey Williams b Amazing Red


-- Should be a decent match, because Petey Williams is god. Amazing Red is a spot monkey therefore IMPACT! is perfect for him. Matches dont have to be techincal masterpieces, and frankly can't be with a maximum of 10 minutes. Red is entertaining whether he's Spotty or not, and Williams is just amazing.


Raven b Todd Sexton


-- Dont know who Sexton is, but watching Raven/Sabu storyline continue this is fine. A squash meaning something is different from a complete meaningless squash like the Jarrett/Psciosis and Rave/Brown. Shitty squash match that sucks, but continues the storyline.


A.J. Styles & Jeff Hardy b Abyss & Alex Shelley


-- Should be pretty good. Alex Shelley vs Styles would be a great match down the road. Abyss turn is coming more and more suspected, watch TNA swerve us and make him not turn. Still should be very good.


Williams vs. Chris Sabin

Styles vs. Kash street fight


-- As long as they continue to announce matches like that on IMPACT! Go TNA! Sabin vs Williams? Thank you god.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Impact show

Jeff Jarrett b Psicosis - a squash, Psicosis didn't get too much in


Why do they have the champion fight in job matches everyweek? They apparently don't even think that much of their champion considering he doesn't even wrestle in competitive matches half the time. For Christ sakes, they could have had Psicosis get in a FEW things......


Monty Brown b Jimmy Rave


UGH. I don't mind Jimmy Rave(which is surprising considering most people hate him), but having him fight Brown is probably a mistake. Now, I could see having Brown fight a guy like Rave that might be able to make him look like gold in the ring.....but Rave isn't that guy. Plus, I have totally given up on Brown.......


Mikey Batts & Jerrelle Clark b The Naturals. 3 Live Kru came out for a ditraction and the jobbers team scored the upset. Said to be well done


Good to see Batts & Clark get a win, even thought it was mainly to just heat up a feud for Team Canada and 3LK......DAMN. Petey Williams gets the X-Division belt and the Team Canada guys are stuck fighting 3LK..........what a waste.


Petey Williams b Amazing Red when Scott D'Amore used the hockey stick. Vince Russo came out and banned D'Amore from ringside from this point further. Dusty Rhodes came out and said he wanted D'Amore at ringside so he can get him


I am sure this one will at least be somewhat entertaining. I hate the fact that they seem to have to get Dusty/Russo involved in every storyline that the company has going on. Hopefully this match got longer than 4 minutes too.........


Raven b Todd Sexton - Very quick squash match, Sabu attacked after




A.J. Styles & Jeff Hardy b Abyss & Alex Shelley due to problems with Abyss & Shelley so they are starting the face turn angle


Now, what kind of sense does this really make? Why are AJ and Jeff teaming with each other? I swear to god if I have to deal with Jeff being with AJ from now on.......I'll be extremely pissed.........


New matches announced for Wednesday

Williams vs. Chris Sabin, Dusty in Sabin's corner

Styles vs. Kash street fight


Well, on a positive note......Wednesday's show looks to be pretty solid assuming they are having those two matches with the possiblility of having the second match in the XXX/AMW series. Well see though......

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And I'll start watching when Vince Russo, Dusty Rhodes, and maybe the most offensively untalented of the bunch Scott D'Amore are banned from being on camera for the rest of the history of TNA. When you're in Russo territory its time t give it up.

D'Amore is good at drawing heat, and he's a good mouthpiece for Team Canada, so I have no problem with him. Plus I think it's good for guys like Williams to have their trainer right close to them when they're in the ring.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Man, everyone is really negetive lately.... The show doesn't look THAT bad to me.... I mean, we're only going to have to deal with the squashes a little longer, if the PPV stuff is really stopping... Just hold out and have a little faith guys. TNA has gotten this far. They just need a spark to get the company going again. Maybe the switch to monthly PPV's will be it.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Looks like a decent enough show, I'm a little disappointed that La Parka didn't get a match though.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Man, everyone is really negetive lately.... The show doesn't look THAT bad to me.... I mean, we're only going to have to deal with the squashes a little longer, if the PPV stuff is really stopping... Just hold out and have a little faith guys. TNA has gotten this far. They just need a spark to get the company going again. Maybe the switch to monthly PPV's will be it.

I think we have a right to be negative though LFV. They haven't done anything of value since they got Impact on FSN and it's been really showing lately. I saw the PPV this Wednesday and I didn't mind the second hour, but the first was horrible. It was hardly even watchable rather something people should have to pay for. Impact, can't just get a little better. It needs SEVERE improvement. They need to start getting their PPV buys solely from Impact itself, and maybe a little promotion on FSN. I do watch FSN regularly( I watch the local sports stuff, and of course the Best Damn Sports Show Period) and I never see any promotion for Impact. This MUST change if they want to succeed. Otherwise, the same thing will happen to them that happened to ECW. They get a TV contract, and have to pay to be on a channel in a less than desirable timeslot. Then, they start doing monthly PPV's that get no buys because of lack of backing(advertising that is) they end up losing tons of money until the investors finally pull out. Hopefully this doesn't happen and everything works out great for them......but they are honestly going to have to get some help from FSN for it to totally work though. Also, if you read the observer.....Meltzer talks about how the monthly PPV's could possibly help them to at least not lose a HUGE chunk of money by doing it with the monthly PPV's....and it does make sense. So basically, if they are smart about it and can actually build matches up to have strong antcipation......they should do fine. Otherwise, they might end up being out of business...........

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Guest The Last Free Voice

My point is being NOTHING but negitive, like alot of people around here are being, isn't going to do any good. I mean, if someone came here who had never seen TNA before, and saw all the negitiveity, they wouldn't buy the show. And we WANT people to buy the shows, because we want the company to suceed... Or maybe that's just me. Whatever. My point is, everyone is so damn negitive and it really bugs me because I for one want to see the company suceed, and I'm trying to help them do that. People who 1: don't buy the shows, and 2: do nothing but complain bother me because they're NOT buying the shows, so they have no place to complain! And secondly, if they're doing that, why the fuck waste your breath? Move the FUCK on to another fourm. Maybe I take TNA a little personal because I've been watching so long, but seeing people who say they don't buy the shows come here and bitch and whine and complain really pisses me off.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
My point is being NOTHING but negitive, like alot of people around here are being, isn't going to do any good. I mean, if someone came here who had never seen TNA before, and saw all the negitiveity, they wouldn't buy the show. And we WANT people to buy the shows, because we want the company to suceed... Or maybe that's just me. Whatever. My point is, everyone is so damn negitive and it really bugs me because I for one want to see the company suceed, and I'm trying to help them do that. People who 1: don't buy the shows, and 2: do nothing but complain bother me because they're NOT buying the shows, so they have no place to complain! And secondly, if they're doing that, why the fuck waste your breath? Move the FUCK on to another fourm. Maybe I take TNA a little personal because I've been watching so long, but seeing people who say they don't buy the shows come here and bitch and whine and complain really pisses me off.

I see how that could upset you. But maybe you are looking at it differently. I do think that some people around here bitch just for the sake of bitching. They are a waste of time. But some people(myself included) bitch about this stuff, because they care. I know that if I didn't give a damn about a wrestling company I would watch their shows, pay for their shows, or even talk about their shows......but unfortunately opinions are like assholes............everyone has one.

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My point is being NOTHING but negitive, like alot of people around here are being, isn't going to do any good. I mean, if someone came here who had never seen TNA before, and saw all the negitiveity, they wouldn't buy the show.

I tried very hard for a very long time to be positive. I forgave TNA for the majority of the stupid shit that they did. But it was the point where they finally got a TV deal, and then subsequently used it for nothing but squash matches, that I finally turned the corner.


Are people here being overly negative? Maybe, but you know what? At this point, TNA deserves it for not pulling their heads out of their asses the first thousand opportunities they had the chance to do so. At this point, I'm just about beyond caring if people buy the shows or not, because ultimately that's TNA's fault and not ours.


Two weeks ago I said in this folder that I was going to give TNA two weeks to see if they broke away from the nonsense they've been doing in Impact. I'm sad, but not surprised, to see that they haven't. Therefore, this will probably be the LAST Impact that I watch, at least until the weekly PPVs end and - I PRESUME, if they're not totally insane - they're forced to actually put on decent matches every week instead of 6, 3-minute squashes per broadcast.


Until that happens, I'll find better things to do with my time.


If that's overly negative, sorry. This is coming from someone who sat patiently for TWO YEARS waiting for TNA to get a TV deal - and in about two months they've managed to turn me against them with this bullshit of theirs. It's their own goddamn fault.

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Guest whitemilesdavis

If TNA does something good, I will be the first person to praise them for it, but this crap lately is just untolerable. They make a big deal about getting a cable show, then after about 3 good weeks, turn it into WCW Worldwide. Frankly, that pisses me off. When I get pissed off, I am negative.


People who 1: don't buy the shows, and 2: do nothing but complain bother me because they're NOT buying the shows, so they have no place to complain!


This arguement always cracks me up. Don't you understand, if TNA didn't suck right now, I might buy it. Sure, I could just go away, but I too care about this product. I sssssooooo want it to be good. Unfortunately, it seems every decision they make is completely rediculous. Therefore, I complain. Trust me, right now TNA wants me to keep complaining, because if I stop complaining that means 1 of 2 things.


1) The product has gotten good. (not likely right now)

2) I just don't care.


I could be wrong, but I think TNA would rather me complain and still follow the product, than shut up and completely go away.


So you want the company to succeed? Then don't accept crap from them. Force them to have a better product. In it's present form, TNA WILL NOT succeed. It's just not good enough. Sorry. Their only hope is to put on a better product that people want to see. Then people will watch. And, I'll stop complaining.


Do you ever go to the WWE folder? You may notice that I rarely complain there. You know why? Cause I just don't care at all.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
I could be wrong, but I think TNA would rather me complain and still follow the product, than shut up and completely go away.


So you want the company to succeed? Then don't accept crap from them. Force them to have a better product. In it's present form, TNA WILL NOT succeed. It's just not good enough. Sorry. Their only hope is to put on a better product that people want to see. Then people will watch. And, I'll stop complaining.

VERY good post there WMD. That is the point I was trying to make. Why should we as wrestling fans settle for an inferior product? If they want to be competitive in the wrestling market, why would they offer such crap? If we don't let them know it's crap.......they won't know.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Oh, they're having a bad run, so we should abandon them? Fuck that. It's hypocritical (and I know I can't spell, not the point) to say, I care about the company, so I won't order while it's bad. It's trying to have your cake and eat it too. You either care enough about hte company to stick by it, or you just want to see good wrestilng and don't give a fuck where. I happen to care about the company. So I keep buying.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Oh, they're having a bad run, so we should abandon them? Fuck that. It's hypocritical (and I know I can't spell, not the point) to say, I care about the company, so I won't order while it's bad. It's trying to have your cake and eat it too. You either care enough about hte company to stick by it, or you just want to see good wrestilng and don't give a fuck where. I happen to care about the company. So I keep buying.

Well, don't take this the wrong way.....but then your part of the problem and you don't even realize it. They will keep shoveling you shit as long as you buy it. Nobody is talking about abandoning the company. I refuse to order a $10 PPV if there is nothing of interest on it, regardless if I want the company to succeed. It's like this, if you work with a friend and after he starts working there he basically comes in and does nothing all day. Now, what do you do? Do you tell him to get off his lazy ass, or do you do his work for him? Or do you give up on him? No, you tell him to get off his ass and start working. Like how we tell TNA to start putting on TV worth our time and effort.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Personally I think having AJ Styles, XXX and the X division guys in matches that should be good warrents my buy. What i'm saying is I DONT think the shows have been total shit lately. THey've been bad, but not so bad everyone should stop buying.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Personally I think having AJ Styles, XXX and the X division guys in matches that should be good warrents my buy. What i'm saying is I DONT think the shows have been total shit lately. THey've been bad, but not so bad everyone should stop buying.

But they could be SO much better and you know it LFV.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

but I'm not gonna NOT buy because they COULD be better. If the show looks good I'm gonna buy it, regardless of the fact it COULD be better. It's like not buying tickets to a sports game because your faveorite team COULD be better. That's just dumb.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
Oh, they're having a bad run, so we should abandon them? Fuck that. It's hypocritical (and I know I can't spell, not the point) to say, I care about the company, so I won't order while it's bad. It's trying to have your cake and eat it too. You either care enough about hte company to stick by it, or you just want to see good wrestilng and don't give a fuck where. I happen to care about the company. So I keep buying.


I am sorry to say this LFV, but that is the dumbest thing I have ever read on these boards.


Wrestling is 1 form of entertainment that I choose to partake in. Why? Because it entertains me. Sure, over the last 20 or so years I have become emotionally attached and will accept more crap from it than other forms of entertainment, but in the end, if it's not fun, why do it? It doesn't make sense at all.


Look at it this way. I have a 1 year old daughter, a wife, a house, a rental house, 2 car payments..etc. So 40 bucks a month is a pretty big investment for something as non-important as entertainment. Therefore, I have to pick and choose which forms of entertainment are worth my money, and right now TNA's coming out on the losing end. Lately I've bought a lot of wrestling DVD's instead, and I must say I'm enjoying them WAY more than TNA.

So you are saying I should just blindly give my money to TNA, instead of getting the Benoit, Hogan, MYsterio, discs. ( All purchased in the last few weeks) That's crazy man. If you are happy with TNA, watch it. I however, think it sucks, and would rather watch the DVD's listed above.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

No, I'm saying if you don't want to buy it, fine, but don't go off bitching about it, because if you're not putting money in, it's not your place. Bitching about squash matches on Impact, I can understand, but complaining about the general direction of the company when you don't order the main outlet is wrong. Then again, my whole point will be moot in a few weeks... But still. See what i'm saying? I'm not saying youre wrong for not ordering, I'm saying it's wrong to not order and still bitch about everthing.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
but I'm not gonna NOT buy because they COULD be better. If the show looks good I'm gonna buy it, regardless of the fact it COULD be better. It's like not buying tickets to a sports game because your faveorite team COULD be better. That's just dumb.

That's a bad comparison there LFV. If wrestling is bad, generally speaking....it's the companies fault. Everything you are watching is predetermined. In sports though, it's all chance and if a team sucks it's not because the team is dogging it on the field. Fine though, do whatever you want......just keep in mind that we just want to make the company better though.........

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I don't see how holding out money from the company is gonna make it better. THAT is my point.


But this is an agree to disagree situation, methinks.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
No, I'm saying if you don't want to buy it, fine, but don't go off bitching about it, because if you're not putting money in, it's not your place.


Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. They want my money, and they want my attention. They had both, but have recently lost my money. They won't get my money back, until they take care of the things I gripe about. If I stop griping, they've also lost my attention, and trust me, they don't want that. If they lose my attention, maybe they do something good, but I'll not order because I WON"T BE PAYING ATTENTION. You say I want to have my cake and eat it too. No, that's what TNA wants. They want me to watch, pay money, and be happy. Well, they're not living up to their end of the deal, which is to provide quality entertainment, so they shouldn't expect me to give them everything they want. In other words, I have every right to watch or not, pay them or not, or complain or not. While I do have to pay tho watch the PPV's, I do not have to pay to complain.


Bitching about squash matches on Impact, I can understand, but complaining about the general direction of the company when you don't order the main outlet is wrong.


For God's sakes man, understand the nature of business in America. I'm not gonna order something I don't want to see. TNA wants me to order. I will, IF they show me what I want to see.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Whatever. I really don't care. See my agree to disagree comment.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
I don't see how holding out money from the company is gonna make it better. THAT is my point.


Because they'll have to try something new in order to survive.


By the way let's all think about this:













You show me ANY indy show witht hat line up and I'm there. NO questions asked. How pathetic is it that TNA has access to that roster very week, but can't put on a decent show.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
Whatever. I really don't care. See my agree to disagree comment.


You don't have to reply if you don't want to.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

What I'm saying is that while the shows aren't GREAT (like they could, and you can argue SHOULD be) the shows are decent. It's a difference of opinion. That's all. No big deal.

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