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Lord of The Curry

Make a statement

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Before The Zszaster gets all up on this thread, yeah, I stole it from you @ DVDVR but you stole it from Kinetic here @ TSM. The thread has come full circle, kinda.


So yeah, here's what you do. Go out there and make bold statements. Be a fucking man or a fuckin Canadian Chick or something to that effect. Tell it like it is and without further adue let's BRING THE CONTENT.


Statement: Kurt Angle is one of the most consistently overrated wrestlers in North America in the last 10 years.

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How can he be overrated when his injuries has cut short his career. Also in the angles that Kurt has been in were substandard as he was the sidekick to the local drunk, the genetic jackhammer, and the boss's wife which never had closure. One of his title reigns was only given to him because the boss was trying to kiss up to the patriotic humanoids of the mainstream.


Kurt Angle is not overrated but rather held down by the powers that be.

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Guest Anglesault

Recently, yes. His big matches after Rumble 03 have more or less all been grossly overrated. (Any Brock match, The Cena match, the Eddie matches.) Pre Neck injury, I think the ratings were about right.

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My thing w/ Angle is that he can only claim one legit "great" match in the history of his WWE career and that's vs Benoit @ Rumble 2003. His promo's for the most part suck and are overrated as 90% of it is head bobbing and mispronouncing people's name (I bet to this day he still can't say Triple H). At times he has shown little to no grasp of in-ring psychology. Tons of good matches, a few very good ones but for a guy who's considered a legend in the sport his body of work doesn't show it.


I'm in agreement, however, that he has never been booked well either, specifically his first two title runs which were abortions.

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False...I think that distinction goes to Bret Hart. Angle is a good wrestler. He's got skills, comedic value and can put on a 5* match if given the right opponent.



New Statement:


Ric Flair is the greatest wrestling performer of all time.

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Rebuttal: In-ring, Flair is not even close to being the best of all time. As a total package you could make the argument but Flair's work was surpassed by far superior workers some time ago.

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False. Flair is horrid now and has been for a significant period of time which people simply discount and ignore. He is and has tarnished any legacy that could keep him on top of the "greaters of all time" list - he should be penalized for not letting go.


Edit: *that's also assuming that Flair was infact -at one time- the GOAL, which IMO he wasn't. His promos were fantastic, but I can think of some who did it better. His matches -at times- were great, but I can think of a lot who did it better.

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As far as Flair goes, I've always looked at him as so great in terms of character and his skill on the mic that it made up for his shortcomings in the ring. I'll never say Flair is the best WRESTLER ever, only the greatest total package. I'm not saying he's bad in the ring either. He simply found a niche and stuck with it throughout his career...and most people ate/eat it up so that is what he delivered.


Aside from his matches with Steamboat, I love watching him fight as the underdog against guys like Vader. I think he pulls that off better than most also. He is also great as a heel or a face, something some guys can't do. For Flair, when he's the heel or the face, he's the #1 heel or face most of the time, when he was wrestling full time at least.


I started an entire thread about this here if anyone is interested in going back in time about a year.



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Guest Bushido

STATEMENT: Kawada, Kobashi, and Taue, at their peaks, were all better than Misawa at his peak.

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Guest Dazed
STATEMENT: Kawada, Kobashi, and Taue, at their peaks, were all better than Misawa at his peak.



Rebuttal: This is the WWE Forum :)

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Statement: Forget Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho is the most overrated currently active wrestler by the IWC.

False. Though Jericho IS overrated, his uncanny ability to carry guys much lesser than him (Hogan, Nash, Steiner) to passable matches saves him from the distinction of _most_ overrated. Kurt Angle was voted into the Wrestler Observer Hall of Fame based on 5 years of work, that wasn't even the best work in the _company_ at any given year, let alone North American, let alone the world - THAT is overrating.

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STATEMENT: Kawada, Kobashi, and Taue, at their peaks, were all better than Misawa at his peak.



Rebuttal: This is the WWE Forum :)

Statement: The HUSTLE would get over huge in the WWE with Naoya Ogawa, Hashimoto, and Kawada leading the charge.



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Rebuttal: While La Parka is obviously great, the fact that he'd be horribly misused, plus the fact that his style doesn't really fit in with most of the current WWE stars, means that his impact would be minimal at best



Statement: In spite of being seen as a bad thing, the outlandish gimmicks of the mid 90's were a better way to introduce new superstars than being just some new guy who appears from nowhere

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Statement: The WWE is pathetically trying to make the dude who hosts Bottom Line into Jim Rome. Ok, that's not a bold statement... just an observation.


STATEMENT: They have nothing for Christian to come back to and he'll be on heat within 3 weeks of his return.

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Angle IS over-rated, but he is good. I find the ironic thing about Kurt Angle is that maybe just maybe Randy Orton is actually more ready to carry the world title than Angle was in his first. That may get me some flames, but honestly look at Kurt Angle's first reign and the reason he probably got the title. Look at his body of work before getting the strap as well. Jericho imo actually deserved the title more at the time and I even say Jericho is over-rated. Angle's storyline of going undefeated and winning all those championship in his rookie year has blurred some people imo. That was all storyline, but look at his actual work at the time. I believe Kurt Angle came into his own in 2002 and that was the real time he was ready for the big gold.


Flair is over-rated simply because the hype is so out there for the guy it's hard to live up to that. However, the way I see it is this. If you brought the 1989 Ric Flair into the wwe today he would hands down be the top guy. The problem with Flair is he did hang on too long nad if you combine all of his work then his legacy is dragged down. He has been pretty insignificant in the big picture ever since Hogan jumped to wcw imo. Compare his legend before that time and you will see Flair had a stronger legacy.

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Rebuttal: Outlandish Gimmicks have a very short shelf-life (as evidenced by Eugene) and if there isn't a proper transition from Gimmick to Legit then the wrestler will forever be in limbo (Val Venis). Though it may take a while, starting off just as a "wrestler" and then developing a personality is more rewarding in the long run.

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Statement: Orton/Cena will have a rivalry during the next 5 years or so that will be comparable to the Rock/Austin rivalry from 1997-2003.

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Rebuttal: Disagreed. You don't love it. You think it's a horrible idea that has the potential to get out of hand with smartass remarks that have nothing to do with the WWE.




STATEMENT: The WWE would be better off with no GM's.

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Guest Loss

I thought it was funny in the 2002 PWI Poll when Jericho placed first in the poll asking who the most overrated wrestler in the US was *and* placed first in the poll asking who the most underrated wrestler in the US was.

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Rebuttal: JBL is on some Sgt. Slaughter cheap heat in Vince's own mind and is helping to tank smackdown. JBL IS offering what Vince Mcmahon could ever do because he is playing a wrestler version of Vince Mcmahon which is why he is still champion. Vince is vicariously living his dream of a successful wwe champion through Bradshaw.


Rebuttal: How dare anyone say JBL is the worst champion since the 1985 version of Hulk Hogan. I would take that champion and his feuds over JBL/Taker and JBL/Mexico champ matches any day of the week.

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Statement: Orton/Cena will have a rivalry during the next 5 years or so that will be comparable to the Rock/Austin rivalry from 1997-2003.

Rebuttal: Agreed. But not because it will have the success or memorability that Rock/Austin had, but rather, simply because stupid people will see the obvious connections of "Anti-Hero Cena" and "3rd Generational Blue Chipper Orton" and act like the whole feud can be compared.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Before The Zszaster gets all up on this thread, yeah, I stole it from you @ DVDVR but you stole it from Kinetic here @ TSM. The thread has come full circle, kinda.


So yeah, here's what you do. Go out there and make bold statements. Be a fucking man or a fuckin Canadian Chick or something to that effect. Tell it like it is and without further adue let's BRING THE CONTENT.


Statement: Kurt Angle is one of the most consistently overrated wrestlers in North America in the last 10 years.

Hey it's cool. This thread is a good idea.

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