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Rebuttal: How was the HIAC pathetic? It exemplified what a Hell In A Cell SHOULD be: A nice, bloody brawl that puts the Cell to use within the match and having both competitors STAY inside the confines of it. And that was the match that MADE Brock get over with the fans. You may not like Undertaker, but he busted his ass that night.

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I'd like to say that I didn't write off all of Rrrsh's comments as tripe due to him calling HIAC "pathetic."


But I'd be lying.


Brock flipping Taker onto his shoulder for the F5 in the midst of a tombstone position alone earns that match ***.

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Guest Rrrsh

Taker is in my favorite match ever so I have no hate towards matches that he is good in. But the Hell in a Cell was just one big ego stroke to Taker so he could be "the man" who puts Lesnar over. But he didnt do that at all, the Rock did. The match should have been a Cage match. not a HIAC match (just like Nash/HHH). The match was very long and really had lots of stuff that was just their to "Prove how tough we are". The match didn't flow well at all.

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I think the tag titles were essential to the viability of the Hardy Boys as a credible team, especially after years of jobbing. While I'm discussing my favorite tag team of all time, here's a statement: if TLC and whatnot had never happened, Jeff Hardy would still be employed by WWF(I can't stand calling it WWE) and the Hardys might still be a team(I think they were split after the draft, but feel free to correct me).

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Had TLC never taken place, the Hardy Boyz probably would still be a tag team, and Jeff would still probably be in the company. I would have preferred TLC's 1, 2, and 4 never taken place, as 1 and 2 were just replays of WM16's three-way Ladder Match, only with more table bumps, and 4 was basically "let's put Kane over."



The WWE Style allows more injuries to happen and fewer great matches to occur than it does vice versa.

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Statement: The Austin/Angle skits were the best continuous comedy segments of since the dawn of the WWF Attitude era until now.


Statement: While blowing hard storyline-wise, the Alliance angle did have many funny moments.



The WWE Style allows more injuries to happen and fewer great matches to occur than it does vice versa.

Rebuttal: While you do have a point, this "WWE Style" allows brass to push home-grown talent who know nothing but this style, and get rid of/bury talent who didn't sell their souls to McMahon before WCW closed.

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Rebuttal: Was he the guy with the USA is not Ok sign? If so, then yes.


Statement: La Resistance should be moved to Smackdown with the rest of the tag teams.

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I think that La Res has actually done a decent job carrying the tag belts as they get the most heat for midcard level guys on RAW. SD doesn't need them (they already have Dupree). RAW does.


Statement: Now that La Res has done a fairly good job w/ the RAW tag titles the division should be built around Rhyno and Tajiri once the belts are given to them.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

REBUTTAL: Maybe if they get a tag team name. If they just stay a thrown together "USA Rules" team, then NO.


STATEMENT: Brock Lesnar was/is a better pro wrestler than Kurt Angle.

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REBUTTAL: Maybe if they get a tag team name. If they just stay a thrown together "USA Rules" team, then NO.

Nobody is using nor remembers "the Miracle Violence Connection." Run with that.


As for Frenchy Martin, he DID have the USA is Not OK sign, but also had a beret and a monocle, perhaps a Monsieur Peanut, if you will.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
What's wrong with Rhyno and Tajiri?

Nothing... if they're challengers. But a legit team that has a division built around should have a cool name.


Come on now, that's a requirement.

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Guest MikeSC

Had TLC never taken place, the Hardy Boyz probably would still be a tag team, and Jeff would still probably be in the company. I would have preferred TLC's 1, 2, and 4 never taken place, as 1 and 2 were just replays of WM16's three-way Ladder Match, only with more table bumps, and 4 was basically "let's put Kane over."



The WWE Style allows more injuries to happen and fewer great matches to occur than it does vice versa.

Rebuttal: Not true. WWE guys work more matches than almost anybody and the sheer volume of injuries is, most likely, lower overall.


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What's wrong with Rhyno and Tajiri?

Nothing... if they're challengers. But a legit team that has a division built around should have a cool name.


Come on now, that's a requirement.

The only truly outstanding tag team without a collective name would have to be Owen Hart and the British Bulldog.



In the meantime, I want my MVC.

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REBUTTAL: Maybe if they get a tag team name. If they just stay a thrown together "USA Rules" team, then NO.


STATEMENT: Brock Lesnar was/is a better pro wrestler than Kurt Angle.

Rebuttal: Crack kills.

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Statement: The Austin/Angle skits were the best continuous comedy segments of since the dawn of the WWF Attitude era until now.


Rebuttal: While that was funny, I always liked RVD's and Austin's interaction together. Maybe that was just me though.


Statement: Chris Jericho was better off in 2000 then now, in 2004.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
REBUTTAL: Maybe if they get a tag team name. If they just stay a thrown together "USA Rules" team, then NO.


STATEMENT: Brock Lesnar was/is a better pro wrestler than Kurt Angle.

Rebuttal: Crack kills.

You suck, n00b.


Any REAL rebuttals?

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REBUTTAL: Maybe if they get a tag team name. If they just stay a thrown together "USA Rules" team, then NO.


STATEMENT: Brock Lesnar was/is a better pro wrestler than Kurt Angle.

Rebuttal: Crack kills.

You suck, n00b.


Any REAL rebuttals?

Alright here is my real rebuttal.


Kurt Angle's matches with Austin, Benoit, Rock,and even Shane McMahon were better then anything Lesnar has done, and could do.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
REBUTTAL: Maybe if they get a tag team name. If they just stay a thrown together "USA Rules" team, then NO.


STATEMENT: Brock Lesnar was/is a better pro wrestler than Kurt Angle.

Rebuttal: Crack kills.

You suck, n00b.


Any REAL rebuttals?

Alright here is my real rebuttal.


Kurt Angle's matches with Austin, Benoit, Rock,and even Shane McMahon were better then anything Lesnar has done, and could do.

Quite frankly, Lesnar's match with Eddy tops Angle's with Benoit. Even then, the Angle/Benoit match was built around Benoit and not Angle, where as the Lesnar/Eddy match was even and Lesnar worked just as hard as Eddy.

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It's hard to judge whether-or-not Lesnar was better than Angle.


In terms of common opponents:


vs. Taker*

vs. Rock*

vs. Benoit

vs. Rey

vs. Eddie

vs. Cena

vs. Big Show*


I think Lesnar has 3 of those matches locked as being better than Angles, whereas Angle has 4 and the degree inwhich his were better were pretty big and the degree inwhich his were worse were pretty small.


With-that-said, if you look at the two wrestlers and what they do in the ring, I'd say Lesnar was the better wrestler. Angle got goofy a lot in the ring, which takes away considerably. Lesnar did a lot of the little things right and his mat work was better incorporated into his matches than Angles were. Shit, I think I might have to buy the Lesnar DVD now... I miss em.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
With-that-said, if you look at the two wrestlers and what they do in the ring, I'd say Lesnar was the better wrestler. Angle got goofy a lot in the ring, which takes away considerably. Lesnar did a lot of the little things right and his mat work was better incorporated into his matches than Angles were. Shit, I think I might have to buy the Lesnar DVD now... I miss em.

Don't feel bad, the big lug has officially admitted he's considering a return, and with his lack of success on the football field he may NEED the ego boost a return to the WWE would provide.

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RRR, what makes you think Lesnar vs. Rock from Summerslam 02 was better than Angle vs. Rock from No Way Out 2001?


(I'm curious, I'm a fan of both matches)

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
RRR, what makes you think Lesnar vs. Rock from Summerslam 02 was better than Angle vs. Rock from No Way Out 2001?


(I'm curious, I'm a fan of both matches)

I'm personally shocked that he thought Angle/Eddie was even close to Lesnar/Eddie.


Having finally seen it, Lesnar/Guerrero is my MOTY.

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