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There was a numeric coincidence with the number on the hatch, too, but I can't remember what it is for the life of me ... I think the ID # on the hatch is the same number as Hurley's winning lotto numbers, but I'm not 100% certain.

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There was a numeric coincidence with the number on the hatch, too, but I can't remember what it is for the life of me ... I think the ID # on the hatch is the same number as Hurley's winning lotto numbers, but I'm not 100% certain.

The winning numbers are the same numbers on the hatch. And I believe 8 & 15 are 2 of the numbers in the sequence (in that order, too).

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Guest Evolution

One of the most interesting numbers for me, for some reason, is 42. When the crazy guy is playing Connect Four while Hurley is talking to him, I had no idea that there were 42 potential slots in Connect Four. Not only that, but Rousseau wrote the numbers seven times, creating a matrix of 42 numbers six across and seven deep.


Of course, none of this could be possible without the coolest LOST site as of late, Sledgeweb's LOST ... Stuff.



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Guest Essa_Angelico

Pretty goid site you found there Evolution. Here's something I personally missed that I found on the site.


"Lotto girl that announced Hurley 's #'s dated Sawyer"

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So, after some thought: Is Hurley the key to the hatch opening? Before I thought it was Walt but now w/ him wanting to get the fuck off the island I think the big man could be the one.

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Weird fucking coincidence from Lost this week; we got thunderstorm warnings. Check out the time they were supposed to end:



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That was the best episode ever.


Sawyer telling Jack about his father and turning babyface (so to speak) was the best segment ever. I almost, almost shed a tear.


Matthew Fox is great.


Amazing stuff. Best TV show ever.

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Great episode. I can hardly wait for next week. I was choking up the entire thing, pretty much. Jack/Sawyer, Jin/Sun, the music score goodbye sequence at the end were all great.


But the black smoke. Shit's gonna go down.


And what is the security system? It's obvious Locke knows what's up...


Man, I can't wait to see next week's episode.

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and on a different note, from the X-Men thread put up earlier..


Variety says the production is hunting down Maggie Grace (Lost’s self-centered blonde babe) to play young mutant Kitty Pryde, who can alter her density and “phase” through objects.

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That ending sequence was fucking amazing. Jin and Sun's scene had me jumping up and down, throwing my hands up, pointing to the sky and saying "YES! YES!" as if I just won the superbowl, which -like- rarely ever happens. Fuck, that was one of the best scenes in LOST history, right up there with "Don't tell me what I can't do!".


The black rock twist - Awesome.

Shannon telling security about Sayid and his bag - Awesome.

The look Locke gave the french chick about the scratch which makes me think the french chick is being convinced by the others to mess with the camps head - Awesome.

Walt giving the dog to Shannon and everything that surrounded it - Awesome.

The Marshall fucking with Kate - Awesome.

Saw-fucking-yer - Awesome.

The dude who played Jay Leno in the Late Shift and Hurley - Awesome.

Sawyer telling Jack about his father - Awesome (that's right, Sawyer gets TWO awesomes.)

Michelle Rodriguez NOT playing a tough bitch - Awesome.

The episode going nuts with the flashbacks - Awesome.

Locke standing with Hurley while the monster attacked - Awesome.


Kate asking where Sawyer was, Sawyer looking for Kate - Awesome.

The end where everyone was hugging and shaking hands and saying goodbyes and it really feels like this big family atmosphere and its all warm and you can't help but smile - Awesome.

Locke looking at Jack be ~The Leader~ and get people to help fix the boat - Awesome.

Charley, doing nothing and doing it fantastically - Awesome.

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And what are the odds that Jack will die? He has found his resolution after Sawyer told him about his dad, so he isn't really "lost" any more...


And I wish they didn't have Locke answer Jacks question in the preview for next week (which looks balls out).

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So, Michelle Rodriguez was in the back of the plane , right where the wheels touch down...42F.


She's probably chillin' with the black lady's husband right now.

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Yeah, those goodbye's were pretty tough to watch, especially Sun and Jin. Jin jumped way the fuck up on my favorites list after tonight.


The baby crying right before the black smoke freaked me the fuck out.

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